7 THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE,- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921. PAGE THREE It s Mm i aicunouni 1 - v -V Rpscoe (FaifryKArbiickle . 'Brewster's Millions' A Paramount Picture r' IF YOU HAD BREWSTER'S MILLIONS, You could not obtain 'better service or a finer quality of Drugs and Chemicals, than can be ob tained at The Rexall Drug Store OUR MOTTO: "The Best in Drug Store Mer chandise the Finest in Drug Store Service." What More Gould Money Buy? Prescriptions compounded by fully registered, qualified and experienced Pharmacists, prompt ly and accurately. We are fully equipped to give you the best Prescription Service. Geo. C. Blakeley & Co. 313 East Second St. The EMPRESS POLICY The inauguration at The Empress of a summer season, at special prices, of "carefully selected and highly-attractive motion picture features which will run one and two days. Regular patrons of Tne Empress will be assured of a rapid succession of delightful attractions. Happier Hours For Mother You, who are necessarily away from homo so much of the time, do you want to keep Mother in happy spirits tho day long? Why, it's an easy thing to do! Join our Mothers' Day Club, anil surprise her with a Brunswick Phonograph for Mothers Day, May 8th. Bring limitless music into her life. Brighten her hours. Give her a cheerful companion, who will never fail hor. Don't let her bo without a Brunswick after May 8th. Our Mothers' Day Club Is an easy way of buying a Brunswick Phonograph, and some good records to go with il. And, remember the idea of tho Club is that It is to bo a surprise for Mother. That's why we are addressing you hero. We don't want her to know yet. There are special features which, we can best tell you about personally, and which will make tho occasion a treasured memory for Mother. Come in and ask us about tho Club, and everything that goes with It. There la just enough timo left. CORSON, The Music Nan "EVERYTHING IN MUSIC" WHY NOT SURPRISE MOTHER WITH A PIANO? Special Terms Until May 8th. W H W H a H EH O BOOTH & HOSTETLER 7 If You Had Brewster's Millions YOU WOULD NEED ALL KINDS OF PROTECTION BUT A LOSS WOULD NOT HURT YOU AS MUCH THEN AS IT WOULD NOW. IT IS BEST TO PRO TECT YOUR INCOME AND PROPERTY IN EVERY WAY. INSURE WITH Booth & Hostetler "You are Secure when we Insure" WE JVRITE Every Kind of Insurance Written BOOTH & HOSTETLER f w o o H W X H H F1 H SO it YOU DON'T NEED Brewster's Millions to Shop HERE t A LITTLE SUM GOES A LONG WAY -AT- A. E. CROSBY'S Everything in Drugs and Kodaks Columbia Records and Grafonolas Trade With These Merchants