The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 02, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Soroeis Club to Meet The Soro
sis club will hold a social meeting
tomorrow afternoon in the Y. W. C.
A. rooms at 2:$0 o'clock. The meet
ing will be in the nature of a silver
tea. A musical program . will be ren
dered. Royal Barber Shop Sold Sale of
the Royal barber shop by C. A. Bur
ney to R. A. Marcum of Pilot Rock,
was announced this morning. The
new owner took possession of the
shop this morning. Burney expects to
leave- for California within several
days, to make his home.
School Terms Close This Week
The majority of county grade and
high schools will close their school
term this week, according to A. E.
Gronewald, county school superin
tendent. In several instances where
schools are continuing their, terms :
into June, school work was held up
t'.urjng the year by an epidemic of
measles. I
Community Sing Another of the
popular community sings will, he
held tonight, under the direction, of
Community Service. It was origi
nally planned to hold the sing in
the Vogt school hall, but because
this hall will be in use, the meeting
place has been changed to the local
Y. W. C. A. club Tooms. Men's
chorus practice will be held at 7:30
o'clock, community singing at 8
o'c!ock and the song leader's class
w,Ul receive instruction at 8:40
Suffers Queer Delusion Brought
to the county Jail Saturday by Sheriff
Chrisman, after local physicians had
adjudged her insane, 'Mrs. Lolo I.
Corson of Friend was this morning
taken to Pendleton,, where she will
be cared for in the state hospital in
that city. Mrs.. 'Corson, was under the
queer delusion that everyone else
living in, her neighborhood was crazy
and that they were bothering her
with their troubles. An attendant
from the state hospital escorted Mrs.
Corson on the trip to Pendleton.
Water Rates Increased Water
. rates in The Dalles took the annual
jump yesterday, May 1, the, first day
of the summer irrigation season.-'Fach
year waer rateB are increased during
May, June and July, because of the
general. increase. in the amount of wat
er usedv for, irrigation purposes, which
includes, the, watering of the famil)
lawn as. well asprlnkllng the careful-ly-nursed
garden. Persons living in
houses without lawns or gardens will
not be. compelled, to. pay the increase,,
which varies, according to the amount
of ground irrigated.
Anniversary Program A large
congregation' at the United Brethren
church yesterday evening listen
ed to an address on "Young People's
Needs" by P. K. Abrahamson. The
address was the main feature of the
anniversary program of the local
United Brethren church,, presented
last night. An instrumental trio,
made up of George French, Frank
Heckman and Hazel Branch, render
ed several delightful numbers. Miss
Mary Smith entertained with a story
and Miss Lela Meredith with a read
ing. $110 for Famine Relief The Rev.
Carroll Roberts, who is in the city
in the interest of the Near East and
China famine relief, spoke at the
Salvation Army hall Saturday even
ing. Ho addressed the Loyal Sons
and Daughters of the Christian Sun
day school yesterday morning. About
45 young people were present and
after hearing of the conditions in
the famine district, tr-ey pledged 60
to the work, which is the amount re
" quired to support an orphan for ono
year. In the evening he spoke be
fore the Christian Endeavor society
of the Christian church and receiv
ed a pledge of $50 from them.
' Car Stolen, Then Abandoned Until
last Saturday evening, W. T. Long, a
local' printer, was under the impres
sion that nobody could start his "Hon
ry" but himself. In fact, he reasoned,
a good many times, even he couldn't
get it started, and therefore there
was no danger of anyone else trying
to steal that useful as well as orna
mental niece of machinery. Saturday
-'i.j, a . udly drove down town and
parked on Second street, Thllc
he and Mrs. Long attended a" motion
picture show. When they, came out
of the show, the car was gone. True
to tradition, however, the little auto
mobile had balked at being driven
any great distance, and was found
yesterday morning near iRow'ena,
where the thief had abandoned it in
disgust and continued his journey on
foot. , '
Almost. Enough Signatures Nearly
enough signatures have already been
secured on the new road bond peti
tions to Insure the measure being
placed upon the ballot at the state
wide special election, June 7, County
Judge J. T. Adkisson announced this
morning. Very little opposition to the
measure has been found by persons
circulating petitions throughout the
county. An, intensive campaign from
now until election day is planned by
both the county, court and The Dalles
VVasco County Chamber of Commerce,
for the purpose, of placing the propos
ed $800,000 bond issue squarely before
the voters in its true light. An effort
will be made to have speakers at all
farmers' meetings held "throughout
the county during the next month.
An intensive publicity and advertising
campaign also will be inaugurated.
Chicken Dinner
The ladles of the Christian church
will serve a chicken dinner Friday,
May 6, at K.,of P. hall. 2
"Tompkln's 'Hired Man"
will be presented by the Mill Creek
grange at 'Milll creek hall Wednesday,
May 4, .at 8 p. m. Admission. 25 cents
and 50 cents. Dance following. 3
Carpentering and building. C. H.
Merryman, telephone red 5741. M30
' Trt -
Mr. and Mrs. N. ' L. H Ward of Gold
endale were in the city yesterday .
G. H. Root of Wasco was a busi
ness visitor to the city Saturday.
C. E. Caldwell of Fossil was a
business visitor to the city Saturday.
A. C. KaBeberg of Wasco was a
business visitor to the .city Saturday.
D. E. Witt of Lyle was, in the city
on business Saturday.'
Mr. and Mirs. D. C. Evans of 'Dufur,
were shopping in the city , Saturday,'
Iceland Hendricks of Dufur ( was in
the city on business. Saturday.
Mrs. L. H. Root of Wasco was shop
ping in the city Saturday.
Mrs. J. H. Stiles of Wasco was
shopping in the city Saturday.
Mrs. Guy iBolton of Boyd was shop
ping in the-city Saturday.
Circuit Judge Fred W. Wilson is
holding court in Hood River thi3 week.
(W,. J. Collins of Pendleton,, is., a
guest at Hotel Dalles.
Mrs. W. T. iNorval of Wamic Is vis
iting with friends In. this city.
Fred Ellensburg of Bend is a busi
ness visitor, in The Dalles.
iWUHam 'Norman of Biggs was a
business, visitor in this city yesterday.
Charles F. Reed of Hood River Is
I registered at the Bank hotel.
Miss Bernice Lloyd of Moro was
shopping in the city Saturday.
William O. Santes of White Sal
mon Is a business visitor in Tho
Dalles today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Holmes of
Grass Valjey are visiting with
friends In The Dalles.
J. W. Ward, Sr., accompanied a
carload of beef cattle to Portland
from his ranche near Boyd today,
Mr. Reed of the Reed-French Piano
company of Portland, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Corson.
W. S. 'Nelson, formerly O.-W. R. &
N. agent In The Dalles was a local
visitor yesterday. He Is now a resi
dent of Tacoma.
Max Taylor, an employe of the Cor
son 'Music store, is taking a vaca
tion. Miss Mabel Bass of . Fallbrldge,
Wash., was shopping in the city Sat
urday. :Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kennedy of
Gateway are visiting with friends in
The Dalles.
Mr. and iMrs. P. C. Jackson of
Klamath Falls are in this city visit
ing with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William Steuben of
'Boyd were The Dalles visitors Satur
aay. (Mr. and Mrs. iW. C. Harper and
tamily of Wasco were in the city Sat
urday. Mrs. Ray Harper, who has been vis
iting her sister in Portland, returned
yesterday. I
Mr. and Mrs. G .B. Bourhlll of Moro
were business visitors in the city yes
Mrs. Harvey Thompson and child
ren were shopping in the the city Sat
urday. Mrs. Truman Butler and Mrs. C. H.
Vaughn of Hood River were shopping
in the city Saturday.
Pat Moran of Centerville, Wash.,
was a business visitor to the clty(
Miss Mabel Thomas has returned to
her home in Portland, after visiting
Mrs. Ray Kortege.,
Mr. and Mrs. A. S.. Jphnson of
Wasco were shopping in the city Sat
urday. i
'Miss Lily ChriBtenBon of WaBCO
was a business visitor in the city
(Saturday. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Venz Bauer' and Mrs.
ana Mrs. Fred Bauer motored to
Salem for the week end.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordon and
daughter Miss Frances of Columbus,
Wash., were in the city Saturday.
Miss. Ruth E. Nielsen spent the
week-end with her sister, Mrs. Vhite,
and her brothers, at the home ranch
on. Mill fCreek.
Mr, and Mrs.. G. A. Marshall and
son of Portland motored to The
Dalleo Saturday, to spend the week
end with relatives.
Miss Aver Black has finished her
work as teacher of the Eight Mile
school and has returned to ner nome
Pe for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Canfield of Port.
land ,and .'Mrs. Harriett .DeKay .of Chi
cago, are visiting in The Dalles with
A. A. Canfield.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Butler motored
1u Boyd yesterday to visit Mrs. But
ler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .South'
orn- They- report the discovery of
u very fine grade of granite on the
A. Marvel ranch.
concerning the pageant will be trans
acted. Mrs. Benton Mays, president. 1
United Artleant
Regular meeting at 8 p. m., at K.
n WAi1njiBi1ai Unv A A I
Notice To Contractors
iBids for the erection of N. A. Bonn
residence will be received at the of
fice of Vernon F. Williams, Arch.,
Del., 408 First National Bank building,
not later than 6 p. m May 6, 1921. 6
Presented by
V'ill Creek Oram
MUI Creek, Hall
Yc! tttfey, May 4th
p. w.
lieelen Mc and Me
When You Tell
your friends about that whalo of a
fish you caught they'll all laugh and
say It's a good ,fish story. Back up
your fish story with Kodak pictures.
You need a Kodak. Crosby's. 4
Kniahts of Pythias
Regular meeting, 'Monday
evening, May 2. Work 'n
page rank. By order of C. H.
Historical Society
will meet at Us building on May 3,
at 2:30 o'clock. Every member urged
to be present as important business
Masons Attention
Stated communication,
k -Wasco Lodge No. 15, A. F.
' & A. M., this, Monday
evening. Work In F. C. de
gree. RAY HARPER, secretary. 2
Red Pepper Stops
Rheumatic Pains
Rub It on Sore Stiff' Joint and Muscles, and Rheumatism. Lumbago,
and Pain Van Uh Try It and See!
Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch"'
from sore, stiff, aching joints. It
cannot hurt you, and it certainly
ends that old rheumatism torture at
When you are suffering so you
can hardly get arourd, Just try "Red
Pepper Rb," aa yon will have the
quickest relief kaowa. Notalag aa
such concentrated, penetrating heat
as red peppers. Just as soon as you
apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel
the tlngltog heat. la three minutes
it warns the sore spot through and
through. Pala . and soreness are
Ask any druggist for a jar of
RowIm Red Pepper Rub. It coats
bat little.
Until we establish headquar
ters In The Dalles, we will be
glad, to hear from prospective
Overland "4" and Willys
Knight , car buyers. Write to
Elliott Overland Co.
Hoed River, Ore.
Phone 3524
The Little Home with, the BIG Picture
Basil iKng's Greatest Story
Coming Wednesday Thursday
: in
Buy Your
Tires Now
Goodrich Tires I
Diamond Tires I
M. U. Ross & Company I
,. Third and Union I
in Price of
We have just received a shipment of tires which we are
offering to car owners as long as they last at a price which is
lower than pre-war prices.
These tires are all first class tires 'and carry the manu
facturer guarantee.
30x3, NS $12.00
30x3A NS 14.25
30x3i, PT 12.50
32x3(, PT 16.50
31x4, NS 18.50
32x4, NS 24.00
32x4, PT 22.00
33x4, NS 26.25
34x4, PT 23.50
32x4i, NS 33.00
33x4, NS 35.00
34x4A NS 36.50
36x415, NS 36.00
32x3i2, NS $30.25
32x4, NS 38.50
33x4, NS 40.00
34x4, NS 42.00
32x41;;, NS 46.25
33x41o, NS 47.50
34x4lo, NS 49.00
36x4io, NS 50.00
Walther-Williams Company
We only have a limitecj number so get your size while we have it