I k THr DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921. PAGE FIVE r i 3Ib ilflfl llli 11116 ,i ii EVS MIIJOIONS ! fai mers and merchants but the accumulation of the le ould mean much more to this community. . 'sta ting your own future independence by opening a regiarly. st l aid on Savings Accounts CMINTY BANK Directors Geo. C. Blakeley J. Parke Bolton Dr. H. C. Dodds K. L. Stevens T. H. West i He had to squander a million in a year! Easy? Try it some time ! Meanwhile, come and roll in laughter while Fatty rolls in wealth. A whale of a star in a whale of a comedy! With JEAN ACKER And ters lirme BETTY ROSS CLARK ttorge Borr McCutcheon Winchell Smith Brewster's Millions, It would be impossible to give her a better treat than by bringing her to our Restau rant and invite her to try one of our after-the theatre lunch eons. She will tell you it is one of the finest dishes she's ever tasted. Black h. White Restaurant and Confectionery Comer Second and Court Big Coffee Special -For- Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30 15c PER POUND Good Bulk Coffee M. J. B. Coffee Golden West Coffee Dependable Coffee Royal Club Coffee 1 lb - 45c 3 lbs $1.30 , 5 lbs $2.15 Folger's Coffee Hill's Coffee 1 lb. 45c 2y2 lbs $1.10 5 lbs $2.15 Large Size Soda- Crackers, per pkg 35c Nabisco Cookies, 10c; large size 20c Sinclair's Pure Lard 5 lbs $1.05 10 lbs $2.00 Frosto Shortening Vegetol Shortening 4 lb. pail 75c 8 lb. pail .... $1.45 Seafoam Washing Powder,, pkg 25c Royal White Soap 21 bars .$1.00 Luna Soap, per bar 4c Fels Naptha Soap, per bar. 9c Royal Baking Powder 6 oz. 20c; 12 oz. 40c; 2Y2 lbs. $1.15; 5 lbs. $2.25 Schilling Baking Powder 1 lb. 48c; 2io lbs. $1.15; 5 lbs. $2.25 Crisco-- 1 ib. 23c; Vo lbs. 35c; 3 lbs. 65c; 6 lbs. $1.25; 9 lbs. $1.90. Mazola Oil and Wesson Oil 1 pt. 33c; 1 qt. 60c; gal. $1.10; 1 gal. $2.15 BEST CANE SUGAR, per sack $9.00 White River and Diamond Flour Per sack $2.15 Potatoes, per 100 lbs $1.30 Fountain Peaches (Lemon Cling) Per can 22c Per doz $2.40 Alaska Pink Salmon Per can 10c Per case .'...$4.60 Newhall Tomatoes Per can 10c Per case $2.30 Bulk Coffee, 35c value, now per lb 18c Peaberry Coffee, now, per lb ..25c Libby Corn Beef No. 1, per doz $2.75 Early Crosby Corn 2 for 25c Per case $2.90 Citrus Powder Per pkg 28c Per doz $3.25 Seaport Apricots, per can 20c PARLOR GROCERY WHERE GROCERY PRICES ARE LOWEST -1 u u.. If If you were compelled to spend Brewster's Millions IN A YEAR YOU COULD PROBABLY DO YOURSELF SOME CREDIT, BUT IF YOU WERE JUST A HUMDRUM MORTAL LIKE THE REST OF US YOU WOULD HAVE TO ACT MORE CAUTIOUSLY IN YOUR EXPENSE ACCOUNT, SO TAKE OUR TIP AND Get our figures BEFORE YOU DO THAT WORK YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING. We still do Electrical Work 5 The Dalles Electric Works t.p t' !i mi v , -l APRIL 28-29