The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 03, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Lucy Jeanne Price
8bbbK?v'3m- Vfbbbbbkk
NEW YORK, May 3. The sensa
tion erupted by the entrance Into the
.movies of 'Mrs. Lydlg Hoyt, leader of
Boclety, Just announced a few days
ago hasn't yet died down. For one
thing, she Is handsome enough to
hare a right to the sensation. But the
most welcome note In the whole mat
ter to some of us, who have grown
the legalized gambling events in the
city. The baggage and effects of sea
men who died or deserted their craft
during the year are sold at these
times "sight unseen." At the one held
the other day, John Donovan, a sea'
faring man himself, bought a trunk
for $18.60 which proved to hold just
one Chinese slipper; not another
a wee bit irked by so much talk by thing; while another man unwrapped
various people on the "willingness to a parcel for which he paid $1.50, and
tnrow everything over" for my art,'- found a glass tfye.
and the "'realization that one must
sacrifice in order to develop," and
so on, whenever they decided to go
fnd get a job soraowhere, was Mrs.
Illoyt's frank reason for taking to the
('screen instead of tho .sppahing stage,
.'jit's the hours," she said. "Motion
fjplcture work I can do daytimes and I
should have had to work evenings if
!i had done the other' thing." It's ex
llctly,! the , reason that I myself took
jgrt Instead of physics junior" yeai 'at
j'eollcgof'art camo'rtt 10:30 In the
jlpornirig and physics at 8." i can' t'un
foerstahd podplc when they , talk like
jjjhat even 1 debutante actresses.
J Tho New York Telephone company
has Just turned tho dagGor in our
many telephonic wounds by raising
4he local rates, charging ub a penny
iiore every time we call anono here
;in town and then casing the surface
of matters by taking a penny off ev
ery time we call someone in New
Jersey1. According to New York logic
.'anyone who talks! .to Now Jersey
ought to bo made to pay all the traffic
will bear. And certainly It is no rec
ompense for our tragedy here at
:;. (New York Is to bo tho headquar
ters of a national campaign; under
line direction of the American Cotton
growers' association, not only to
'bring about a renaissance of the cot
'ton stocking, but to popularize gener
ally cotton and cotton fabrics. "Buy
.' cotton" will be the principal theme of
the campaign, and, of course, thero
-will be a slogan: "Ask If the article
you buy Is made of puro cotton all
cotton, and a yard wide." Like the
smart men that they are, they plan to
"nso dally nowspapor advertising in
,thclr campaign.
Art and music have a hard time in
these commercial days. Charles Chap
elle was haled Into court vhen he
was found wandering about the third
floor of the Hotel York tho other day
shortly after tvo burglaries had taken
placo there. He was seen to, try sev
eral doors of rooms on the seventh
floor and the bell boys'got suspicious.
"What is your "ocupnjlpn?" a detec-
uvu uauuu jiiaiciic: .tfricKiayer ae
roplled. ""Weill then',' jwolsted tho dp
tebtive, "why wero f. ydu prowling
around tho hotel l"'-ut "Was looking for
a place to write songs,r" the wander
er explained. But they wouldn't con
sider the explanation sufficient.
' .
Typing and Btenograpny
done at reasonable rates. Roslna A.
Fleck. Office Hotel' Dalles. Reel
dence phon red 2332. tf
(Continued From Face 1.)
stratlon of government departments,
and I am very sure -we can never
fix ourselves firmly on a basis of
economy until tho departments are
conducted within the provisions
made by congress.
"I wish you would call this mat
ter to the attention of the various
bureau chiefs, so that a like .situ
ation will not bo reported in tho
future." -
By United Press
nation of fames A. Stlllman as presl-i
dent of the National City Bank has
been accepted, it was announced to-;
day. Charles E. Mitchell, president of
the National City company, was
elected to 'succeed him.
Stillman's resignation was first of
fend several weeks ago, but was re
fused at that time.
Hearings in tho divorce suit in
which he and his wlfe are suing
each other, are to he resumed to
morrow. '
the history of that organisation. ' It
has jiever ceased to serve where ser
vice was needed. It Is an active
efficient organization working con
tinually for suffering humanity. The
Salvation Army commands our re
spect and deserves our financial sup
port. I therefore desire to make the
most earnest appeal to the people of scrlptions may be sent o Captain
Clara Neilsen, 209 Washington street,
The Dalles.
our state to exert themselves to the
utmost on behalf of the home service
fund appeal for this year:
All checks should lie made pay
able to the Salvation Army. Sub-
Carpentering and building. C. H.
Merryman, telephone red 5741. M30
Taxi MayflsJtf Taxi
Telephone mala 5021. 27U
Now York City, however, just now
is hardly oven In a mood to scoff at
her sister west of tho Hudson. She la
completely covered with blushos.
For whoro In tho homo of John 'Hutch
inson, tho man who Just lost $1,000
in Parte to tho oldest conl'ldonco gimm
in tho world? Ho mot a nodal trio
Uhoro who told him about tho $40,000
,thoy wero carrying In a suitcase bo
: causa you couldn't trust tho banks
, thoro. So ho gavu thorn his $1,000 to
protect along with their own! And
jwhoro, I ask, is John Hutchinson
,'lrom? Why, from Now York City!
; Among tho innovations In the new
Ambassador hotel, at Park aveiuio and
,. Fifty-first Htreot, Is an oloctric alarm
clock, which has boon Installed in
each bedroom, thus making It m-
necessary for guusta to loavo calls
with tho clerks. Not only that but u
doesn't hur-r-r shrilly In ono's rar.
iWusleal chimes do tho alarming,
iKouudlng at Intervals for five mlnuies.
Tho tystom is regulated from tho Ar
lington observatory, Washington.
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table '
Two round trips daily. IeaveBanli
hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave 'Dufui
:30 a. m. and 1 p. m.
Montclutr, X. .1., hos had heated ills
cuBslona and yes, tears over tho
question of whether It Is bettor to
kill tho catB and save tho birds or
npura tho cats ami kill the rats. A
majority favored tho birds, so tho
'public safety commissioner 1ms order
od neveral gross of cat traps which
will bo baited with catnip.
(. Tho annual "Seamen's auction" is
always one of tho most Interesting of
impersonates many of
the world? great men ,
and gives fo the role of
an eccentric inventor a
pepper" interpretation J
rthat will make him a
'million new friends
critics say its the besb
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's Paint StoreMain 3V2i
Residence Phone Red 1811
(Continued From Page 1.)
dependent men, Americanization
work among foreigners and state
prison and emergency relief.
The following telegram, from Gov
ernor Olcott, has been received by
Mrs. Crandall:' ,
Mrs. Lulu Crandall,
The Dalles, Oregon. '
In passing through what appears
to be one of'the most critical periods
of readjustment, there has fallen to!
the lot of the Salvation Army per-i
haps the greatest responsibility in
-j-ftere Is m6re catarrh in this section
of the, country tttan all other disease
put together, and for. t was sup-
oosod to be incurable.- Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by, (constantly falling1
to cure with, Jocal treatmein'.'Proi.'ounced
"greatly influenced by constitutional coiW
unions unu ineruiuri requires constltuv
tlpnal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medl-:
ci life, mai.ufactured by P. J. Cheney St
C., Tol'tlo, Olilo. la a constitutional
ror.H-tly. is tal:n internally and acts
thru the blood on the Mucous Surfaces
Of ftlA Hvituin ITiln AmA Ttntl n a-
Ward la offered for any case that Halt's
Catarrh Medicine fnlls to cure. Send for
circular ana teetlmonlalB.
P. J. CHENE i & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Famllv Pills for constipation.
Statement of Condition of
As rendered to State Banking Department at the close of Business April 21th, 1921
Loans and Discounts $312,822.45
Overdrafts J 1.32
United 8tates, State and Municipal.
Bonds i 30,688.47
Stock in Federal Reserve. Bank.. .. 3,000.00
Furniture and ' Fixtures, Vaul and ,
Equipment 28,645.30'
Expenses .'. .".t.... 1,057.19 '
Cash on hand and due from banks....... 52,133.28
Other Resources . 829.00
Capital Stock 8100,000.00
Guarantee Fund 2,285.97
'Rediscounts and due to banks 20,500.00
Deposits . 306,391.04
The advantages gained by having your account with any bank are in
proportion to the COOPERATION and CONyENIENCE that it offers."
We give the same careful attention to small accounts as we accord
our largest accounts.
4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
Safe Deposit-Boxes for Rent' '
Geo. C. Blakeley, President.
T. H. West, Vice President
E. E. Fitzwater, Cashier
H. W. Scherrer, Asst. Cash.
Geo. C. Blakeley
J. Parke Bolton
Dr. H. C. Dodds
R. L. Stevens
T. H. West
Docherty & Barnett
Across from First National Bank
Let New Furnishings Bring
Springtime Into Your Home
To be in tune with this delightful season, the home should present a cheerful appearance. Accom
plish this through the medium of new home furnishings.
Never before have we had such stock for you to select from.
We have the latest in 6ak, Wicker, Grass and over-stuffed
furniture. -
Use Your Credit
Credit, More Than Any Other Factor, Has Been
Responsible for Making America a Nation
of Better Homes
A recent investigation made in all sections of the country among
all classes of people, reveals the fact that over 90 percent of fur
niture, automobiles, pianos, talking machines, .clothing ah'd other
commodities nre being purchased on credit. In furniture particular
ly, do you find more and more people each year taking advantage
of the opportunities presented by stores selling furniture on the
deferred payment plan. , '
Heretofore, only furniture of the cheaper grade was sold on a
charsf account basis, but today practically every type of furniture,
even" the most beautiful period suites, are to be found In tho stores
doing a charge account business. Thus, the credit system has been
itirgely rosponsibje in making America's homes more attractive, and
we n:d very proud of being numbered among those stores that are
helping beautify America's homes with tho greatest convenience to
the home owner.
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