THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1921. Travel Transport Topics Conducted by Goodrich , PAGE EIGHT w (A. total of ?149,193,R06 was collect ed In 1920 by the United States treas ury from the manufacturers' excise tax on the automobile industry. Of this amount $83,114,340 was received from the 5 percent tax on passenger cars and motorcycles, $50,944,571 from the 5 percent tax on tires, Inner tubes, parts and accessories, and $15. 134,594 from the 3 percent tax on mo tor trucks and '.vngona. ( In tvintiif riJttfiu urttn ilttliti'un i rn 411 JJ1I14IJ LlllUO CJVjIlWWt Llilllll Utl (VI w educated regaidlng traffic laws In a unique manner. The teacliur fhoones one of the children to act as a traf fic cop. The little one then stands in the middle of the class room with hands uplifted and goes through the Itt'mJliar traffic signals. Another child then acts as a tall building, another as a truck, still another as an automo bile, and so on until the setting Is sim ilar to everyday busy corner con ditions. Tho movlo folks have gone Mark Twain one bolter. He mixed medi eval knights with modern characters and slang. In "movlo-lzlng" his fa mous satirical comedy, "A Connecti cut Yankee In King Arthur's court," a moUon picture director has mount ed 400 armored knights on motorcy cIoh. The aimoiol riders raco through Jnnumernblo mountain passes and over steep hills as they rescuo tho hero In the dungeon just as the trap ! doo. Is about to full. i Tho opening nnrt closing dates of the tourist season in the-principal na- tlonal parks Tor 1921 follow: Glacier Park, Montana, .lunu 15 to September j 15; Mount Rainier, 'Washington, Juno 15 to September 15; Rocky Mountain I Park, Juno 15 to October 1; Yellow-1 stono Park, "Wyoming, Juno 20 to Soptembor 15; General Grant Park, California, Mny 24 to October 10; Grand Canyon Park, Arizona; Hot Springs Park, Arkainau; and Yosom ilo Park, California, are open through out tho entire year. Iroo camp grounds are provided In each park ,for motorists who bring their own camp equipment. GOOD ROADg (Continued Kroni Pb !) Tmiltori'lelil recently was paid a high j honor when she was called to Wash ington to receive at the hands of Pres ident Warron G. Harding a certificate or the scholarship during formal o.v orclses on tho White lionise lawn. Mr. Klrestone and members ot the high way and highway transport education committee, of which he Is a member, wore present for these exercises, which were photographed and filmed by newspapers and moving picture news weeklies and shown to hundreds of thousands of purontu and pupils throughout the country. Hack of I ho Idea of the oamy con teat is the wish of tho highway tram? port committee and coopuratlng, or ganizations to bring to the attention or the high school pupils of tho coun try the urgent need for Immediate Improvement in tho national high way system. Members of the highway and high way transport committee are: Dr. P. P. I'laxton, United States CoinnussAm or or education, chairman; T, 11. MucUonald. ehler. V. K. bureau of pub lic roadt ; Colonel M. l. Patrick, corps of engineers, United States army; Hoy 1). Chupln, national auto mobile chamber ot couuuorco; W. 8. Keller, president American U8aocta Hon of statu highway officials; II, 8. Flrestono, rubbor association of Amor ten; Dean V, U, ailshop, Boclety for the promotion of engineering education; Dr. Walton C. John, U. 8. buroau of education, secretary, and Protector C. J. Tlldun, Yalo University director, Tho offices of tho committee are t tho Wlllard building, Waialagtoa, D.I O. The Clouds of Doubt and Uncertainty Have Rolled By WE ARE emerging from the shadow and entering the. Sunshine of PROSPERITY. We are standing upon the threshold of a New Day. Out of imaginary chaps and temporary depression come OPTIMISM and CONFIDENCE in the Future. .Speculative orgies are rapidly being replaced by Sound Constructive Business Policies. Fictitious Values and High Prices have had their fling and now step aside to make way for REAL VALUES based upon present Replacement Costs. THIS is a Prosperous Condition and we are proud that our 312 DEPARTMENT STORES were among the VERY FIRST TO LOWER PRICES and thus help bring about this new PROS PERITY that promises to be SOUND and ENDURING. MEN ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOWER CLOTHING PRICES ,1' You'll find a big saving in store for you, here in good serviceable clothing. Come in and look them over. . Young Men's Suits at :....$14.75 to $44.75 Men's Staple Suits at. :. : -$19.75 to $44.75 Men's Khaki Serge Suits i $27.50 In ffl'ITS These are excellent and serviceable suits for sumnier wear MEN'S KHAKI TROUSERS $1.49 to $2.98 Of good serviceable Khaki and well made. MEN'S KHAKI COMBINA TION WORKINGALLS $1.98, $2.49 and $2.98 None better than the values we show. Every suit built for ser vice. Sizes 34 to 50. KHAKI WORK SHIRTS Triple stitched, double pocket and extra good quality khaki. All sizes. Each 98c. SHOES We outfit the entire family with better shoes for less money Here arc Some of the New Arrivals This Week: Ladies' Black Suede Pump, fan cy strap, turn sole, Louis cov ered heel $8.90 Ladies' Black and Brown kid Pump, fancy strap, turn sole, covered Louis "heel $7.50 Ladies Brown Military heel Kid Oxford, welt sole, $6.50, $7.50 Growing Girls' Brown Kid Ox ford, low heel, all sizes....$4.S0 Men's Black and Brown Calf, English Oxfords, welt sole. Pair $4.98 and $5.90 LADIES' MERCERIZED COTTON HOSE 29c pair These are excellent values. All sizes in Black only. FANCY DRESS VOILES 23c, 39c, 49c and 53c Beautiful new patterns that are entirely different, just in by express today. You'll find these values in which you will readily realize the saving in store for you. RENFREW KILTIE GINGHAMS 39c yard 32 inches wide in beautiful new Scotch plaids. Youhould see these as you will appreciate something different in Ginghams. FANCY LINGERIE CREPE 35c yard Pink, Blue and White with neat, dainty floral patterns. Ideal for gowns, etc. PEQUOT SHEETINGS Buy this well known standard make and you are sure of the best. 9-4 Bleached, per yard 49c 9- 4 Brown, per yard - 47c 10- 4 Bleached, per yard 55c HOPE MUSLIN 13c per yard A quality every woman knows .and needs no recommen dation. 36 INCH WHITE OUTING 19c per yard Good heavy weight. Youll realize a saving. WONDERFUL VALUES IN LADIES' SILK DRESSES At $14.75 and $19.75 You'll .find excellent materials combined with rare and beautiful styles in these wonderful values. Materials are Taffetas, Messalines and Mignonettes in all the newest and best colors. Sizes 16 to 44. WOMEN'S COATS $9.90 to $12.90 Newest spring styles direct from New York's best manu facturers in all sizes. If you .need a new coat you should not fail to see these wonderful values. LADIES' BUNGALOW APRONS 89c each Made of good quality percale in neat colors and patterns. Ideal for house wear and excellent values. All sizes. GINGHAM FROCKS FOR AFTERNOON WEAR Beautiful bright plaid and checked gingham dresses, neatly trimmed with lace and Organ die. Collars and cuffs. All sizes. Priced at $3.98 to $6.50 JAPANESE LUNCH CLOTHS Nothing is more serviceable than these excellent cloths of Japanese Crepe. Blue borders and floral patterns. Sizes 48x48, 54x54 and 62x62. Pricetf at $1.25, $1.49 and $k69 Napkins to match, 89c doz. BEAUTIFUL NEW BEADED BAGS You'll appreciate these beautiful new beaded bags just in today. Each $7.50 LADIES' WASH SATIN CAMISOLES 69c each Made of flesh colored wash Sat in, lace trimmed. LADIES' PURE THREAD SILK HOSE 98c pair These are in Black only. Regu lar and out sizes. BUYING MOST WE BUY FOR LESS hi ! y j 312 DEPARTMENT STORES SELLING MOST WE SELL FOR LESS Hi pi H THE LARGEST CHAIN lARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD h ill