The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 25, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Garage Is Overturned A small
garage, the property of Mrs. Mllllo
Sutton, 1820 Jackson street, was
mysteriously overturned by vandals
last night, Mrs. Sutton reported to
the police this morning. Fortunately
the 'garage was empty at the time.
Threats to move the garage had pre
viously been made, Mrs. Sutton said.
Beavers Building Dams Some 250
beavers are busily engaged In con
structing dams on the Chenowlth
creek ranch of W. G. C. Wood. Tho '
little animals have five dams com-
pleted and are now at work felling
trees for a sixth. Their woodcraft abil
ity Is remarkable, say those who have
vlewedjthe work. .
v Bear-Cats Vs. Clansmen Broer's
'Bear-Cats' and Ross' "Clansmen
will cross bats In the third game of
the April schedule of indoor ball at
the high school gymnasium at 7:30 to
night. Captain Ross reports the sign
ing of several high class tossers to as
sist his string of pastlmers and prom-.
ises to give the "Cats" the hardest
game of the season.
Women to Swim The Swimming
tank at the high school will be open
at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night lor
women only. A competent instructor
will be In attendance for those who
desire instruction. A charge of 10
cents per person will be assessed. En
trance to the tank will be from. the
rear door of the building only. Dress
ing rooms will be provided.
To Attend Congregational Confer
'ence The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest
Goudge of the Congregational church,
and Mrs. A. G. Allen left this af
ternoon for Portland to spend the first
half of the week attending the spring
association meeting of Congregation
al churchmen of the Portland district.
The meetings will be held at the At
kinson 'Memorial Congregational
Pageant Expert Here Mrs. Walter
Rose of Portland is a visitor in The
Dalles today. She was called to this
city at the requeBt of the Community
Service pageant committee, to as
sist in the staging of a pageant in
this city in the near future. Mrs. Roso
directed the big pageant in Laurel
hurst park, Portland, last year, which
won nation-wide recognition because
of its beauty and artistic presenta
tion. Dalles Wins Ball Game Playing a
snappy brand of baseball, the reor
ganized! Dalles baseball team yester
day registered its first victory of the
season when it defeated the fast Grass
Valley nine, 8 to 2. With Woolsey on
the mound and Lawrence on the re
ceiving end, the locals were never In
serious danger from the Grass Valley
swatsters. Woolsey and Ganger were
the feature hitters for The Dalles,
each garnering a three-bagger in the
ninth inning. Altogether the local
players registered 11 safe hits, as
compared with 6 bingled out by the
Grass Valley men. 1
To Train 8ong Leaders A class for j
the training of community song lead-'
ers under the direction of Mr. and .
Mrs. L. S. Pllcher of National Com-.
munlty Service will be inaugurated to
night at 8 o'clock in the rooms of the ,
Y. W.. C. A. This course may be tak
en by both men and women and those
Interested in community music and
in the idea of starting a community
chorus in The Dalles, are cordially in
vited to be present. A large chorus
- Is contemplated for the pageant which
4s to be put on in May. Music for this
event will be rehearsed during the
next two weeks under the direction of
Mr. Pilcher. There will be no charge
for Instruction.
Dalles Gunners Win Shoot The
X i Dalles Rod and Gun club registered
its third successive victory of the
season yesterday, when a 10-man
team representing the local trap
shooting organization defeated a sim
ilar team representing the Hood River
Rod and Gun club, shooting at the
local traps on the beach below the
city. The Dalles team turned in a
score of 403, as compared with the
Hood River team's best effort, 327.
The strong wind which blew intcr-
mlttently throughout the morning se
riously hindered good shooting, the j
clay birds goins through all sorts ot
unexpected gyrations in the air after '
leaving the trap.
W. C .T. U. Organizer Coming Mrs. .
: E. B. Andrews, state organizer for (
. the W. C. T. U., will be In The ,
Dalles Wednesday. The regular meet-j
Ing of the local W. C. T. U. has been ;
J changed from Thurfday to Wednes
day, to afford members the oppor-
tunlty ot meetiag her.. The Rev. Carl
C. -Walked will lead the devotional
services and The Rev. and Mrs. Walk
er will give a vocal duet. Professor
R. L. Kirk, superintendent of city
schools, will give an address on the
subject, "How the W. C. T. U. May
Assist the Teachers in the Public
Schools." How the W. C. T. U. may
cooperate with the work of the Y. V.
C. A. will be the subject of an ad
dress by Miss Helen Fair, secrotat,
of the latter organization. Roland
Collins will give a solo, and there will
be music by the high school quintet.
Mrs. Andrews, whose home is in Ore
gon City, will conduct a roynd table
discussion on W. C. T. U. subjects.
William Reed Dies William S.
Reed, 82 years old, for the last eight
years living with his son-in-law and
daughter, .Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Burt
ner of Dufur, died at 8 o'clock yes
terday morning following a brief ill
ness. Before coming to Dufur, Reed
was the owner of a woolen mill at
Chambersburg, Pa. He had been a
member of the United Brethren
church for 67 years. He Is survived
by one son, James Benedict Reed of
Hagerstown, Md., and five daughters,
Margaret of Dufur, wife of M. M.
.Burtner; Anna, wife of Dr. M. Weim
er of Douglas, Kan.; Katharine,
wife of Dr. A. A. Long of Shiremans
town, Penn.; Elizabeth, a missionary
at Ponce, Porto Rico; Nellie, wife
of the Rev. J. W. Witherspoon of
Mamont, Penn. He also leaves 11
grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be
held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock,
from the Crandall undertaking com
pany's chapel, the Rev. G. K. Hart
man officiating. Burial will be in
Odd Fellows' cemetery.
See Boy Scout demonstration Tues
day night. Baptist church. 25
For California Perfume company
goods, telephone main 26C1. 25
t t
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table
Two round trips daily. Leare Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tt
Boy Scout program. Pictures of
Ireland. Scout tests. Baptist church,
Tuesday night. 25
H. I. Ramsey of Rufus was a visitor
in The Dalles yesterday.
Mrs. Inez J. May of Moro Is regis
tered at Hotel Dalles.
A. J. Connolly of Maupin was a vis
itor in The Dalles yesterday.
Rhea Luper of Heppner Is register
ed at Hotel Dalles.
Mrs. Ora E. Smith of Dufur was
shopping In the city Saturday.
Mrs. . J. J. Miller of Moody was shop
ping in the city Saturday.
Mrs. Frances Ball of Dufur was
shopping here Saturday.
Mrs. A. M. Sobieski of Dufur was
In the city Saturday.
D. R. McCoy of Hartland, Wash.,
was in the city on business Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Calbreath
were Hood River visitors yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Coleman motor
ed to Hood River yesterday.
Mrs. John Brown of Prineville is
visiting her son who resides in Cia
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Zell, accompan
ied by their children motored to Sher
' Earning Your
is but half the battle; the other is managing
it lest it manage you.
People of all incomes and in all walks of life
save themselves a lot of needless worry through
the use of the Checking Account.
An account here will solve the problem effec
tively for you.
4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
The Dalles, Oregon
man county for a week-end visit.
iMlss Mary Brookhouso was tho
guest of friends In Hood River yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fagan and Miss
Naomi Young of Moro were shop
ping In tho city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Irby, and George
W. 'Biggs of Arlington were visiting
in this city yesterday.
John Peterson of Hood River was a
business visitor in The Dalles yester
day. ,
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Harden of Spok
ane are guests at Hotel Dalles. They
are touring Oregon by automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Patjens of Shanlko
were In The Dalles yesterday vlsltln
with friends.
Mrs. E. A. Hartman of Wapinitia
was in the city yesterday visiting
with friends.
R. M. Benson of Mosier was In the
city yesterday attending to business
D. E. Clark, live-stock manager for
the Union Pacific railroad system, Is
a business visitor in this city.
Herbert Nunn, state highway engi
neer and C. C. Kelly, assistant state
highway engineer, are in The Dalles
upon official business today.
lErnest JacoBson, formerly a mer
chant in The Dalles, was In the city
yesterday visiting with old friends.
Ho Is now connected with the J. K.
Gill company of Portland.
IH. A. Miller of Bend and ,L. E.
Smith of Redmond, branch managers
of "the Tum-A-Lum Lumber company,
were business visitors in The Dalles
yesterday. (
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hill of Julia
etta, Idaho, returned to that city to
day after spending several days in
this city visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
F. L. Johns. Mrs. Johns and Mrs.
Hill are sisters.
A. J, Young of Jamestown, iNorth
Dakota, left for his home Saturday af
ter spending 10 days touring Oregon.
He contemplates driving out this sum
mer with his family, to locate. While
here he was a guest of his sister, Mrs.
Ado Kearney.
jDou't forget the Boy Scout program
at Baptist church Tuesday night. 2
A grey suede, one strap, Cuban
heel pump is one of the new styles
. that we are now showing for women.
Kdw. C. Pease company. 25
Taxi Mayfleld'a
Telephone main 5021.
Boy Scout program. Pictures of
Ireland. Scout tests. Baptist churcn,
Tuesday night. 25
Taxi Service
Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar
store. Telephone red 1711. R. Winter
muth. 3"
Nomads of the North
are on the Trail
She was
"ashamed to
(Without Obligation)
PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO., Investment Dept., Gasco Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Please send mo (1) 8-page Illustrated booklet "The Story of an Opportunity at
Home," (2) More Information about your Cumulative Preferred Stock, (3) Details of
Partial Payment Plan, (4) How to Judge an Investment.
SAY You saw
Mother's Day
May 8th Mother's Day is not
far off. Already a great many
sons and daughters have joined in
this delightful conspiracy. A great
many Mothers will be surprised
on May 8th.
Mother's Day Club
affords you the op
portunity t o honor
Her in an unusual
way, a lasting way, a"
way that brings con
stant pleasure.- We
musn't tell all about
it here that would
be exposing the se
cret. But we will be glad
to tell you all about
the details personal
ly and show you tho
way to suprise her.
CORSON The Music Nan
An Elderly Lady, a Widow In Moderate Cir
cumstances, Came In Yesterday And Said
"I haven't very much money and I thought of
putting s,ome of it in your Cumulative Prefer
red Stock, only there is one thing I'd like to
know and I'm ashamed to ask it
Is this investment SAFE?"
'Ashamed to ask" whv that lady should not
have put ONE CENT of her money into ANY
investment until she was absolutely and un
qualifiedly satisfied and convinced of its SAF
ETY that's the very FIRST thing to find out
about an investment-
of our customers, employes and other folks
around here are buying shares of Cumulative
Preferred Stock of Pacific Power & Light
Because it's SAFE. .
Price $100 and Dividend for each share for
cash or $10 down and $10 a month.
Ask any employe or send in this coupon
it in the Chronicle when.buying adv. goods.
A Brunswick Idea
A Secret Society of
Brunswick Givers
Part can be told, but not all. On
Mother's Day she is to receive a
Brunswick Phonograph (Model
112) and a special collection of
Records chosen for the occasion.
Also she is to receive but that
Is part of the secret.
Also .we won't tell
here how easy we
make it for you to
give her this won
derful remembrance.
But when you come
in and hear the de
tails, you'll be sur
prised at the liberal
ity of the offer.
Do not delay the
time is short to join
early is part of the
plan. So come in at