PAGE TWO THE D At.LES DAILY CHRONICS. TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1921. Travel Transport Topics Conducted by Goodrich Tho uutomobilo Industry is getting back to normalcy at a "full speed ahead" clip. It Is making up lor lost time. Already there is a shortage of many makes of cars. A manufacturer of one of tho most popular medium priced cars has just Issued this state ment. "The sale of our cars for de livery in April, May and June is far in excess of any previous year in our history." Better buy that new car early! There are three great days in man's life. The day ho putH on his first pair of long trousers, the day ho gets mar ried for tho first time and the great day when he makes his first public appearance behind a steering wheel. After that, ho experiences all the Joys and woes of motoring the first long tour, traffic cops, tire trouble, and all the rest. Tliero are 12,0(10 consolidated rural schools in operation in the United States; and fully half the vehicles used in transporting children to and from them are motor driven. The motor bus is fast roplaclng the horse-drawn vehiclo because of its superiority regularity, speed and general comfort. There Is nothing so annoying and discouraging to the man who is learn ing to drive his new car than the "road hog." And ho is equally dis gusting to the experienced motorist. And road hogs are not confined to tho ranks of passenger cur drivers; truck drivers are often guilty of hog ging the road. Courtesy is one of tho first requisites of car driving. Give tho other follow plenty of room It may keep him out of the ditch. 8an Frnnclaco used a number of signs such as the following In a recent Bafoty-flrst campaign: "When you are in the morgue It Is of little Impor tance to you whoso fault It was." "He mombor, pedestrian beter loso a min ute than a leg." "Remember, motor istdrive with both bunds If you ex pect to live and marry her!" Our wookly DON'T Don't drive on a retarded spark! This Is ono of the most prolific causes of engine ovi heatlng. The cause Is obvious, tho ex plosion takes place when a maximum of the cylinder wall is uncovered In stead of the minimum, as Is the case when tho ignition takes place at the upper dead center, tho piston being at tho top of Its stroke, Hy keeping this in mind tho car owner will lengthen the life of his engine. WATER COMMISSION (Continued From Page 1.) company, with largo holdings In the upper Hood River valley, is prepar ing to file suit before tho state water board protesting against the grant to Dalles City. Long litigation In the matter Is thus forecasted, even If The Dalles eventually does obtain permis sion to secure water from Hood river. The application was accompanied by a long supplementary statement Mguod by J. L. Kelly, as former may or of tho city, by Dr. Fred Thompson, city health officer, and other officials and business men which sots forth the necessity of Hie city Immediately Inceraslng its water supply. Considerable attention was paid in the supplement to a study of the san itary conditions of Mill creek, from whence the present supply Is taken Tho action of the state lieul'h board In condemning the Mill Creel; water and other unfavorable com ments on this lourco were explained at some length In the supplement The application said nothing about the probable cost of a connection with the east fork of Hood river, a this will have to be determined after the surveys are tnado next summer. Tho state water engineer has nuvih. d tho local commissioners that the A Passing Landmark of Old Manila This Is n photograph of the famous old Bridge of Spain, Manila. It Is now a departed landmark of the Philippines, for its place has been tnken by one of the finest bridges In the entire Orient, the new Jones bridge. The Jones Rrldge Is named In honor of the late Congressman W. A. Jones of Virginia, author of the Jones law of 1910 which promised the Filipinos Independence upon tho establishment of a stable government. The old Hrldge of Spain is called "the mother of Manila's bridges." The original bridge was built of pontoons sometime between the years 1590 aTid 1000, being known as the Bridge of Ilonts. The stone bridge shown above was built about 1030. It was twice .damaged by earthquakes, and was once partly demolished by a flood. application is on file, and will be kept for consideration until tho additional data necessary, is secured. The application set forth that un der present conditions Thompson' adit ion, West Dalles and the Cheno with district, all ot which nave re quested city water from time to lime, cannot be given water, even if they are admitted to the city. With wt(x from. Hood river, it was explained, these districts could be supplied, and they could be admitted to the city, tans Increasing Its population by p proxlmalely 500 persons. Judge Rorlck said it Is the tentative plan, if a connection with tho east fork of Hood river is secured, to con struct a line about .eight miles long to make the Mill creek connection In Iirooks' Meadows. It will be worth your wriile to in vestigate the many attractive sale of ferings In women's newest stylish dresses at $12.98, 115.75, ?21.50 and $35.95. Edw. C. Pease company. 26 PROHIBITION INCURABLE" DISEASE, QUOTHES ALLEN By Westbrook Pegler (United News Staff Correspondent.) NEW YORK, April 20 Take It from Kansas and one who has suffer ed, there is no cure for prohibition. T'hen it gets you it's got you and it has got America. Governor Henry J. Allen of Kansas, where the present generation "never had alcohol in its system and never saw a saloon," sat back on his shoul der blades in a big tapestry chair, with ono leg crossed over the other and his hands laced across his equa torial thickness, chuckling over New York's agonies in the new aridity. "Kansas suffered this way too, ' ho Bald. "For 10 years wo had pe riods of dampness nnd periods ot drought. "Rut all tho time the sentl mont for prohibition was growing and it is growing In New York. Pretty soon the very people who are fretting about (he matter will bo prohibition ists themselves. It happened in Kan sas." Tho governor stops at tho Waldor', a center of great suffering, where the rooms that onco held row on row of the finest wines are now converted into a gymnasium for tho bell hops. All around that region of big hotG's and "swell cafes," tliero has beon anguish most, heart rending slnc Chief of Police Commissioner En right turned' loosu his 11,000 police men with orders to make this town dry like Kansas. "1 know it Is not comforting to suv to a thirsty people like the populn Hon of New York that they'll grow to like prohibition, but they'll have to llko It," tho governor of the state tint suffered and gdt over It, continued. "New York might as well got her mind off her liquor because tho sup plies are getting lower every day and the quality worse, and they will nev er got bigger or bettor again. Prohi bition does not retreat, It just keens going forward all the time, As long as a man keeps hoping for something he can't possibly get, his mind Is dou bled and his nervous energy Is being wasted, "Why, 1 remember that out In Kan sas the original prohibition campaign was no more popular with the busi ness men and the real people In gen eral that It Is right now in New York, it was a sentimental campaign and tho marching song was, 'Father, Den, Father, Come Homo With Me Now.' "Rut after those first 10 yciw-s me ousluoss men got so they wouldn't em ploy a fellow that drank and It was not long after that until the entire population came to accept prohim Hon as a general genefit. Thnt made the combination absolute and for 12 years prior to the Volstead act no r.'.an rr.:i for office in K'innas on a 'wet' platform." Taxi Service Uuy or uls'-ii. Sland'at Club Cigar store. Telephone red 1711." R. Winter, muth. u TODAY IN CONGRESS By United Press Senate. Finance committee continues con sideration of Young emergency tariff bill. House. Debate continued on naval appro priations bill with vote probable late today. Agriculture committee continues consideration of Capper-Tincher bill to prevent gambling in futures ort food products. Ways and means committee con tinues sub-committee framing of reg ular tariff schedules. 'Bergdoll special investigation com mittee meets to organize. 13 YEAR OLD WIFE DEFENDANT IN MURDER By United News POPLAR BLUFF, Mo., April 26 The juvenile court hero may hear the strangest murder trial that has ever taken place in Missouri, Mrs. Letta Parsons, 13 year old bride, is charged with killing her six year old ! 00 LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Small house. 320 East 14th Street. m2 FOR SALE Residence property also lotB, easy terms. Inquire 618 Clay St. m2 WANTED Experienced woman cook wnnts position. Bachelor or camp work preferred. Call 514 J East Second street. 28 WIANTED Man to work on ranch. Year around work, $40 per month. Telophono black 3151. 615 AVebster streot. 27 GRAND Wednesday - Thursday Two Days LOUISE LOVELY -in- "While the Devil Laughs1' "Milk and Yeggs" Admission Matinee 9c and 18c Evening 9c and 22c ' stepdaughter. Attorneys for tho girl are trying to get the case in juve-1 nile court. j One version of the case is that ) the girl shot her stepdaughter when the latter refused to have her hair combed. Make the most of the many special sale values in women's high grade stylish dresses at ?12.9S, $15.75, ?21.50 and ?35.95, at Edw. C. Pease company. 20 4 CHESS CHAMP LICKED BY CAPABLANCA By United News HAVANA, April 26 Dr. Edward Laskcr, considered the world's chess champion, resigned from his match with Joe E. Capablanca, the noted Cuban master, Monday night, declin ing to finish the series and declar ing Capablanca chess champion of the world. Capablanca had won four games, Lasker had won none and the two men had plnyed ten draws. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVI system Timktn Roller Bearing Hyatt , Roller Bearing New Departure BaUMearitg III H InMffl B BRtRnflln lWA5Hrq EASY) I.tss rrOL ( if- - r f ITSELF jjjg d0 the weekly washing in your home with no obligation to you if the work is not satisfactory. Ve are Agents for- THE CRYSTAL (Cylinder type) THE APEX (Oscillating type) THE LAUN-DRY-ETTE (Vacuum type) All the back-breaking work taken off of your work for one cent an hour can't you afford it? The Dalles Electric Works SYSTEM IN PERSONAL AFFAIRS is as valuale as business. (AS CD (PUNTY gjp$ANK V Spend prudently larly set aside a amount each pay day savings account. Interest at four percent added to your sav- i"A .nmimnlnl-o fi- n f irltT Glim ingS Will cttiCUUlUidlC w IB Himuini A New Local Service for Motorists To provide motorists and othett interested in automobile service work in this section with prompt, expert dependable service on bearings, we have established an authorized local service station for the Bearings Ser vice Company. The Bearings Service Company is the national service representative for the Timken Roller Bearing Com pany, Hyatt Roller Bearing Company and New Departure Manufacturing Company. Supplied with authentic engineer ing records by these manufactures and having immediate access to com plete stocks of new bearings not reground or second hand stock we can provide service in which you can place absolute confidence a bearing service that is exact, depend able and prompt one that will males it unnecessary for you to be without the use of your machine pending the receipt of bearings from far off factories. WALTIIER-WILUAMS COMPANY, Parts Department Bearings Service Company Let the little motor do all the hard work of rubbing and wringing, at the cost of one cent an hour. I ,m. IIS llhlliUMBLlclLC iu vou how easy it is to system in save regu- definite for your vivijr uvt.