The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 23, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Community Pictures A program
of pictures was put on at the West
End school building by Community
service workers, Thursday afternoon.
Another big Community Service meet
ing will be held there next Friday
Community Service Program 'Un
der the direction of Community Ser
vice, a program was put on at the
Thompson addition school last night.
Songs and readings by the school pu
pils, a community sing, and stereop
ticon pictures of community activities
in different parts of the country form
ed the evening's entertainment.
Stone Wins In Designing A prize
of $5, offered to the student of the
local high school mechanical draw
ing department, submitting the 'best
design for use on the letterhead of
the Oregon Growers' Cooperative as
sociation, was won by
Stone, son of Dr. and
Stone of this city. The contest was
staged under the direction of Ver
non F. Williams, high school instruc
tor in mechanical drawing.
Local Gunners to Meet Hood River
Hood River 'atfd The Dalles trap
shooting teams will clash tomorrow
morning at the local traps of The
Dalles Rod and Gun club, for the
supremacy of the Mid-Columbia dis
trict. Hood River is sending a 10
man team from its ' newly-organized
Rod and Gun club to compete against
local pigeon-breakers. The local -club
has yet to be defeated in team corn-
Mrs. A. B.
By United Press
PARIS, April 23 France is deter
mined to occupy the Ruhr district
In the event that Germany default!)
on the reparations payment by May
first, regardless of the American at
titude on mediation, it was learned
here seml-officlally today. Premier
Briand left for England today, bear
ing General Foch's detailed plans for
military action.
By United Press
Because he beat his 17-year-old daugh
ter," Anna, across the back with a
heavy rope or "cutting" classes,
Dudley Elklns is today out on $1,000
bond, to appear at the May term of
court here. .Neighbors testified that
they, had heard the girl's screams as
the father lashed her.
Editor Chronicle: Please allow
me a little space to correct an erron
eous impression that might be made
in the minds of some people, by the
article from the pen of brother
Yates, in the issue' of April 21. He
seems to have the idea that the
parents are all to blame for the
young v people going astray today. As
for the young man in question, who,
was acquitted by a jury, I myself
know for a fact, that he was brought
up in a .Christian home, ana has
ed the Dufur Rod and Gun club team
from the race for championship hon
ors. The team shoot will start about
11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Mem
bers of the club wishing to shoot be
fore the team shoot ia staged may
use the traps until that time, it is
announced. ,
Royal Arch Degree Conferred A
in our public schools, and not de
pend" too much on the teacher who
sees his or her scholars one hour
a week. What say you? As for the
parties who run the dance hall, will
say, that If they sow to the flesh,
they shall of the flesh reap cor
ruption. Respectfully submitted,
pnny report on building activity In
the 25 states north of the Ohio and
east of the Missouri rivers places the
total value of contrncte awarded dur
ing the month of March at only $164,
194,000 compared with $327,897,000 In
the corresponding month last year.
The value of contracts awarded dur
ing March Increased 63 percent ovet
February, but this increase Is
entirely the result of a larger num
ber of small projects.
Mrs. O. Norton of Boyd is a guest
at the Bank hotel.
W. R. Norval of Wamtc was in
The Dalles yesterday.
Evi Annala of Boyd is at the Bank
hotel. j
E. O. Stattler of Bend was a busi
ness visitor in The Dalles yesterday.
I. D. Pike of Grass Valley is regis
tered at Hotel Dalles. - j
J. E. Hinton of Shanlko was in
this city yesterday.
R. S. Gdff of Moro is a guest at
Hotel Dalles.
Sheriff Lovi Chrisman is in Port
land today on olffclal business.
Leslie Brown of Friend was in
The Dalles yesterday attending to
business matters. t
A. W. Chesney of White Salmon
was In The Dalles attending to busl-1
ness matters yesterday. j
Miss Eleanor Holgate, field girls'
work secretary of the Y. W. C. A., is
in the city for a couple of days.
Mrs. Charles Booth of Portland is
visiting at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. J. Minor Booth of this city.
Mabel A. Bennett, principal of the
ing those lands. Wo have 3,000,000
acres 'of such lands anti two or throe
acres is enough to support a family
in comfort. Just think what develop
ment of tho fruit Industry to what It
should be will mean to these two
states. Hundreds of thousands of addi
tional families will bo cultivating
these logged off lands.
"Will there bo a market for tho
product? Why, if every acre were be
ing used and all were devoting their
products to Jams alone not even then
would there be enough to supply the
demand from the state of Now York.
And we can get our market by a well
established marketing system, handl
ing the product under our own labels
and maintaining our high quality of
petition, having previously ellmlnat- goocl training but like many others
he is fulfilling the Scriptures. Jesus
Himself said the time would come
when the children would rise up
against their parents, and even have
them put to death, Matt. 10-21; Mark Mosier high school, is vis'ting with
13-12. And we have read numbers of Iriends in The, Dalles .over the week-'
such cases reported to us in the ena I
newspapers of late. I j
Then Paul said, "in the last days Mrs- Will F. Powell of Portland'
noya rcn ' . perilous times shall come. Men shall i visiting at. the suburban home of
delegation of 40 members of The .Mr. and Mr8. j .D. RlggB in the
disobedient to parents, unthankful,
unholy." 2 Tim. 3:1-2.
Berries Will Pay.
PORTLAND, April 23. Develop
ment of the logged off lands of Ore
gon and Washington, comprising mil
lions of acres, depends upon finding
a crop profitable enough to pay for
the cost of clearing the lands. Those
interested in 'the berry and fruit In
dustry declare that berries and small
fruits offer the best paying crop, In
the climate of western Oregon ana
western Washington, for making pos
sible development of these lands.
Settlers will find that, with the re
cent high cost of clearing land, ber
ries and poultry offer the quickest'
possible return," says Senator W. H.
Paulhamus, president pf- the Puyallup
& Sumner Fruit Growers' Canninn !
company, which has just been taken
into the Oregon-Washington Canning
& Preserving company. "They can
clear a small tract and plant it in
strawberries and within a year have
a crop that will produce a high reve
nue. "In the past two years growers have
made from $1000 to as high as $2000
an acre a year. Red raspberries at 18
$600 an acre after all expense.
$600 an acre' after al expense.
"Western Oregon and western
Washington are made up of logged off
lands and when the timber Is cut off
the most intensive farming will be
necessary to justify the cost of clear-
To Skillfully Compound
It has been our work for years.
We guarantee to ably supple
ment the work of your phy
sician. The purest of drugs are used.
All standard proprietary medi
cines. Columbia Graphonolas and
Kodaks .and Supplies. ..
Toilet Articles,
Open Sundays, 8 a. m. to Noon
D. W. Yantis, Mgr.
2 Doors West Parlor Grocery
1 5
- . . mmm
Masons, journeyed to Goldendale yes
terday afternoon for a fraternal visit
with the Goldendale chapter of the
lodge. The local delegation arrived
Three Mile district.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lord returned
I in tholr hnmn in Rnnlmnn VAntArrtnv
This is not to cover up any one's navmg spent soyeral dayfl lQ
in the Wellington city about 6 ' fault, "but. let us render to 'Caesar The Dal,es v,8lUng wUh Mrg Lord,fl
. thfi fhlnrn that are Caesars, and to , . ... .....
in the evening. Thfc iirsx - - ' ' sisier, Mrs. ti. u. Miner.
uruu, tu lu&o itiai tuc uuu a. j. u -
item on the program was a banquet,
lasting an hour and a half. Dr. F. H.
Collins of Goldendale extended -.a
welcome to the viBitors irom -rue
lowing the banquet, the local delega
tion conferred the Royal Arch de
uce on six Goldendale candidates.
Another "feed" and The Dalles Ma
tons left for home, vowing that their
Goldendale brothers are "good
are facts which we must all face. Free Clinic No ChargeFor Examlna
Ijdo not understand why Mr. Chll-i' tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
ders should call" one, who had' will- Dr." Baum. chiropractic -physician',
we come to """" fully broken the laws of ouf land, Tnlrd and Washington, mahv601. tf
Dalles, G. E. Manchester JJh Priest, ,AmerlcaDi
of the local chapter, responuing
uiua niwuQf v m ytfiVV-Viaw srww w
spects to friend Paul. We often find Green slabs, $5.00 per cord, f. o.
in the best of homes, some of our Di cars. Van Dellen Lumber company,
worst cases, both boys and girls. 4tf
Thirty hours schooling in a week ,
to prepare for the world, 30 minutes Brown's Dufur stag Time Tabla
in a week to make ready for Heaven, Two round trips daily. Leave Bank
ii.i -ii ii v i . ftttitnl Q n m anil A n m TjlflVA 1
loo one-aiaeu auogeiner. uai ub uuvu .
. Montinn A verv inter- tannt Rnmn training for Eternity Dufur 7:30 a. m. and-1 p. m. tt
VVIIIIMUIII. - v - - u
estlng community meeting was new
at the Thompson's addition school
building last evening. With only a
day's notice the teachers and chil
dren of the neighborhood had pre
pared an excellent program of music,
Real Estate Markets Financial
UMtVi tha nvponHnn nf ttln nnlft of
.. j ' " v" -
speaking and dramatic remains u tne j D RJggB 8Umnier home and
their efforts were greatly eoyed ' ranch, the local and county real es
by the' large crowd in attendance. market ha8 jU8t comPieted one
Community singing under the direc- Qf tfae qulete8t week8 0f'the year,
tion of Lynn Roycroft was a feature The Rlggs plac0( Bold tQ Alfred E.
of the evening's entertainment. Anderson of Heppner, was handled
Scenes of Norway combined with tnrough the offlce oI w. b. Gitchell,
pictures of Community Service aclocal reaJ egUte doftler . -UvitleB
throughout the United States purcbat(- prIco of $3i(000, is
were thrown on the screen to tne jnder8tood to 'include 65 acres of
noisy delight of the youngsters and
orchard and produce land, a modern
the more jdlgnlfled and sober enjoy- nQUse( a compiete water system, a
ment of the grownups. The program m barn Rn(J packIn? nouse, nu-
of singing and screen pictures will m1eroU8 tam ani orchard lmple
be repeated in the lecture room of meuta, some Btock, and the 1921
.t.- .,S,nn ithrarv this evening at
7:55 o'clock.
To ' Offer Course 'In Music A
course of eight lessons in the art of
leading Blnging and study ot musical
of lot 1, block 1, of Crossen's addi
tion to Dalles City. Consideration not
Fred Collins to Agnes Collins: all
of lot C in block 69, of Fort Dalles
Military reservation. Consideration
approximately $1,000.
Elijah P, Koontz, et ux, to Harry
W. Curtis: all of lot 12 in block 48
of the Bluff addition to Dalies City.
Consideration, approximately $500.
Maud Barlow to B.. A. Brazeau: 320
acres of land In section 8, township 8,
south of range 15, east of the Willahv
ette merlQlan. Consideration not giv
en. C A, Nelson, et ux, to BaBkuhl
brothers : 80 acres of land in section 6,
township 4, south of range 13, east of
crop, already on the trees and in
the ground. Anderson expects to
move to the place in about 10 days.
County records at thev court house
last week showed about twice as the Willamette meridian. Consldera
mnnv mnrteaces as warranty deeds, tion. $660.
inomr.tfl.tlon will begin on Monday . ft1oPltv of tneBe mortgages are Mary El. Stiles to Melvin A. -Stiles:
evening April 25 In the rcoms at the j belng carrled Dy iocai banks, al- all of the southwest quarter of section.
. r in r a -mriAr the direction Of ., , noMnna anil Pnrtlatt'd .11 i .nmHt.,M 1 ..u 10
mortgage companies are loading eaBt ot (ne Willamette meridian. Con-
some money In the county. sideration not given.
Black and Crura, local real estate jar03iav Raffl of Chicago to Gustav
dealers, report the sale of two lota ol wbco county: 10 acres of
In Laughlln'a addHion from B. F. ,and m Bectton 24i t0wnship 3, south
Laughlln- to OUve A. Broma-Jgh. Qf range ea8t Qf the Het,,
Darnielle .Brothers report the sale merIdJan Con8,deraUoni approximate-
ot a moaern reoiueuto m
street from the French estate to Dr.
F. E. Eames, Conslderatloa approxi
mately $2,500. ,
The ffcllowing building permita
v w n. A. unaer .ine uuet"""
Mr. and Mrs. L. S.-Pilcner of Na
tlonal Community Service, Mr. and
Mm. Pllcher have trained scores of
people in California, Washington and
other parts of the country who are
today successfully conducting stags
With groups numbering from one
hundred to many thouBands. The
course Is free to all who may wish
to avail thmselves of It. Sessions
will be held evenings beginning at
8 o'clock. Applicants may register
any time during the day by calling
Community Service headquarters,
phone Main 3331. The demand for
leadership in muslq 1b greater than
the supply. There are many peop e
in this city who have musical taste
and ability who have never thought
of the possibility of leading a group
In singing. Members of the Com
munlty Service executive board m
charge of this courso are Mrs. Carl
ton P. Williams, chairman, Cnas.
Reth and B. A. Lubbe.
A. H. Gllles of Wamlc is register
ed at the Bank, hotel.
ly $1,000.
(Labor, the direct recipient .of a
were secured from" the city record- arg8 percentage of the amount spent
er's office during tho week: J. B. Jq building operations, still remains
Kirk, permit to make alterations on ,no pr,rae OD3tac;0 a resumption of
his home, 110 west Eight street, conduction activity. Decreased
costing $500. E. A. St. Marie, permit prJce8 f0. many claBse8 of materia:
to build residence on lot 10, block 48, hayo accentuated the dfrjculty which
Blgelow's addition -to Dallas City, nt aUtude q ft
costlnc approximately $1,000. N. H. t. ,.... ...,
Williams, permit to build a reBl- ... , .....
Muiama, vuu. material prices without ower wages
rionrn on IOt 3. DIOCS Hi nuui-
tion to Dalles City, costing approxl- restoration of an honest out-mat-ly
$1,100 Mrs. N. A. Bonn, per- Put per man per day raise the proper
mlt"to remodel house, 200 west tion of cost which must be charged
Fourth street. against labor and increase its respon-
- ' siblllty for the prevailing stagnation.
Elizabeth Eben to Albert Eben: part Meanwhile the F. W. Dodge com-j
Sun. CASINO Mon.
The Little House with the BIG Pictures
Pauline Frederick
A Slave of Vanity"
Miss Frederick
And You'll see
An actual motion picture made in The Dalles, and acted entirely by local
will known persons. Also
"The Dangerous Moment"
comedy CARMEL MYERS comedy
Just Remember it The Little House with the BIG Pictures.