HE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1921. PAGE SEVEN FOR RENT FOR RENT Three room house. Close 1b. Black ft Cram. FOR RENTt Apartment is the Con don building. 'M3 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 115 Bast Second. 3 n Tj-nruLijija ri " m mm FOR RENT Furnished room, US West Third street. M2 FOR RENT Bmall house. 320 Bast 14th Street- m2 FOR RENT Garage at 322 West (Sixth street. 6 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Inquire 417 Alvord street, side door. 3 FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartments at 400 West Third ' street. Telephone main 3471. 2 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 620 East Third street Phone Black 2301. m5 FOR SALE One 7-room house, four lots, good outbuildings. Inquire Six teenth and Trotitt streets. n3 FOR RENT 'Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Telephone -black 3962. 8 FOR (RENT Four furnished sleeping rooms for gentlemen. Close In. 405 Union street. 30 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartment with garden ground. Ap ply eyeninga, 913 "Federal street. Mrs. B. J. Bagley. 2 FOR RENT Ground floor room In - the Condon building, late glass (window; suitable for office or small business. 2 jjmi iiLim.li nrnri'i FOR BBNT Three rooms, two porches, cellar, electric lights, N water, partly furnished If desired. 404 West Tenth. 30 FOR RENT Nice, large, airy parlor bed room, two beds, bath and tele phone. Very cozy for two gentlemen, also one large single bedroom at 420 West Second street. Telephone black 1402. 30 FO SALE FOR SALE Furniture. Call 7F4. M3 j jtruii-.rjijTn.rtni P " - FOR SALE Ford truck. Terms to re sponsible party. Telephone 16F21. 3 ybitt SALE New bungalow, two bed room-, living room, kitchen and bath, full basement. Call red 6892. 3 ynjji-njrTjn r-j-u--ifi-" -- - -a-- FOR SALE Residence propertr also lots, easy terms. Inquire Sit Clay St. mi FOR SALE Why walk when you can buy a perfectly good car for 200. Call black 6751, evenings. 2 FOR SALE Fresh milch cow, four-year-old. Gives six gallons per day. A, E. Fine, telephone 17F11. 4 FOR SALBTeam of mares, five and six years old, broke and well match ed. Farmers' Feed barn. 2 FOR SALE1' 1000-pound saddle mare. Good traveler and pack animal. Price $10.00. Call at my place, Up per Five Mile. T. S. Helvner. 2 FOR SALE Real honeot-togoodnesa buy, 320 acres logged pff land, one half tillable, 11 miles from Hood River. Water ditch on place. $2,000. Se Chris McClay, Telephone main 3771. 1 Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Hartford, in the state of Connecticut, on the Slat day ol December, 1020, made to the iruur- aaace commissioner of the state of Uregon, pur suant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. .$ 500,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year 755,530.74 Interest, dividends and rents re ceired during the year 03,140.03 Income from other sources re ceired during the year 610.84 Total income .$ 819,107.21 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year -including adjustment espen.e.$ 300,920.08 Dividends paid ou capital stock during the ear 40.000.00 CtanmUdons snd salaries' paid during the year ' 239,7-11.33 Taxes, licences and fee paid dur. lng the year 30,805.80 Amount of all 'other expenditure 104,804,45 Total expenditure ,$ 701,427.92 ASSETS Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) $1,344,200.80, Cain in banks and on hand.... 101.571. C5 Premiums In course of eo.leetion sinoe Sepumber 30. 1920... 130.877.86 Interest and rents due and accrued 17.328.39 Total adra'tted ase?s $1,800,178.70 LIABILITIES Grans claims (or lo unpaid, $114,263.83; 1 reinsurance. $33,862 50 ,.. 7S.601.IS Amount of unearned prslu: oa all outrun Ilnx rUks 835 A30.47 All other liabilities 10.007. 13 Total liabilities, rwkasive ol capital stock ...T. S 731.144.98 BUSINESS IS OHJCGON OB THt VEAK Net premium rscesTnt during the year S 9,341.13 I.oasw paid duriag the year. , . . S.988.87 Losm Incurred daring th m. 4.039.S1 STAN DA KD ftm BMUBUNCB OOtMANV, M. U HRWES. Pnasdeat. M. B. ANTHOMT. SiswUry. Statatsry rtsidefit attni fee aerrioe: .LLOID JL UUTM. fsMaWsf. CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SAL lrge, a small fan and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices,. go4 terms. TT. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore. lStf. FOR SALE 20 acres of good land, an improved, three miles west of The Dalles. Price reasonable. Terms if desired. Write owner, P. O. box 67, Traver, California. 10 iOR SALE Horses. 1 have a number of good horses for sale cheap. Bead's Feed store, east end ef Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 2tf FOR BAIjS Dry k wood; old oak. $11.60. Second growth, f 12.50. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Owing to the high fertil ity and Increasing 'demand for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I will hold my special pen together during April. AM orders cared for at fl.M per 15 or $6 per hundred. Fred Cyphers, R. F. D. No. 3, tele phone red 6362. M2 LOST OR FOUND 'LOST lElgln engraved wrist watch, gold links. Call red 3652. Reward. 2 LOST 'Brown baseball fielder's fin ger glove for right hand. Please re turn to Chronicle office. 2 LOST Package containing green voile dress. Return to Chronicle office. 30 PICKED UP 11 head of small horses in city. 1 brown three-year old, brand A P on left shoulder. 1 Apal usy horse, stirrup brand on left shoulder. 1 Apalusy mare, no brand. 2 sorrel mares, stripe In face, look alike, no brand. I old bay mare, no brand. 1 spotted horse, brand A P on left jaw. 1 bay pony, brand A P on left shoulder. 1 roan mare, bra HQ A Pi on left shoulder. 1 brown 2 year old, no brand. Picked up April 27. Unless these horses are called for by May 7, they will be sold at auction at the city pound. Chief of Police Frank Heater. 3 Uinniy of U Annual Statement 01 Um SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL, COM TAN T of Edinburgh, Scotland. In tha Kin(tdom of iiwi Britain, on the 31st day of December. 191M, ud to the inmranoe commissioner of the flat of Oracoa. pursusnt to law. CAV1TAL Amonnt of eapttal dei-o'it S 200.000.WO INCOME Net premiums received daring the yeXr 84.672,044. 78 Interest. dividends nd rent re pel red during the year 3S4.2UO.0S Ini-Tine from other touroe re- .. celred during the year 18.854.00 Total rnoome I4.02S.700.08 DISIHIIU3EMENT8 Net losses paid during the rear yeor, including adjustment ex peases f 2, J74. 482.01 Communions and salaries paid dur ing the year 1.480,134.90 Taxea. Umax and fee paid dur v lag the year 318.423.2A Amount of all other expenditure. 401,404.08 Total expenditure $4,543,505.08 ASSETS Value of real estate owned (mar- ket ..value) 100,128.27 Value bf flock and bond owuid (market value) Loan on mortgages and collateral, ete. 50,830.00 Cash in banks and ' hand 078.577.80 Premiums In course of collection written since Beprwnuer no, 1920 Interest and rents due and accrued 887,707.45 100,182.05 Total admitted aivti $8,252,784.57 UAim.mi:s urosi claims for lwc umuld . . .$ 502, 400.00 Amount of unearned premium) on aU outstanding rlk 4,212.100.05 Due for ocmraiadon and brokerage 10,000.00 All other liabilities 203.355.03 Total liabilities, exclusive of cap- iul stia-k 1 0S7.O57.08 BfrtlNKSS IN OIIKTON . T1IK VUAU Net premium i received during the year 42,703.29 Losse paid during the year 17.H3D.5Q Love incurred duriag tli year.. 24,870.54 SCOTTISH UNION AND NATION INSUR ANCE COMl'ANY. J. II. VRKHLANl), Manager. J. II. McCOUMIL'K. Secretary. J, L. HARTMA.N, rorUand, Biatuiory attorney for Sortie. ' Ttyiiomls" of the Annual Statement of the AOrVfcn.TOBAL INSURANCE COMPANY n' Watertown. In the SUte of New York. m the thlrty-flr-t day of DnH to the Insurance Commlqfiioner of the SUte of Oregon, pursuent toc',!TAL Amount of capital stnrV ps'd up.$1.000,000.00 INCOME SVaT.T..7.'!?.1.h'.83.,'" Intrn-st'dirViends and n-nts ro- ,,,-.,, eeired during the yesr 303.701 lt Income from other surcw re- oelred during the year 30...52.30 Total inoom $5,224,102.07 DISBURSEMENTS Net Imv-i paid durini the year incl-j'llnz adjustment eijene.$2,301,307.7t Dir'dends iild on capital stock daring tie ynr 700,000.00 Commissions and salsrioi psI . during the yoar .......... 1.417.700..5 Taxes, license ami feel paid dur- .,.. ir.g the year 1H7,J41.H Amount of all other expewllt-arcs . 371.01 1. ToUl expenditure. $4,077,330.30 ASSETS Value of rat tUU owned (mar- ,..nnnnB ket ralne) 48.000.00 mxrxerluer'4. 5.SMM6.Q0 r7e-,r et,m . . f?1: 00n.332.00 r. b.rAs aii oV han-i 020,320.S9 Premiums In cur o! c-illectlon 'no 8ri'emb-r 30. 102" . . . Innt ao.1 rmts snd ac crued ............ ..' 0:h-r ae;s re-lr.s. doe rn tM low? iri0.O53.AS 00.70 17 II n00 0 TalmkUd.-U...... , $7.1 rt.SOV.TI $ 700.051.50 Amount of n.-srnea premrams w all oufUndini risks S W ' All o'Jier HabUlU 380w'l 22 Totsl llsbllitU. excloalre "f CMrfUl eU of $1,000,000 $4.1 I' l BUHINEHH W OBKOON FOB THE VEAIt Net premium recehed during ....... the year .....I 33.450.94 Iahvss paid during the ysw .... !.,,, Incurrrd dariac the year.... 19,142.11 tMVUTvnjhvisscr. company. W. IL 8TBENS. Presldeat. f. It WILUIOT. STjUrr ii Staxutory naidmt attorney for arrriee laSUK- WANTED Luia i cn WANTED Man to work on ranch. Call 615 Webster street. 2 WANTED To sell, rent and repair typewriters and sewing machines. Hemstitching done. Phone Coryea. 2 WANTED Calclmlning and painting by day or hour. Call mornings or evenings. Red 3961. $ lsa1jBa1aBBBWsfB WANTED Lady housekeeper, light work for single man, house well fur nished. All replies will be promptly) answered. Alfred Nichols, Prlne vllle, Oregon. 4 WANTED To mow your lawns, fix up your flowers or any other kind of work to keep busy and make money honestly. Use the telephone, L. A Mathews, 502 West Eighth street, telephone red 3651. tf MISCELLANEOUS" TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furnl ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express ' busP ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1852. J. E. Henile. lltt HEMSTITCHING Pioet edging. Mrs. L. M. Bootbby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main 6681. tf PROFESSIONAL AMD BUSINESS flANOS TONxOD MUX repaired, ac tion regulating and reflnlahtng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor son Music store. 326 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1M1. tf POFUjLAR MUBIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessens by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist Synopsis of the Annual 8 tats sunt of the PEOPLES NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCB COMPANY ef Wilmington in th.. state of DaUvtn on th list day of Daoambcr, 120, mad to tb tt su ranee oortaakmer of the state of1 Olt purstiant to tew; V CAPITAL Amount of capiUl stock paid op. .tl.0OO.00t.M INCOME Net premiums reoeited daring the year $1,10B9. Interest, dlridends aad rent re- .... ceired during the year 1J0.803.71 Income from other source recti red during the year 168.702.4t Total income $1,880,052.43 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during tha year including adjustment expenses. $ 871,307.82 Dieidenda paid on capital stock during tie year St.000.00 Commissions and salaries paid dur- ing the year 898,886.73 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing the year 70,931.82 Amount of all other expenditures 183.720.87 Total expenditures $1,280,846.74 ASSETS Vahie of real estate owned (mar ket ralue) .$ 193,298.84 Value of stocks and bonds owned v (market value) 1,350,861.80 Loans on mortgages and collaUral ,1c 826,780.00 Cash in banks and on hand 62,739.83 Premiums in course of collection written since September SO, IDlio 171.748.62 Interest and rent due and ac- crued 27,884.44 , Reinsurance due on losses paid . . . 954.08 Total admitted ass-ts .'...$2,322,428.31 LIABILITIES Gross claims for Iosm unpaid. .$ 121,381.18 Amount of unearned premiums on aU oustandlng rhks 902,938.08 Due for commission and brokerage 8,280.07 AU other liabilitie 40.288.87 ToUl liabilities, exclusive of capital stotk of $1,000,000.00 $1,180,642.81 Surplu 8 189,542.31 V V $2,322,428.31 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE TEAR Net premiums rerelred during the ,,ar $ 4.303.88 Losses paid during the year 407.00 Losses incurred during the year. 2.016.74 PEOPLES NATIONAL FinE INSURANCE CO, E. C. STOKES, President, M. B. YATES, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service: Prank E. Dooly. Synopd of the Annual Statement of the UNITED FIREMEN'S FIRE LNSUHANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on the 31st day of December. 1020, made to the insurance commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up.$ 400,000,00 INCOME Net premiums reoeirod during the yesr $ 030,003.73 Interest, dlridends and rents re ceired during the year 80,514.81 Income from other sources re ceired during the year 11,403.31 Total income $ 730,081,00 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses P'-ild during the year. In cluding adjuitment expenses... $ 337,028.35 Diridends paid on capital stock during the year 10,000.00 CommioJons and salaries paid dar ing the year 221,004.80 Taxes, llcunen and fees) paid dur ing tike year 20,070.01 Amount of all other expenditures. 113,661.01 ToUl expenditure $ 719,550.87 ASSETS Value of real estate owned (mar ket value) $ 06,400.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) 1,230,707.28 Loans on mortgage and collateral, etc. 190,200.00 Cash in banks and on hand 50,633,44 Premiums In course of collection written since September 80, 1020 93,012.41 Intcre t and rent due and ac crued 20,088.03 Reinsurance due on losat paid, , , 4,385,31 TutU admitted assets $1,716,020.34 LIABILITIES Oran claims for loves unpaid... ,$ 61,821.48 Amount of unearned prcniluuu on all out .landing rt-ks 1,120,722.82 Do for commission and brokerage 5,443.68 AU other liabilities 8,21846 Total liabilities, exclusive of cap ital stock of $400,000 $1,304,906.09 Surplus , I II3.1S3.J3 lirKINEM IN OltKflON KOK THE YKAK Net premiums recalled during tbe year .,...$ 2,407.85 Lovt mid daring th year 182.87 Loaxt incurred during tb year. ,. 284.30 UNITKIJ r'lHKMKN'S K1I1K INSUKANCtS OOMPANT. r. W. iJtVVHON, I're-Jdsnt. M, B. VATUt. Becreury. rRANK K IXKM.Y. Statutory atasldent Attonwf fr Service, FORD Whitney Repair shep 7St East Second St VENZ BAUER Ueneral real estate, insurance, and loans. 100 EaBt Second street. Tele phone main 1571. Mtf VERNA SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 218J East Third street. M6 Synopsis of the annual statement of the NATIONAL UNION ITRK INSURANCE COMPANY of Pittaburg, in the state of Pennsylvania, on the thirty-first day of December, 1920, made to the insurance commissioner of the Stat of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. .$1,300,000.00 INCOME Net premium received during the year $5,888,224.60 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year 276,658.27 Income from other source re ceived during the year 156.844.04 Total Income $6,290,226.91 DISBURSEMENTS Net lost paid during the year. including adjustment expenses. . $2,290,841.08 Diridrnda paid on capital stock .during thTyear 127.726.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1,804,697.87 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 178,896.06 Amount of aU other expend!- turn 842.604.84 ToUl expenditure $4,739,464.80 ASSETli Value of stocks and bond owned ...... (market value) so.ozv.ooo.va mas on mortoaies and ool -t- 247.000.00 Cash In banks and on band 787,664.87 Premiums, In court of collection written aince September 80. 1920 911,031.95 Interest and rents doe and accrued 86,069.04 Araount due from other companies 272,897.44 Total admitted assets $7,888,209.75 LIABILITIES Gross claims for.losra unpaid . . .$ 692,986.29 Amount of unearned premiums on alk-ouUtandlng risks . . t . 4,860,407.81 Due foTcommlsiuon and brokerage 10,000.00 All-oUwr UablllUae 316,000.09 Total lUbUltte. exclusive of,. . aatjital atock. $1,300.000.. $5,778. 894. 10 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR TIM YKAR Net premium received during the gtf . fB7,70U..P Loss paid during th year S?'5?I'SS r MM incurred dutM th year. . . . 24,840.80 iTaTIONAL UNION riRK INSURANCE COMPANY K K. COLE, president. WH. Q. ARMSTRONG. escreUry. Statutory resident attorney for tenia: ffeank B. Dooly. i Wa&co Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night, and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room to Open Soon M. S. Elliott, Mgr. WOODARD & TAUSOHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates furnlehed fcee of chargs. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Hock Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU D. CRANDALL, Mfvaftf Bert TMsriM, AMleUet Maneter License ' Imkalmora, brAMiirfcj l.t7 Weman AtteiMtant Teleehense Mr. M. J. WUIerten Day SSI Telephone ReH 17S1 Nlfht Rett SM J. H. Harper, Hack 2182 Motor Equipment ' Cut Flowers Dodge Broth SESAN Its quality is reflected, in all parts of the country, by the kind of men and women who drive it, Tit gaaollM conratnption ii unutaaJly low Th tira milasvtra ia rjnaaoally hlgb WALTHER - WILLIAMS CO. The Dalles. Orciron mm Our FOR SALE ApS surplubo ill bw. a