It , 4 i k L ... .'.'U,.,,., ..ifc,.nrMi iiimjfYil linn llWI )i imiimi mvmmimnMi. PAQB THREE THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1921. i n i f 1 in f r fi- NevYnW letter 'NEW YORK, April 25 There Is a complete epidemic of bigamy raging In greater New York this spring; a veritable bigamy wave. U is growing a bit late to blumo it on the war, and so the probabilities are that statist! cans will come forward explaining how the new 'prohibition enforcement laws are responsible the police are so busy smelling corks that they haven't time to keep cases on the en gagement and marriage columns. Anyhow, aside from the much-discuss-od Andrews mennge, thcro have brok en into the light of publicity within the last few days, Roscoe Reich, who admits having two living and at-tached-to-him wives, and having two former ones, one dead and the other divorced; Wifliam Mayer, who loyally explained that not only has he two but that he is equally devoted to them and considers them the two best wom en in the world; and most uniquo of all, perhaps, Irving Manhelmer, who annoyed his wife by asking her to tell a wealthy young girl, whom he wanted to marry, that she was just a "friend of his." She was always glad to do anything she could for her family, including her husband, but she didn't feel, that was just the thing to be asked. "I Just wont away to get ajob and make a living lor myself." This was the statement' made by eleven-year-old Raymond Molony, who was found helping the station master at Sound Beach, Staten Island, after his par ents and the police had been con ducting a city-wide search for him. The latest thrill in society is the ar rival of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ooelet; this being one of the new reversals of tho old-time arrangement whereby wealthy American girls married tlueu (Europeans. The much-sought-after "Bob" Goelet has recently become the husband of the Princess Riabouchln sky, famous throughout Europe for her beauty and charm, and evidently glad to get a nice short name even at the expense of the "Princess." A new Bernard Shaw book, which purports (o be the dynamic author's scientific, religious and political soul disclosure, Is announced by (Drotann's for early publication. That .sounds like a- rather largo field, but when Shaw starts out to disclose even his o.wn ideas, he Is able to do it sweep ingly. In form, tho now book is a play in flvo acts, but every act is complete in Itself, and every-ono contains Shavianlsm in concentrated form. It will have the most general appeal of anything produced recently from Shaw's mind and tomperament. Wood-Rawing Is tho favored pas time of tho moment with a whole gal axy of ambitious Gotham women. Not at all in response to the example of tho woodchopper of Amerongen, buv because thoy've learned that It louds to a supple waistline. If you see a middle-aged, stoutlsh woman, who never- Good Values in Used Cars! iMS i ' Used Dodge Brothers motor cars vJhlch are excellent me chanically and In appear-' . ance are now on our floor. v ' They are most unusual 'val ues. If you are interested in a real Touring car "buy," we advise coming In at once, for, as you are well aware, the demand for Dodge Brothers Motor cars, both new and used, Is very . strong. f v WALTHER-WILUAMS CO. . The Dalles, Ore. theless Is managing a youthful sway to her body, you may know there's a little woodpile in her cellar. Women are chivalrous, particularly to their own sex. It is no uncommon sight to see a- young girl get up and offer her seat in the subway to an eldBrly woman .whose entrance has been ignored by the male passengers; but I saw' the real climax of this ago the other evening at dinnertime in a popular tea-room. A convenlional-ap pearlng middle-aged -woman took. seat at the same table with one of her own sex, a stranger to her, and on finishing dinner politely inquired "Do you mind If I smoke?" The recent cold snap, .coming on top of summer weather, played hob with a wood many surburbari gardens. Pet fruit trees suffered grievously -from frost bite. But one Westchester com muter solved his problems of that kind for all time. Directly in front of his dining room window is a prize peach tree, all In blossom. The proud owner felt the chill blast approaching and he attached an extra long cord to the household's electric toaster and carried It out through the window tp the peach tree, fixing it as close as possible to the young branches. It was left with the current on all night and (he tree was saved. 'New York is having a chance to in spect a complete and authenticated set of the famous little secret paper, MLa Libre Belglque," which was printed in Belgium during the three years that country was occupied by tho German army. Many individual copies have been over here before, but never before a complete file. There are only four sets in existence. This one was originally bought by M. Zeegar, of Brussels, and Is only be ing exhibited here. INEW YORK, April 25. The mass ed. array of witnesses of the two sides of the Stlllman divorce case would make up a very good musical comedy of the sort where no expense is spar ed in the chorus effects. Simple In dian and pioneer from the Canadian forests will be offset by bospangled chorus glrlB of Broadway,, not for getting the nautical division from the good Bhlp Modesty, Mr. Stlllman's yacht. The available array includes astrologers, bell boys, maid servants,, apartment house superintendents, and W HOOPING COUGH no "cure" out neips to re. duce paroxysms of coughing VICKS VAPQRUB Over 17 MlMhnJan IW Ves Burget-Mogan Co Funeral Directors THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Phones Mala 2891. Night Black 401, Mala 691 others too numerous to particularize, who would just be listed on the pro gram' as "ladles and gentlemen of the ensemble," or maybe, "yeomanry." There's a terrible shock awaiting any visitor to the city from far awvjv who goes down to see the excitement in the stock exchange these days. W'eve grown so accustomed to think ing of it as a place of hectic clampr- ings and chaos in which coats and collars are torn asunder that It is sort of like stepping into the hush of a li brary to go into the exchange these days. The brokers have tjaken: to checkers to keep awake, some of them, while others spend the time comparing golf records. Some livelier souls discovered that dice are help tul in whiling away the silent hours, but the governors' reminded them that gamming is prohibited of course within the precincts of the stock exchange. There is nothing else to do The frenzied public refuses to be. come frenzied right now about stocks. So do the brokers. The only excite ment the floor has seen in several tfays or pretty nearly woeks took place the other morning when one of the youthful members concelveu a happy thought of livening up a new ticker arrangement. It is a transpar ent globe of water, vlth the ticker running back of it, the numerals do-. Ing so magnified by the water that the can be read twenty feet away. It looked so much like a goldfish bowl Stop Rheumatism With Red Pepper Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, aching jointB.' When yoa arc suffering so you can hardly get around Just try "Red Pepper Rub"' and you will have the quickest 're lief known. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppeis. In stant relief. Just as soon as ypu ap ply Red iPepper Rub you feel the I - : ' : 1 Clawlfled advertising 1 cent per word Mich Insertion. If Inserted ( times er mora, 3-4 cent a word. Monthly publi cation rates on application at the office. FOR RENT FOR RENT--Two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. No children. Inquire 302 Court street. 23 FOR RENT Good upright piano, must, be taken at once. Corson, the Music Man.. 25 FOR RENT Room with board in modern home: Lady or. gentleman. Telephone red 3491. 1000 Fulton street 2 FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartments at 400 ' WeBt Third street. Telephone main 3471. 26 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing room and bedroom. 518 Fulton street. 6 FOR RENT That large, comfortable furnished housekeeping room you will fiud at 115 East Second street, up stairs. 27 FOR RENT Nice, large, airy parlor bed room, two beds, bath and tele phone. Very cosy for two gentlemen, also one large single bedroom at 420 West Second street. Telephone black 1402. 30. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, two large rooms and sleeping porch down Btnlra. Other sleeping porches, sleeping roflm, and garago. Verj reasonable. Telephone red3991. 28' Oh 'sale FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. East Fourth. 6p7 26 VOW SALE Large uad Email farm and. orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, geod terns.. V. C. Hanna, Dutur, Ore. lStf. FOR SALE One five gallon cow with heifer calf. Joe Gelger, telephone 16P2S. 25 FOR SAiLE 107 acres land on Five Mile creek fenced hog-tight, plenty wood and water,' good alfalfa or garden ground. C. J. Corson, 320 Raat Second street, The Dalles, Oregon. 2,717 FOR 8AL Saall house, lot 60x190, water on lot and good garden, 3i0. Terms If necessary. See R. II, Fish, eutst aasi.estiic stmtftv. U that the lightsome one dropped some pretty little fishes in it and almost upset business. But most of the titut now tb'e exchange is just about llfii the U. 43. senate during a nice long speech. Anna Sabata, who decided that she would become a movie star rath - er than a waitress, got back her S40 paid for the' lessons which were to bo, the open sesame to' film fam.e.i miss saData appeared in court as complaintant against George R. Cole, who had inserted the advertisement which lured the $40 from her sav ings bank. She had been promised Miss Sabata declared, a position which would enable her to ride in limousine. Instead, she had only been taught to recite "On Our Wedding Day," and she was still a waitress, She offered to recite It for the court but before she got through, it was decided that the evidence was suffi dent evidence to get $40 back. It did seem a trifle like rubbing it in, to some of New York City's state income tax payers this year. Not only did It have to be paid and minus some of the federal exemption but they had to walk Into the room which used to be the Cafe Bavarian bar, to pay it. "I mailed ine," one heavy taxpayer was ex plaining on the bus, "just because I could not bear to walk into that room and see It all filled up with desks and, clerks and people taking tingling heat. In three minutes. It warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the congestion and pain is. gone. Rowles Red. Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Al most Instant relief awaita you. Use It lor colds in chest. No matter what you have used for pain or congestion, don't fail to try Red Pepper Rub. CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE OR TRADE For car or what have you? Lot 122x210 feet ion south H street. Address C. C. King, 932 East Sherman street, Portland. 27 FOR SALE 1500 Overland truck .n good shape. New tires. Price, $175, if taken at once. The Dalles Garage. 26- FOR SALE Horses, l have a number of good horses for sale cheap. Read's Feed store, eaat end of Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 26tf FOR SALE Four room plastered house, purchaser to move it from the lot. Price $526. Five room plas tered house, most of the modern conveniences, fruit and level lot on Webster street, $-500. Ten acres, 1 mlles'from the city, new bunga low, plenty of water, three acres of fruit, seven acres alfalfa, $4250. Dalles Realty company, telephone black 5691. 27 FOR SALE Genuino Manila hemp hats. Light weight, just the thing for hot days. Can, he worn to church as well as fishing, and -will always look good. Your choice for, 3.00, at Mrs. Hallie Weaver's, 302 Union street. 25 FOR SALE Owing to the high fertil ity and increasing demand for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I will held my special pen together during April. All orders cared for at fl.00 per 16 or $S per hundred. Fred .Cyphers, R. F. D.'no. 3, tele phone red 6362. M3 FOR SALE OHERRYWOLD, Three quarters of nn acre overlooking city and. mountains near high school ad pavement. Large fruit trees of all kinds with .small fruits, gardens. , and shady lawns. Cherries alone bring fino returns. Pleasant ramb ling house of five rooms aad bath. Modern plurtblng. Also detached house, large woodshed, barn and chicken house. A city home and ideal country estate combined. Two thousand down will handle. Inquire owner, C. F. Spauldlnjr. 14 Wett Twelfth street. 26 FOR sUt Dry weed; old cK, tllJM. SeeaM Brewtfc, I1SJ9. Dellv- money and not passing out what 1 used to get there in return for it." Eyes tested, glasses ntted. Dr. Oao. F. Newhouse. . li Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911. res. main 1691. 8tf 1 Wasco Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and. Month Dining 'Room to Open. Soon M. S. Elliott, Mgr. . LIFE 18 LIKE A PICTURE 8HOWI Life is like a motion picture! It's a drama to some, a tragedy' to others, and many take it as a comedy. In life we are con fronted with travel, education;, love stories, and comics, just as we see in a. picture show. Life is truly what you make it, and, you can turn those trag edies into love stories, or dramas with a pleasant ending. Much of your life may depend upon financial conditions there fore, we urge you to SAVE-MONEY, depositing regular sums with us for your present and your future welfare. OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us righl away. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid On Saving Accounts. Citizens National Batik Telephone Officers p. j. Stad6lman.Presldent. ' Dr. ' J., A. 'Reuter, Vive-Pres. H. E. Greene, Cashier J. F. Tureck, Asa't Cashier. FOR SALE Second-hand bicycles and motorcycles. Repairing of all kinds. Lawn mowers sharpened., Baby buggies re-tired. Novelty Works, 618 East Second. 25 FOR SALE 'Lard and malt barrels. 300 outside .sugar sacks. Oregon Bakery. 26 FOR SALE 1917 model Oldsmobile "8," first class conditon. Six new cord tires. A bargain for cash or terms. Telephone or write Paul Childera. 29 WANTED WANTED 'Auto trucks to har. grav el on highway. Applv Shotwel! Con struction company, Ceillo, Ore. -'5 WANTED Posttioq driving and car ing for tractor or truck. Call black 231. 25 WANTED Dairy, farm or ' orchard work by experienced man. Write J. E. 84, Chronicle. 27 WA1NTED To mow your lawns,, fix up your flowers or any other kind of work to keep busy and make, money honestly. Use the telephone.. L. A Mathews, 502 West Eighth street, telephone red 3651. tf WANTBD Clean cotton rags at The, Chronicle office, five cents per pound. tf WAiNTE-D Experienced chore man and wife want work on ranch. Wife tb cook. Prefer place where there is, no. other woman, 109 East Third. Red 4112. 25 WANTED To sell, rent and repair typewriters and sewing machines. Hemstitching done. See Coryea. 26 FOR TRADE ' - FOR TRADE No, 1 mtlk cow for Ford car. Telephone red 6082, or t call at 215 West Eleventh Blreet Saturday or Sunday a LOST OR FOUND LOST Boy's coat, '7voa-old sire, bolted style. Find: call red 12C1. LK.rBliir. Resrari.' ' 24 LOST Brown silk parasol with name plate M handle, fS reward fer. re turn to Neman Cream company. 27 Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tionTuesdays and Thursday. Dr. Baum, chiropractic t physician, Third and Washington, main 501. tf $5.00 Slab $9.00 Green slabs, $5.00 per cord,, f. o. b. cars. Van Dellet Lumber companv. ' " 4tf .Main 3101 Directors P. J. Stadelmaa. Arthur Seufert Dr. J. A. Reuter nr. B. C. dinger H. L., Kuek J. O. Helaarteh. J. J. Van Dellen MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING Pioot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington "street. ' Telephone main B581. tf mm TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general, express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black' 1352. J. E, Henxle. 11 tf PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS riANOS TDNJflD And repaired, ac tion regulating and reflnlahlngo Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. 8. A. 'Ddckstader, Cor son Music store, 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf Specialists Whitney Repair She 709 East Second St White Track Lino Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way points Leave The Dalles, 9 a. ' m. daily except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. in. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or main 471. tf VEHZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and leans. 100 East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 28tf HOWARD 3. SOULE Expert Piano Tuner i22 West 81xtL Mreet. Residence Phone min 4201. tf VERNA SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing 2181 Cut Third street. . ,m , POPULA MUSIC Taacnt by OB WERSCHKUL pyAsyetatmesU Tkeatrs Piaakrt it 4 J HBiBmto