The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 28, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 2

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Travel S
Conducted by" Goodrich
Members of tho Tin Can Tourists of
tho World, an organization of auto
camping tourists, who returned from
Florida lo points in tho middle west,
report that Indiana roads are In the
best shapo of any roads thoy travel
ed. The Hoosler state is famous lor
Its gravel roads which are kept m
on excellent state of repair. Indiana
Is adding hundreds of mile3 of con
crete and briclc highways.
"rxz- THOUGHT Co iwSSSEol
ki ;i s .rj f s n-yriii-ji
Buttered and literally cut to rib
bons. Thus might bo described mil
lions of auto tires now in service.
A big majority of those will be re
placed early this spring. Thousands
of car owners have had tires laid
asldo for future delivery, according
to reports from tiro dealers. When
overyone starts buying now tires ,
shortago of standard makes Is ex
pected this spring on account of
production having been about one
fifth of normal since last summer.
Tho extent of the business, practice
or profession of automobile theft in
tho cities of tho slato of New York is
indicated by tho statement compiled
by tho Information bureau of tho state
conference of mayors of New York.
During 1920, a total of 7,005 automo
biles wore stolen in tho cities alone,
Of this nr.r-lie." 8 Dim were recovered
by tho police.
Tho cost of hauling lo and ironi
railroad stations forms a largo part-of
tho nation's transportation bill nnd
is considered by exports as tho woak
point in tho transportation systom of
tho United States. Store-door delivery
service Is considered tho only moans
of relief from tho excessive cost of
terminal hauling. Tho motor truck
promlsos to play nn important part
in tho establishment of u store-door
NEW YOllK, April 18. Thore are
handicaps when It comes to prosecut
ing deaf mules for slander. Albert Do
Montono discovered thorn whon ho
tried to have three men arrested the
other night for "talking about" him
and his wife with their fingers on a
subway train. Thoy went cheerfully
with him to the police station, where
thoy explained In writing that they
were talking In Latin and that prob
ably confused Mr. Do Montono. Their
accuser admitted tho difficulty of
proving his charge since there were
no available witnesses who under
stood tho sign language to say noth
ing of Latin, lie declared, howoVor,
that ho and his wife did understand
it and that the youths had spoken ot
his wife as a "swell kid," which he
insisted was not Latin at all. The
station desk man urged all parties to
"forget It," because of tho congest
ed condition of the courts, which thoy
reluctantly agreed to do.
' jUestaurant owners believe there
should be limits to amiability or dig
nity vanishes. Consequently, they aro
posting on their walls, signs rending
as tactfully na possible, ' suggesting
that while It may bo uulto the thing
Burget-Mogan Co
Funeral Directors
Phones Main 2891. Night Muck
401, Main 6291
to carry one's lunch, the restaurant
is not tho place to which to carry it.
Borne little headway was gained by
the lunch-carrying movement last
winter, but tho carriers found that
they missed their coffee and they did
not want it later; they wanted it along
with their sandwiches. So recently It
has become no strange thing to see
one come into a lunch room, order a
cup of coffee, and pull forth the sand
wiches from pockets to eat with the
lone cup of coffee. "They teem tiic
slowest eaters wo have, too," one pro.
prletor said. "And It makes mo ner
vous to see a table and a half an
hour taken up for a five-cent cup of
coffee." Tho signs aro the result.
The first tourist hotel for women
in the country has been opened It is
near tho main entrance of Yellow
stone park, at Livingstone, Monc, an'i
is tho enterprise of the Young Wom
en's Christian association. Although
it is still pretty chilly weather over
the country, tho offices of tho Na
tional Board of the Y. W. C. A., here
in Now York, Is already busy getting
out tho posters which are to declare
tho existence and attractions of the
hostelry all along all tho roads to the
great park. The hotel faces the moun
tains of the park and 4a said to have
-wonderful outlooks on all sides. But
no man can enjoy Its benefits, unless
ho Is a very little man, indeed, say
about two years old, Women alono,
ami women witli small children are to
bo the only guests accepted. Tho ratos
will be kept as reasonable as possible
in order to help t! v nmn-ni'i -i
less-money-earning sex who still yearn
to travel. Only a few years ago any
kind of hotel which was maintained
ror women was a distinct novelty. The
noxt thing, there will be observation
cars for us alone, maybe.
No mero burglar alarm on his safe
would satisfy Eugene Grebert, ga
Manila, P. I. -The
people of the
Philippines want
Independence In
whatov'er form
they can get It,
M a n u e I Quezon,
president of the
Philippine senate,
declared In an ad
dress before that
"Let the Ameri
cans In the Philip
pine and these In
Urn United Stales Manuel L. Queion
know that the pco- President Philip
pie of the Ph'llp. Pino Senate
pines covet their freedom, liberty ami
political emancipation so much that
they will not hesitate to receive from
the Congress of the United States
complete ami absolute Independence
without protection," Quezon said.
"If the United Stales, dictated by Its
own Interests, decides to extend pro
tection to the Philippines, well and
good. We would accept that as a so
lution of our problems. If not, let us
have abseliite Independence in what
ever form we can get It."
President Quezon declared that If
the question were put before the
Filipinos for a vote, OS per ist would
favoi absolute Independence.
11. v.
J. -
tit ,.'T7i"lU7PB
Anothtt P. C. B, prvJvtt
Dtllctlllf Mid. ciltp J Ulty.
Will piot 1 pltlln tdJtllM M
njf RMtL
Yni txr cm uffljr r
Pacific CoMt Bkcuit Co.
rage owner. "Why have a bell that
only gives notice to someone to come
with a gun?" argued Mr. Grobert.
"Why not have the gun itself for an
alarm." Finding no negative response,
he perfected and rigged up a charge
of buckshot which would be released
on the opening of the safe door. In
consequence, poor Joseph Schmidt is
in tho hospital under a charge of bur
glary because he appeared at the hos
pital, asking for treatment for buck
shet wounds. It's very hard on rou
tine burglars when novelties of that
kind are Introduced.
iNew York had more or less of a
blow when Albert, Prince of Monaco,
"the man who owns the bank .it
Monte Carlo," arrived in town. De
spite any reports to the contrary, all
of us, in our hearts, expected a dash-
' ing, Interestingly wicked-looking per
son, whose conversation would be con-
cerned with the great subject of life
chance! And behold! Here is a pleas
ant, quiet, studious, serious, elderly
gentleman in our midst, whose chief
concern In life is to learn what sort
of things abound in the bottom of the
sea not pirate treasures but little
fishes and gentle things like that. In
spite of a general moral outlook, I
couldn't help being disappointed.
Dr. S Burke Masscy, dentist. First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf
No girl or woman is pretty if her
eyes are red, strained or haro dark
rings. Simple wltchhazel, camphor,
hydrastis, etc., as mixed In Lavoptik
eye wash, will brighten the eyes and
a week's use will surprise you with
Its QUICK results. Regular use of
Lavoptik keeps the eyes healthy,
sparkling and vivacious. The quick
change will please you. Dainty
aluminum eye cup FREE. A. E.
(Crosby, druggist, 318 E. Second St.
(Chnttnnoogn News.)
We have frequent occasion to pro
test against the efforts of Jnpnn to
impose her dominion upon unwilling
peoples, yet -we have thus far fulled
to exemplify the ideals which we rec
ommend to Japan. If we should with
draw our sovereignty from the Philip
pines, in accordance witli our repeated
promises, we could the more consist
ently usk Japan to follow n similar
course toward Shantung, Manchuria
and Siberia. Our plea would have a
great deal more force If we could
make it with clean handsTo say that
tho Philippines are not ready for in
dtpoiidenco Is merely to xbress un
arbitrary, gratuitous opinion. It S
lierfectly easy to create conditions
In one's own mind thnt no people
ever could comply with. Our, dehJy
about respecting our own pledge Is a
rellectlon on our national good faith
and a constant Invitation to Interna
tional complications in the far east.
(Atascadero (Cnl.) News.)
. . . Tho Philippines should be
given absolute independence, which Is
their natural right, even if we nre
well aware that they have not yet
reached the full stnture of American
Ism. We ourselvos have not reached
It so long ns wo Insist upon govern
ing other peoples against their will.
At the Club
and in the
Best Cafes
You'll find Snow Flakes
served with broths, soups,
oysters, salads and cheese.
Everyone likes to nibble
these crisp, tasty soda wa
fers. Sold by grocers in -red
packages and family tins.
Don't ask for crackers
Taxi Mayflald'e Taxi .
telephone mala 6021. 27U
' From Qranta, 20 MIIm East of The Dalles, to Maryhlll
Dally from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Special Trip Arranged Phana Goldendale 312X
Dr. T.
JT Eyesight Specialist
Houra 9:00 to 8:00 Sundays and Evening by Appointment
IMS Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Stars Phipna Black 1111
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721
Residence Phone Red 1811
Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager
Licensed Embalmers, Established 1SS7
Woman Attendant Telephones
Mrs. M. J. Willerton Day Red 351
Telephone Red 1781 Night Red 352
J. H. Harper, Black 2152
Motor Equipment
Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers
All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty.
Estimates furnished fcee of chargj. All Work Guaranteed.
Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block
Wasco Hotel
624 East Second Street
Open Under New Management
Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms
50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month
Dining Room to Open Soon
M. S. Elliott, Mgr.
Step on the Gas!
A few hills ahead mean noth
ing to the progressive business
He is used to driving his car
and knows that a shift of gears
and a "little more gas" will put
the high spots behind him in jig
Beyond the problems of the
present is" the smooth level road
of the future.
The outlook for business holds
no fears for the men who "step
on the gas and go to it."
The real good times the good
times based on normal values,
smaller profits and quicker
turnovers, the good times of
peace and plenty are right be
fore us.
Step on the gas! Advertise!
Advertise to your consumers at
the places where conditions fa- ,
vor the sale of your product.
Use The Chronicle to do this
Cut Flowers