The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 29, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 15

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. (ConOnuet .It-oai Pi 1.)
of the highway is visible as the road
gradually climbs to a point high above
the .Columbia, wast of Rowena. The
open river can be plainly seen( for
miles in each dlrectjon, the view ob
tained from the summit of the grade
surpassing In many respects that at.
Crown Point.
The, grade then .winds gently down
ward, across the new arch -'bridge
spanning Mosler Creek and into the
little town of Mosler.
The entire distance of the Rowena
Mosier tretch, starting at the marsh
pits, is being covered with a fine
macadam surfacing, in anticipation of
allowing the road to stand over an
other year before paving. This stretch
is under contract for paving, how
ever, and it is possible' that it may
be paved this year, should the hilly
grade become sufficiently settled.
Between The Dalles and Rowena,
work is virtually completed in the
laying of a smooth surfacing, which
permits easy travel by automobile. It
is expected the work on this section
will be completed by Saturday, thus
making a Sunday trip to Hood 'River
over the Columbia highway a pleas
ing possibility to- local automobile
The A. D. Kern Construction com
pany has contracted for paving the
highway between The 'Dalles and
-Hood River, and 1b at the present
time constructing a big rock crusher
and a paving plant near Mosier, in
anticipation of starting paving in the
near-future. It is planned to pave be
tween Mosier and Hood River and be
tween The Dalles an Rowena this
year, work to start within 30 days.
The road will only be closed durin?
working hours, after paving haa been
started, as the contract calls for the
road being open, to traffic after work,
ing hours and at noon. If the usual
schedule of working hours is follow
ed, this clause will mean that travel
will be permitted before 8 o'clock in
the morning and after 5 o'clock in the
evening and during an interval of one
hour at noon.
Bast of The Dalles, the Columbia
Klver highway is passable as far as
the Five Mile eddy, although a bit
rough in spots. Travel further than
this point is absolutely precluded by
the rough condition of the road, and,
a little further on, an incompleted
The old road from The "Dalles to
the Deschutes river is in good condi
tion, however, having only recently
been graded and worked.
Beyond the Deschutes river, the
highway is virtually completed to
Pendleton, with a macadam surface
rivaling anj- boulevard in the world.
A fair road extends from Biggs to
Other roads In Wasco county are
generally in good condition, especial
ly the main traveled highways. Al
though starting to cut up slightly in
spots, The Dalles-Dufur road is stilt
in excellent condition. From Dufur
to Maupin the road la generally good, J
although rough In one or two places.
(Continued From Pge 1.)
cllltles, is what the auto camp -site'
committee of The Dalles-Wasco Coun
ty Chamber of Commerce is working
for. And it is in line iwlth this plan
that the committee Js going to stage a
tag day Saturday.
The committee realizes that a real
ly beautiful park has trees; trees of
all varieties and all foliages. Flowers
and shrubbery help a lot, but jtrees,
lots of them, are the main ingredients
of any city park, whether It be simply
a little green nook in the heart of the
city or a big open park and camp
site, such as is planned for The Dalles,
committee members say.
And trees they are going to have.
The trifling sum of 25 cents will buy
a young tree, If the trees are bought
a thousand in a lot. (More than 100
treeB have already been set out it
advantageous points aboujt the park,
and the committee wants to plant
more; lots more.
And so Saturday every cltisen and
citizeaess in The Dalles is going to
be solicited to buy a tag. The 25 cenw
paid for the tag will b added to all
the other 25 cent pieces received and
the grand total spent for assorted
'quick growing trees.
Boy Scouts, high school students,
business men and women and every
person with a few spare moment's will
be drafted aturday.
Work in improving the auto camp
grounds has been quietly going on
during the last several weeks, until
now quite a creditable allowing has
been 'made. All work is under the
direction of H. E. Burdette, Portland
landscape artchitect, assisted by Gor
don' Stewart.
It Is planned to divide the city
ground alloted for use as a park Into
sections, eaeh section numbered, in
this manner the complete improve
ment of the park can be done one sec
tion at a time, as finances permit,
with each section a complete unit m
(Shelter houses are now being put
up, together with camp ovens, for use
by tourists in cooking. A commodious
-outbuilding will be constructed ot
stone. Numerous little lakes noW
standing will be connected with an in
dependent water source, in order
that they will not dry up in the sum
mer. A crew of men was put to work yes
terday at the construction of an auto
mobile road to the park. All mem
bers of this crew were formerly en
gaged in work on the Columbia high
way, and are experienced in roart-.building,
& Healy
especially adapted for restoring and preserving
original lustre on high grade pianos, phonographs,
fine furniture and your auto surface. There is
no equal.
"The Product of Experience"
Owners of Chevrolet Model "T" One-Ton
Trucks are constantly finding new uses for its
ability. And the more ways in which its use
fulness is applied the more valuable an invest
ment it becomes.
Its adaptability for all-round service day in
and day out makes this car a profitable utility
in every field of commercial transportation.
Wherever it serves, greater economy and
increased efficiency are experienced, not only
in the actual transportation of merchandise
but in the protection afforded goods in transit.
The same low cost of operation and certain
ty of performance that distinguish all Chevro
let passenger cars make the Chevrolet "Four
Ninety" Light Delivery Wagon a profitable car
for commercial use.
520 East Second Street
The Dalles, Oregon
We Specialize
On Automobile jEIectrical
We can save you both time and money on elec
trical repairs.
Inspection and cost estimates free.
Wc are an Official Service Station.
Zenith Carburetors
We have the size to fit your car. Install a Zenith
and wcure carburetor satisfaction.
Why We Sell Exide
Sound business reasons, every one of them.
1. The first commercially successful start
ing and lighting battery was built by The
Electric Storage Battery Company.
2. The Electric Storage Battery Company
is the oldest and largest manufacturer of
storage batteries in the world.
3. Exide Service means a .definite battery
service repairs, overhauling and atten
tion by a group of battery experts.
4. We can sell an Exide Battery, secure in
the belief that you will get all the battery
value possible and more than you ordin
arily would get.
No matter what make of battery you have
in your car, if it needs attention, we shall be
glad to give it expert, unprejudiced attention
so that it will last as long as possible until you
are ready to replace it with an Exide, the long
life battery.