The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 03, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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the) daily chronicle
, Established 1890 Tha Dalles, Ore.
Published Every Evening Except Sunday
by the Chronicle PubllsMnr company Inc
Ben R. Lltftn
Alvln L. Bucklin
.. General Manager
Entered In The Dalles postofflce aa
second class matter.
United Press and United News Service
Member of Audit Bureau or circulations
One year. In advance $5.90
Six months, In advatieo $3.08
One month . .50
One year. In advunve... 15.00
81 x months, In advance- $2.50
Onu month .60
One year, In advance - -$2.00
In ordering change of address, sub
scriber should always give old as well
as now address.
slcal sexual desires of Adam and Eve
floored them.
Really as we review the whole mat
ter, we can't see that the world Is
any worse today than It was way
back in Biblical times. In nany re
spects it is a lot better. And until the
Rev. Johnston trundles out more proof
of his dlro belief that all Is sin, we
shall continue hopefully believing
thnt the world is progressing toward
a higher spirituality and that the hu
man heart today is kinder and nobler
than over before.
rhrough the centuries women
Editorial Rooms Blnck 111
Bunlnes.1, Adv., Clr. Depts Red 111
By John Glelssner
(United News Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, May 3. The house
this week is expected to adopt the
Knox peacej resolution, ending the
technical state of war with Germany.
The measure then goes- to the presi
dent for his signature, which has been
TIonPflDOntaillfn T)nlini nhnlnmnn if
I have plnyed a big part in affairs. the foreign affaJrs commlttee has of.
Subscribers to the Chronicle are guar
anteed service. Prompt and regular de
livery of every subscriber's paper Is the
aim of the circulation dupurtmcnt. The
Chronlclo carriers are required to pur
the papern on the porch or wherever th
uhHcrlbor wishes 'ho paper delivered.
Sodom and Gomorrah wore oylvan
True, they didn't until recently have
tho vote. True, until recently they
weren't accorded industrial equality.
But just the same they have been
all powerful in shaping world events.
l'ered a resolution phrased more sim
ply and this will be brohght up for
consideration. 'But house leaders ex
pect to put through the Knox resolu
tion, opposing alterations in it with a
minimum of debate. When the resolu-
tion becomes law, President Harding
wumun smneu, men s neaus navd
Miamlots peopled by hurp-strumming
angels in comparison with tho mod
ern American city. Middle-aged roues,
posing as respectable men of family
"and business during daylight saving
hours, aro throwing off restraints and
indulging in salacious "Aphrodite
partlos" Inveigling young ex-service
men and other innocent youngsters
.into their wild orgies with the coming
of tvi light.
Thp thontro of today brumes spec-
taclos framed to emptinslzo box sug
gestion and tho men and women ol
, those spectacles arc capable o play-
lng tho parts.
Mothern nre losing tho respect of
their husbands and children by wear-
' ing dresses to their knees while their
own daughters nre becoming llttlo
night blooming wild flowers along the
hectic bright light paths of sin.
With no ono to guide him, Willie la
.becoming a bold, bad bandit, keyed up
'. to do his nefarious lawlessness by
moonahino' nectar.
This is tho United Stutos of today
as vlowcd through tho eyes of Tho
Nov. Agnow Johnston of tho Chicago
church federation Tho Ituv. Johnston
indivalou that tho world Is toboggan
ing towards perdition on a sin-greased
Lot him think so If ho wishes, but
. don't lot li tin mislead you. It Is onn.v
to find tho except lonal euso and point
It out. It Is tho unusual that Is worthy
of common!. And those good souln win
.spot sin In everything don't ovornok
a chance to toll tho world how damn
ably sin-soaked It Is.
Hint look about you. Thoro aro 'it
leant half a dozen good nion and wora
en loft whom you know personally.
More likely thoro aro half a thousand.
Hut at all ovontu thoro tiro muin 'oft
Right In this town wo know men who
are kind to their follows, who go onl
of tliolr way to do anyone u l ivor
who live to help tho other follow
Thoy don't boat up their wives more
than twlco a week and thoy touch
Iholr children to ho good hoys and
girls. Although thoy own uutoinobl!"s
(hoy don't swear profusely. Right
hero In Tho Dalles we know women
who aro true to Iholr husbands and
try to make them happy and succeed
too, and who further every movo for
community buttennout. Yes, It's true.
Wo wish tho Rev. Johnston know
thoflu good people. Ho wouldn't think
that tho world was bound for holl with
tho rlght-ofwny cleared. Wo wondor
if our good reverend over road tho
lllhlo carefully. Does ho know thnt
IJio men favored of Clod woro often
sinful, so filntul that tholr crimes
reekod to high hoavon? Doos ho know
than many of tho women of the lbl
days were tainted tho vory women
who fill tho pages of scripture. Wo
wonder If ho knows that Ltlllth wan
tho first vampire and that she left
poor Adam In tho Garden of l'den, do
sorting him probably because ho
wouldn't provide her with tho kind
of fig leaf she wanted,
Pooa ho not know that the devil
wont right Into tho flarden of Kdmt
and worked destruction of Adam and
EvoT Perhaps tho revorend doesn't
1 know that the lllhlo language about
eating tho forbidden apple Is move
ly n nice way of prying that tho phy
been cut off because women danced.
Men have gone to violent deaths be
cause women spoke soft words. The
trend of civilization has been alter
ed because a desirable woman willed
Now comes word that Lord Kitch
ener, Englnnd's hero of tho African
campaigns and director of the Eng
lish part In tho world war, went to
and senators will turn their attention
to the negotiation of a treaty with
The senate, having disposed of
peace, is, -free to consider important
domestic legislation. The emergency
tariff and the immigration restriction
bill, have been reported out by com
mittees and will be brought to a vote
as speedily as- possible. Senator Pen
rose, chairman of the finance commit
tee, said he would call up the emer-
hls death because n woman lured ,ln- gency tariff Tuesday. Senator Colt,
formation out of a man.
The II. M. S. Hampshire sailing on
a secret mission to Russia hit a
mine and sunk., with all hands, be
cause of "a, woman's lure.
Frau Elby,.3oecker, widow of an
English officer kllle.d in the Darda
nelles and Frau Rilz, a chum, were
the women who sunk a ship, mur
ered a great military tactician nnd
thwarted an enterprise.
Frau Boecker, without funds, was
approached by a Go'inan fccrtt
agent, a Spaniard nam 1 Alvarez,
and offered money to ul:l Germany
in her designs of world conquest.
Rho consented. Frau Rltz wns temp
ted by money to aid Germany.
Th6so two woro much in company
of English officers homo on' leave.
They induced tholr prey la. drlnV
freely nnd picked up important in
formation. Tho Boecker woman passed
is Spanish, tho Rltz woman as p.
i.utlvo of England.
A certain officer of Lord Kitclu
I'ner's staff became violently infatu
atcd with Frau Rltz and for many
months before tho Hnmpshlro went
down with her precious freight, thoy
were much together, frequenting tho
London drinking resorts.
The officer carried away by tho
lino of this paid Informer told her
that ho was going away with his
chief, Lord Kitchener, on a long
trip.' Ho told her upon a second oc
casion the mission was to Russia
and thon he disclosed the dato of
sailing, the name of the ship and
tho route to bo taken.
Germany got the news quickly.
Submarines were assigned to sink
the Hampshire. A veritable mine
field was laid across tho route.
Well tho world knows the rest of
tho story. It knows that tho Hamp
shire struck a mine nnd went down
with all hands.
Luro of woman scored again.
chairman of the immigration commit
tee, will seek to have immigration
considered at once. He expects it can
bo passed with only a few hours de
bate. The tariff bill, it is conceded, will
be the subject of considerable discus
sion. The democrats will register vig
orous opposition to what they' argue
aro prohibitive, duties and both demo
crats and republicans will Seek light
on the anti-dumping and exchange
valuation sections of the, bill. These
sections have been entirely rewrit
ten by tho senate committee, which
will mean that the bill will have to
go to conference with thb roiuo. The
changes were in the interests of
simpler administration.
Tho senate committee also added
tho Knox amendment, which is de
signed to protect the American dye in
dustry against heavy importations of
German dyes, which it was explained,
might fall of passage.
Senate committees this week will
discuss the naval appropriations bilL
passed by tho hotise, in which Sen-,
ntor Borah' will seek to have incor
porated an amendment authorizing
the president to call a disarmament
confovonco among Groat Britain,
Japan, and the United States, and
proposed fcood roads legislation.
Tho house will pass tho army ap
propriation bill.
Buchlor's and tho othor to secure
subscriptions begin work Monday.
Bids will close May G, on tho pro
posed agency buildings at Warm
Springs and will havo to be mailed by
tomorrow to insure their delivery on
tho dato named. There will not bo
more than threo or four bids as far as
hoard from.
Typing and Stenography
done in reasonable rates. Roslna A.
Flock. Office Hotel Dalles. Real
deuce phone rod 2332.
Dr. S. Burke Massoy, dentist, First
S'atloual bank, rooms 007-308. Tele
nhono main 3911. res. main 1G91. 8tf
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table
Two round trips dally. Leavo BanV
notel, fl a, in, nnd 4 p. m. Leave Dufui
7:30 a. m. nnd 1 p. m.
vFrom Tho Chronicle. March 3, lSlhl.)
Mr. and .Mrs. M. M. Snyro ontortala
tl a number of friends at a pleasant
uirty last' evening,
The grand lodgo of. Oregon, I. O. G.
n., will moot in Tho Dalles June 10.
Vbout 100 dolegutoa aro oxpocted
rom all over the state.
Tho committees of tho commorclal
olub ono to secure loaso of ground
".r the sinking of a coal shaft near
Presented by
Mill Crsok Grange
Mill Creek Hall
Wednesday, May 4th
8 p. m.
Admission 5:5c and 50o
Dance Following
Wasco The Dalles Dufur
Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager
Licensed Embalmert. Established 1N7
Woman Attendant Telephones
Mrs. M. J, Wlllerten Day Red Ml
Telephone Red 17S1 Night Red W
J. H. Harper, Black 2152
Motor Equipment
Cut Flowers
Get the Listening Habit
It is recounted that on occasion a certain wise man was asked
the first rule of getting along in the world of people. The an
swer came back "Be a good listener."
In these days of modern
newwspapers, reading, cor
responds to listening. In the
news columns are the printed
views and opinions of the
foremost men and women of
our day leaders in thought
and action. To be well inform
ed, you read what they have
to say, just as you would lis
ten if they were speaking to
In the advertising columns,
you have the opportunity to
"listen" to messages that are
even closer and more .vital to
your everyday life.
Your own townspeople, as
well as men and women from
all over the world are telling
you their stories. For your
There's an endless array of
articles from which you can
choose. The choice is simple if
you're a good listener the
more you listen the more you
know and the better able to
So get the Listening habit.
Read Chronicle advertisements.
Big Sale On
20 Discount for Cash with Order
It costs 207o to sell monuments by agents. You can save that one-fifth of
the price by buying at the shop. Make your selection early and give us time
to set work before May 30th, Decoration Day.