THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, WEONE8DAY, MAY 4, 1921. 1 - - - PAGE FIVE NEWS NOTES 'Dance Ordinance Effective The.r new city dance hall ordinance, pas's- "ed by the city council two months ago -without an emergency clause, is PERSONALS Fordyce-Froth License A effective, Miss Celia Gavin, city rliige license was issued this morn-attorne1 announced this morning. - lug to Isaac N. Fordyce, of Ante-1 Under the ruling of the new ordinance lope, and Miss Lenor Law Froth of a11 Persons giving a dance in a pub Pendleton. llc na" must pay a license fee nt "three dollars for each dance regard To Address Men's Club Rev. Otis iess of whether the dance Is public, H. Holmes, pastor of the Congrega- private or fraternal. This sum will be itonal church of Walla Walla Is in U8ed( m tne case of publlc dance8 to The Dalles today. He will address hre a cnaperone, who will supervise the meeting of the Men's club of the the conduct oI tne dancers. No boys local Congregational church this eve- or glrlfJ under lg years oi age wJ11 ning' I, be allowed to attend public dances, Parent-Teachers' Meeting Mrs. W. 1 unless accompanied by a parent or le- C. IHayhurst, state president of the B&l guardian. Parent-Teacher association, will be in The Dalles tomorrow for the pur pose of addressing a meeting at the local high' school. The organization of a general city association will be considered. The meeting, will be P. I. Olsen of Shanlko is in this city today. R. E. Jackson of Bickleton is reg istered at Hotel Dalles. M. R. Elliott of Prlnevllle Is at Hotel Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Butler -King8ley are In the city today. of called promptly at 3 o'clock tomor-jc,asg w folloWi Anothor rehearsal row afternoon, in the high school m be held Frlday evening at the auditorium. Vogt BCil00t Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Ppthlans Vote Relief The Rev. ' ,lcher wl11 leave for Everett, Wash., rarl r. Wnlfcnr nrPRPntPd thn nnneal , tne nrst oi, me weeK. iney nave F. J. Adams of Rock Creek' was in the city on business yesterday. ' John Fitzpatrick, Tygh Valley mer chant Is in the city today on business. Community Sing Tonight The big Community Sing at the Vogt school; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sharp wont to this evening will open with the men's Portland yesterday morning and ro- chorus at 7:30. The general chorus for men and womeri will practice at 8 .o'clock and the song leaders' of the China Famine, Relief before the' Knights of Pythias at their regu lar meeting last Monday evening and the Knights appointed Otis E. Bays to act as their representative on the central committee for pushing the relief work In The Dalles. They also voted $25.00 to be paid out in this humanitarian work, which will save at least eight lives in China. Auto Camp, One of Finest "The auto camp site chosen by The Dalles when beautified according to plan will be one of the finest in the North west," declared E. E. McClaran, Port land architect who is in the city today. 'Mr, McClaran is an authority oir parks, having designed the Wyeth park. He is well known here as the de signer of the local Elks' temple. The architect is in the city now to submit plans for the civic auditorium. 'Pageant Programs to be Compiled A 16- page program, outlining the prologue of the pageant and suitable for use as a souvenier for The Dalles people to send to their eastern friends, is being prepared, under the done some very efficient work in Community song training since- com ing to the city. Miss Sophie Mes senger and Mrs. Carlton P. Williams, chairman of the Community Service music committee, will direct the community sings and the pageant songs after Mr. and Mrs. Pitcher leave. Mrs. John Summer Dies Mrs. John Summer, for 14 years a resi dent of The Dalles, died yesterday at the family home in Bend, follow ing an extended illness. She is sur vived by four children, Floyd, Mary Helen and Geneva, all of Bend; her husband, John G. Summer, also of that city.; her father, S. B. Nickel sen of The Dalles; four brothers, Charley, Sim and Sam of The Dalles and William of Tygh Valley; three sisters, Mrs. C. H. Gilpin and Mrs. C. L. Johns of The Dalles and Mra. E. J. Taylor of Charlerol, Pa. Fun eral services will be held Friday af ternoon at 2 o'clock from the Bur-get-Mogan company's funeral home. Burial will be in Odd Fellows' cemetery. i direction of H; L. Law. Present ten- Loca churche, Effect Council tative plans are to make the his- A gtrong nudeus fof a central CQUn. torlc pageant an annual event, ad- cU Qf tfae Proteatant ,hurches of vertised all over the Pacific coast, The wag BUthortaed last nIght and programs sent by people of The & 8peclal meetlng neid m the Dalles to friends are expected to atlM1.lo, wh wh thft TTn,ted play a large part in advertising the pageant. It . s expected .that 10,000 copies of the program will be printed. Brethren, Methodist and Baptist I churches cvdted -through their repre i sentatives to effect such a body. Y. W. C. A. Luncheon Tomorrow j Officially appointed representatives A good program has been arranged from the Christian church were pres for tomorrow's Community luncheon ent to report back to their com at the Y W. C. A. rooms at 12 munions for further action. A spec o'clock. Mayor P. J. Stadelman will ial committee was appointed to ar give a short address. 'Mrs. Joseph range for an article in the constl Stadelman will discuss Community ' tution allowing individual represen Service as related to child welfare. 1 tations on the part of those who are Hallie Rice will talk on the com- unable because of church policy to mercial value to the city of an an- enter the council as units. The next nual pageant. A male quartet will, meeting will be held Tuesday eve sing and several extemporaneous ning, May 17, when permanent off! talks will be given. L. S. Pilchor cers will be elected. Th council will direct several songs with Mrs. will function along four lines, evan Pllcher at the piano. Igalism, community service, and pub- 1 licity. In Interest of Famine Relief The Rev. Carroll C. Roberts and The, Disputed Building Burns Fire Rev.' Carl C. Walker were taken early this morning completely do by . H Fligg in his car to visit stroyed a small frame building a the 'schools of the county Tuesday short distance across the Fourth in the interests of the Near East street bridge. No one was living in and China Famine Relief. They were the" building. The origin of the fire able to visit Upper Five Mile, Upper if not known. The ownership of the Eight Mile, Endersby, Boyd and Low building has long been a matter of er Five Mile. Pleasant Ridge school dispute between the city and Mrs. Was closed. A splendid response was Mary K. Britten. The city claims met with in each school visited. To- thai the building was built by . a day The Rev. Roberts speaks in The ' uatter," upon city property. Mrs. Dalles public schools and high Britten, on the other hand, contends school tliat sne PuFchase(1 tne property from a man who received it In a Chamber Holds Short Meeting grant from tno 0ld Methodist mis- C. H. Foster, field agent of the Pa- sIon At last njghfB city council cific Coast Rescue and Protective meetjng, City Engineer P. W. Marx society, yesterday evening appeared wa8 instructed to make a survey of before the board of directors of The (ne property in dispute for use by Dalles-Wasco County Chamber,, of tnl. clty attorney in investigating the Commerce and asked that the direc- justness of Mrs. Britten's claims, tors endorse a proposition whereby Tne destruction of the building by the local county court would bo ask- flru wlll probably greatly complicate ed to set aside a stated sum annual- pny possible 'court action which may ly for the support of the society's ie started by the city, Miss Cella home in Portland. H. S. Rice was ap- cavin, city attorney, said today, pointed as a commltteo of one to . Investigate the proposal and take any 5Q Percen Cut action necessary. Discussion of the ln the prices of some" of the shoes at progress of work In the new city Qur ga,e Mr W(jek John Wernmark( park was indulged in, following acrog8 from the Bank hote, 6 which the directors adjourned. Pageant Committee Perfects Plans We have just received a shipment The Historical pageant committee of Pocahontas Indian moccasins for met yesterday to perfect further men, women and children. Edw. C. plans for the pageant which is to be Pease company. 4 held May 27. Mrs. Nettie Smith and Mrs. George Groble were appolntea Tne Scn,or pIay ,a comlng 80tm. to plan for the state representa-- 13 and u ..NothIng Dut The tions from among the school girls. jruth . 7 Plans for song sheets were made. ' t The following songs were decided up- Notice To Contractors on for Community practice to be iBIds for the erection of N. A, Bonn used in the pageant, "America the residence will be received at the of- Beautiful," "Battle Hymn of the Re- fice of Vernon F. Williams, Arch., public," "Star Spangled Banner," and Dei., 408 First National Bank building, "The Long, Long Trail." Orchestra' not later than 6 p. m., May 5, 1921. 5 and piano accompaniments will be m . used. Rehearsals ot the various Carpentering and building. C. H. .groups will start FrMay. Merryman, telephone red 5741. M30 turned last night. N. G. Hedin of Wapinitla was a business visitor in The Dalles yes terday. . O. L. Babcock of Warm Springs was a business visitor ln this city yesterday. H. H. Trowbridge of John Day was in The Dalles yesterday attend ing to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. George Corson mo tored to Goldendale yesterday, where Mr. Corson sold a Sterling piano to H. B. Kelsey. , Mrs. O. C. Speucer and daughter, Mrs. Mike Blakeney went to Port land yestorday, to be rt the bedside of Mrs. Cora Hendrix, who is very ill. Mrs. Hendrix is Mrs. Spencer's sister. TODAY IN CONGRESS By United Press House. ' Bergdoll committee cross-questions Samuel Ansel, one of Bergdoll's at torneys. Banking committee consid ers a bill abolishing the office of comptroller of currency. Hearing on packer legislation continued before the ways and means committee. Senate. Naval, affairs committee considers legislative . program for the session. Debate opened on the emergency tar iff bill, ; THE SCOREBOARD. Dance Given by Pythian Sisters, Thursday, May 5, in K. of P. hall. Good music, goodfloor. Dancing at 9. Admission 75 cents. 5 Byes tested, glasses iute4. Dr. Geo. r Newhouse. tl MEETING NOTICES i United Artisans Regular meeting, at 8 p. m at K. of P. hall, Wednesday, May 4. 4, Retail Clerks Attention Meeting of union Thursday, May ;5, 8,.-j. m., Schanno's hall, over 16 cent store. Secretary.. Dalles Chapter R. A. M. Stated convocation, this, Wednesday evening, 7:3 p. m. Grand H. P. iSettle- meier wilhbe present. Vis: iting companions welcome By order of the H. P. f THOMAS R. HUDSON, secretary. 4 -t Pythian Sisters will clve a danco Thursday, "May 5, In 'K. of P. hall, for all members and in vited friends. 5 Current Topic Club meeting has been postponed from Thursday, May 5 to Thursday, May 19. 4 The Good Intent Society will hold an apron and pastry sale Sat urday, May 7, at Corson's music store. Sale to open at 10 a. in. 6 rOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Two furnished rooms Inquire 417 Alvord street, side door. 6 FOR RENT Rooms comfortably fur nished for light housekeeping. 105 East Second Street. 10 Does Your Letter head Get It? The appearance of your Uttir bed may mean buccms or failure. Do yourself juitlce in the quality of your business saassenger, We do not advocate xuara gance. We recommend the use of a vary moderate priced Standard psper which has won recognition for its quality and the service J it gives. We are prepared to furnish that paper and to print yoa a letterhead that is s di Bated rcpreseaudve.' lee What We Gu Gfre Ye tfere Yea Place Oritr CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. By United Press S Yesterdayi's hero: Joe Judge. The little Washington baseman tripled in the tenth inning with two on and; the Athletics lost, 4 to 2. Rube Benton pitched his first game of the season and allowed the Braves !only three hits, the .Giants winning, 7 to 2. Kelly got a single. Piercys, Yanks' rookie pitcher, sin gled in the third inning' and scored a run that helped him beat the Red Sox, 2 to 0. The Tigers knocked Faber out of the box ln the first inning and beat the White Sox, 13 to 1. "Backward, Turn Backward, O Time in Thy Flight. Make Me a Boy Again, Just for Tonight." SEE "The Land 0' Dreams" HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMEN CLASS PLAY Huckleberry Finn, Bluebeard, Helen of Troy, Gypsies Friday Night, Nay 6 8:15 p. m. Tickets on sale at the Crispette Stand, in front of Williams' store. Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hour 9:00 to 6:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment I7-1S Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Hack 1111 AY 8 soon here and throughout the land thou sands of Mothers yvill be ,sur; , , prised and. delighted when they . receive the wonderful r'erheni- brance planned by the members of the Mothers' Day Club. If you have not already joined in this conspiracy of affection, de lay no longer. Visit any Bruns wick dealer and learn all about the Mothers' Day Club A Brunswick Idea I (1 Mo4U2 The House of Brunswick has authorized every Brunswick dealer to participate in a nation-wide plan for the presentation of a Brunswick Model 112 and ten especially appropriate records and but the rest is a secret and we shouldn't publish it. Every son and daughter who joins with Dad in the Mothers' Day Club has a remarkable opportunity to honor his or her Mother in a delightful, lasting manner the plan brings her a great surprise and constant enjoyment. Special terms and extra features are part of this plan. A Bruns wick dealer will be glad to explain them personally, so as not to divulge the secret. Find out at once about this Mothers' Day Club. To obtain this information does not place you under the slightest obligation. The whole plan is arranged for YOU, so as to give you an easy way to make Mothers' Day of 1921 long remembered. Visit a Brunswick Dealer today YoWll surely want to join iJTi.i.i.nanessi.MUj.iixi m f THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. Established 1845 CHICAGO CORSON, The Music Nan "EVERYTHING IN MUSIC"