;v PAGE EIOHT THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 121. 'Round Coast Bases By United Preoa SAN FltANCISCO, April 30.- Los Angeles shook Itself up again yester day and under the urge of a wnrm sky took another game from the Seals. It was a 10-innlng struggle, but the re sult was C to 3 for the Angels, much to the dismay of the iSan Francisco fans. Crawford was the hero for his home run w.lth ono on In the tenth, scoring tho winning runs and sending the Angel city mad with joy. , The Onks went on tho war path aud tho Vernon Tigers didn't have a chance. Jllll Esslck used three of his star twlrlers, but they all looked alike to Del Howard men. The score was 10 to 4. Vernon got the four. Portland fooled Sacramento by beating tho Solons, 7 to C. Portland now has five victories to Us credit. (Salt Lake beat Seattle, G to 3, in the first gamo of a scheduled double header. Kaln forced postponement of tho second game. Gompers, Labor Leader, Takes Bride ai 71 When touring the country, try the now Scripps-Booth, for comfort orer the rough roads. See them at Tho Franklin Motor Car Co., Tho Dalles. THE SCOREBOARD. By United Frosa Yesterday's hero: Urban Kaber, tho White Sox pitcher who lot the cham pion Cleveland Indians down with two brlbf hits, enabling tho rojuvonated Sox to trounco the champions, 1 to 0. Sutherland, a Tiger recruit, pitched Cobb's men to a 5 to 3 victory over tho Drowns. Cobb hit safely threo times. ' Pittsburgh defeated tho Cubs by bunching hits In tho first three In nings. Coopor, who pitched the first game since his illness, held tho Cubs runlcss whllo the Pirates nnjassed a total of three. Sill Sherdoll, the Cardinal twlrlev, weakened in tho ninth and 'Cincinnati pounded out four runs, defeating St!" Louis, 7 to 3. Kaln interrupted tho Washington Philadelphia game in tho tonth inning with both teams tied with three runs. (Uful weathor copped all other games. TIRE PRICES CUT By United Pros AKRON, April 30 The- Goodrich, Mason and General tire companies today announced a 20 percent re duction In the price of tires, effec tive Monday. cepted as meaning that Germanv and Marmon company, today announc would press her offer of rehabllita-1 ed a 20 percent reduction In the price ting the devastated areas of northern I of Marmon automobiles, effective on France. Dance Tonight Elks hall. Admission 75 cents. Samuel Gompers, prewldent and married this week in New York. The founder of the greatest laoor body in bride was Mis3 Gertrude Neussheler, the world, the American Federation ,of JSanesvlIlc, O., thirty-olght years of Labor, and now 71 years old, has old. The photo shows the happy pair taken to himself a new bride. He was I as they started on their honeymoon. have President Harding personally take a hand in the strike threatened for tomorrow failed today. I Harding, however, indicated that he is making a careful inquiry into the dispute which threatens to tie up American ocean and coastwise shipping. : OREGON GROWERS (Continued From Page 1.) BUILDING TRUST HEADS INDICTED BY GOVERNMENT By United Pres CHICAGO, April 30. Tho federal government today hit at tho alleged building trust In Chicago, when in dictments wore returnod against ilO corporations and individuals by tho federal grand jury, charging, mon opoly and trade restraint under the Sherman net! " ' the fruit industry in the northwest will be present at this conference to lend support toward placing force fully before the Interstate Commerce commission the actual conditions (ob taining in the northwest affecting the "ruit and fruit product markets. "Yours very truly, Public Service Commission df Oregon." Taxi 8ervlca Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar store. Telephone red. 1711. R. Winter. mUth. ' SO Typing and Stenography done at NCaoimnli; uuo&. Uoslna A. Fleck. Office Hotel Dallos. Rest (UnW p'.ioiu- roil 12332, tf MOONEY WILL TESTIFY TO SECURE NEW TRIAL By Unlten Vivhf SAN FRANCISCO, April 30. Rona Moonoy today wont to Sun Qiu'titin penlttontfary to servo on Warden Johnston an order directing him to bring lior Ir.iHbund, Thomas Moon ey, into court hero to testily In an effort to secure a new (rial. Moonoy will boo tho world which lies beyond tho prison walls for tho first time in two yearn. He Is serv ing a life Hontonco lor murder, lol lowing u pioparedni'ss parade bomb ing hero. SEAMEN'S STRIKE DEAL UP TO HOOVER AND DAVIS By United Prosit WASHINGTON, April 30.- -President Harding today turned over tho threatened seamen's strike to Sec retary of Coninii'ico Hoover una" Secretary of Labor Davis for settle ment, It was announced by tho Whlto House. WASHINGTON. April 30.- Th) first attempt of marine workers to Catarrhal Dealr.uss Cannot Be Cured l U.ul jni.U-.iilimu, trj tiiv) onmiiit rcuoti Ult. Ulaaaii'O ImhiIiiii c.f llio i"r ThiTo U onl into '.,: to i-n r.i cm lrliul di-aliu'ii, nnU tli'it In by n' coimlltuiloiml rumvily fui.urli.it U'. .lim-JJ U i,im.l by mi In-ilniit-l c.ui.lU Ion of Uio i.imou llniiit; n( llio Rxir'-u-liiiiii Tttir Mi' Itiiu lulu I. liitlhiui'il j u hnvu n ruin' i. m houuiI ir lm Ji. ttvvt uetiif, r.ml It Is ciitlri'iy lin.il, I'r'iiuvx U r. ..ult I'nlraa Hit' InltummMlon (Hit b rnUui 1 Hint (lilt tubo 1'i'iu.iiil to tin in . ui.Hi.n. 1.' mi i '. id Liu C i'.ri')-i-il iokvi" .M.my riikf at ilmfiica ivrw raimi il 'iy i-Mui'i which la mi liilliinivit loii taUi.i in Hu r.un hi rur Ini'oa. Mall's r'nh V h-Im.- nets thru tllU I'llMJil Oil tl.0 Hill 111. tv.1 lv l( t)ltf Wo will llv On. llimilr. I Pollnrn fir nny oatu it l'ntiirrlu'1 ! 'ti. ji time uiimut tin curoil by Hull C.v.irm v.'ill"lno t,'tr rulura trv. All lmwitlntii 't v .1. ,ni:Nrv to Toiinio. o TO DEMANP TRANSFER OF GERMAN CONCESSIONS Brown's Dufur Stage- Time Table . Tti'o round trips dally. Leave Bauk hotel, 9. a. m. and 4" p. m.' .Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf . ... ' Notice To Peach Growers . Many of the peach trees are being infested with Green Aphis at this par ticular time. A solution of Black Leaf Forty with a little soap added sprayed upon the trees will help materially in destroying these pests. JOHN SKELLEY, County Fruit Inspector. 3U GERMANY WOULD BASE WAR BILL ON ECONOMICS By United Press BERLIN, April 30. The German cabinet, in special session, Is consid ering a plan for steering the repara tions Question from political into! economic channels. A proposal was discussed to approach France with the sug gestion that the problem be taken up by Hugo Stlnnes and other German Industrial leaders and with Louis Loucheur, French minister of reconstruction. 'Mention of Loucheur as one of the proposed French conferees was ac- QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Take Tablespoonful of Salts if Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers By United Press PARIS, April 30. Tho reparations commission will demand that Ger-j many transfer to tho allies all rights and interests held by her govern- ment and citizens to concessions and public utilities in Russia, Austria-Hungary, Uulgaria and Turkey, it was learned here today. Laundry Prices Cut After May.l wo will do family rough dry wash by the pound. This will be a saving of 25 "percent. The price will be 9 cents a pound, and 1 cent a piece. All flat work Ironed and the starch work ready 'for ironing. Un derwear ready for wear. Model Laun dry, main 41. 2 We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the over work; 'they get sluggish; the ellmi- native tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to nolson ' the entire system. When your 'kidneys ache and feel like lumps ol lead,v and you have stinging pains ip the. . back 1 or the . 4' .1. - en -'a ' i , urine is ciouuy, xuu oi hbuuubui, ui the bladder Is irritable, obliging you to seek relief, .-during the "night: when you have sevore headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless nessK acid, stomach- or -rheumatism in bad weather', get 'from your pharma cist about four. ounces of Jad Salts; take av tablespoonful In a glass of water'before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys- will act fine. This 'famous salts Is made from the apid of 'grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and., stimulate Clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is. no longer a source qf irritation, thus, ending urinary and bladder dis orders. ' Jad Salts Is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful ef fervescent lithia-water 'drink, and no body can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kid neys clean and active. "The Land o Dreams" The High School Freshman CLASS PLAY High School Auditorium FRIDAY, MAY 6 at 8:15 p. m. Don't Forget The Date " ui Step on the Gas! A few hills ahead mean noth ing to the progressive business man. He is used to driving his car and knows that a shift of gears and a "little more gas" will put the high spots behind him in jig time. Beyond the problems of the present is the smooth level road of the future. The outlook for business holds no fears for the men who "step on the gas and go to it." The real good times the good times based on normal values, smaller profits and quiclier,w turnovers, the good times of . peace and plenty are right be fore us. Step on Jhc gas! Advertise! Advertise to your consumers at the places where conditions fa vor the sale of your product. Use The Chronicle to do this best MARMON AUTOMOBILES PRICE CUT 20 PERCENT By United Press INDIANAPOLIS, April '30. Presi dent W. C. Marmon of the Nordyke WlLLVOUr JWASTEYOUR PCQiN OR J5HALLV0U- rlAKE illlYP CIIDC LFULU-VALUE?! WHEN a man or woman sets out to get a plumbing job done the first thing they do is to make up their mind that they won't bo over-charged, for it. And the second thing they do, if they live in this town, is to look up our addres's or tele phone number. So, for your convenience we're printing them ip this ad. JOHN MILNE PLUMBING & Phone Red 991 HEATING The Dalles May. 2. Automobile prices will generally trend downward from now on, Mar mon said. GRAND TONIGHT Larry Semon In a riot of fun "THE STAGE HAND" and ALICE JOYCE In "COUSIN KATE" AdmissionLess Tax Matinee....:...9c and 18c Evening 9c and 22c Q. 0 S 4 U rs o 400 in Bible School by Children's Day Christian Church Bible School, 10 o'clock. " ' Attention! Loyal Sons and Daughters r Sunday we are to give .our "Stunt." Don't 5 forget: w Evangelist Carroll C. Roberts of Portland will, S speak at the Christian Church, Lord's Day Morning and Evening. - Morning Service, 11 o'clock. Theme: "UNION WITH CHRIST." sr Anthem "0 Jesus, with Thy Church Abide" Choir. CE. 6:30, Norman Rossell, president. I. C. E. 6:30, Miss Lois Griffin will conduct a "BIG TRIAL," Don't miss this. Evening Service, 7:30. Theme: "BORROWED RELIGION." Anthem "Let Him In" Choir. The Church With a Cordial Welcome. MR. and MRS. CARL C. WALKIJR, Ministers. 400 in Bible School by Children's Day cr ft S3" a 3 S3 o First Congregational Church The Family Church i Morning Subject: "The Parting Promise" Pleasant Sunday Evening Service "The Mill on the Floss" A Dramatization of one of the Greatest Novels in the English Language Five Reels Attention! Sunday, May 8th, Mothers' Day and Roll Call of the Church; and Reception of New Members, at 11 a. m. ARE YOU WITHOUT A CHURCH? Come and Join The Family Church on Sunday, May the 8th. A Smile Awaits You ' Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. .