THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1921. PAGE SIX THE DAILY CHRONICLE Established 1890 The Dalles, Ore. Published Every Evening Kxoept Sunday . by the Chronicle Publishing company Ino Hvn It. Utfln Alvin Li. Uuckllii -General Manager j. Editor Entered In The Dalles poatofflce as ucond class matter. United Pres. and United News Service auce ,n tho future' 11 ls to bc hPert-iti-niber of Audit Bureau of Circulations fervently that it passes the senate and DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year. In advance $6.00 Mix months, in advance $3.00 Oiti month T .50 1 OAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL .1 One year. In advanve $5.00 S'x months, lit advance $2,60 One month .50 i WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year. In advance , -$2.00 lit ordering change of address, sub-1 scrtber should always give old as well ' as new address. TELEPHONES .Black ill Bed 111, Business, Adv., Clr. Depts.. Subscribers to the Chronicle are guar anteed service. Prompt and regular de ll vory of every subscriber's paper is the aim of the circulation department. The Chronicle carriers are required to put tli.j papers on the porch or wherever th subscriber wishes 'he paper delivered. RESTRICT IMMIGRATION The immigration restriction bill was passed yesterday by the house of representatives. It is a step In tho right direction. 'Why not safeguard America at. the source of citizenship supply? It is ( all very well to talk about this coun try' being a great melting pot, but the process cannot go on indefinitely. If enough base metal ls cast into any melting pot, scum will result and the whole mass will be greatly reduced j what they were durmg th Qf in fineness. . warticfleg igome war millionaires are 'Do we want this process to occur j being hard pinched Just now. Again, In this country? Do we want the stock some who should pay big income "tax of America to deteriorate? The Unit- J es, pay nothing. Consider the prosper, ed States house of representatives ous bootlegger, by way of example, acting for the nation, by emphatic jBut some new tax must be devised, vote asserts that we do not. j A sales tax is now being considered It is high time that we safeguarded seriously, it is met with opposition our citizenship. rin many quarters. It is said that this In the making of nations hereto- j tax is pernicious in that it places a fore, we seemed not at all concerned premium on living. Yet, all of us mu3t 'With the business of culling out the P&y to live. Most of us are glad to do undesirables. We took those who were-j bo. Coldly stated, it does not seem defective, who were radical, who were ' fair to tax a man for eating and wear diseased, who were warped with the " tag clothes and buying articles of ev ideas and traditions of the lands from eryday need. j whence they came. (However, the tax must be met some We took those who came to our way. The man who lives must pay' It shores, not to make good American this way, or in some other way. It citizens but to exploit America. Dur- j doesn't really matter then, what wo tog the recent world war, we discor- j call the tax. The thing is to raise rev ered this to our sorrow. r enue to run our government. immigrants cause most of the police ' business in this land today. The police blotters of the several cities show tbi? to be true. Study of imtnigras i.: that they are no '.onger being Ameri canized In the manufacturing centers. Rather, they are converting these cen ters into segments of old world lands.' The dangerous radical movement a, In the United States today are fos tered v and propelled by immigrants, those disgruntled persons who were dissatisfied in their old homes and come here preaching the doctrine of i discontent. The bomb throwers are immigrants who have brought the idea of direct action from their old homea to America. We do not want them. -We must not take them. The future of America hangs in the balance. The anti-immigration bill bars out the masses which have been corrupt ing the life of America, lowering our standards, hurting industry. Of course employers of much com mon labor don't wont the bin to pass. They hate to pay fair wages and give decent working conditions when the poor ignorant foreigner can be induc ed to work for starvation wages amid intolerable conditions. This Immigra tion restriction bill means that tha u employers of labor stand to lose some money. But the results to be accomplished justify this. American labor will be given fairer wages and work' amitl pleasanter surroundings. The slave standard which has obtained In cer tain big Industries will pass with ta passage of this immigration restric tion bill. fWhat have we been thinking of not to have passed this bill lone ago. We are careful to see that ao base strain enters into cattle, horses, bogs, sntp. Only the purest blood will suffice to .' tke 20 cents a dozea mark, tt is evi feuild up a herd or a dock. In fruits dent that the price scarcely coven aad vegetables great care is exercised ' the cost of production. The protaeK In seed selection that only the finest ' 1b worthy of a profit. If be does not examples of the type be U3od to per petuate the particular fruit or vege- tMt i0ie. The immigration restriction bill hns passed the 'house. For the good of America, the safety of America ami the kind of men America will pro- becomes law. THE 8ALES TAX Tho country Stagger3 under.a groat debt. Income is insufficient to run the government. More revenue must be . , . , raiseu 10 meet me emergency, iuxus must raise this additional money ... , wiiiu uinu oi tax win raise ur in. question is now perplexing congress. It is perplexing thinkers throughout the United States. The excess profits and the surtaxed failed to bring in the revenues treslr ed. Tremendous slui have been noted In these. Industry has 'been slowed by them. Owners of factories and mills and businesses, when tney approached the limit of profit allow ed them before the rest was practical- i ly confiscated by the government. shut down p,ants o them down. There was no merit in puHing in hard work and risk and giv ing the government the profit. Income taxes, too, have failed to bring in returns. Incomes are not . There is this much to be said for the sales tax. It would affect all alike. The millionaire, who buys more than the farmer would pay more' tax than the agriculturist. He would pay big taxes when bought a yacht or a new automobile or expensive food or sporty shirts. No doubt the sales tax is imperfect. No tax has ever been devised which ind not work some injustice fipuu cer tain persons. But it has this meru, .t does not savor of class legislation as do xcess profits taxes, nor does t close down industry, because it is ac- tually a medium of confiscating all profits in excess of a definite and fix. ed amount. It seems equitable. o MATTER OF VIEWPOINT Fearing that eggs will drop In, price to' 10 cents a dozen unless some dras tic action is taken to bolster the mar kot, U. S. producers now clamor that a tariff bo placed against importation of Chinese" hen fruit. ' It is sot forth that there are on hand 1,883,959 cases of eggs and every case contains 30 dozen. The normut supply Is about one-ninth of this amount or about 207,000 cases. Lam year at this time the stock on hand was only 121,733 cases, in 1919 there were available at this date only 319, 508 cases. Much of this overload of eggs has come from the republic of China and other foreign countries, A delegation of poultry people from Iowa, Petalump, Cal, the native home of the cackle berry, and the Poultry 'Kaisers' association of Oregon have protested against the further importa tions of Chinese eggs and urge a stiff tariff on all imported eggs. With the egg price slumped below get it, lie quits business and an Amor lean industry suffers. The case servos to emphasize the fact that we all want a tariff wall erected upon tho thing wo produce or 'make. We want to be sure of a good profit. Yet we'd like the other fellow to sell his product as cheaply as pos sible, the cheaper the better.' Ten cent eggs don't cause any wild walling among those who enjoy a pair of prime eggs for breakfast and do not keep hens. Certainly not. Those who relish this kind of breakfast food may be tempted into a pleased sniite by the announcement. But the produc ers they are crying aloud. They are being ruined. It's certainly impossible to pleSso 'om all, isn't it? BURNETT IS 80, BUT PROVES FAST WORKER By United News ONTARIO, Cal., April 23. Robert Burnett may be80 years old but he still has speed, according to his own claim. , Two months ago he started corres ponding with Mrs. 'Nancy Horsely, 72. He met her for the first time yester day. Love at first sight, whirlwind courtship and everything. Today she became Mrs. Burnett. MR. VOLSTEAD ARRESTED ON DRUNKENESS CHARGE By United Press SEATTLE, April 23. Boy, page Old Mian Prohibition. Mr. Volstead was arrested in Seat tle today, charged with being 'drunk. He gave his nationality as Belgian and. said he was a laborer. His first nameis Renei. Classified advertising 1 cent per won each Insertion. If Inserted 6 times or more, 3-4 cental word. Monthly publi cation rates on application at the office. FOR KENT FOR RENT First of May, a seven room furnished house. Inquire at 313 East Fifth street. 23 "foRRENT Two nicelyf urnishod housekeeping rooms. No children. Inquire 302 Court street. 23 FOR RENT Good upright piano, must be taken at once. Corson, the Music Man. 25 FOR RENT Nicely furnished hpuse keeping rooms with sleeping porch. Adults' only. Telephone black 1811. - 23 FOR RENT Three or four unfur nished rooms, upstairs, with range, hot and cold water. Call black 6291 or inquire 408 Clay. 23 FOR RENT Room with board in modern home. Lady or gentleman. Telephone red 3491. 1000 Fulton street. 2 FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartments at 400 'West Third street. Telephone main 3471. 26 FOR RENT That large, comfortable furnished housekeeping room you will find at 115 East Second street, up stairs, 27 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms given to married couple without children, for services rendered by wife. Call main 6461. 2'J POh ALC FOR SALE Ten fresh cows. Write E. D. 203, Chronicle. d23wl6 17 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 507 East Fourth. 26 FOR SALK Large and email farm and orchard tracts. Reasonabta prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna, Duf ur, Ore. , . 18tf. FOR SALE One five gallon cow with heifer calf. Joe Geiger, telephone 16F22. 25 FOR SALE 107 acres land on Five Mile creek fenced hog-tight, plenty wood and water, good alfalfa or garden ground, C, J. Corson, 220 East Second street, The Dalles, Oregon. 27wl7 FOR SALE Small house, lot 60x100, water on lot aad good garden. $353. Terms if necessary. See R. II, Fish, (Sixteenth and Bridge streets. 2S LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, Api 11 23, 1896 ) This is ladies' and gentleman's evening ni tho commercial club. Tho citizen's meeting tonight shou'd be largely attended. Many are Inter ested In the chamical engine proposl tion and the action of tonight's meet ing will probably prove decisive one way or the other. , Mr. Glenn expects to have the brick work finished on the new Vogt block this week. The carpenters are keeping up with their part of tho work and it will not be long before the hand some new building will be ready for occupancy. E. Jacobson andScomparj will be the first to occupy a store in the now buldng. .K Born, at 'Enderoby, Wednesday, April 15, 1896, to the wife of Adolph Wagner, a daughter. As Mr. and Mrs. Wagner have three sons, the lady was a very welcome yistor. Taxi Mayfield's Taxi Telephone main 5021. 27tt GLASS OF SALTS IF YOUR" KIDNEYS HURT Eat Lest Meat If You Feel Back achy or have Bladder Trouble. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter It from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must relieve them like 'you relieve your bowels; removing all the. adds, waste and poison, elso you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick head ache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is co'ated and when the weath er is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE OR TRADE For car or what have you? Lot 122x210 feet ion south H street. Address C. C. King, 932 East 'Sherman street, Portland. 27 FOR SALE 1500 Overland truck n good shape. New tires: Prico, $175, if taken at once. The Dalles Oarage. 26 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Farm, 122 acres, near Camas, Wash., half mile from hard surfuced road lead ing to Portland. A splendid farm, , price reasonable. See G. E. Corson, 320 East Second streot. 23 FOR iSALE SJightly used furniture, Acorn range, and oil stove good as new at 210 Washington street, tele phone red 791. 23 , FOR SALE One milk goat, coming fresh in June, and ono kid one year old. Inquire at Thompson's addi tion store. Joe Landauer. 23 FOR SALE Horses. .1 have a number of good horses for Bale chenp. Read's Feed store, east end of Sec ond street, telephone black 5211 ' 2UJ FOR SALE Ono five-room modern house, close in, street pavement and sidewalks in, lot 50x25, enn givo possession at once. Prico $2500, reasonable terms. Seo Venz Bauer, telephone main 1571. 27 FOR SALE Genu Tne Manila hemp hats. Light weight, just the thing for hot days. Can ho worn to church tt3 well as fishing, and will always look good. Your choice for $3 00, at Mrs. Halllo Weaver's, 302 15 n Ion street. 25 FSAU: 0 wiiiB To the uwfurtl Ity nnd Increasing daman! for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I will hold my special pen together during April. All orders cared for ut 1.00 per 15 or $6 per hundred. Fred C)phors, It, F. I). No. 3, tele phone red 6362. M2 FOR SALE CHERRYWOM). Throe quarters of an acre overlooking city and mountains near high school and pavement. Largo fruit trees of all kinds with small fruits, gardens and shady lawns. Cherries alone bring fine returns. Pleasant rambl ing house of five rooms and bath Modern plumbing, Also detached house, large woodshed, barn and chicken house, A city homo and ideal country estate combined. Two thousand down will handle. Inquire owner, C. F. Spauldlng, 414 West .Twelfth street. 23 sediment; the channels often get Irri tated, obliging you to get up two or threo times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acid.? and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jnd Salts from nny pharmacy; take n tablespoonful In n glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days an your kidneys will then net flnp i bladder disorders disappear. This fa WOOD A RD & TAUSCHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement, Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates furnished free, of chargs. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 o- Call at Gates Block Earning Your Income is but half the battle; the other is managing it lest it manage you. 1 People of all incomes and in ail walks of life save themselves a lot of needless worry through the use of the Checking Account. Ah account here will solve the problem effec tively for you. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Dalles, Oregon FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old coK $11.60. Second growth, 112.50. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tt FOR SALE Overland touring cur, in good running order. See A. R. Barnett, 210 Washington. 23 FOR SALE Second-hand blcyclou and motorcycles. Repairing of all kinds. Lawn mowers sharpened. Baby buggies re-tired. Noveltv Works, 518 East Second. 25 FOR SALE Lard and malt bnrrels. 300 outside sugar sacks. Oregon Bakery. 26 FolTsALEim "8," first class condlton. Six now cord tires. A bargain for cash or terms. Telephone or wrUe Paul Chllders. 29 - WANTED WA NTED Auto trucks to lin.i; grav el on highway. Apply Sliotwol! Con struction company,- Ceillo, Ore. 25 WANTED Position driving nnd car ing for tractor or truck. Call blank 6231. 25 WANTED Clean cotton rugs at Tho Chronicle office, five cents per pound, tf WANTED To soil, rent and repair typewriters and sowing machine.'!, Hemstitching dono. See Coryen. 26 WANTED Calclmlnlng and painting by day or hour. Call mornings or evenings. Red 3961. 23 WANTED .By married man, ago 35, Al nhcup man, thoroughly fumlllur wlth farming and farm machinery, wife first clasH cook. If you need a couple that can deliver tho goods addiess, II. T. 175, Chronicle. 23 WANTED Cars to Htore, by parties who desire to have, them where ve can show and sell them on com mission, Whitney Auto & Electric Works, 709 East Second street. 23 FOR TRADE FOR TRADE 'No. 1 cow for Ford cur, Telephone red 6082, or call ut 215 West Eleventh streot Saturday or Sunday, w ia LOST OR FOUND KOST-'old"'watchf6bri(rub head. Reward for return to office, Hotel Dalles, 23 1X)8T Hoy's coat, 7-o.T-old sUe, bHtfcd style. Find: call red 1261. i.'it.rnlesrs. Re-arJ. 23 mous salts Is made from the c.cld of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Uthia, nnd 1ms been used for generations to clean and stimulate shiRRlsh kidneys and stop bladder ir ritntlon. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes n dollghtful ef fervescent Hthla-water drink which millions of men nnd women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kid ney nnd bladder trouble. Adv. fSsUilMHK! MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main R581. tf LAWN MOWING Yard work, gar dening, etc. Your patronnge Is so licited. L. A. MathewB, 502 Weit Eighth street. Telephone rod 3651. 9tf TRANSFER AND BXPRESt-Furnl-ture and piano moving. Vrelght hauled and general expross busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J. E. Henzle. lltf PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PIANOS TUNED Had repaired, ac tion regulating nnd refinlshlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S A. Dockstnder. Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street.' Telephone main 10111. tf Sjpeci&Hnala Whitney Repair Shop 709 East 8econd 8t. WMt Tmuck Lime Freight and express between The Da II mi and Wasco, Moro and all way points Leave The Dalles, 9 a. cn. dally except Sunday. Leave Moio, 1:30 p. m. Loavo Wusco, 2:30 p, m. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black. 1642 or main 471. tf VENZ BAUER (leneral real estate, insurance, ana loans. 100 East Second, street. Tele phone main 1571. 28U HOWARD S. SOULE Expert Piano Tuner 422 West .SIxtL stieet. Residence Phono ihftn 4201. tf VERI3A SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 2181 East Third street, Mi POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL , Lessens by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist tf