'VMS .j PAGE THREE THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1921. TOMORROW AT THE CHURCHES U&nKer Aids Program for World Commerce OHinsTiA rft'itrxcH socikty Boventh and Cno sirnutH.- Service 11 a. m. Sunday and S p, m. Wednes day. Rending room maintained by the society in room 507 First National bank building IB oiti lo the public daily, except Sunday, from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ' ST PUTHIt'S cmJIfCH Third and Lincoln streets. Morning services, 8 and 10:::o. livening Kervlcos, 7:30. Al tar Boclety first Sunday of month. So cial circle, first Thursday nf month, young Peoples' club secpnd and third Mondays. Knights of Columbus, first and third Mondays. Rev. V. .1. O'Rourke, pastor. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Elm and G Btroets. Sunday school, 10. Morning service, 11. Subject, "The Lord's Supper." Communion follows the sermon. Junior Christian Endeav or, 3 p. m. Intermediate Christian Kn deavor, 6:30 p. ni. Evening service nt 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Sin's Dominion" Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Q. K. Hartman, pastor. aammmmmmmmmmm 3 STELLAR RING CONTEST WILL CEMENT NATIONS ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Eastcr IV Holy communion, 8 a. m. Church school, 9:45, Morning prayer, 11 Friday evening, choir service and open forum at 7:30. Rev. O. G. Hols holt, rector. Abbot Low Mills, president of the TTIrat MflHntlnl linnlr rtf PnWIunrl ffr i is a member of the committee on or ganization of the foreign trade finan cing corporation, which is now being formed for the extension of long-term j credits to foreign buyers as a measure ! of rolief for the manufacturers ana ( farmers of this country. Mr. Mills has long been Identified with prominent banking Interests and he has also been connected with various Industrial en terprises In the United States. 'He Is eager to see every plant producing Its maximum output and the surplus above our domestic consumption sold to foreign nations. 'FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible school, 10. Morning sorylco, 11. Theme, "Seeking God." Anthem, "Seek Yo First the Kingdom," choir. Afternoon service at the Fairbanks achool house. Christian, Endeavor, C:30. 'Evening Bervlco, 7:30. Theme,. "Is the Auto Your Church?" Anthom, "I Know That My Redeemer" choir. Prayer meotlng Thursday night, 8. Itov. Carl C. Walker, pastor. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Union at. Seventh, Morning service at 11. Thome, "Tho Lifo with a Song." Evening service, 7:30. Theme, "Re nllzo on Your Sourco of Power." Blblo school. 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U., G:30 p. ni. Survico at Throo Mile Hi tho nftornoon. Rov. John L. Bogue, pastor. ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Union street nt Seventh, Blblo school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Thome of Hormon, "Tho Mission of tho Comlfort or" Proludo, (Lowell); solo, "A Pray, or," (Stenson), 'Miss .Minnie ScluiV Ben; offertory, (Loybach), postludo, (Goddard). Luther leaguo dovotioinl Bcrvlcos, 6:30, Miss Gosch, leader, Vospors, 7:30. Rov. W. I. Kek, pastor. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Washington and Fifth streets. Morn ing service, 11, Bubjoct, "Communion." lEvening aorvlco, 7:30. Subject, "The Value of Jesus' Words." Special iwnt: service. Children's story hour. Bp worth leaguo devotional sorvlco at 6:30 o'clock Sunday school at 10 RIGHT HERE WE WOULD) birb s ni.ni ivn rvt- ARE STUDENTS OFPKEVfl EzSgaN EEEEEE: Wo khobb that ovnybotly ho lUn'i's that an ounce of preven tion is worth a pound of cure. Of course you nallze that If the plumbing at your house Is put Into thu proper shape at this 1 1 mo some memher of your household may not fall HI at soino later date. Why not have that plumbing attended to at once? JOHN MILNE PLUMDING ft HEATING Phone Red 991 The Dalles Burget-Mogan Co Funeral Directors ' THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Pboaeo Mala 2891 Night Black 401, Main 6191 "Auto Races." 'Mid-week service on Thursday night. Rev. W. H. H. For syth pastor. CONGREGATIONAL, CHURCH - Morning service, 11. Timely address Dy the pastor. Evening service, 7:30. A muslcale will be rendered. iBlble school at 10 a. m. Christian 'Endeavor at G:30 p. m. 'Rev. E. Goudge, pastor. i FREE METHODIST CHURCH Thompson's addition school house. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching, 11, by The Rev. Clark Smith. Subject, "The Compassion of Jesus." Meeting for young people at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. E. N. Long, pas-tor. By Webb Miller (United Press Staff Correspondent) PARIS, (By 'mail.) "The fight be tween Carpentler and Dcmpsey will no more to cement Franco-American relations than a score of marriages.'1 This is a declaration of General NI velle, recently returned from a tour of the United States, In an Interview on sports and matrimony. "Let us have International competi tion in sports between France and America," said the general, "but by no means Intermarriage." Nlvelle painted a gloom picture of the fate of .the French girl who hitch ed up with an American. He said the commonplace life In America was not suited to the demoiselle used to tho many littlo attentions bestowed upon her by Frenchmen.' Likewise ho bursted. the rumor that wc are all rich. "Let us have enterchange of stu dents between French and American universities," said he, "but by no means Interchange of marital love." (Returning to athletics,. Nivelle con ceded that we had some pretty hefty fighters, but -he thought In 'the Demp-sey-Carpentler match superior brain would triumph over brute brawn. He forgot to mention who had the brain, probably on the assumption that his audience knew who possessed the brawn. Main 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01 tf Dr. S. Burke MaHsey, dentist, Firat National bank, rooms 307-308'. Tele phone main 3911, res. main 1691. 8tf Special. In order to make space for my summer stock I will sell at 10 per cent discount the few remaining plain tailored and trimmed hats. Mrs. Weaver, 302 Union Btreet, opposite postoffico. Telephone black 3171. M20 Eyes tested, gjunae ntted. Dr. Geo. P. New house. u Your Favorite Place to dine, "Hotel Dalles" If moderate prices, quality of food, service and surroundings aro considered. Try our ovoning and Rpecial Sunday din ners, $1.00. You'll bo surprised. 23 For California Perfume company goods, telephone main 2661. ' 25 SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN Apply Sulphur aa Told When Your 8kin Breaks Out. Any breaking out of the skin on face, neck, arms or body Is over come quickest by applying Mentho Sulphur. The pimples seem to 'dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to take the place of sulphur as a pim ple remover. It Is harmless and in expensive. Just ask any druggist for a small jar of 'Mentho-Sulphur and use It like cold "cream. Adv. Wasco Hotel 624 East Second Street Open Under New Management Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms' 50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month Dining Room to Open Soon M. S. Elliott, Mgr. Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment 1 7-1 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3121 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF THE MARYHILL FERRY IS RUNNING From Grants, 20 Miles East of The Dalles, to Maryhlll Daily from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. EXCELLENT ROADS PAVED TO GOLDENDALE MARYHILL FERRY CO. Special Trips Arranged Phono Osldendale 312X CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dallee LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bart Thomas, Assistant Manager Llceneed mfcalmero, lataallehed 1M7 Dufur Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Telephone Red 17S1 Motor Equipment Telephones Day Rod 351 Nlait Red SS2 J, H. Harper, Black 2152 Cut Ffewers News for Men Who Are Looking for Better Kinds of SHOES It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have taken the agency for the well known J. E. TILT SHOE CO.'S. LINE OF MEN'S SHOES Most of you know already there is no better shoe made than the Tilt, and considering the extremely high standard of workmanship and materials, the prices are exceedingly reasonable. Tilt shoes sell from $9 to $9.75 in the different leathers and lasts. I want every man in this city to see these shoes, that he may personally judge the fine quality and craftsmanship. I have a stock of Tilt shoes now in my store at Third and Court streets, opposite the city hail. Every pair is guar anteed. I also have cheaper lines of shoes, but I am sure you will be more than satisfied with the unusual values shown in this particular line. In most places Tilt shoes are price .1 from $2 to $3 more than I am asking. Come in and let me fit you to a good c jmf ortabie stylish shoe. JUST A WORD TO YOU MEN WITH BIG FEET You want something with a broad toe and yet something stylish. I can recommend Tilt's Gun Metal Blucher No. 44 last, EE width. F. A. FRENCH Remember the Place .Across from the City Hall SAY You saw it in the Chronicle when buying adv. good Like Making a Cake Making an advertisement is like making a cake. You know how recipes run:- A cup of "this," a tablespoonful of "that," ten drops of the Mother," and "something else"- the size of a walnut. In making an advertise ment you use a number of "ingredients:" Information, interest, desire, argument, praise, suggestion, and, al- e ways, facts. These advertising ingre dients are carefully "stirred in," in the right order and proportion, so that when the finished advertisement comes to you it is 'suited to your "taste , But you must read adver tisements and test them out by buying what they adver tise if you would really know how valuable they are to you. Remember how often you have refused to taste some dish, and then a long time af ter, you have found it is de licious. That's just like adver tising. Read Chronicle adver tisements for a while and you will find they are full of in terest, tell you. things ' you never knew before, and tell you the right things to buy.