J -AGE POUR 'HE DALLES. DAILY CHRONICLE, MONDAY,. MAY 2,'' 1621. I BtjrfiihllahiHl 1990 Tha Dallaa. Or. Published Erery'Evealng- Except Buaelay- V the Chronicle PubllsUnr ciDy Im L-Ben R. Utfln OenenU ltouir Atria li. BuckHn Miter ?THE DAILY UHKOJNHJL.li;," -- -v-... uy tne present metnoa or wneat selling, the farmers get. very little for their work and risk and Invest ment. The ultimate consumers are forced tti pay top heavy prices for the produce. The actual producer, then, does II. J 9 T"T 14 - riiiil ' uoiLDU x re ims slimi uhhov iow owfiv uia.u Rnij u.. Member f Audit Bureau of ClrcolatiaM not Set the high price paid by the ultimate consumer. The men who have no part in production by sue- a crop which , ; Entered In The Dalles aoatafflce aa second daaa matter. CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year. In advance: tt.M n. . . , l M 01 rovmnaj, in ea.vw . One month .Bi cesslve juggling of DAILY CnnOnluUc BV MAIL. One year, la advanye 6.M they own on paper benefit greatly. ? m'th' "' adV"Ce ''IS, They take the profit. They plant WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In adrance FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. 507 East Fourth street. .7 FOR RENT Three room house. Close in. Black t Crum. 12.M no Dlae ot wheat. They tend no blade of wheat. They don't even In ordertag chance of aa'drosa, Ue ' ,, . , . ,, ... ,, tciiber should always fire eld aa well further the process of distribution, aa new across. I oconomIcally. 'Middlemen, let us qualify this by the adjective illegitimate, who do no service in growing or marketing the FOR RENT Apartment in the Con don building. M3 FOR SALE Good level lots, good soil, in Fair street. 160 per lot. Call 1418 Bluff street or telephone black 1441. 7 TELEPHONES Editorial Rooms . Business, Adv., Ctr. Depts ..lack 111 Rao 111 Subscribers to the Chranlcla are guar anteed service. Prompt aad regular de livery of every subscriber's paper is the atm of the circulation department. The Chronicle carriers are required ta put the papers en the porch er wherever the atMcrllier wishes the paper delivered. WEED OUT PARA8ITE8 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 115 East Second. 3 FOR RENT Furnished room, 116 West Third Btreet. M2 FOR RENT Small house. 320 Bast 14th Street. m2 wheat, seize the profit while the producer gets less profit than is FOR RENT Garage at 322 West rightfully due based on service per-J Sixth Btreet. 6 formed and the ultimate consumer T-"lrr"n"'' ri-ri-r,-n-, n-" " '" r-n - . FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. pays more than he should, based on the units of utility In the product The business of the republican ad- whlcli ho must have to live. ministration at Washington is t I Government figures show that the middlemen urn tnklne SI nrmnt. bring the United States back to a ... . fil, , yiuwt lur miuug in oiuce enmrs anu und to accomplish II lvjst bo done. many things teenth and Trevltt streets. . Inquire 417 Alvord street, side door. ! 3 FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartments at 400 West Third street. Telephone main 3471. 2 state of normalcy. It is a big task buylng flctltlouB farm profluce ana FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping ,., . , , ana Bieapmg rouais. ou muai xijira selling it to other speculators. street phone B,aJk 2301 m5 What applies to wheat applies to )nu of the weapons with which P-ducts in greater or smaller. .'f tne administration is to fight abnor- ca rnal conditions is the tariff. A tar-J Unn 01,586 eedy speculators are Iff barrier is to be erected against knocked out. tariff will do little to cutslde goods. This will in opera- wards bringing back normalcy. Un tlon prevont foreign produced goods UI tnoae wno work are recompensed competing in American markets falrly for thelr own services and with native products. Secondarily, rlsk' and untH thoso who buv Pay by keeplag out competing goods, the according to the units of utility In tariff will have the effect of increas- ,the S00 Purchased, normalcy will ing prices of home manufactured ar-'not 06 "turned to the life of the ticles and homo grown produce oi'Unlted States, though a dozen tariff orchard and field and forest, work-wa,Is are erected by enactment of lug along the line of supply and de- cweB8, maid. The Young emergency tariff now FOR SALE Lot and 12-room house, 318 Calhoun street. Sale on prem ises at public auction on Friday May 6, 1921. John Gavin, adminis trator. 5wl8 FOR SALE Real honeot-to-goodness buy, 320 acres logged off land, one ,half tillable, 11 miles from Hood River. Water ditch on place.. $2,000. See Chris McClay, Telephone main 3771. 1 LOST Brown baseball fielder's fin ger glove for right band. Please re turn to Chronicle office. 2 pTtiiri.nri rr iLOST Bunch of keys on ring. Re ward If returned to 608 East Third street. 2 WANTED WANTED Man to work on Call 615 Webster Btreet. ranch. WANTED To sell, rent and repair typewriters and sewing machines. Hemstitching done. Phone Coryea. 2 WANTED Calclminlng and painting by day or hour. Call mornings or evenings. Red 3961. 3 WANTED To do dressmaking anC sewing. 607 East Fourth street. 7 FOR SALB Charge and mU and rchard tracts. Reasonable prices, 'god terms. W. C. Haaaa, Dufnr, Ore. 18tf. FOR SALE 20 acres of good land, un improved, three miles west of The Dalles. Price reasonable. Terms if desired. Write owner, P. O. box 67, Traver,- California. 10 FOR RENT Advertising ground space, along Columbia and The Dalles - California highway road Phone Black 4881. 6 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Also small bouse, suitable for baching, 111 West Second street. 7 ia j ioccsB of passing congress pro vides for a virtual embargo against ' foreign agricultural produots V Wo must weed out the parasites. o SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN FOR RENT Furnished bedroom in modern home. S12 per month. 122 (West Seventh street. Telephone black 3S01. 4 FOR RENT Room with board In modern home. Lady or gentleman. Phone red 3491, 1000 Fulton street. 7 A picture depleting the life of U ,B Christ was showing at the auditor- thus planned to Increase the prices ,um ,Q Portland ThomaB pw,- of local TJ. S. products which are hB even chHdren thoughtj pljr evenings. 913 Federal streot. now languishing. ab0ut It aa they tended the cows on1 Mro. B. J. Bagtez,. n II will tUI , 1 Ik. .-I -1- .... - . i turn 11.11. mm me uici: . tneir larm home at Beaverton. Freidas Normalcy Is after all a condition realized that his kiddies weren't af- herein the nice balance between forded a chance in their country costs and wages is properly estab- home to attend Sunday school regu- FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartment with garden ground. Ap- llHhed. f.t is a Btato wherein every FOR RENT Ground floor room In the Condon building. Plate glass, window; suitable for office or small' business. 2 larly. They were missing the great- 0)h ALt FOR SALE Furniture. Call 7F4. M3 one KfclB proper remuneration for est Influence for good, the life of hia or her purt in the scheme of pro-' tho Christ. (luction. Will tho tariff insure this? So ho decided lo tako the children It may In purt, but only in part. ,lRd attond tho groal mbllcal photo Let us take the matter of wlieur. piay, "Behold tho Man." I Importations of wheat from Canada Ho ls no wealthy man. Perforce FOR SALB-Furnlshed housekeeping and other foreign lands havo caused his children must dress In overalls., and sleeping rooms. Telephone the prlco to drop in this country, it nut they wanted to know about tho black 3962. 4 is argued. The prico of Iohs than llfo of tne g,.eatest man who over SSag'1 TXZii XkinXTTZThZA ov.a dollar now nfrmnil lu Iphh thnn 1 OK oAlLjCi iwew Dungaiow, IWO D6Q oi.e dollar now offe.ed U less than trod thH oarth Thoy wantod Q be f &nA production cost, bo an emergency lnsplred by Uj0 great examplo or bath, full basement. Call red 6892. 3 tariff Is being framed and passed. ,he wthout B,n , It wouid bar all foreign wheat. Thon.j Jn u Dattoml mllk tn,ck FMx& PCJR SALReIdeno propertr aUo it Is believed, without competition. ' an hta Hevon ovol.alled chlldron W terms. Inquire 618 Clay American grown wheat unmolested ro,i0 lnto Portland. They went to J la a homo markot tun command a nudltorlum. POR aALB Why walk when you l.lKher nrlco. This will no doubt v ... - ....... ... ? a Poriecuy goon car xor FOR SALB Ford truck. Terms to re sponsible party. Telephone 16F21. 3 I 200. Call black 6761, evenings. "You can come in here," said the raise the cost of wheat anil wheat doorkeeper, "but tho kids can't." pioducts to tho ultimate consumers.! "They'd bo disappointed, mistor," i11 SALE Fresh milch cow, four Nations having wheat to sell ;n 8lld ioldas. "1 brought them nil year-old. Gives six gallons per day. American markets will In nelf de-'lho way to tho city from our llttlo A. E. Fine, telephone 17F11. 4 fonoo adopt retaliatory tariffs barring farm near Beaverton to sec this TOR SAW3 Team of mares, five and American wheat from their markets. jlero ,,tchor." six years old, broke and well match- .Many such tariffs have already boon I "Can't holu It." commented thu etl. Farmers' Feed barn. 2 tentatively drawn. Thus tho Amer ican fanner finds his foreign trade wrecked. Ills surplus cannot bo sold, It will rot duo to the tariff bill. Tariff then or no tariff does not boom to got directly at tho heart of the mutter, Let us follow tho case ot wheat a bit further. It Is vouch til for by government figures that 40 times thu wheat raised In the Unitetd for American demand, Is sold In thu United States. This fact 1 ml lentus that the crop is sold and sold and sold, it indicates specula tion n wheat. Under tho present syutcm shrewd men buy wheat and hold It a while und resell it at a good profit, This process operating :uiim five or six times on u cur of wheal boosts the price to the ulti mate consumer. History of wheat buying shows that at the beginning of the harvest when most wheat la sold by the farmers the market ls kept low by foodstuff Jugglers, On one pretext or another, or through combination the price offered the producers, (he men who do thu work, Is tremend ously low, When the crop l bought from the farmers the pro cesses of speculation are Invoked burly doorman. "The Hlblo says," said Froldau painstakingly, "forbid them not, for of such Is thu kingdom." "Toll it to thu Judge," said the doorkeeper. "If you won't stand aside, you're pinched." So Froldas was arrested. Jiulgo Rossnuin dismissed thu ca.to saying, "Your caso was plead for vou "000 years ago." Tho incident makes us wondor If wo aru losing tho spirit of Chris tianity. Wo wondor why children wore barred from a groat religious picture. Is not religion for chlldron? Did not Christ come to save er.l'd ion ns well us adults? Wo wonder if tho garb of overalls bars people I from participation l:i the fine In spirations of Christianity. DM iut Christ minister to the poor as well m lo tho rich? FOR SALT? 1000-pound saddle mare. Good traveler and pack animal. Price $10.00. Call at my place, Up per Five Mile. T. S. Heivner. 2 8jnopl of ths Anmul 8Utrant ot th VKA nilR. UFK INSUJUNCK COMPANt of (in'Jirnlmrs. in tlw kinsd-"' of Swlfi. n th Slit dtj ot IVcvnbrr. 1820, mult to tlis ituuranra rommWoner ol th Ut ot Oivtua, ' CAPITAL . Amount ot rIUl drixult 200.000.00 IN COM K Nrt prrmlum mwl.wJ during the ..... yrr l,704,ST2.e Intrmt. iiWii!enl nd tnt r- h-It1 ilurin th yt. ...... 08.S89.Si Inci'mo frtHa otbtr touivM duruif U.t r 3H,'.'0.T Tout tncom. IS.O0S.WT.Oi ni.SlltlltSKUENTS Nrt PM dunns th it, In- rliuting tdjunlmfnt xpnM..,t V0, S.T.H Coniniiutoiu n4 Mlilia pid dut- ln tht )N fi45.000.01 TtiH, licnm wid ( lU dur- ...... ln th fr 10T,S&.4l AaiiMiut ot U otlwr tiadUuri. ait,.T ToUl npfBditurM t.91T,8T.M A8SKTS Vh ot ttoeU ind bond owsd iBUttft tlu) . ...... .. .M.m.t Ciiih in btnlt and on hind . . , S14,US.03 I' mlnm. in cun ol coJiorUoa wriltrn inc Slt. SO. 1U'.'0. . 334,408 00 . . .... mmI. .ti .n.l .wnimI !ll.tt&T.8a I OUict IMI T0.Ul.83 FGR SALSr Horses. 1 have a number , of good horses for sale cheap. ' Read's Feed store, 'eaof end of Sec ond street, telephone black 621L 2tf jijxnjTJJriinranrrwn-i'i.rV'inrin ir-nWssisiir" FOR SA1B 'Dry oak wood; old cole 111.60. Second growth, I12.M. DoUv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 . m. tf FOR SALE Owing to the high fertll ity and Increasing demand for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I will hold my special poa together during April. All orders cared for rat fl.M yer IS or $6 per hundred. Fred Cyphers, R. F. I). No. 3, tele phone rod 6362. HZ LOST OH FOUND UOST Elgin engraved wrist watch, ' gold links. Call red 3662.. Reward. 2 PICKED UP 11 head of small horses in city. 1 brown three-year old, 'fhrnnri A T nn f nhnnlriar i 'Anal. usy horse, stirrup brand on left shoulder. 1 Apalusy mare, no brand. !? . . - . . ; i sorrei mares, stripe in race, iook alike, no brand. I old bay mare, no brand. 1 spotted horse, brand A P on left Jaw. 1 bay pony, brand A P j pn left shoulder. 1 roan mare, brarftl IA P on left shoulder. 1 brown 2- year om, no orana. nouea up Aprn 1 27. Unless these horses are called ' f for by May 7, they will be sold at auction at the city pound. Chief of Police Frank Heater. 3 if riuoiU it the Annul SUtemcnt ot tha COMMUUOIAI, UNION HUE DiSUIUNCB COM PANT Of New York, in Uw State ot New York, on tha Slit day of December, 1920, aula to the In aannca Ooinmiiwloaer o( the BUt ot Oreaon, ptumuct lo Uw: CAPITAL Amount of okpital ituek PftUl up. .1 200,000.00 IN COMB Net premiums raceired durinc tha yacr ..,.91,008,745.85 InUrost. difldenda and rente re- oeited duriuK tha year 69.876.04 Total inoume 91,632,819.92 DISIIURSEME.NTS Met town paid during tha year inoludinc adjustment- ezpentes. . 9 605,397.71 Dividend paid on cpltl atock t during the year 20,000.00 .Ooumlwioua and aalariea paid dur- lna the year 4S2.136.81 Taxea, lioenaes and feea paid dur- i .1.- AO V 1 J A W Amount of all oilier" exiwadittraa' lB',B8o!41 ToUl axpenditurm 91.396,435.40 ASSETS Value of atoeki and bonds owned (market ralue) 91.217.400.00 Oaoh in baaki and on hand 399.483.64 rnmiuma in course of col lection written since Sept. 30. 1920.. 348,408.10 Inteteat and rente due and ao- orued 13,192.00 Be-in.iuranoa rvooTerfcble on paid u.'.uau.iH Total admitted wti uiAitn.mra arms claim" for lovee uniaid.. Amount of unearned premiums on all ouMandiug ri-ks Uea 9 177,032.00 1.807.763.97 41,550.00 ToUl admitted aietta. . . . . . . . Whit Truck Un Fiolght and express between The Uallt'8 and Wasco, Moro and all wav points Imvo The Dallos, 9 a, n. dally except Sunday, Leave Moro, 1:30 p, iu, Loavo Wasco, 2: SO p. m D. M, Ptoroo, proprloter, Tolophoso b'.ack 141 or Mia ill. if 93,992,0:8.31 234,101.30 Drosa claims tor MMa umidt..t tai.un.i ,J untamed trrmtuma on all ouHtanding risks. ... ... l.t,&0,ia Iue for ciBiailtt aad hroktraga 10,000.00 Ail other Uebulflsu ..... . 79.000 00 ToUl liabilities, eitluahe of railtsl deposit of 9300.000.. 9I.OS5.607.90 lU'SlNK&a IN OIIKUON nK TllU YKAK (Nat premiums facetted dria the bin ssran " r" ..... r ITT. ; T lnearrrd durlna Ua year.. 19.399.14 NVKA riKK. UriC INSURANCE CtX J. U. WKNNSTKOM. V. ts. Uaasaef. laMaal aweemef roe wmn, w. a. nurvwoTON. 39 Oak 84.. rwtteaa. Oc All oUier UabiUtl ToUl lUbilitin, eicluUie of csplUI stock of 9200.000... 91.520.945.97 IU181.NE.S3 IN OIIKUON PUK THE YEAR Net premiums rrceiTed during Uie year 9 27.098.64 Loaaea paid during the year 3,101,4 1 'Lueses incurred during the year.. 4.110.47 OOUMEUOIAL UNION KIllK INBUIUNCE OOMl'ANY WHITNEY l'ALACHK. lrevldant WIIXIAM M. llALlJtKO. SecreUry. SUtutory rvldont atUuney for semce: rsatniANt't: i-ummissioneii. hai.km. on. Hy-opsls of the Annual Statement ot the lUltTISIt GKNKIIAI, INSUHANCK CO. I.TP nf Ixjtvlon. England, on the Slst day of Decem ber. 1920, nude to the insurance rommUvJoner of the iUU of Oregon, punuant to law; i CAl'lTAI, Amount of capiUl stock id up, , .9300,000.00 INCOUH Net premiums receir'd during the year 9313,961.14 Interest dlridends and renU received during tha year 1,381.74 Total Income 9315,242.88 OISUUK8EUKNT8 Net loasea paid during '.he year, In cluding adjustment eipeotea, . . ,9 36,359.91 Commissions and salaries paid during tt I year 103.616.33 Tsus, licenses and fees paid during 0 a year 5.255. 29 Auount of all other expenditures, . 387.7B ToUl eipaoditures . fs.-. 9145,519.10 AUaTVar Value of stocks and boat owned (market ralua) 980,800.00 Cah ta beaks and on hand 123,063.00 rremhimt tn course of coUacUoa written stnoa SepUmber 90, 1930 83,630.41 UWrest and reals due and accrued re taa. due 1.510 03 ToUl admltUa a-et 3757.702.50 I.IAU1I ITIM Orosa ctaisut for loet umid.... 99.391.71 Amount of unearned premiums oa all ouUUnding risks.,., 184 472.8S Iue for mamUtkxi and brokerage S OOO.nu 4U other lUbUitiea ............ 6,000.00 Total UebUiUe. exclu-lre of oau- Ul stock 9393.864.94 HL'BtNKM IN OKKC.ON FOE THE YEAR Net premiums receleasf VaWriag the year ..-., ViV- 1,79.00 tlti4 4tsilkiMr,,..,,, . .67 I ease Wurteal sfsataH JSM Mar. . . 46L97 Biirrisu ti kniIFaT tTtANrE ca. ltu IskNUT W. UO-N Cttv. U. a Uaugaas. WANTED Position by practical nurse. Call red 4192. 4 WANTED Stenographer with law of fice experience. Address A697, Chronicle, giving experience and telephone address. ' 3 WANTED To rent 6 or 7 room mod ern house by June 1. Will lease for one year. Give best care. Address reply to A. M., care of Chronicle. 4 WJAjNTED Young man for agency in city for fast selling and staple ar ticle; good commission. Must 'live in city and have good references. Call red 6871 after 5 p. m. 2 WANTED Lady housekeeper, light work for single man, house well fur nished. All replies will be promptly answered. Alfred Nichols, Prine vllle, Oregon. 4 WANTED To mow your, lawns, fix up your flowers or any other kind of work to keep busy and make money honestly. Use the telephone. L. A Mathews, 692 West Eighth street, telephone red 3651. tf MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER AD EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled .and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 18S&, J. E. Henzle. lltt HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothhy, 308 Washington street. Telephone main 6581. tf Synopsis of tha Annual Statement of Ok HENRY CLAY FIHE INSUBANCB (XX Of Lexington, in the Btato of Kentucky, on tftst Slst day of December, 1920, made to the br aurance Coamlabioaer of the SUU of Oregea, pureuant 'o law: CAPITAL Amount of capital atock paid up. .9 490.900.99 INCOME Net premiums nodred during tha year 9 698.614.62 Interest, dlridends and renU re- celled during the year 46.496.98 Income from other sources re wired during- tha year 11.547.1S ToUl lacoma 9 656.608.19 DISBURSEMENTS Net leases said during the year in- el4lng adjustment expense... 9 2S4.14S.OS Dividends paid oa eaplui atack dnrinf the year 37.000.00 CommJaione and salaries paid dur ing the year ... . . 197.24C.2 Taxes, licenm and tees paid dnr- . the year 33.764.36 Aateunt of all other expenditures. 87,392.65 ToUl sxaiaalturm 9 609.S4S.15 ASSISTS Value of real esUU ownea (mar ket value) 9 900.00 Valuer af sUcks and bonds owned (market Tsloe) 618.423.00 I.oani on mortgagee and collater- .. 227,262.00 OaHb iu banks and on hand 116,022.92 Premiums in course of soUection written since Sept, 30, 1920.. 101,600.08 Interest and rente due and as- I-.0" 17.008.64 . SUU, coanty and otty warrants.. 188,118,88 Total admitted aaseU 31.lp8.037.5O LIAnnJTIIlH . 'Grass claims for loaeea unpaid.. . .9 92.900.02 Amount of unearned premiums on all ouUUnding risks 438,138.00 Due for cummlsion and brokerage 2.600.00 All other liabilities 2loo0.00 ToUl liebUlUee, exeluuee of cap- ' itaj stock at 8460.000.00.. ,9 664.604 62 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAS net premiums recedml during tha year 9 trs 83 HBNBf CLAY FIHE INSURANCE COMPAMa P. O. STILn, SccreUry. , PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PIANOS TBNJrOD And repaired, ac tion regulating and reflnishlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. 8. A. Doekstaslor, Cor son Music store, 320 'Fast Second street. Telephone nwln 1061. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by - BOB WERSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist ft Sp6rCHsIistS Whitney Repair Shop 70 East Second tt VENZ BAUER Uenorai real estate, insurantie, and loans. 1001 East Second street Tele phone main 1671. Mtf l VERNA SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 2181 Bast Third street. M6 Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hours t:00 to 6:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment I7-1S Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug StorePhono Black 1111 Bes Wasco Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room to Open Soon M. S. Elliott, Mgr. WOODARD & TAUSCHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tils an) Csment Work. Fireplace Work n Specialty. Estlmatea furnished free of charge. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Qatee Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3r21 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dmfmr Mrs. M. J. WlUerlee The Dalles LULU O. C RAN BALL, MeUMfer Bert Thomas, Assises nt MaiMger Licensee! tabakners, nenSllshsaj 1M7 v Telefyhenet DnyReel IV Night Reel a J. H. Harper, Black 2iW Cat FVa.