PAQE TVYO THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONI.CL TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1921. GENUINE BULL DURHAM tobacco makts 50 good cigarettes for lUc There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man In the pust, bo a "mude to order man' m the future. First class hand tailor ed suits to measure, J36.00 and up. W. K. .Webber, one block earn of post office. 6tf Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table Two round trips dally. Leare Bank lwtel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leaye Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tt Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tionTuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Baum. chiropractic physician, Third and Washington, main 501. if Special. In order to make space for my summer stock I will sell at 10 per Kent discount the fow remaining plain tailored and trimmed hats. Mrs. Weaver, 302 Union street, opposite postofflce. Telephone black 3171. M20 CASINO Now Playing The world's wonder jungle picture. REPEAL GUARANTEED RETURN TO ROADS AMERICAN FAhM BUREAU FEDER ATION HOLDS PROVISION UNFAIR. (Chronicle's Washington Bureau.) WASHINGTON, May 2. With the adjournment of the executive com mittee of the American Farm Bureau federation after a two weeks' session, some definite recommendations of great consequence to the agricultural industry have been placed before the administration and congress. The committee recommends the abolition of that section of the trans portation act designated a minimum return to the railroads. The fclera tlon demands equal protection by tariff on agricultural products. It Is opposed definitely and ag gressively to the general sales tax. Asks Free Lumber. The bureau demands free lumber and free fertilizer and greater liberal ity in the matter of credit to the Fed eral Reserve bank. Among those who cooperated with the American Farm bureau, during the executive committee session in forming a legislative policy, was Sec retary Hoover, Secretary Wallace, Governor W. P. G. Harding, of the Federal Reserve board; S. F. Lever, of the Farm Loan bank; Thomas Mc Donald, chief of the bureau of public roads, and Eognr r. Clark, chairman of the interstate commerce commit tee. These, together with many other of ficials of the executive department, gave considerable cooperation in the discussion of the legislative program. An authorized summary of what was accomplished at this conference indicates among other things, the fol lowing: Fairness is Urged. "The American Farm Bureau feder ation believes that railroads must render adequate service, but they should receive a reasonable rate of return based' upon fair and just val uation. We realize that the farmers' interest depends upon absolute fair ness to the carriers and we desire to call attention to the present situation. "The transportation act of 1920 con tained a provision which attempts to compel the interstate commerce com mission to make rates sufficient to produce a minimum net return of 5, 6 percent or more above all expenses and taxeB on the present value of American railroads. "The American Farm Bureau feder ation believes this provision 1b pater nalistic class legislation, as it at tempts to make a government guar anty on the cost plus basis. This pro vision has caused the commission to establish excessive increases in rates which have served to paralyze Amer; lean industry. Hits At Guarantee. "They have come at a time when other lines of business are reducing their chargee. The federation there fore petitions congress to repeal im mediately the guaranty provision in section 15A of the Transportation act, and to 'instruct the commission to make a readjustment of railroad rates back to pre-war basis in harmony with other business. "The federation recognizes that in revising our tariff laws the sixty seventh congress will levy duties up on Imports, not upon a revenue basis only, but with a view to the protec tion of American industries. "The American Farm Bureau feder- Special Sale on Lard and Smoked Meats CM All This Week at the People's and City Markets Best Lard, 5 pounds 90c 10 pounds Bring your pail and have it filled with lard at lb. 15c Jewell Shortening, No. 5s : 65c 10 pounds $125 Picnic Hams, pound - 20c Koine Cured Bacon, pound 27c Plenty of Whipping Cream at Both Markets People's Third and Union City Market 314 East Second French & Co., Bankers (INCORPORATED) The Dalles, Oregcn Statement at Close of Business April 28, 1921 Resources Loans ami Discounts I1.3C8.G70.93 Html Katato 47,961.07 Furniture and Fixtures S.BU4.S0 Warrants, Stocks & othor Securloles 113.I83.S:? Cash und Kxchungo - 157,619.70 11,696,333.39 OFFICERS, C. H. FRENCH, President P. M. FRENCH, Vice President V. H. FRENCH, Secretary J. C. HOSTETLER, Cashier Liabilities Capital 200.000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 UiullruhHl profits 57,008.63 Duo to Banks 377,000.00 Deposits 1,012,321.76 $1,696,333.39 DIRECTORS H. FRENCH P. M. FRENCH V. H. FRENCH , A, FRENCH ation urges and demands for agricul ture treatment that will afford the American farmer a protective tariff upon farm products equivalent to the tariff upon products of the factory, whether such tariff be imposed upon a specific or ad valorem' basis, and we urge that no elusive shuffling ,ot rate schedules or other methods 1e employed to obscure this general principle. ivc icvubu'o uitii lu ui i i v lug ii n fair measure of protection, the differ ence in cost of production between this and foreign competing countries must be the primary factor in the pro, cess. New Point, Raised. "In arriving atfthe American labor cost of iotband other farm products, ,w4)st&ran hourly wage basis both . Villi. . . . . ... ferthe farmer and his help that shall compare with the hourly wage of equally skilled labor in manufactur ing and other industries. We further call attention to the important and differing factor that (Continued on Page 3.) Empress Theater TWO DAYS Next Friday-Saturday EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION Principal Stars of the Sonora Grand Opera Co. In a Program of Operatic and Popular Selections Presented in Costume These singers have been secured at great expense having appeared last season at the Heilig Theater, Portland, at $2.50 top scale. HEAR THEM BEFORE THEIR PORTLAND ENGAGEMENT NIGHTS Adults 50 c .Children 25c Friday and Saturday Matinees Adults 30c Children 15c Including Tax CHANGE OF ENTIRE PROGRAM EACH DAY FOR THIS EXTRA BIG PROGRAM Matinees, 2:30 p. m. Nights, 7 & 9 I J odee Brothers SEDAN The Sedan offers convincing proof that a closed car rightly designed provides ease and comfort and beauty to the point of hixuriousness and still costs little to maintain. v. v The gasoline consumption is unusually low . The tire mileage is unuaually high t WALTHER - WILLIAMS CO. The Dalles. Oregon