PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1921. WE INVITE. COMPARISON OF QUALITY AND PRICE Patrons of our stores' are saving thousands of dollars on their purchases of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing and Ready to Wear apparel. Our constant en deavor and greatest purpose is to maintain the now prevailing lower prices, and we are succeeding. Our buyers are constantly in the markets taking advantage of every price concession. These tremendous savings are in time passed on to our patrrons through our 312 Retail Department Stores. With this kind of an organization working for you with this excellent service brought almost .to your door you cannot with fairness to yourself and the family purse, disregard this opportunity to supply your needs and share' in these substantial savings. They are yours at these extremely low prices. f 1 ' T r f J r If ! : it MEN! Are You Taking Advantage of Our Superior Suit Values? Dozens of men are finding it pays to inspect the New Clothing we are now showing as the new prices are remarkably low. Good suits at $14.75 to $22.50 Excellent all wool Suits at $24.75 to $44.75 MEN'S HOSIERY you'll firm it pays to buy tnem li6re. Men's Work Sox 2 for 25c, 15c and 2 for 39c. Men's Dress Sox Blackv White or Brown, 25c and 49c. Men's Fancy Dress Sox 49c, 69c, and 98c pair. Men's Silk Sox 69c, 89c and $1.19 pair. HOW AROTTT NEW SHIRTS? You'll find excellent assortments here at prices that mean' savings. With or with out collars, in Imported Madras, Percale, Cotton Jersey and Soisette. Priced at 98c to $3.49 Silk and Silk Stripe Shirts $4.98 to $7.50 Shinola Shoe Polish, 3 for 25c Williams Shaving Soap 7c Gillette Razors (You. know their value) '. $1.98 Colgate's Dental Cream, large size at 19c Creme Oil Toilet .Soap, cake 6c New Silks Hair Line Plaid Taffeta, the new thing in ' silks, 36 in. wide. Per yard $i.9S 36 inch Foulards. 'Per yard $1.49 Silk Messaline, black and colors, extraor dinary quality. Per yard $1.98 Taffeta Silks, black and colors $1.79, $1.98 Kiddie Cloth 32 inches wide. Ideal fabric for children's Rompers and Dresses. Built for wear. Per yard 35c NEW PERCALES Yard wide Percales in new patterns and colors. Per yard 16c, 19c and 23c. LADIES' WASH SATIN CAMISOLES 69 each These are excellent values. Made of wash Satin with lace trimmed. All sizes. New Curtain Nets It's about house cleaning time and time to supply your curtain heeds. You'll frnd ex cellent Filet Nets here at 35c, 39c, 49c, 59c and 79c per yard , 36 to 42 inches wide tJ-V-I tenneyC0 cA eNcitionu)icle Institution 312 STORES Another Ship ment of those Wonderful COAT VALUES $8.50, $9.90 to $13.90 Our New York office has just sent us anoth er shipment of entirely different styles in Lad ies New Spring Coats at these exceptionally low prices. Don't delay but select yours now, while they're available. Colors of Brown, Tan, Green and Blue. Sizes 16 to 42. LADIES' SHORT JERSEY JACKETS A new shipment of these popular Spring Jackets just received yesterday. They come in the leading colors for spring such as Rose, Copen, Heather Mixed, Cardinal, Navy, Green and Blak. Priced at $9.90 to $11.90 Cuticura Soap 19c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39c Pond's Vanishing Cream, large size 63c "Love Me" Face Powder. 63c 501 SERVICE DRUG STORE D. W. YANTIS, Manager PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST MAIN 2451 SUNDAY HOURS 8 TO 12 M. ' 2 DOORS WEST PARLOR GROCERY IF I HAD A MILLION I'D SEE "ROMANCE OF THE DALLES" AN ACTUAL MOVING PICTURE MADE IN THE DALLES, AND ACTED ENTIRELY BY LOCAL WELL KNOWN PERSONS. ALSO "The Dangerous Moment" STARRING COMEDY Now Playing CARMEL MYERS CASINO The Little House with the BIG Picturea COMEDY Until Saturday V