The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 30, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Social Activities
and Other Things
Big Personalities
Several yery interesting and capable
personalities have recently come to
'live in our clfy. They are wide awake,
vigorous and progressive, and will
doubtless affect our social life to a
great extent. If you have not yet be
come acquainted with them, get a
mutual friend to Introduce you, for
they are not ill tho least snobbish or
clannish. Their names are 'Master Boy
licout, Miss Y. W. Christian Associa
tion, Mr. Chamber of Commerce and
Mr. Community Service.
Master Boy Scout is a fine looking
lad and a pleasant person to meet.
He has already won for himself the
recognition of our citizens. Ho is of
a family that has established itself
on a substantial foundation in nearly
every civilized country and the gov
ernments are recognizing in him one
of tho strongest and sanest mould
era of masculine life during the for
mative period. His activities deal with
the boys from lfc to 18 years of age
and his purpose concerning them may
he summed up in the 12 points of
pcout law, which require boys to be
"trustworthy, loyal, helpful, obedient,
friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful,
thrifty, brave, clean, reverent toward
lod and to respect the convictions of
others in matters of custom and .be
lief." Manter Boy Scout organizes his
followers into troops being made up
of from two to four patrols. In our
city he has developed three troops.
He shows a very Intimate knowledge
of boy nature and works on tho prin
cible of "keep them interested.'' To
this end he puts on hikes, summer
camps, stunts and offers merit badges
for achievement in more than 60 dif
ferent lines of study and practice. To
qualify for the different degrees Mas
ter Boy Scout insists that his follow
ers shall posccss workable knowledge
of first aid, of bandaging, of how to
cook foods, that he have an active
savings account, that he shall have
jiractical camp knowledge and that he
have a knowledge of birds, of path
finding and of civics.
MIbo Y. VV. Christian Association ar
rived in the city less than a year ago.
bhe is sweet and winsome, also prac
tical and reliable. Since she observes
the laws of health, she possesses
a strong body as well as a clear men
tality. Sue 1b a great 'social worker.
Bho organizes and perfects clubs
tnat can include every girl and womnn
of the city if they feel so Inclined,
which offer Jolly good times, inter
spersed with inspirational sugges
tions. Sho is absolutely democratic,
making no discriminations among the
-girls. She Is a friond to the girl of
woalth and also to the girl who works
for a meager living. She has opened
plensnnt rooms to tho girls for par
ties and to dilforont organizations
for their meotlngn. She has also open
ed and now maintains a lunch room
where people may coiuo and cut lunch
of wholenomo food, at u minimum
coat, In a pleasant environment. Sho
has found work for women who need
it. Just now she Is enthusiastically
planning a summur camp for girls and
young womon, where thoy can have
a few days recreation undor holpful
It is a lamentable fact, but true,
nevertheless, that there Is always
death In tho midst of life. A few
woeks ago a good reliable personality
in tho form of the elder Chamber of
Commerce passod away, was duly in
lerred In bin final resting place and
was mourned by a few. All of his
business affiliations and' legal docu
ments wore duly passed on to his
Huceessor ami heir, who arrived In our
city on February 23. He Is a strapping
big fellow, with much broader Ideas
than the former Chamber of Com
merce, lie Immediately announced
himself as tho friend of the whole
county. In the brief time that ho has
been hero he has listed 450 people and
firms as his active supporters. Ho
has Increased his annual Income from
a possible V-'OOO to a definite JS000;
he has 21 advisors whereas his fath
er had 7; ho has organized plana for
a modern tourist campground; ho Is
managing a bond campaign to ralo
1100,000 for tho Dalles-California high
way through Wasco county, which will
bo of unlimited benefit to tho people
of tho county. A special election to
vote upon these bonds will he hold
on Juno 7, He is going to soon issue
a booklet telling of the resources of
the county; he has mailed 30,000 pieces
of niattor In tho Interest of the county
and Is planulng an elaborate cele
bration on tho completion of the lust
pur of the Columbia highway from
Portland to The Dulles, lie is aUo
uletly planning a scientific survey of
the county which will show Its agri
cultural, mineral, manufacturing and
timber resources.
Community service is young but of
mature Judgment; he offers relaxing
play to tired indoor workers, and at
tractive pastimes to the muscular
workers. He brings people together
In social gatherings where they par
ticipate in something in common; per
haps it is only to sing a few songs
together but they feel better acquaint
ed thereby. Swimming facilities, base
ball and volley bull sports are provid
ed for all who desire them. Commun
ity Service is also a very artistic fel-
I low. He haB taken the various talents
' of the numerous Individuals in the
city and organized them into a pag
eant, thrilling In its action and beau
tiful in its wonderful arrangement and
perspective, accompanied by expres
sive music to Interpret It. He is also
very shrewd; he sees the value of the
dramatic training the pageant will af
ford his people, he also' realizes its
commercial and historical value to
the city and county. He feels that The
I Dalles Is the only logical place for an
historical pageant in Oregon. Last
year Seaside planned to initiate it
and claim the distinction of Its pos
session. When certain plans miscar
ried and the pageant was postponed,
certain of their people objected on
the grounds that The Dalles had a bot.
tor right to It and If they waited too
long she would get it. The Dalles is
getting It, through the efforts of Mr.
Community Service. He Is very zeal
ous in the care of the children of the
city. He belleveB that their energy
should be directed In constructive
channels. He therefore provides play
grounds and play equipment with re
liable suporvlsorB. Cooperative play
is made a great, factor for future gooa
Wedding Anniversary.
Tho Rev. and Mrs. Carl C. Walker
commemorated their ninth wedding
anniversary at their home Wednes
day evening. A three course chicken
dinner waR served. Dainty place cards
marked the places for the following
guests: Misses Velma Smith, Verna
Smith, Prances Johnson, Miss Comp
ton and Miss Darnielle, who are all
nurses from the local hospital; also
The Rev. Carroll Roberts, pastor of
tho Montavllla Christian church ot
Portland. Ho Is a college friond or The
Rev. and Mrs. Walker.
Honors Sitters.
.Mrs. E. C. Prlco gave a luncheon
Thursday afternoon, honoring her
three sisters, Mrs. W. iH. Moody of
Shaniko. Mrs. W .R. Abrnms of Port
land, and Mrs. J. W. Hill also of Port
land. Decorations In purple, consist
ing of Iris and lilacs, wore used. Tho
Invitational list included: Mcsdatnes
10. O. 'McCoy, F. L. Houghton. L. Bar
num. K. C. Pease, Halllo Rice, 11. L.
Kuck. D .P. Kotchum, A. K. Crosby,
(Jeorgo niakoley,. L. A. Schanno, A.
Dottlngen, J. C. Hostetler, Alice Shel
don, Kmma Carlisle, Mary Logan, A.
S. Uonnott, H. A. Harden, W. O. Had
ley. F. H .Watts, K. H. French. .1.
Minor Booth, Charles Booth, Robert
Mays. J. 15. 'Harnett, W. A. Johnston,
Anna Klunersly, Simeon Bolton, Sarah
Mleholl, D. M. French, H. O. Miller,
Bert Thomas, J. S. Schonck, W. W.
Hart, K. M. Williams, A. S. Roberts.
.1. Harper, O. I). Doane, Vivian French,
Lulu D. Crandall; and tho Misses
Anno Lang and Kllzaboth Lang.
Tuesday Bridge Party.
Mrs. Harry K. CSreone was hostess
Tuesday afternoon for a bridge party
at her homo. Pink and white flowors
were used In tho decorative schom
Mrs. 1). P. Kotchum won tho high
score. Tho Invitational list Included:
Mesdames D. P, Kotchum, L. Barnum,
F. L. Houghton. Clyde Seltz, T. 11.
West, Kmma Carlisle. Mary Losan,
tleorgo Oroblo, William Hobson, Guy
Lades, F. K. Lydu, Bort Thomas, N.
A Bonn. Bartholomew. W. J. Seufert.
I-Mward Seufert, Anna Lindsay, F. S.'
I. annett. E. 11. French, K. M. Wil
liams, M. U. Matthew, J. B. Kllmoro,
II. L. Kuck. C. E. Blunt, John Will. C.
C. Ross, John Van Dellen, B. A. Lub
be, I). W. Yantls. Deprez, und Misses
Mury Kunsmau, Elsto Router. laura
Thompson, Dorothy Fredden, MayhPl
Party for Miss Schmlt.
A delightful birthday party was
given In honor of MUs Anne Schmlt at
the homo of Mrs. E. Heine, hist Satur
day evening. Card games furnished
much amusement and dainty refresh
ments were sorvei. Those attending
were: MUs Anne Schmlt, MUs Marie
Kirby, Miss Frances Klrby,- Vincent
Corrigan, Max Kasebcrger and 'Wil
liam Beck.
Two Visitors Honored
Mrs. W. O. Hadley entertained Mori
day afternoon honoring Mrs. Louise
DoPrez and Mrs. Charles Booth of
Portland. A pleasant social time was
spent and refreshments were served.
The invitational list Included: Mes
dames Saltman, Samantha French,
Curtiss, Morris, Lulu D. Crandall, E
len Burgess, Benton Mays, John
chenck, S. Bolton, J. E. Barnctt, J.
M. Booth, B. A. Lubbe, J. L. Thomp
son, D. L. Cates, Sarah Mlchell, F. T.
Sampson, H. Herbring, D. J. Cooper,
M. V. Stlngle, James Snipes, Smith
French, A. IS. Bennett, E. C. Price.
Good Intent Meets.
The Good Intent society of the
Methodist church was entertained
Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. F. H.
Van Dellen at her home in Ninth
street. She was assisted by Mrs.
Mary Cook. A large number were in
attendance. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Pilch
or of Community Service sang; Mrs.
Lulu D. Crandall explained the His
torical pageant and Mrs. Unruh of
Portland told of the Albertina Kerr
baby home.
Waldron, E. R. Lyda, H. O. Miller, and
the Misses Laura Thompson, Maybel
Mack, Dorothy Fredden and the host
esses. Invited' guests wore Mrs. H. E.
Greene, Mrs. Hallie Rice, Mrs. C. E.
eltz, and Miss Mary Kussman. The
high score was Won by Mrs. Vivian
Greene Bridge Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene enter
tained at bridge last night. Beautiful
cut flower decorations were used. The
inlvltational list included: Messrs.
and Mesdames G. C. Moore, John G.
Odell, J. Minor Booth, Gus Pearson,
Claude S. Knight, John Van Dellen,
W. C. Waldron, Sidney- Bloom, Thomp.
son Coberth, Carlton P. Williams, R.
L. Kirk, Robert C. Bradshaw, Joseph
Stadelman, Bert Thomasi E. R. Lyda,
and Mrs. Constance Hodder. The high
score was won by Dr. and Mrs. E.
R. Lyda and the consolation prize by
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Odell. ,
Pythian Slaters Meet.
Port Dalles Temple (No. 5, Pythian
Sisters held their regular meeting on
Thursday evening, with Mrs. E. G.
Merrifieh presiding, Instead of Mrs.
Willam Hoerlng, who was unable to
attend. A pleasant time was enjoyed
and a benefit dancing party was plan
ned for next Thursday evening.
Five Hundred Party.
Mrs. B. A. Amy entertained with
five hundred at ler home last night.
Dainty refreshments were served.
Those present were Mesdames J. C.
Johnson, William Blrgfeld, G. L. Cole
man, Arthur Seufert, M. D. Pillars,
'B. T. Pillars, George Penny, A. S.
Roberts, J. W. Allen, R. V. Denny,
'Margaret Walker, Rex Ward, J. R.
Johnson, J. (B. Kirk, and Miss Eliza
oeth Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jrkhtbn' and
Mr. and Mrs. Victor jMarde enter
tained the Round RojJiefub" Wednes
day evenla.attae' heme of Mr. and
Mrs. CrichtoBtT Purple iris and lilacs
were effectively used for thev decora
tions. The high score prize was won
by Mr. and Mrs. T. H. West and the
consolation prize by 'Mr .and Mrs. M.
R. Matthew.
Byes tested, glasses title. Dr. Gao.
b Newhouse.
In order to make space for my
summer stock I will Bell at 10 per
cent discount the few remaining
plain tailored and trimmed hats. Mrs.
Weaver, 302 Union street, opposite
postoffice. Telephone black 3171. M20
W. C. T. U. Meeting
A very rousing meeting of the W.
C. T. U. was held Tuesday afternoon.
.M's. E. B Androv.cs of Portland, the
state organizer, .was present She talk
ed on the organization and its im
portance as pertaining to mothers'
meetings, flower missions, good citi
zenship, law enforcement and legis
lation. Her plea for new members re
sulted In 77 new members, which
more than doubled the enrollment of
the local Women's Christian Temper
ance union. Professor R. L. Kirk spoke
of tho cooperation of the parent with
the teacher and the school author!
ties.. Miss Helen Fair spoke on the
cooperative efforts of the Y. W. C. A.
Mrs. Andrews has organized new
unions at Mosier, Boyd and Friend.
Mill on the Floss.
"The Mill on the Floss," Vlll be
shown next Sunday evening at the
Congregational church. This is a five
reel dramatization of the famous book
by George Eliot. It takes Maggie and
Tom, brother and sister, through a
long series of happy and unhappy ex
periences from tho time they "roamed
the daisied fields together" to tho
final scene upon the swollen river.
Scouts-Cadets Social.
On Tuesday evening, May 3, the
Boy Scouts and the Boy Cadets of the
Congregational church will have a so
cial evening together. The parents as
well as he boys are invited to bring
their lunches and eat together. After
lunch there will be a fine program in
motion pictures. "ThomaB Jefferson
Morgan " tho story of a boy who was
no good In school and of his regener
ation through becoming an agent for
the Saturday Evening Post, will be
shown. This is a film of dramatic and
compelling interest, it Is said.
Men's Club To Meet.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
Congrega lonal Men's club will bo
held on Wednesday, .May 4. The reg
ular dinner and speaker will be pro
vided. The spcakor of tho evening wilt
be announced later.
Billiken Club.
Mrs. Vivian French wus hostess to
the BlUIUen club at her home Friday
afternoon. Beautiful red Julius were
used for the decorations, and a
bouquet of them v.-us given as the
consolation prize. Those present were:
Mo blames Joseph Stadelman, R. D.
Maxon, M. It. Matthew, E. H. French,
A. S. Essun, Joseph Horoux, B. A
Lubbe, II E. Greono, Grace Crlchtoi).
Edward Seufert, C. R. Seltz, W. L
Cr'lchton, W, C. Waldron. E. R. Lyda,
Carlton P. Williams, O. D. Doane. W.
A. Carroll, and Misses 'Dorothy Fred
uen and Prudence Pattorson. Tho
high scoro was won by Mrs. E. R, Ly
da and tho consolation by Mrs. A. S.
Esson. '
Artisans Party.
Tho Artlsuns gave a very enjoyable
dancing party at the lodge rooms'
Wednesday evening. About CO cou
pler were present. The music was of
'fine quality. In u short business meet
ing a contribution was voted for tho
Eastern relief,
Wednesday Bridge Club.
The Wednesday evening bridge club
was entertained by Miss Elizabeth
Hall and Miss Prudence Patterson, ut
the homo of Mrs, D. P, Ketchum. Tim
club members present weNtt, Mes
dames Anna Lindsay, Vivian French.
E. H. French, Victor Warden, N. A.
Bonn, W. L. Crlchton, Joseph Heroux,
Grace Crtckton, Nettie Smith. W, C.
Do You Know That
The $800,000 bond issue (should the entire issue be sold at once and it
will not be) will cost YOU ONLY $2.40 per thousand dollars, of assessed
valuation per year?
For each unit of $100,000 of. bonds sold, YOUR taxes increase only 30
cents per thousand dollars of YOUR assessed valuation per year.
By voting this bond issue The Dalles-California road will be a state
highway, which means it THEREAFTER WILL BE MAINTAINED EN
thereafter be spent on other county roads as none will be needed in main
taining this main ' highway.
The Dalles-California Highway WILL BE BUILT regardless of whether
or not this Bond Issue carries. If it fails to carry, the road will probably
The State Highway Commission has the power and authority to build
and caused to be levied special taxes in any county for the STATE ROAD
' f
Upon the success of this issue largely depends the entire progress of
Wasco County for years to come.
Bond Issue Committee
The Dalles-Wasco County Chamber of Commerce.
The Superfeature House
aBMft mM ' From th Story Ay Pi$
It's the best there is in spectacular Dramas. Trie strange story of three
lives. It is different from any picture you have seen
All Star Cast