THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921. PAGE NINE Li Jre It Isn 't CASINO The LITTLE House with the BIG Pictures NOW PLAYING UNTIL THURSDAY NIGHT THOUGHTLESS WOMEN that take advantage of the low prices we are. offering on quality merchandise for lower prices mean nothing unless coupled with mer chandise of assured integrity; so coupled they spell real value. In meeting lower price levels with high grade, reliable merchandise, we feel J I that we deserve your confidence and patronage. New Cotton Dress Fabrics You will find gathered here a wonderful assortment of these pretty washable dress materials, that coupled with the low prices we are offering these quality goods will meet the approval and please the most discriminat ing. Your selection of material for the summer gown will be made easy by shopping here. SILKS All the fashionable weaves and colors. Nothwithstanding the difficulty of procuring the most favored shades in the newest weaves, we are now in a position to supply every reasonable lemand. Our comprehensive assort ment includes all the favored weaves, designs and colors that have been created for making the new season's frocks. , ! 32 inch Poplin Tissue, a splendid sheer material that washes beauti-' fully in dainty Pink, Blue, Lavender and Yellow Piaids. Priced at 79c yd. 40 inch colored fancy Voiles in this season's newest patterns and shades. Priced from 50c to 98c yd. JERSEY SUITINGS 52 inch all wool Jersey Suitings for Sport Jackets and suits in. all of this season's most wanted shades, $3 yd. 50 ijich Ghiffon Broad cloth for Spring Coats and Suits, adl colors at $4.35 yd. 40 inch. plain colored Voiles, all shades, 49c to 98c yd. 46 inch plain Swiss Imported Or gandies, all colors. Priced at $1.25 a yard. 36 inch Satin Etoille, all colors, at $2.75 yard. - 36 inch Black Satin Messaline, at ,$1.79 yard. 36 inch colored Taffetas, $1.98 yd. 36 inch best quality colored Taf fetas, all colors, $2.69 and $3.00 yai 40 inch best quality, three thread Georgette Crepe, all the new snappy colors of Honey Dew, Tomato, Hen na, Peach, Coral, Navy, Grey, Yel low, etc., $1.98 yard. 40 inch Baronette Wash Satin for Sport Jackets and Skirts, all colors, $4.0D ya!rd. 40 inch fancy Reveria Crepe in White, Navy, Black and Brown in stripes and plaid ef fects, excellent for Sport wear, $4.50 yard. 86 inch Tricolette for .Sport Coats, blouses and dresses. Priced at $2.50 yard. 32- inch plain and figur ed Pongee at 89c and $2.00 yard. x' 1 J'- : r 1 : : . .- r r ., .. j WMMM ALM A RUBENS Star of "Humoresque" IN "Thoughtless Women" MOTHERS' DAY MAY J: 8th ELIZABETH HALL Florist MOTHER'S DAY