The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 04, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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i - I r.ntiRn I well I didn't want to. I I I I
By Ralph Hallyburton
"Well, how are you todny? What
are you doing up at school? Anything?
"What have you got up there anyway?"
Were you over asked these ques
tions? I was, and I can't say that my
questioner wasn't a bit enlightened
when I left him pondering over .sev
eral new ideas or now conceptions of
JD. H. S.
"To begin with," I answered, "1
feel fine." This was a trifle optimis
tic for I had just fln'shcd a six week",'
qui?:, given the last period' In the day.
"As to what I'm doing. It would take
me a very long time to tell you but
myi motto Is, 'get something out of
each day's lessons.' Something that
will make for progreos. If It's a theory
I'm studying I try to link It up with
some practical Idea. If It's a new meth
od, I try It. If it's English literature
I am studying, I look for some Inspir
ational work such as biographies or
good stories written by recognized au
thors. And so on through all my stud-
, ies, I search for the good In them."
"To hear you talk," interrupted my
friend, "one would think you are eith
er the moder student or you just nat
urally) have the gift for gab."
"You're rather plain-spoken, aren't
you?" I offered. "However, I don't
( think your criticism Is quite accurate.
I'm not the model student and nelthor
have I any ambition for the field 6f
oratory. On the contrary I have two
ears which I try to give the pref
erence. There is always interest In
fichool work if .you're looking for It.
In answer to your third query con
cerning our work. Listen hard and I'll
hang a few things 'on the end of your
nose.' "
'INover mind," he broke in, "I know
what you've got up thore. It's a bunch
of school girls for teachers, a couple
of vocational courses, two little posi
tions which tickle the vanity of two
equally small professors, and several
classical and commercial 'blind alley'
"Hold on, here. Let mo a3k you a
a uentlon, When did you graduate
from The Dalles high school?"
"I didn't graduate from that ceme
tery, thank heavon."
"Well, why didn't you go to some
other school then?" I inquired.
''Oh, I don't know. Probably bo-
J cause I well I didn't want to, I
' guess."
"That's a good reason, I'll admit,
but Just because you lost interest In
your school work and quit I remem
ber It was Just a year ago is no rea
son why you should condemn the
school. Do you know that we have one
of the best university trained facul
ties obtainable? Teachers who are
heads of departments aro especially
trained for the work. We have a
school library -with hundreds of ref
erence books and plenty of good mag
azines, a printing department which
is the best high school print-shop In
j thd Bttitc, a physics laboratory, a
manual training department and a
course in mechanical drawing. In addi.
Hon to the classical, commercial and
scientific courses we havo a domestic
science department with a subordi
nate course In millinery. Music Is not
neglected either. There are a number
of music classes, an orchestra and
both boys' and girls' glee clubs.
"Do you know that, more money was
spent for luxuries, silk shirts and sox,
and so on, by fellows like you atid the
rest of the great army of extrnva
Bants, in 1920 than we" have spent
for education since "the beginning of
history? That's saying a good deal for
the colonists in the very beginning
apportioned a certain amount of land
for public schools. Which army do
you want' to belong to, the army of
spendthrifts or the student nrmy? It
Is no dlsgraco to be poor tout there
is no excuse for Ignorance. There are
too many libraries to allow an ex
cuse. .Statistics show that out of b,
000,000 persons with no schooling only
31 attained distinction. Of 30,000,000
who havo elementary training, 808
attained distinction. From 2,000,000
with a high school education 1245
rose to prominence, while of 1,000,000
college educated, 5768 became fa
mous. So from this we see that the
person with no education has one
chance In one hundred fifty thousand
of making a name for himself, with
an elementary training he has four
times the chance, with high school ed
ucation eighty-seven times the chance
and with a college education, eight
hundred times tho .chance. Now I ask
you, friend, what are your chances?
Eight hundred to ono or one to eight
hundred? The Dalles high school of
fers you an opportunity. Think It
And I left him.
i American baseball fans in all of
their serious rooting like to relax in
a good laugh occasionally. Nick Alt-
' rock, former world champion pitcher,
but now baseball's most unique char-
l acter, is proving it so year after year.
Once again he is back on the coach
ing line with the Washington Amer
ican League club, cutting funny ca
pers and making thousands roar with
laughter. Altrock, as pitcher on the
Chicago White Sox years ago, pitch
ed Comlskoy's team to a- world title
over the Cubs in world series.
Brawn's Dufur Stag Time Table
Two round trips daily. Lea re Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. in. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m and 1 p. m. tf
Free Clinic No Charge For Examina
tionTuesdays and Thursdays, i
Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician.
Third and Washington, main 601.. t
When You Tell
your friends about that whale of ,a
fish you caught they'll all laugh and
say it's a good fish story. Back up
your fish story with Kodak pictures.
You need a Kodak. Crosby's. 4
We are going to show you
How to Save on Your Coffee Bill
A Special
Airs. Brastad of Portland, in charge
Are you burdened with your income? Are you conserving your re
sources or are you wasting them? The price of Diamond W Coffee is the
same as before the war. The can is the reason why.
Paying Casli Saves Money. Carrying Your Own Goods Home Saves
Money. Buying Diamond W Coffee, Saving the Price of the Tin, Saves
At The
Parlor Grocery
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pugh today
received a letter from their daugh
ter, Ruth, announcing her marriage
in Portland recently to William Gal
breath. Mr. and Mrs. Galbreath are
spending a few days in Portland be
fore going to Chehalis, whero they
expect to make their home.
In order to make space for my
summer stock I will sell at 10 'per
cent discount the few remaining
plain tailored and trimmed hats. Mrs.
Weaver, $02 Union street, opposite
poBtoffice. Telephone black 3171. M'20
Taxi Mayfleld's Taxi
relephone main 5021.
Typing and Stenograpny
tone at reasonable rales. Koina A
Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Real
Uence phon- red '2332.
Summons for Publication
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Ort'Kon, for Wnscn Countv
E. H. FRENCH. TRUSTEE. Plaintiff,
JoR'ph Kronenberg and Bessie M.
Kronenberg, husband and wife, Ed Bail,
doing business under the name of Par
lor Grocery, H. Glenn. Bertha Glenn
Heroux, Executrix, and H. Glenn, Exe
cutor, of the Estate of P. W. Sever
son. Deceased, and French & Co.. n
corporation, and W. E. Mills, Defend
ants. To Joseph Krone liberie and Bessie M.
KrononberR, husband and wife, and W.
E. Mills. Defendants. I
In the name of the State of Oregon. J
you are hereby reaulred to aoo&r and .
answer the complaint filed against you '
in tin- uuure enuuea suit wunin six
weeks from the date of the first pubuY
cation of this summons in Thn nnllnn
Weekly Chronicle, anrt If vi f
te answer ror want thereof the plain
tiff will take Judgment aarainst vnu and
apply to the court for the relief prayed
for in plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt: For
a decree of the court above named fore
closing that certain mortgage made and
executed and delivered by the defend
ants, Joseph Kronenberg and Bessie M.
Kronenberg, husband and wife, to E.
H. French, Trustee, and. for a further
decree of the court for the sale of the
property described in said mortgage,
which Is as follows, to-wlt: Lots E and
V in Block 27 In Fort Dalles Military
Reservation addition to Dalles City,
Oregon, and for the costs and disburse
ments of the tult. and the costs of sale,
and for such other and further relief
as to the court may seem equitable and
This summons is served upon you In
and by authority of the order of the
Judge of the above entitled court made
and entered on the 11th day of Ap
1931, directing that service of this sum
mons be made upon you by publica
tion thereof in The Dalles Weekly
Chronicle for a period of six week, and
requiring you to appear and answer the
complaint on file herein within six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons. The date of
the first publication of this summons Is
the 14th day of April, 1921.
Attorneys f""' I
Post Office- address The Dalles, Oregon.
Apr.H-May 2C
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Wasco County.
Murdo J. Finlayson, Plaintiff,
Albert Grant, Robert Orant und Ida
M. Grant, husband and wife, Elvln
Grant, Percy Grant, Christina Grant
Campbell and Manson Campbell, ..
and husband, defendnnts.
To Albert Grant, Robert Grant, Ida
M. Grant, Elvln Grant, Percy uru...
Christina Grant Campbell and Manso
Campbell, the defendants above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby sum
moned and required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you In
the above entitled court arwUcause with
in six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons and If you
fall to so answer or otherwise plead' to
said complaint plaintiff will take Judg
ment and decree against you that plain
tiff is the owner In fee of the real
property described In said complaint, to
wit, the Southeast quarter of the South
west quarter of Section 8., Lot 1 of
Section 18 in Township 7 South, Range
18 East. Willamette Meridian and the
Southwest quarter of the Southwest
quarter of Section 14 and the North
half of the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion 34 in Township 5 South, Range 18
East, Willamette Meridian in Wasco
County, Oregon and for such other and
further relief as to the court may seem
This summons Is served upon you by
publication by order of the Hon. Fred
W. Wilson, Judge of the above entitled
court, which order 1b dated the 21st day
of April, 1921, directing that summons
herein be published for six consecutive
weeks In The Dalles Chronicle. Th
date of the first publication of thk
summons is April 28th. 1921; the date
of the last publication is June 9th
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
April 28 810-813 Lewis Building
June 9 , Portland, Orego
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by au
thority of an Execution and Order of
Sale issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco County,
dated the 16th day of April, 1921, upon
a Judgment and decree for the fore
closure of two certain mortgages in
the suit wherein French & Company,
a corporation, was plaintiff and Tha
Dalles Sanatorium, a corporation, and
M. Z. Donnell and HenryJ. Maler,
Trustees, were defendants, said decree
and Judgment being in favor ot th.
plaintiff, and against the defendants
and each of them, said decree provided
for the sale of the property hereinafter
described to satisfy the sum of $25hj.wU,
together with Interest thereon at the
rate of seven percent per annum f
the 28th day of June, 1917, and for the
sum of 130U.0O attorney's fees, and for
the further sum of $22.60 costs and
disbursements and accruing costs of
and upon said writ, and said decree
further provided for a Judgment against
the defendant. Dalles Sanatorium, for
the sum of $8500.00, together with in
terest thereon in the amounts and from
the dates as follows:
On 31 bonds $3100.00 6 from Dec.
1st,. 1915.
On 48 bonds $4800.00 6r0 from Dec
1st, 1906.
On 1 bond $100.00 6 from IH.c
1st, 1907.
On 1 bond $100.90 6 from Dec.
1st. 1913.
On 2 bonds $200.00 6 from Dec.
1st. 1911.
On 2 bonds $200.00 6 from Dec.
'.1st, 1911.
And for the further sum of $1500.00
attorney fees. Said decree further pro
vlded for the sale of certain personal
property hereinafter described.
Now therefore, I will on Monday the
23rd day of May, 1921, at the hour of
10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day
at the front door of the county court
house in Dalles City, , Wasco County,
State of Oregon, sell at public auction
to the highest; bidder for cash in hand
all the right, title and Interest that the
defendants or each of them had on the
7th day of June, 1906, or which said
defendants or either of them have since
acquired in and to the following de
scribed real property situated in Wasco
County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots 11 and 12
In Block 26 In Gates Addition to Dalles
City, Oregon.
I will also at said time and place
above mentioned and on the same prem
ises sell all the right, title and interest
of the defendants above named in and
to all the furniture and fixtures, medi
cinal supplies, medical and surgical in
struments now located and being In the
above described premises.
Said property will be sold subject to
confirmation by the court and redemp
tion as by law required.
Done and dated at Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, this 19th day of April,
Sheriff of Wasco County.
State of Oregon.
Date of first publication of this notice
April 21st, 1921.
Date of last publication of this notice
May 19th. 1921.
Silk Dress Sensation!
An Event Extraordinary!
Lovely Spring Frocks of
Beauty-Charm- Utility
A special PURCHASE Direct
from New York Manufactur
ers for cash, for our 312 DEPART
MENT Stores, at Remarkable
Price Concessions, which make it
possible for us to offer them to
you at these
Exceptionally Low Prices
Values Unapproached for
Qualities Offered 1
$11.90 each
A WONDERFUL Opportunity for you to buy one
or more of these Captivating Silk Frocks for less
than retailers would ordinarily pay for them. Take
advantage of this extraordinary offer. It means a
distinct saving for you. We expect them to go in a
j hurry at these exceptionally Low Prices,