The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 04, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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would run to if he wanted his sore
finger fixed up."
Let us hope she doesn't remain in
Washington too long. The mental
miasma there turns all in time into
cynics or hypocrites the non-con-formlsts
into cynics and the conform
ists into hypocrites. Hers is too fine
and individual a personality ' to be
turned to type. There is a big field
for service In this land of ours for
souls as honest and hearts ns cour
ageous as those of "Mother" Robert
son. Long may she live!
Glen wood Hotel
202 Union Street
Half Block from Station
Plenty of Hot Water Day and Night
From 50c to $1.50 a Night
$2.50 to $5.00 a Week .
Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. m.
,f 'has
rlJSCsmiLm bluejjodice and Is trlihtued with NHHk"" WV !
Sweet girl graduates who hare
I (already started to plan their grad
! tuition frocks may well take a hint
Ifxom the girlish stylet worn by
' jthe beautiful Natalie Manning. On
thiULjtb0 beruffled and baribs
boned rock or. white 'has a baby
bluejjodice and is trlihmed with
blue curled ribbon. The dropped
shoulder effect is from grand,
mother's day and promises to be
very popular this season. On the
right is a dainty frock of embroid
ered handkerchief Jlnen and with
hemstitching adding to the bodice.
It has a beautiful laj:e yoke. It
the center a pleasing arrange.,
ment of hair Miss Manning is,'
the theatrical find of the' season
and is appearing with Madge Ken- .
nedy fn the Henry W. Savage pro.
duction of "Cornered:"
(Continued From Page 2.)
chance to vote snail have his vote
fairly counted."
Then she told about many women
who had come to her and .complained
because the men had not done this
thing or that thing and blamed the
men In congresa and cv.t. "I told
them," she said, "that they would bet
ter see that helr own backyards were
In good order before attempting to
criticize the actions of others on nation-wide
and world-wide affairs, An3
say you ought to see the letters some
of them iwrite me.' 1 tell them God
made men a little less than the angels
and then made women one better, but
now she has stepped down and It
is fifty-fifty now."
She practices what she preaches,,
too, having a, man for secretary, and
is quoted as saying that It Is a man's
Job. (Before coming to Washington sho
was proprietor of a succe33ful restau
.rant in Oklahoma and her office hero
vis right next door to the cafe In the
house office building, whether by ac
cident or intention Is not generally
Her Hobby.
Her hobby Is justice to the Indian1.
She pleads for them at every oppor
tunity and states it is the dearest
wish of her life to be able to do
something for them during her ser
vice in congress. She' only made two
requests of the committee on com
mittees when she arrived, on to be
placed on the committee on Indian
affairs and not to he put on the worn
an suffrage committee. "They put me
on both," she said, "but they tell me
the woman's suffrage committee has
innocuous dessuetude, so it is all
'Another paradox about this woman
in congress is that although she came
largely against her wish stye is mak
ing good in the estimation of every
one about congress. iShe has the re
spect and admiration of members and
secretaries alike, something as rare
as 'a day in June about these parts.
Everyone has a good word to say
about her.
There was another woman who
came to congress because she sought
to come. Women's political organiza
tions wanted her to come and helped
her to the spotlight, basking in the
margin by reflected glory. She toyed
with radical voters and sought per
petuation in office at the end of poli
tical rainbows like many a man be
fore her. She voted against a wai,
one of whose primary objects was to
protect the rights of other women and
little children to travel the seas in
safety and left a general impression
behind her that it would have been
better had she not come. Miss Robert-1
son is doing' as much as any, human ,
being could to remover a somewhat
growing idea that it would be better if
no other woman should be sent to
congress ever. i
Character In Countenance.
The pen pauses when it tries to
describe the impression of moral
strength, and stability which "the ladv
from Oklahoma" gives. Her forehead,
high and noble, strikes one on first
glance. She has a wonderful face; it
Is intelligent, it is strong, it is kind
and motherly all at once. While she
was speaking I had a fine opportunity
to. study herprofile from a seat at
the side of the platform. It is a won
derful profile strong, Impressive.
Again and again it made me think of
Nathaniel Hawthorne's story of the
Great Stone Face. Another New Eng
land image that It brought into my
associative consciousness was the
lionine countenance of Daniel Web
ster. Perhaps these outstanding
thought images may .give the reader
an idea of the profound impression
made on me by the wonderful coun
tenance of this wonderful woman. But
there is yet another side the fine
strong lines etched by good thoughts
and the hard struggles of life are not
all. Nature has tucked in little time
prints in between to soften and beau
tify the whole like mountain flowers
in a sunshine favored cleft oh a rug
ged mjountain. These are the wrlnfc
les of motherliness.
Everyone speaks of v?han mother
lys looking person she is. One news
paperman expressed it best when he
said: "She looks like the kind a boy
He's a likable,
lovable, gay and
dashing crook.
He'll win your
Jimmy Doyle .
I ft j9K rHak a
Hl B3BpppQ& uiiVv .aaaaaF me -j.BWeWMcjLl
fiTr i ra ri nasi M Wl (Hi rf rsm.'til
has broken avay from the traditional
screen stories and has produced a
np-roanng comedy which is entirely
different-full of action - dominated
with love - rich with surprises that pack
delightful - extraordinary amusement.
is.i-.i-- "it '- '.',1--r' t . r-r
The Little Howe with the BIG Pictures
Dr. S. Burke Masscy, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf
Come to hundreds of The Dalles peo
ple. There are days of dizziness;
Spell3 of headache, languor, back
ache; Sometimes rheumatic pains;
often urinary disorders.
Doan's Kidney Pills are especially
for wldney ills.
Endorsed in The Dalles by grate
ful friends and neighbors.
Mrs. I. A. aker, 1113 Pine St.,
The Dalles, says: "My kidneys were
in a bad condition and I could
hardly keep on my feet. I had mis
erable headaches and pains through
my limbs. Dizzy spells came over
me suddenly and I had fainting
spells. My kidneys acted irregular
at times and my feet and limbs
were swollen. I used Doan's Kidney
Pills from Donnel's drug store and
they helped me wonderfully. The
aches and pains left and I was free
from the dizziness. My kidneys
were regulated, too."
Price '60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask. for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Baker had. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., .Mfra.. Buffalo, N. Y.
SA? You saw it in the Chronicle when buying ad?, goods.
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721
Residence Phone Red 1811
Better Goodyear Tires Than You
Have Ever Known
Miiiiimmiiumii isiiimitttfiiiiiiiminimmiiimiii
Goodyear Tires for passenger cars are
better today than they have ever been.
You need only to compere them with
others to see their manifest superior
ity. Wo have given them a thicker
tread, a more, powerful body, an im
proved construction throughout
making them larger, stronger, heavier,
and even more durable than before.
If you seek the utmost i:i economical
and satisfactory tire equipment, ask
your nearest Goodyear Service Station
Dealer for Goodyear Tires.
Good yea it Tire &. Rubber Company
of California
G o o d y e a r Service
The Franklin Motor Car Company
Second and Federal Streets
Wp have every type and size of Goodyear Tire, for
your Truck or Passenger Car, Pneumatics or Solids.
County Wide Distributors