4 .4 PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APIIL 29, 1121. iw . - 1 TECHNICAL PEACE WITH GERMANY NEAR SENATE WILL VOTE ON KNOX WAR-END RESOLUTION TOMORROW. By Ralph H. Turner (United New Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, April 29 "Tech nlcal peace" between the United States and Germany looms nearer than at any time since the armlsi tlce. Under the present plans of Its leaders, the senate will vote Satur day on the Knox resolution, 'estab lishing a declaratory pence between J America and the Central powers. Passage of the resolution is con ceded. , Agreement to vote on the reso lution was reached in the senate Thursday by Senator Lodge and genator Underwood, republican and democratic leaders respectively, af ter the development of the first spoken opposition to the measure. Tho opposition came from Senator Nelson, republican, cf Minnesota, and Senator Underwood. By passage of tho resolution, Nelson charged tho United States would permit Germany to escape from fulfilling her obll jatlimt to the allies, as defined in the treaty of Versailles. Underwood declared the resolution meant the United States not only would be abandoning the allies, but that we would lose our rights under the Ver sailles treaty. There was scant effort in republi can rankB to defend the measure, Senator Edge, of New Jersey, being the only one to display any concern erer the democratic opposition. Pointing out that a "political revo laUon" had taken place in tho many states last November, Underwood conceded that there wib small op portunity to conclude peace by rati fication of tho Versailles treaty say las President Harding had made It evident ho did uot Intend to resub mit the treaty. Bt to repeal a resolution declar ing a state of war would be a re traction of that act and I am not .itnnr n make that retraction," Uaoerwood Bald. "With the passage of the resolution, we would have to make a peuco treaty with a country with which we were already at peace. I have never heard of making peace with a nation with which a technical state of war had ended." Senator Edge explained that the passage of the Knox resolution would not be America's final word, hut that congress could take up the Ver sailles treaty and negotiate a peace, with alterations, on the basis of that document. "But the United States would go as a supplicant," Underwood replied. "Our war status would have ended and we would have to deal with Ger many as with any other country which was at peace with us." "It would be an net of war," Un derwood continued, "to maintain van army after the passage of this reso lution. "After all the sacrifice of lives, to defend against future wars, this resolution now proposes to abandon that hope. We said the war would bo fought In vain unless future wars were prevented; yet at this critical hour we propose to abandon our al lies. "I do not favor continuing tho present state of uncertainty, but I want toknow definitely what we are doing. We have no assurance that Germany will accept anything in this resolution or that a permanent status of peace will result." Senator McKollar asked: "Hasn't this ever been done before ending a war by resolution of congress?" "No, never before," Underwood re plied. "That's right, never before," in terposed Senator Borah, one of tho irreconcllables. "But it Is a mighty good precedent to establish." Senator Nelson complained that the resolution asked Germany to make reparation to no one but the United States and overlooked Ger man pledges totho allies on repar ations and disarmament. 'JAIL HOfWRTIE8 END; COlftJIiR GETS 100 DAYS By (if&4 rresa (PORTLAND, April 29,-Hy Brown started in today ojLa 100-day sen tence for manufacturing "hop" In the city Jail. 'Sflp Jail authorities had been at loss for some time to account for the "hop parties" being held within the confines of the local bastile. Jailer O'Brien yesterday solved tho mystery when he found Brown cook ing raw opium in his cell. The ma terial had been furnished by a. Chinaman in an adjoining cell. It was cooked in a can and then passed around to the inmates. Typing and Stenography done at reasonable rates. Roslna A. Fleck. Office Hstel Dalles. Real dence phone red 2332. tf There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man In the past, be a "made to order man'1 In the future. First class hand tailor-" ed suits to measure, $35.00 and up. W. H. Webber, one block east of post office. 6tf Swimming meet, high school circus, Friday night. M Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tionTuesdays and Thursdays. pr. Bourn, chiropractic physician. Third and Washington, mala 101. if MOVIE MOVES "Earthbound" The lure of a woman's charms so irresistible that marriage vows and family ties are swept away before it, passion, tragedy and vengeance so in tense that even death cannot settle the score have made of "Earthbound" a drama bo powerful, so mystifying, so breathtaking in its intensity as to overshadow all motion picture ach ievements of the past. It is not to be wondered at therefore that this mas ter Goldwyn film, produced from' the story by (Basil King, caused such a stir among New York dramatic critics dur ing a recent run at the Astor theater. "Earthbound," which comes to the Casino theater for two days beginning Sunday, has a plot that lays bare as Buy a Tag Saturday April 30 25C Pays For One Tree for the new City Park and Camp Site EMPRESS Home of Superfeatures SATURDAY- Not a Serial, but a 7 Reel Real Feature "The Revenge of Tarzan" Better than "Tarzan of the Apes" "The Revenge of Tarzan" is frankly sensational. But so. bizarre and different is the theme upon which it is built, that the picture is lifted high above the ordinary melodrama. TONIGHT- JESSE LUMKV FUESEXT ROSCOE (FATTY) Arbuckle ' BV ARRANGEMENT WITH JOSEPH M.SCHENCK 4 I Bretons" no other film production ever has done, a man's struggle against a wom an's seductive charms; his futile ef forts to resist; the vengeance of his closest friend, whose confidence he had betrayed by robbing him of his wife, and finally his punishment, so drastic as tocarry the story of the play even beyond this life before li It. regeneration is achieved. Dick Desborough (Wynham Stand ing), and Ma Ritterfchaw (Mahlou Hamilton), were light hearted care free chums. In their college days they had subscribed to a vcreed of their own "No God, no sin, no future life. (Nothing but the survival of the fit test, and every man for himself." They lived by it and both married and prospered. But Daisy (Flora Revalles) whom Jim married, had all the se ductive charms as well as the heart cnni of a vampire. She accept. ed the luxury with which Jim's money provided her, but her heart was never his. The photoplay story from thU be ginning works out a gripping tale. Brown's DufurVtage Time Table Two round trips daily. Leave 'Bank hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. . The May Victor Records Have Now Arrived We are ready to play them for you at any time, or to send you the illustrat ed booklet describing them. Stop in today. t1 ,. 64948-1 Passed by Your Window 7rT'nSe8-il 74680 Favorlta O moi Fernando (Dearest Ferdinandl) Gabrlele Besanzonl i.o 64953-in Old Madrid -Emltpdf "bTaH 64945- Traviata Addlo del passato (Farewell to the Bright Visions) Amc tita Galli-Curci $1.25 ., s1 25 64944 Tosca Recondlta armonia (Strange Harmony) Benlamlno OW'-j1'' 74678- Canzonetta (Tschalkowsky) Violin Tohnson-Il 25 64946- Just That One Hour Edward Johnson ill. 64947- On Miami Shore-Waltz Violin rJSnlnoMl 75 74679-Valse In E Flat Major (Chopin) Piano Sergei Rachmanhipff 64952-La Plsanelle-The Quay of the Port' of Famagusta .Toscanlni and La Scala Orchestra-$1.25 Werrenrath-1.25 64950-Story of thQ Rose... Renato Zanelli-J1.25 6495jAy.Ay.Ay (Cre'ole Song) Hto oli$i 00 akoai m-rat Arnhpnntin HarD . . -Chanson de Pecheur (Song of a Fisherman) live KUne-$1.00 4&Z&D ricKaninuy - isabelle Marsh . -Butterfly Thompson Seton-fl.50 55136 Three Sioux acouj 1 p80n Seton iaSse iffssar ggsj ssr Vto&SZ Orchestra- -Hummlng-Medley fob -u-f ",7 orchestra- .85 18738-Mazie fox 1 roi..........- - - - telr orchestra -Answer-Medley ox 1 r" h smith's Orchestra- .85 .85 18739 KIsb a Miss wauz ToPnh C Smith's Orchestra Romance waitz Charles Hart-EHlott Shaw 18740-Wyoming (Lullaby) uaneB tXbBB Quartet Ttlue Jeans 18741 Rose I Call Sweetheart Mother of Pearl - 18743-r-Turkey In the Straw Accordion Russian Rag Accordion William Robyn .William Robyn Pietro Pietro .85 .85 .85 ffl -Lsj$H F. A. FRENCH Opposite City Hall A Few of Our Regular Prices WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS WITH FREE Auto Delivery Can Peaches, heavy syrup, per can...: 20c Log Cabin Apricots, per can 20c Taylor Pork and Beans, per doz $1.00 Good standard Corn, two cans for 25c Good standard Pea?, two cans for 25c Del Monte solid pack Tomatoes, two cans for 25o Del Monte Pineapple, 22, per can 35c Del Monte Pineapple, 2, per can .. 25c IXL Brand Soup, per can 10c Golden Rod Oats, per pkg...... 30c White River Pan Cake Flour, 5 lb. sack ,..50c White River Pan Cake Flour, 10 lb. sack 75c Macaroni Noodles and Spaghetti, 3 lbs. for 25c Salted Peanuts, 2 lbs. for 25c Shelled Walnuts, per lb .. 35c Empire blend Coffee, 35c value for 20c per lb. Fancy Three Crown Raisins, per lb 25c Dry Prunes, 4 lbs. for 25c Fancy Head Rice, per lb 7c J. S. Niller Grocery Co. WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT With the Fastest Service in The Dalles J.