The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 28, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 3

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WAMIC, April 26. Willie iNorvel
accompanied by Belvie Patison and
his mother, Mrs. A. M. Patison, went
to The Dalles to take medical treat
ment. Willis and Vurd Norvel and their
mother, Mrs. Willie Norvel were
Dalles visitors Tuesday.
A large delegation of citizens of
this place and Juniper Flat went to
The Dalles the first of last week to
attend the litigation trial of the sev
eral water ditch companies against
the Pacific Power & Light company
who have water claims in White riv
er arid its tributaries.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wing arrived
Tuesday from Toppenish, Wash., and
are guests of their son, Wilbur Wing,
and family. Their nephew, Johnny
Johnson, accompanied them hori.
They are all former residents of this
'Willie iNorvel underwent an oper
ation at the hospital in The Dalles
Wednesday morning, his ailment "be
ing stomach trouble.
W. II. Patison returned Tuesday
from a trip to Portland and The
Mrs. Barbara End arrived Wednes
day from Lakeside and is a guest of
her grandson, Wilbur Wing, and fam
ily. Mrs. End was a long time resi
dent of this place, having moved to
her present homo some two years ago
Mrs. Luna Savage arrived Thursday
from Portland where she visited rel
atives after upending the winter in
southern Oregon with her daughter,
Airs. Carl Pratt and family.
The cltlzons of this place have or
ganized a tennis tournament.
W. iH. Patison hud charge or the
blacksmith shop lust week while
Charley Crofoot was moving his
household furniture from Juniper
Mrs. Ben Munger, Henry and Maud,
and two small children were here
Thursday from upper Fifteen Mile
creek, guests over night of Mrs.
Martha Dean.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maglll were
Tygh visitors Thursday.
Miss Alma Driver returned Thurs
day from a few days' stay in Tygh,
the guest of Mrs. Orange Brlttain.
A heavy wind swept this place Frl
dny, rain falling late In the afternoon.
A drop in the temporature at night
caused a heuvy frost and freeze. It Is
feared thut the fruit trees in bloom
here will sirffor from the cold wave.
iMrs. Orange Brlttain came up from
Tygh Thursday, remaining until Sat
urday at tho homo of her son, Chester.
Mrs. Joe Chastnln with baby, Nina,
spent several days last week at tho
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. II. Conloy, at lower Tygh.
Two transfers of property were
made In Tygh rocently, A. A. Bonnoy
purchascd two houses and lots from
A. M. Young of Moro, and F. C. Bur
den bought the F. Wolsbeck houso.
A. E. lUiko mudo a trip to Tho
Dalles Thursday, returning Friday.
C. E. Pratt arrlvod Saturday from
Oakland whero ho spent six weeks
with his son, Carl, and family. Mr.
Pratt was called to Tho Dallos by tho
litigation of tho water ditches of this
place with the light and power com
pany of tho White river power plant.
A forco of men has been repairing
tho rosorvolr that furnishos water for
this pluco, putting a now inside lining
and doing othor necossary repairing.
The roads arc In oxcollent condition
between hero and Tygh Valley now,
excopt for two or three slides near
Friday - Saturday
Larry Scmon
Louise Lovely
the lower end of the Tygh grade that
have not been fully removd.
Miss Belle McMurry returned a
week ago Saturday from a two weeks'
Btay at the home of her brother, Joe
McMurry, near bufur.
F. 'Burden of Tygh made a trip to
Portland Wednesday, taking a load of
furniture for W. F. Maglll from this
place. Mrs. Burden accompanied him.
They are still in the city.
J. Ollsan and family are at the Bur
den hotel in Tygh during the absence
of Mr. and Mrs. Burden, Miss Ora
Oilson having charge of the hotel.
iMr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, Mrs.
Marlon Burlingame and little daugh
ter, Marian, and Miss Crystal Pratt
arrived Sunday from Portland. They
came over the highway. Miss Pratt
went to the C. S. McCorkle home, the
others going to the home of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wing.
Houston Johnson came over from
Juniper Flat Sunday where he is em
ployed at the H. T. Bothwell farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woods and baby
were visitors here Sunday from Tygh.
Cecil Woodcock accompanied by his
mother, Mrs. H. F. Woodcock, were
over from Maupin Sunday, guests at
tho A. E. Lake home.
It. W. Henneghan, who sold his farm
on Juniper Flat last fall and spent
tho winter, with Mrs. Henneghan, In
Portland, has purchased property in
Maupin, buying the house and lots
now occupied by Mrs. H. F. Woodcock
and son, Cecil. Tho Woodcocks have
also bought lots in Maupin and will
build in the near future. At present
they will occupy the hotel building
built by 'M. B. Zumwalt nt the com
mencement of the building up of tho
town. The house has not been used
for a hotel for a number of years.
George Sutherlin of Coeur d'Alene,
Wash,, accompanied by 'Henry May
hew of Dufur, was hero Saturday to
hold a grain cooperative meeting but
so many of tho farmers were in The
Dalles that no meeting was held.
Mangers Neal of Portland, Haverly
of Waplnltla, Barton of 'Friend and
Brown of Dufur arrived here Satur
day and are looking up the interests
of loose horses running on the forest
reserve. Horses were excluded by the
citizens of this portion of the moun
tain range at a former meeting held
Jim, the nine-year-old son of Post
master and Mrs. Emmet Zumwalt,
was badly hurt Mondjay morning while
taking their imilch cow to a pasture
at the upper end of town. The boy, in
company with little Jimmy Wttrd was
running when his foot became en
tangled In a fallen barbed wire which
throw him forward, his face striking
another wlro which cut him severely
nbout tho nose and face. The acci
dent happened near the home of Mrr.
Mary Boatty, who cared for tho child
and telephoned to the parents, who
took him to Maupin for medical aid.
Miss Clarlco Zumwalt accompanied
them to Maupin.
Taxi 8ervlcs
Day or night. Stand' at Club Cigar
store. Telephone rod 1711. R. Wlntor
muth. ' v
Brown's Dufur btagc Time Table
Two round trips dally. Leave BiwiU
hotel, 9. a. ni. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. atid 1 p. m. tt
It has taken the country by
siorm. JLed in every district
of the United States, without
exception, in sales during
Judd &
WAPINITIA, April 26. The last
week has been stormy. Ice has form
ed and uneasiness is felt for the fruit,
as most of the trees are Just bloom
ing. Wheat Is not far enough along to
be damaged yet.
Mrs. Alice Chappie arrived here
from Kansas Saturday evening and is
visiting, at the hpme of Mr .and Mrp.
Clyde Flinn.
(Robert Ellenwood made a trip to
The Dalles Friday, taking In Len Wil
son to attend the water trial that is
in progress.
N. G .Hedin is in The Dalles at pres
ent. H. N. Dodge was doing some sur
veying for the ditch company Monday.
' A little son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Appling Sunday, April 17.
Everett (Richmond spent a few days
in The Dalles last week.
E. R. Jackman, county agent, and
the state veterinary visited this sec
tion last week.
Annie Lewis left here today for the
home of Hr. adn Mrs. Floyd Kelly
near Maupin where she will be em
ployed. Mrs. May Bevell of Portland was
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Delore the first
of the week.
George Heltz returned from The
Dalles the last of the week. Mrs.
Heitz is in the county seat.
"Grandma" Heitz is visiting at the
home of her granddaughter, Mrs. S. H.
The correspondent of the Maupin
Times interviewed the management of
the Wapinitla Irrigation company,
concerning the rumor that Wapinitla
Irrigation company desired to secure
certain water rights on the north side
of White river. 'N. G. Hedin, project
manager, said hat the company has
I no interest in any water or water
rights north of White river in the
Smock or iWamic districts. He added
that the pending adjudication proceed
ings at The Dalles on April 20, 1921,
is the customary1 and regular proceed
ing of the state engineer's office,
through the superintendent of the
eastern Oregon division, 'Mr. Coch
rane of LaGrande, and is or should be
very much desired by all water users
in the White river watershed. Any
idle rumors to the effect that any ac
tivity on the part of Wapinitla Irri
gation company or its representatives
to take or interfere with any rights
j or the enjoyment or use of watei oy
the neighbors in Smock or Wamlc ar6
j unfounded, malicious, and in every
way deceptive and could only De
started to serve other interests aside
from the company or their nortn
Catarrhal Deatness Cannot Be Cured
by local upiiilcatiuna, us they cannot reach
the diseased porliim c( the ear. There la
out) uni- way to cure catarrhal deafneia,
ind that ii ly a constitutional remedy.
.."aturrhul DeafneaM It caused by an In
ilantcd condition of the mucoui llntns of
it.e Eus' Tube. Whin thli tube It
nllamed you hnvo u rumbling mund or 1m
pirfect healing, and when It 1 entirely
li', llt-riftiisa la tli ruault. Uiilvaa the
iritluiiinmtlon ran be reduced and thla tube
rcatoi-vd to tt normal condition, hcarlnr
.lll bo dettrt.yfd forever. Many caoei of
W-nfmi n'c cnuacd by catarrh, which la
in Inilamcri condition of the mucnua aur
'Aero. Ilull'u Catarrh Medicine acta thru
lie blood on tho iiiueoua surfacea of tho
We, will R'.ve On Hundred Dollars fi
lnv enrn f Cntarrltul Deafness that cannot
bo cured by Hall'a Catarrh Medicine. Ctr
tilari free, All Jirr.KBlata, 7to,
V J. Cllfi.-JEV . CO.. Toledo, a
"It literally sets a new stan
dard for novels of the mid
dle west." New, York Eve
ning Post
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 28
Rain played havoc with yesterday's
Coast league baseball. Only two
games were played and San Fran
cisco and Vernon were the winners.
The Seals beat the Angels, 9 to 6.
Fifteen Seal hits were responsible.
Doc Crandall was the leading vic
tim, but Ehenhart, who relieved him,!
didn't fare too well.
Vernon beat Oakland, 4 to 2, the
Tigers treating the pitching efforts
of Buzz Arlett in a most ungentle
manly manner.
Rain caused postponement of the
Salt Lake-Seattle and Sacramento
Portland games.
Free Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician,
flitid and Washington, main 601. .1
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table
Two round trips daily. Leave Bank
hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur j
7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m.
There's A Difference
If you've been a "ready made" man
In the past, be a "made tp order man''
in the future. First class hand tailor
ed suits to measure, $35.00 and up. W
it. Webber, one block east of post
office. 6tf
Concentrated Heat Penetrates
Brings Quickest Relief.
Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis,
backache, stiff neck, sore muscles,
strains, aching joints. When you are
suffering so you can hardly get
around, just try "Red Pepper Rub,"
and you will have the quickest relief
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat as red peppers. In
stant relief. Just as soon as you ap
ply. Red Pepper Rub you feel the
tingling heat. In three minutes it
warms the sore spot through and
through. Frees the blood circulation,'
breaks up the congestion and pain'
is gone.
Rnwlps Red Peennor Rub. made
Ifrom red peppers, costs little at any'
drug store. Get a jar at once. Almost i
instant relief awaits you. Use it for1
colds in chest. No matter what you
have used for pain or congestion,
don't fail to try Red Pepper Rub.
Home of Superfeatures
KaafffsfiaVPWr 'snaaaaw aiVaaaaWaaslraaaaaah
AHLt jXv r SjaBBBaaaaw aLr HbbTIh Jbbbbh
Not a serial but a 7-reel real feature
SAY You saw it in the Chronicle when buying adv. good.
Dodge Brothers
All over the country it occu
pies the same high place in
the appreciation of active
No matter what the function,
there is always the long lineup
of Dodge Brothers Sedans.
The gasoline consumption is unusually low
The tire mileage is unusually high
The Dalles. Orceon