THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921. PAGE SEVEN t AIM IN inn r nnnrn HIIIJLL IILIIILHI cAnbns SlIMUUk EACef' OF PRESENT ADMINIS TRATION. cle's Washington 'Bureau.) INGTON, April 27. Presi- . t 1 t 1 I A ! IT 1 IIHIT I HH . Ill IlIllllllllI'lXH nlstratfon. Concrosamfin nre r l- I 1 1 1 1 1 II .1111-1 IV 1 H once more thrown open to Ic and the executive depart- thronged with visitors from ie United States. More ntien- a rnnir nun rim nr cnvprnmpn than ever before in the last j In fact, every department of of President Harding in mak- i 1 that th large majority giv- UUUUUclllB UL LUC 1UDL CICVllUU thmi from being disturbed KIT ITIIIllftll III I 11 11 HH11II 1! 1111 Si.rH. HllIIlf-4 III Lll HI'IIUIH lerlll adopted a touch-me-not pol marble room, which is a n in YiiriniiK rnnm nnpK m run chamber, has from time im- i npnn rnf mpni'ft in run r-iiii- of all times of all the sen- Am t.nnv visuon tne ninn mat sent to the senate and many al offense has been mended informal conferences betwe oniD onn rno a on n inra Room Cut Off. . e marble room has, been cut public use and big screens i put across'the lobby, mark- marble room and the senate Tl 1 ill . . 1- 1 i president of the United States t in nnmr nf th rfiHHnrr nnil is in great contrast to the pe- cucuiut; IUO C1CU11UU. 1UOU were available to all of their I1KIMN III l'HI V W IV invitations we.e distributed . i , ,1 , tt-r and by all means to visit the Ituents are coming now in has been restored to the peo- i i - r . . 1 1 uey uiu uupuiui ui Duuer nines IlilVtJ Belli IU me bt'Ilillt!, UUL Ul 11 Shoes Give Clew. I ha enfAOti a ihnf u nn r - i On.nnfl bUU O VsJ ecus 1 1IUL UCUUIUI uuu not in. He may be or he may not niess me constituent can men- IK MM T1H I llr M TMfll VV P!lr MO I1I1B 71 II hi vr nil i rn whit nvpp nnnrnnr day and to try again to see the man who wears the toga by his franchise. ! Underneath the screens there is a. two-inch opening. By stooping low, the constituents can see a procession of masculine feet, moving back and forth across the tile floor, but it is difficult even for an intelligent and observant constituent to identify his senator by the shoes he may wear on that particular day. May Be In Office. If the constituent is persistent and is willing to stay over a day or two, he may by good luck, find the sen ator in his offices in the wldte mar ble building erected at a cost of ?4, 000,000 from the taxpayers' hard-earned money. If the senator has been here a long time and Ms popular with the leaders of the senate, hB may have two offices, one in the senate office "building and one in the capitol itself. Such an arrangement makes more log work for the constituent if he insists on seeing his senator. Persistency on his part may develop his time in Washington to a merry-go-round, from one office to another and then back to the senate chamber. If the constitu ent is successful, he gets a warm wel come and a gracious reception, which he has certainly earned for all the ef forts he has made to see his represen tatives in the upper house of congress. , Isolation Wanted. Senators claim they need the isola tion in order to do their nvork. They also claim they need the ventilation that will come from throwing the sen ate chamber and the marble room to gether. Some hard-shelled critics say that the move is to make the senate more luxurious and more like an ex clusive club. The nevr arrangement is not popular with themen and worn-, en who make the majorities back home. Old timers in Washington say that the reactionary and exclusive at titude adopted by the new senate will not last, and that if great care is not taken speedily to discontinue such an autocratic attitude, reprisals will be made when a new set of senators and a new congress are to be elected a year from next November. The senators, hardened by innu merable campaigns and calloused by- long years of service beneath tha dome of the national capitol, when ac cused of hiding from the common people, merely shrugged their should- ere and passed on. HORSEMAN CHOOSES DEATH TO HELPLE8SNESS By United News DENVER, Colo., April 27. Theo dore Sawder, 45, world's champion broncho buster, never saw a horse ho was afraid of. But thought' of spending the rest of his life a crip ple crucified him. He took poison Monday and is expected to die. Saw der was crippled as the result of .1 fall from an outlaw horse some :imu ago. Special. In order to make space for my summer stock I will sell at 10 per cent discount the few remaining plain tailored and trimmed hats. Mrs. Weaver, 302 Union street, opposite postofflce. Telephone black 3171. M20 There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man In the past, be a "made to order man' in the future. First class hand tailor ed suits to measure, $35.00 and up. W H. Webber, one block east of post office. 6tf perature drives through leslslation Until congress leaves, unless it be comes Involved in endless debate over the tariff, the president expects to remain upon the job in Washington. DRINK MORE WATER IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for Backache and Bladder Trouble. HARDING IN FOR LONG, HOT SUMMER By United News WASHINGTON, April 27. It looks like a long hard and hot summer in Washington' for President Hard ing. Despite the countless offers of "summer white houses" tendered him by solicitious friends from const to coast, the president has. made no plan for moving far from Washing ton during the annual torrid spell. Few of the party leaders believe congress will finish its program bo- fore September unless the high tern- Uric acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel llko lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy: tho bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick porson short ly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headac"-o, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is. bad. Eat less meat, drink lots o; water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jnd Salts; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast tor a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to cleau clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activ ity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of Irritation, thus ending blndder weak ness. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot injure; makes a doHgltful efferve scent Hthia-water drink which every one should tcke now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts io folks who believe in overcoming 'kidney trouble while it is only trouble.-KAdv. FOUNDtD vaei The Best Way To Do This or That FREQUENTLY women meet with problems in tho handling of finances or transacting business which bother them. Those who nre customers of the French & Company bank appreciate that, we are always glad and will ing to give them needed advice or Information. 4 Paid on Savings E. H. FRENCH, Preslat. PAUL M. FHENCH. Vice-President V. H fflENCM. Secretary J. u mostetler, Cashier FRENCH & CO. BANKERS THE DALLES JNC. OREGON THE MARYHILL FERRY IS RUNNING From Grants, 20 Mites East of The Dalles, to Maryhlll Daily from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. EXCELLENT ROADS PAVED TO GOLDENDALE 4 MARYHILL FERRY CO. Special Trips Arranged Phone Goldendale 312X Eyes tested, glasses ntted. Dr. Gen. K. Newhouse. u $5.00 Slabs $5.00 Green slabs, $5.00 per cord, f. o. b. cars. Van Dellen Lumber company. 4tf Free Clinic No Charge For Examlna tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr., Baum, chiropractic physician, Third and Washington, main 501. it H EAD COLDS Melt in spoon; inhale vapors; apply freely up nostrils. ICKS VapoRui Ooet 17 Million Jan Used Yearly V Good Values In Used Cars A used Dodge Brothers Mo tor Car gains value appre ciably by comparison. We say to you that here you will obtain more used car value for your money more motor car per dollar. This because it is our fix ed policy, for the reason of creating good will, to al ways give exceptional value in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars. WALTHER-WILLIAMS CO. 'stSsHs To the motorist who has quit guessing about ALONG about this time of year a man finds his motor- ing neighbors getting anxious about their tires. With folks expecting old tires to "pop" any minute, there comes the question of what kind of new ones to buy. U. S. Tires are answering a lot of questions like this nowadays. The U. S. Tire following embraces two kinds of tire buyers. Those who started with quality first, and have never bought anything else but the quality standard tire. Those who came to quality, first only after dabbling, with "bargains," "rebates," "job lot" and "surplus stock" tires. Getting one hundred cents value on the dollar in tire buying is a straight-forward business proposition not guess-work or a game of wits. The most essential man for you to know today is the local U. S.Tire dealer who la-concentrating on a full, completely sized line of U. S. Tires. He gets his U. S. Tires straight from his neighboring U. Sf Tire Factory Branch one of 92 such Branches established and maintained all over the country by the U. S; Tire makers. ' ' He is the man who can give,you fresh, live tires not stuff shipped to him from some point where it did not sell, but of current production. Giving the same quality, selection and price-advantage to the owner of the medium weight car as the big car owner gets. With equal service and buying opportunity whether he lives in the smaller localities or the greater centers of population. THE U. S. NOBBY TREAD Where the going is specially heavy with snow, mud or sand, in hilly country where maximum traction on the road is a factor, no other tire tread yet devised is quite so effective, or so wholly approved by motoring opinion, as the U. S. Nobby Tread. Its very simplicity two diagonal rows of ob long studs, interlocking in their grip on the road is the result of all the years of 0. S. Rubber ex perience with every type of toad the world over. if. if 'i. "The moil mttenlltl man for you to know today In the tin buiinaiw l your local U. S. Tin nntlr." United States Tires United States Rubber Company ciANNETT MOTOR CO., The Dalles, Oregon. THD DALIES BUICK GARAGE, The Dalles, Oregon. W. 3. TiFfON, Dufur, Oregon.