THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1921. PACE THREE 4 Lucky Strike cigarette REPEAL GUARANTEED (Continued From Page 2.) must be considered affecting food .products from the American farm in ' their relationship to imports of like products from foreign countries. ; "Our center of production from the farm of food products is somewhere in the Mississippi valley, while our center of consumption of food prod ucts is in the populous areas tof the east, many hundreds of miles, away from the center of production. "Ocean rates, from competing coun - tries are so much lower to our con '.suming centers than are the exorbl- tant and increasing freight rates from our own farms to our own consumers, that we urge a consideration of this very important condition now menac ing the farmers of the south, west and middle west. Sales Tax Opposed. "Agriculture neither asks nor de ' mands any special favors in the Ye vision of the tariff, and will tolerate . no unfair discrimination against - it, for the benefit of other branches of industry. "The committee highly commended the section of the president's message ?in which he said,, 'Thje country does GRAND Tonight and Wednesday J. Parker Read, Jr. Presents LOtTISE GLAUM In "THE LONE WOLF'S DAUGHTER" One of the year's greatest melodramas. COMING Thomas Meighan In "THE FRONTIER OF THE STARS" RESOURCES Loans and Discounts 1203,342.07 Stocks and Bonds 28,687.70 Overdrafts .' 3,986.02 Banking House .. 74.Wf.85 Furniture and Fixtures 21,280.37 Current Expenses and Taxes paid .. 15,278.54 Cn on hand and Due from Banks .. 164,155.03 Opened for buslneM Statement call Statement Call OFFIQER8 P. J. ttatfelman, President Dr. J. A. Reuter, Vlce-Pres. H. C. Greene, Cashier. J. F. Tureck, A set Cash. not expect nor will it approve a shift ing of tax burdens.' The committee recognises very little value in the great amount of propaganda that has been carried on during the last year from the shifting of taxation from income to consumption tax and be lieves it economically unsound, social ly unjust and governmentally inexpe dient. "The general sales tax would shift the burden of taxation from income and excess profits to a tax on fun damentals such as food, fuel, clothing and shelter. "A strong effort has been made to repeal the excess profit tax, but as no better way for raising an equal amount of revenue has been found the federation opposes its repeal. Farmer Needs Aid. "More than 116,000,000,000 in securi ties now escape a federal tax. The federation recommends to congress that it submit to the several states a constitutional amendment prohibiting the issue of all tax free securities. "Recent experiences have demon strated that the farmer is not being adequately financed through our present system. Wfoen he avails him self of the pVesent short time com mercial credits he jeopardizes his wel fare. "To improve this situation the American Farm Bureau federation urges legislation which will provide. the proper authorization for commod ity financing based upon warehouse receipts also for cattle financing bas ed upon the proper pledge and for personal rural credits secured by the proper insurance features. It also asks that the profits derived from the fed eral reserve banks be made a revolv ing fund which may be used,, to pro vide working capital during the inter AFTER a baking falls x. becomes tough or soggy, you can't make it tender and tempting. It can't be "fixed." It is like spilled milk "wasted." But, there is away to pre vent this waste every woman should use it be cause a bake day loss these days is a real loss. Calumet Baking Powder pos itively prevents failure. It has been doing it for millions of housewives for a third of a century. BESTBY7EST DAIIinil KUWUCK Makes most palatable and sweetest of foods The biggest selling Baking Powder m the world. Pro duced in the 'largest; most modern, sanitary Baking Powder Factories. Possesses only such ingredi ents as have been officially approved by U. S. Food Authorities. Most economical in cost and use. You save when you buy it. You save when you use it Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Citizens National Bank The Dalles, Oregon At the close of business April 28, 1921 Capital Surplus Earnings Deposits $511,277.28 -Jan S, 1921 Feb. 21, 1921 .... Ar. 28, 1921 ., .. Deposits Depeslts .. Deposits .. im between the time when requests "for money are received and the sale of the debentures. It Is suggested that these debentures be made eligible for sale in federal reserve banks or on the open market. It is also suggested that the federal reserve board be giv en proper authorization to so classify 'rediscounts that primary production may be given adequate consideration. The federation recommends legisla tion which will make it possible for the federal farm loan banks to in crease their maximum loan from ?10, '000 to 125,000 and it urges' all the country banks to join the federal re serve banks. Telephone Increase Hit "A committee has been appointed to cooperate with the (Washington office of the federation in making a careful study, getting data, securing the advice of experts and formulat ing such a measure as will meet the financial needs of agriculture as out lined in these resolutions. "Since it is represented that vari ous public utility corporations such as the American Telephone & Tele graph company by use of subsidiary corporations are enabled to secure from the public, where subsidiary cor porations operate, excessive charges for service in such a manner that the' public service commission is unab'le properly to regulate rates, we recom mend that our attorney be instructed to take such action in all cases as in I his opinion will secure relief for mem 1 bers of the farm bureau and the pub lic generally. f "The American Farm Bureau fed eration, believing it is contrary to the public Interest, is opposed to placing a tariff on lumber, either rough or dressed. It is committed to a definite, CALUMET Calumet Jelly Roll Recipe 3 eggs beaten separately, 1 cup sugar, Vi cups pastry flour, 2 level teaspoons Calumet Baking Powder, Yi cup warm water flavor. Then mix in the regular way. LIABILITIES $160,000.00 . 16,000.00 6,582.21 : ... 328,695.07 $511,277.28 $ 68,198.90 220,396.58 328,695.07 DIRECTORS P. J. Stadelman Arthur Seufert Dr. J. A. Reuter Dr. B. C, OHnger H, L. Kuck J. G. Helmrich John Van Dellen constructive forest preservation and reforestation policy. "The federation also declared against tariff on fertilizer." Meat Regulation Asked. 'A committee was appointed consist ing of John Brown, Indiana; W. O. 'Jamison, Colorado, and Chester H. Gray, Missouri, to make a study of Music Shoals nitrate project in Ten essee, to hire necesary engineers, and report their findings to the ex ecutive committee. "The federation recommends fnat 'N doors or out Pancake Flour adds flavor and lessens the labor. Simply add water or milk, mix and cook. The Olympic Line includes your favorite cereal, sanitarily milled, packed, wrapped and sealed. EMPRESS COMING WEDNESDAY- The Challenge of the Ages How to Please a Woman! The problem that has built and wrecked em pires, made and mad dened men since the world began. At last presented, warm with life, in a fascinating drama on the screen! You'll want to see this vividly intimate photoplay bares the secrets of the most vital power on earth woman to make or break the man who loves her. TONIGHT Last Time. "TRUMPET ISLAND" By Gouverneur Morris With The Big Spectacle Scenes Played by an All-Star Cast there should be necessary legislation concerning the meat packing industry and livestock marketing to insure the livestock producers against unfair practices. We reaffirm our previous resolutions asking for fair and just packing legislation. "We believe any regulatory control should be vested in the United States department of agriculture rather than in a separate commission. tested, glasses ntted. Or. Geo. K. Nowhouse. tl Olympic to the m em vbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh -bi Ml li I I I tat BHHBII Home of Superfeatures Please One Woman" JpfsWeber PRODUCTION r Qpicure Look out! Look out! Look out for Jimmy Doyle! CASINO THEATRE t The one thing in all the world that man tries most to do ! And when he succeeds or fails? A shimmering, thrill ing beauty romance drawn from the hearts and homes that are American today. romance. A story that today the power of a II