PAGE SEVEN CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS "HE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1021. Classified afortbtac 1 east per wore each insertion, if luertet times er more. 3-4 cent a wore. Monthly publi cation rate on appMoatioa at the office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Three room house. Close in. Black & Crum. 2 FOR RENT Apartment In the Con don building. M3 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 115 East Second. 2 FOR RENT Sleeping room. Apply 902 Fulton street. 29 , FOR RENT Furnished room, 116 ' West Third street - M3 FOR RENT Small house. 320 East 14th Street. m2 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping and-sleeping rooms. 520 East Third, street. Phone Black 2301. m5 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Telephone (black 3962. ' ' 3U FOR (RENT Four furnished sleeping rooms for gentlemen. Close in. 405 Union street. 30 FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartments at 400 Wfest Third street. Telephone main 3471. 29 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartment with garden ground. Ap ply evenings, 913 Federal street. Mrs. B. J. Bagley. 2 FOR RENT Ground floor room in the Condon building. Plate glass twlndow; suitable for office or small business. 2 FOR RENT Three rooms, two porches, cellar, electric lights, water, partly furnished if desired. 400 West Tenth. 30 FOR RENT Nice, large, airy parlor bed room, two beds, bath and tele phone. Very cosy for two. gentlemen, also one large single bedroom at 420 West Second street. Telephone t black 1402. 30 FOh SALt FOR SALE Furniture. Call 7F4. M3 FOR SALE Ford truck. Terms to re sponsible party. Telephone 16F21. 3 FOR SALE: Residence property also lots, easy terms. Inquire 618 Clay St. m2 FOR SALE Why walk when you can buy a perfectly good- car for $200. Call black 6751, evenings, 'i FOR SALE Fresh milch cow, four-year-old. Gives six gallons per day. A. E. Fine, telephone 17F11. 4 FOR SALE Team of mares, five and six years old, broke and well match ed. Farmers' Feed barn. 2 FOR SALE Real honent-togoodness buy, 320 acres logged off land, one half tillable, 11 miles from Hood River. Water ditch on place. $2,000. See Chris McClay, Telephone main 3771. 1 THAT SUDDEN Sharp Pain which you ex- crienco at times can be removed. No woman has tbo right to suffer v,'hen she can obtain relief safely, certainly and promptly. Suppose you do have head aches, back aches, extreme nervousness, low spirits and general feelings at times? Your case is not hopeless. Try Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. Sold by druggists in liquid or tablets, or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial packaged Read what thii woman says: Bistjop. Cal. "About five years ago I suffered severely. I consulted n local doctor and hs said I would have to undergo an operation. 1 then tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription took one bottle also one bottle o( the Golden Medical Discovery,' and used the 'Lotion Tablets,' and I have sot bees troubled since. Mat!. L. O. 'iUUHl, K. F. D. No. 1. 0Mt FOR SALE targe ami snail fan and ere hard tracts. Reaseaaete prices, geod terms. W. C. Haana, Dufur, Ore. 18tf. FOR SALE 20 acres of good land, un improved, three miles west of The Dalles. Price reasonable. Terms if desired. Write owner, P. O. box 67, Traver, California. ' 10 FOR SALE 1917 model Oldsmobile "8," first class conditon. Six new cord tires. A bargain for cash or terms. Telephone or write Paul Childers. 29 FOR SALE Horses. 1 have a number of good horses for sale cheap. Read's Feed store, eaot end ef Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 26tf FOR SALE 'Dry oak wood; old oak. $11.50. Second growth. 112.60. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Owing to the high fertil ity and increasing demand for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I will held my special pen together during April. All orders cared for at Sl.tO per 16 or $6 per hundred. Fred Cyphers, R. F. D. No. 3, tele phone red 6362. US LOST OR FOUND LOST Light bay mare, four years old, light nose, small white spot on forehead, branded (2) on (eft shoul der, weighs about 1200 pounds. Last seen in Bill Ross' pasture on John Day river with old dark-bay imare, branded AL on left shoulder. Will pay anyone ?10 reward for in formation as to her whereabouts. Willis Knox, box 836, The Dalles. w!9 WANTED WANTED Man to work on ranch. Call 615 Webster street. 2 WANTED To sell, rent and repair typewriters and sewing machines. Hemstitching done. Phone Coryea. 2 WANTED Calcimining and painting by day or hour. Call mornings or evenings. Red 3961. 3 LOST Long grey suede glove. Return to Chronicle office. 29 LOST Package containing green voile dress. Return to Chronicle office. 30 PICKED UP 11 head of small horses ,in city. 1 brown three-year old, brand A P on left shoulder. 1 Apal usy horse, stirrup brand on left shoulder. 1 Apalusy mare, no brand.' 2 sorrel mares, stripe in face, look alike, no brand. I old bay mare, no brand. 1 spotted horse, brand A P on left jaw. 1 bay pony, brand A P on left shoulder. 1 roan mare, bratfu A P on left shoulder. 1 brown z year old, no brand. Picked up April 27. Unless these horses are called for by May 7, they will be sold at auction at the city pound. Chief of Police Frank Heater. 3 WANTED Young couple want fur nished apartments, two rooms and kitchen. Write box 123, care Chron icle. 29 WANTED Lady housekeeper, light work for single man, house well fur- nished. All replies will be promptly answered. Alfred Nichols, Prine ville, Oregon. 4 WANTED To mow your lawns, fix up your flowers or any other kind of work to keep busy and make money honestly. Use the telephone. -L. A Mathews, 602 West Eighth street, telephone red 3651. tf MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled, aad general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1862. J. E. Henzle. 11U HEMSTITCHING Pioot edging. Mrs. L. M. -Bootbby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main 6681.' tf PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS i'IANOS TCNtfJD And repaired, ac tion regulating and reflnishlng. Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Heura 9:00 to 5:00 Sunday and Evenings by Appointment I7-1S Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug 8tere Phone Black 1111 WOODARD & TAUSC'HER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates furnished fcee of charg:. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block Wasco Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Roomlto Open Soon M. S. Elliott, Mgr. The Old Dollar is Coming Back Keports from various parts of the country in dicate that the dollar is staging a come-back, with a promise of gradual return to its old time purchasing power. This is welcome news' for all of us who have been wrestling with the cost-of-living problem. It is welcome news also for the many people in this community who are saving wisely against the time when the dollar will buy a full dollar's worth again. "Keep on saving," is our advice. The old dollar is coming back. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK X ; The Dalles, Oregon Player actions a specialty. Work Kuaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main lnftl. tf White Truck Line Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wav points Leave The Dalles, 9 u. m daily except Sunday. Leave Moio 1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or main 471. tf FORD Specialists Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. VENZ BAUER Ueneral real estate, insurance, and loans. 1001 East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 28 tf VERNA SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 218J East Third street. M6 POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessens by Appointment EmpresB Theatre Pianist Burget-Mogan Co Funeral Directors THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Phones Main 2891. Night Black 401, Main 5291 GET THE KIDDIES INTO THE BANKING HABIT YOU can't start the boys and girls along the thrift road too early in life. When they are given a Savings Account at French & Company bank when they are youngsters, they soon learn that it pays to save the nickels, dimes and dollars. A lot df BIG customers started here when they were SMALL. 4 Paid on Savings E, H. FRENCH. Presto.. PAUL M. FRENCH. Vice-President V. H MENCM. Secretary J. C. M08TETLER. Cashier III mm FRENCI1&CO, BANKERS THE DALLES OREGON Peoples Transfer Go. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint StoreMain 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager ert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Establish1 1SS7 Woman Attendant Telephones Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Day Red SSI Telephone Red 1781 Night Red S52 J. H. Harper,. Black 2152 Motor Equipment Cut Flowers A New ' Local Service for Motorists Titnken Roller- Bearing Hyatt Roller Butting New Departure Ball Bearing To provide motorists and others interested in automobile service work in this section with prompt, expert dependable service on bearings, we have established an authorized local service station for the Bearings Ser vice Company. The Bearings Service Company is the national service representative for the Timken Roller Bearing Com pany, Hyatt Roller Bearing Company and New Departure Manufacturing Company. Supplied with authentic engineer ing records by these manufacturers and having immediate access to com plete stocks of new bearings not reground or second hand stock we can provide service in which you can place absolute confidence a bearing service that is exact, depend able and prompt one that will make it unnecessary for you to be without the use of your machine pending the receipt of bearings from far off factories. WALTHER-WIillAIS COMPANY, Parts Department Authorized DietrlbiUerm Bearings Service Company Dufur