The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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kans, where the merits of each ap
plication will be passed upon. Because
rf Un ttil A - I" ft
nble, it is planned to loan no money
for the purchase of new property.
All money "will be loaned to prevent
Pipe Repairs! Roil Water Persons
residing in the lower part of the
city this morning thought for a
while that Mill creek was on the of proved dire'financial need, Pepper
rampage, when they turned on their ! explained.
water faucets and viewed the muddy j ,
stream which poured forth. The' Brown's Oufur ttiagi Trio Table
cause of the dirty water was nearer .Two round trips dally. Lea re Bank
at hand, however, being the result I not?'. 9- . m. and 4 p. m. Leave
of the water main being torn up for Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m.
repairs on Washington street, ne'ar
Third. Clear water Is promised for
tomorrow, when it is expected that
all repairs will have been completed,
workmen said. ' .
Congregational Vaudeville Pleases
"Scenes in Union Station," the
comedy rendered at the high school
auditorium last night udder the aus
pices, of the Congregational Ladies
Aid society, was a decided success
from the audience's point of view.
The costumes were of an earlier
date, and in most cases emphasized
the eccentricities of the characters.
The station was the scene of a suc
cessful courtship, the pranks of un
ruly children, various embarassing
situations' and an elopement. Musical
ibers generously applauded were
Ernest Nichols of Mosier was
Dalles visitor yesterday.
ny tfalted Press
NEW YORK, April 21 The mod
ern version of that pen and sword
proverb that the highbrow is might
ier than the roughneck was exem
plified here today by Edward Rochie
Hardy, Jr., 12-year-old Columbia uni
versity phenom.
Turning loose a verbal battery of
a the dozen odd languages he is versed
in, Edward talked himself out of
captivity in darkest Long Isltind,
of the man were sent out all over
the world.
Today James O'is'cill ha3 found his
brother. He is an inmate of the state
prison at East View, New York.
According to the warden of the
eastern prison, Harry CNelll will
soon be out of jail and will come
'hero to meet his brother 'after their
eighteen years' separation.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott went to where he had been spirited by six
Portland yesterday to visit friends. ' husky sophomore kidnapers.
Edward is cast' in the star role of
the 'varsity show, "You'll Never
Know," which opens tonight. He Is
Mrs. Sam .Brown of Wapinitia is
visiting relatives In the city.
selections by the high schol orches
tra, a gypsy character number con
sisting of a song by Miss Edith Hug
ger and a dance by Helen Williams,
solos by Lynn Raycroft; and songs
Jjy the high school quintet.
Vandals Tamper With Flag-Pole
'.City Superintendent of Schools R. L.
Kirk is proud of the new high school
flag pole, and because of this fact,
he naturally resents any disfigur
ation of it. The first act of "van
dalism" to the new flag pole oc
curred several days ago, when a
number of "unknown persons" deco
rated the pole with a red brick dust
solution, doubtless supposed to en
hance the natural beauty of the
pole. The brick dust was washed
off. and all went well until Tues
day, when it . was found that the ings
flag pole halyards were missing. As
everybody knows, a flag cannot be
raised without a halyard, and as a
result the high school pole has been
flagless during the last two days'. A
new halyard is being installed how
ever, and Prof. Kirk is now awaiting
Lee Evans of Mosier was in the supposed to stand around and kia
city yesterday on business. j the performance with his ambidex
trous tongue. No freshman had ever
before participated in the 'varsity
show. The sophomores wore outrag
ed. They planned to kidnap the prod
igy. The freshman learned of the
A battle roya was staged on the
campus yesterday afternoon In front
of Edwardls home with the boy as
the prize and his mother a witness.
Tho sophs won and Edward was car-
George Bunn, Pallbrldge merchant, rjej, away In a taxi.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidson of
Shanlko are in the city today.
W. H. Ragsdale of Moro is regis
tered at Hotel Dalles.
iH. E. Burdett, landscape architect,
has been busily engaged in The
Dalles during the last 10 days in lav
ing out the new city auto camp
ground, decided upon by The Dalles
chamber of commerce before it was
reorganized into a county-city body.
More than 100 shade trees of various
kinds, all selected because of their
ability to grow on rocky soil, have
been set'oivt. Burdett Is peeved, how
ever, at the loss of one of the best ot
the few trees already on the camp
site. The tr,ee In question, a beautiful
big pine, was cut down for use as
fuel, by squatters camping on tho
city property. A count of tho tree's
rings revealed that it was about .5
years old. Burdett was planning upon
using W big tree as one of tho cen
tral figure of his decorative plan ana
places the loss to the city by its de
struction at $150.
W. H. Staats of 'Maqpin was
the city yesterday.
T. R. Fontner of Wasco is a guest
at Hotel Dalles.
was here on business yesterday.
At some point in Long Island
Edward doesn't know where he lan
guished in captivity while the 'var
sity show producers wept and wailed
last niEht at a dress rehearsal. His
i parents, both college professors,
Skeletons, Those of Whites Anoth
er corner of the veil of mystery cov
ering the death of six persons near
the Deschutes river, Ihe skeletons of
C. Chase of Dufur is in The Dalles
today attending to business matters.
G. U. Mallott of Shaniko is at the
Bank hotel.
! yawned in ennui. It was old stuff to
q. G. Maglll of Wamic was in the them,
city yesterday. " j Ti,e USUal blandishments failed .to
W. E., Lucas of Wamic is a guest lowro" 80PhS,nlon1Inp ,
. Then Edward began pleading In
at the Bank hotel. LaUn Th(j harangue 6wltched to He-
G. H. Reeder of Shaniko is in The brew, then French, German, Russian,
Dalles today attending the water hear- Swedish, Spanish and other tongues
I followed in linguistic avaiancne.
No third degree was ever more
effective. The sophs wilted one by
one. Their tympanums ached, their
heads ached, they ached all' over.
Human endurance could stand no
Shortly before dawn today, Edward
was deposited at his door. After
George C. Crawford of Wamic is in
The Dalles today. Crawford is a mem
ber of the Wamic school board.
J. H. Fitzpatrick, Tygh Valley mer
chant, is a business visitor 'in The
Dalles today.
C. A.' Houghtallng, Portland archi- gvecting his bored parents the boy
tect, was a business visitor in this permitted himself one of his rare
city yesterday.
Mrs. D. W.
Southern of Trout
lapses into colloquialism.
"Pretty soft," he said.
whom were found several days ago Lake, Wash., was in the city yester
by workmen engaged in surfacing day,
the Columbia River highway, was
lifted today whe,n further finds were
made, establishing almost beyond a
doubt that the bones are those of
white persons. The first find was a
corroded brass field glass, such as the house gue'st of Mrs. Lulu Cran
used by military officers stationed flail,
at Fort Dalles in the early days
G. H. Reeds of Shaniko, is in The
Dalles visiting with friends and at
tending to business .matters.
The lenses of the glass were in per
fect condition when found. Digging
a little further, a rusted military
compass was uncovered, togetner
with a small glass hypodermic
syringe. Previous finds brought to
light an army saddle, a -small cop
per kettle, a rusted frying pan, a
woman's silver, thimble and a num
ber of stone Indian beads. It was
first thought that the bones might
be those of Indians, but the finding
of additional articles such as were,
only used Dy eany wmic o""-.
causes highway officials to believe Mrs. Bernice Brooks of Mosier was ,
that the bones are those of a party m the city yesterday visiting her
of white persons, possibly killed by mtle son at the local hospital
massacred by the in
TI.f TTnltnrt TI'WR
SAN FRANCidCO, April 21 Eight
een years ago ,.Tames and Harry
O'Neill lived together in Boston.
Lela . McKay of Portland is jnme8 ieft Boston and came west to
make his way in the world. Ha fry
stayed in Boston and continued his
work for a' contracting company.
After James arrived in San Fran
cisco he lost track of his brother.
... ; Harrv. After trying lor , several
Mr. and Mrs W. E. Ohlegschlager tQ ,n tQUch wUh nlm by
went to Portland yesterday to spend m thfl Bogton poce upon
a few, days. j lraU Th(jy ,.eported that n0 traje
Mrs. F. L. Sauls went to Mosier 0f the missing man could be found
yesterday in the interest of the Red reward was offered, private. de
Cross work. ; tectives wore hired and descriptions
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local implications, us they cannot reach
the diseased portion of tha ear. There Is
only one way to cure caMrrhal deafness,
ind that la by a constitutional remedy.
Catftrrhul Deafness It causvd by an In
rtamol condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tuba 1
Inllamed you hnvo a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It la entirely
closed, Deafncua lu thfl result. Unless the
liillnmrratlon ran he reduced and this tubo
restored to Its normal condition, hearlnr
will be destroyed forever. Many cases Of
deaf tu sa arc cnusol by catarrh, which Is
an Inllnmed condition of tho mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catnrrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaced of the
Wo will give On Hundred Dollars fir
any ense ot Catarrhal Dmiiiu-bs that cannot
bo cured by Hall's Cntnrrh Medicine. Cir
cular free. All Druggists. 6c.
F. J. CHDNUV & CO.. Toledo, O.
To Skillfully Compound
It has? been our work for years.
We guarantee to ably supple
ment the work of your phy
sician. The purest of. drugs are used.
All standard proprietary medi
cines. Columbia Graphonolas and
Kodaks and Supplies. ..
Toilet Articles.
Open Sundays, 8 a. m. to Noon
D. W. Yantis, Mgr.
2 Doors West Parlor Grocery
Mrs.' Mary Logan and small daugh
ter of Arlington were shopping in
the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Rutlege or
Moro were in the city yesterday en-
yodr Favorite Place
to dine, "Hotel Dalles" if moderate
prices, quality of food,' service and
surroundings are considered. Try
our evening and special Sunday din
ners, ?1.00. You'll be surprised. 23
The Dalles Farm Loan association
now has a limited amount of money,
which it will loan to Wasco county
tenners under the federal farm loan
act, C. L. Pepper,' local manager of
tUe' association, said today, Because
of tho low condition of tho bond mar
. ket, farmers will now be compelled
u pay six percent interest upon all
loans, he explained. According to the
present plan, Pepper will accept all
applications for loans, sending them
to 'he Federal Land bank at Spo-
Good Housekeeping
For May
Wholesale Distributor
O. C. iHughes of iHood River is in
this city today on business. He is
manager of the Mt. Hood Meat com
pany bf Hood River.
'Mr. and iMrs. J. T. Barnett,' Mrs.
Marie B. Cooper and Mrs. W. M. Bar
nett of Wasco spent yesterday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Crosby. They
motored to Wasco in the evening.
Mrs. R. J. Thomas and little son
Wilfred, arrived in The Dalles yes
terday from Vancouver, Wash. They
will spend two weeks visiting with
Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. und Mrs.
Charles May.
A. L. Artz and family arrived in
the city yesterday from South Da
kota to be the guests of the B. A.
Amy family. They made the trip In
a seven passenger Studebaker car.
They report excellent roads. Mrs.
Artz and Mrs. Amy are sisters.
Main 6061 Bennett Txl Main 01 tf
A business man's wife could no
sew. or read without sharp pains in
her eyes. For years her eyes were
red and weak. Finally she tried sim
ple with hazel, camphor, hydraatls,
etc., as mlxe'd In Lavoptlk eye wash.
The result produced by a single bot
lie aroused everyone, We guarantor a
small bottle Lavoptlk to holp ANY
CASE weak, strained or Inflamed
pve Aluminum eyo cup FRKK. A
E. Crosby, druggist, 318 E. Second St.
Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sul
phur and Nobody Will
Gruy hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing age. We all know
the advantages of a youthful appear
ance. Your hair is your charm. It
makes or mars the face. When It
fades, turns gray and looks streaked,
just a few applications of Sage Tea
and Sulphur enhances its appearance
a hundred-fold.
Don't stay gray! Look, young!
Either prepare the recipe at home or
get from any drug store a bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," which is merely the old-tlnio
recipe Improved by tho addition of
other ingredients. Thousands of folks
recommend this ready-to-uso prepar
ation, because it darkens tho hair
beautifully, besides, no one can pos
sibly tell, as It darkens so naturally
and evenly. You moisten a spong
or soft brush with It, drawing this
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a time.. By morning the
gray hair disappears; after another
application or two, its natural color
Is restored and it becomes thick,
glossy and lustrous, and you appear
years younger. Adv.
Women fs Strap Slippers
and Pumps
Follow the Tracks i
- i
$1- f
With the coming of warmer weather
the demand will be big for White
Slippers and Oxfords, as this is go
ing to be a popular season for White
Shoes. We have prepared well for
this demand ana! have a good variety
of the most popular models in both
Pumps and Oxfords in White Kid
and Rhineskin cloth. These are
Women who appreciate artistic, fine
fitting footwear find our shoes meet
their fullest expectations. We stock
our women's shoes in widths AAA
down, and siztes from 2 to 8o. A
shoe to fit any foot except in some
cases where we are temporarily sold
out of a size. There is a wide range
o'f choice that includes pumps, strap
slippers and oxfords, as well as a
beautiful variety of lasts and leath
ers. Why not give us the opportun
ity to demonstrate that we can fit
you perfectly.
Strap Slippers, $6.50 to $11.00.
Oxfords, $6.00, $7.50 and $10.00.
priced very reasonably for such qual
ity shoes.
White Wash Kid Oxfords and Pumps
at $9.00 and $10.00 a pair.
White Rhineskin Oxfords and pumps
from $4.50 to $7.50.
Strap Slippers, Sandals
And Play Shoes for Kiddies and Misses
Lots of attractive styles in misses' and chil
dren's Strap 'Slippers, Sandals and Play Shoes,
in Patent, Kid, Gun Metal and Brown Calfskin,
made with hand turned welt and'stitched down
soles. Most of our children's' slippers are made
on natural lasts, giving an equal right to every
toe and full freedom of the foot. Let us fit
your children's feet and they will grow up with
out foot troubles.
Strap Slippers, sizes 82 to 11, priced from $2.00 to $3.50.
Strap Slippers, sizes ll'2 to 2, priced from $2.25 to $4.00.
Bare Foot Sandals in all runs, priced from $1.00 to $2.00.
Play Oxfords in all runs of sizes, priced from $1.75 to $2.25.
-When "ou Think Li Goods -Tliink