The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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an. t-ii.w t baa
The Dalles, Ore.
Published Every averting Bzoept Sunday
by the Chronicle Publishing company
Ben R. Lttfln
Atvln Id. Bucklln
..General Manager
tecnds tnatter?116 9OBt0ttlca M
1 ' '
tXnlted Press and United News Service
Member of Audit Bureau of circulations
SU month,." iSE?S5r
nill V nuonKitft m my H.r
nionin .bo
One year. In idvanvn
Six months, In advance..
uno month
One year, in advance
In orderlnK change of addrese, .ub-
Mrtntw "addres!IWay" 'T M " WU
" telephones
n?.'.Ri Ii?ms?:. BIack 111
Business. Adv.. Clr. Dnnta HaH in
an teed service. Promnt nnd nki.
Uppers on'thopSh whoever Z
ubucrlbor wishes ho pner deliverer).
Is the world tiptoe on tho verge
of a new era an era wherein uni-
versal energy shall drive the factory' v 1 v
I . -1 1 A. 1. 1 PDL-
wheels, send the automobiles and
trains and ships from starting point
to destination?
Articles of incorporation havo
been filed by tho Hubbard Universal
Generator company with J. Grant
Hinkle, secretary of state for Wash
ington. Tho capital stoCk of the new
corporation Is $5,000,000 and llio In
corporators arc Alfred Mi Hubbard, I
William II. Hubbard and Ilnrvj
About a year' ago the entire north
wost, the whole United States for
that matter, was btaitled by the suc
cessful tests mado of a now mofoi
w.hich according to "Alfred Hubbard
drew its energy from tho air.
This new company propose.! to ox
I it-it tho invention. Surely the cor
poration would not be organized un
lei.s the incorporators were prt-ttv
thoroughly convinced that thoy had
discovered a great secret a secret
which will revolutionize all power
systems now in vogue. Surely I ho
state of Washington would not havo
granted incorporation papers, If the
plan weren't feasible.
While tho idea that energy suffl
clont to run all the machines of man
can bo taken from tho air sooms al
most too amazing to be true, yet
sober second thought declares quiet
ly that it should bo possible. Wo
know that all about us Is universal
onorgy. Ilenjamin Franklin caught it
with a kite and called it electricity.
Mrrconl uses it to send message. wires. It was used tho other
day to transmit a telephone message
ft oin Washington, I. C, to Cub,, ami
tb Pacific coast at the sumo moment.
When one goes to sleep tired unto
death, doesn't It seem reasonable
that Iho system draws upon this
great storehouse of iuexhaustablo
energy to replenish tho cells worn 1
out by work? If it does not, then
how can tho body tired poorly
functioning, In a few short hours
v alto refreshed and revitalized.
Albert M. Hubbard may have dis
covered the greatest secret of the
nge, how to luro power from the
air. Ho and his company are going
ahead confidently.
If ho has hit a method of Unking
up universal energy and his inven
tion works as he professes It will
work, mankind's lot will bo a bit
easier hereafter. Our children will
Hvo In nn ora fur advanced from tho
present one.
Is the world tiptoe on the verge
of a new era an era wherein uni
versal orivrgy shall drive the factory
wheols, semi the automobiles ami
trains and ships from starting point
to destination,
The American Dally Standard, a
dully ufteruoon newspaper whluh
started publication In Chicago De
cember 22, 1921, with tho announce-
niatiit tlmt t wmil.l tiilnlmlvn ocliitu
ivtM uihv n wni wvi .sy
and scandal news has suspended
All of which gets back to the
proposition that a newspaper must
give tho feuding public whst it
wants, There are here and there in
the reading public psrio&s who do
not want sensation. They will not
rend crlmo neWB' They closo thelr
ears to scandal and their eyes
n-. mco
Inc are in the minority.
Proof of this is the suspension
of tho American Dally Standard. If
paper gives the public what
1 wants, the paper thrives. On
other hand, if a paper xefuses
give the public what It wants, but
8 finishes news which the editor
.SO nt ija awAiiii tir ti m a 4 1, n . nnnn.-
I " """l ""-
nr t hp nwhnr wnntn. ihrir nnnor fa
quite likely to go on the rocks of
financial failure.
I . 1
Rest assured the poor editor does
not want to Publ,sh scandal or crime
ndws- Every story of thls klnd haa
a f'areDac'c which results in .person-,
abuse of the editor or the owner,1
which brings tearrui or irate delega
lions to
the editorial sanctum to
over these scandal and crime
matter8' '
t... u .,i,h t .,i.,
newspaper and the public taste must
be served. Go out upon the street of
a city and the .paper that carries the
most crime, and scandal news is the
1 t .Hah
' asxea ior Dy mose wno reau. i nu
paper minimizing scandal and crime
and sensational news is considered
behind the times.
Oh, yes, this holding up of tho
exceptional case, the crime case, the
scandal case, the sensational case
Isn't developing the public mind. It
isn't pointing the way to normal
thinking nor to the highest and best.
i However, newspapers can't be run
ifii if th mtio winnrt rinllnrn'
iUiiUii; ... . -
.in i.nt rllnk morrilv Into the office
, "
till. There is one way to get the ,
dollars. Give the general public what
It wants. -
.Tiulepfl bv momentary success of
newspapers, scandal news and crime
news and sensational news Is what
the public wants. At any rate Jt
buys this kind of news to tho ex
clusion 'of the tame stories pointing
moral uplift.
Of course the person about which
!tho scandal is written or tho per-
Bon involved in matters over which
the police preside or persons for ono
cause or another who have created .
BensatloiiB do not want to appear in j
print. They cry to heaven they are
outraged. They lament that the pa-(
per which printed the news had no,
right to do so, that decency was
But the persons Involved in tho
stories are decidedly In the minority.
What about tho masses who reau
the dally papers? I
The little announcement that the.
i no muo
American Dally Standard of Chicago,
wlflch sot out to minimize crime
scandal news has suspended publl-
cation is significant.
Have you evor pondored tho
psychological effect of college songs
upon lho80 wn0 navo BUng them on
'momentous occasions?
They are n6t listed In tho curricu
lum of the colleges and universities,
yet it seems thoy are u sourco In
themselves, making for squaro shoot
ing men and women who play tho
game hard and take tho ultimate re-
suits - with courage. Somehow It
seems that they teach a man or u
woman to accept victory modestly, FOR SALE Two fresh Jersey cowb
defeat with dignity. j S. o. Watl route 4. 21
We'vo forgotten most of the cal- FOR S.Mlrge ud, sssall 'farm
cuius we learned in college. We've and orchard tracts. Reasonable
forgotten a good many of the oldi prices, geod terms. W. C. Hamna.
fellows who held flno 'positions back Dufur, Ore
in the days when the world was poR SALE Wood. Dry l-lnph block
young. We've forgotten a good manyj pine. 12.0 delivered. Harry Gor
things but the tenets sot forth by , dion, red 13S1, . ' 21
the college songs still stick and
guide us day by day.
Here's u fair sample of a ringing
old air which makes a man or a
woman bore in and 'work hard and
"Fight, fight, fight with all your
. , , .
might, just as you always do, ,
Score, score, score, we must win
once more, I
Roll up a touchdown or two, ;
Play, play, play In the tlgeV's way,
Till all tho game Is done,
When you hear our battle cry,
fight till you win for .
The spirit of eternal fight Is In
those linos. The spirit of sticking
, .... io ....!.. I
ed there. More, it Is put across.
Play, piny, play, la the, tiger's way
emphasises another very worthwhile
Prlnc,P,e of lUe- The tiger's way is
re - the fair way, the sportsmanlike way.
iuam wiuuu piajeu io me music
of this song was coached to play
fair, to take the chances of the game
with self control and optimism, to
It keep on believing that the breaks
tho would come for the team and then
to ultimate victory.
Here's another song
It's the
O which will con-
quer at the finish,
As the time goes by you know,
You will see your hopes diminish
For at rolling up the score,
We're as reckless as can be
We'll make you men take second
place to old .
The song tells us you keep play-
ing, working, striving. We may toe
bested at the start. The score
against us may be huge. But the
thin to d to play it hard until
.u- t. ...
at the finish. Effort will not always
go unrewarded,
of course there is no way ot
measuring their effect, but it would
I . . . . .
De Interesimg, 10 nole wnal e"ect
- '
college songs have nad ana are nav-
ing upon American life.
uiasMnea . aaveruein l cent per worn
eacn insertion. If Inserted 6 times or
m?re- 3 cent R wort. Monthly puttll-
m a wora. dtonuiy puou
on application' at the office.
cauon rates
FOR RENT First of May.x a seven-
room furnished house. Inquire at
313 East Fifth street.
poR RENT Nicely furnished house-
keeping rooms with sleeping porch.
Adults only.t Telephone black 1811.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, also sleeping rooms. 520
East Third street. Telephone black
2301. 21
ments. Also 3 rooms, close in. Black
& Crura. 21
f6r SALE-Good "mare, buggy and
narne8S cheap. Novelty Works,
g18 East second street 21
FOR RENT Reoni with board in
modern home. Lady or gentleman.
Telephone red 3491. 1000 Fulton
street." . 21
. . . ,. . .
R BNT-That largo, comfortable
furnished housekeeping room you
. 11B . Second street.
. ,
FOR RENT-Housekeeplng rooms
given to married couple witnout
children, for services rendered by
wife. Call main 6461. ' 23
FOP. RENT Ford light delivery with
driver. Light hauling and baggage
transfer. Telephone black 4661 or
black 3751. Frank Cullins. A21
FOR SALE Ten fresh-cows. Write
E. D. 203, Chronicle.
FOR SALE One or two good milk
cows. Call 25F3. 22
FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 507
East Fourth. 26
FOR SALE Fresh cow, two six
months old calves. W. T. Jowett,
405 West Seventeenth street. 21
FOR 8ALrJi-Dry oak wood old cait.
$11.50. Second growth, $12.60. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf
., . .
FOR 8ALH 1500 Overland truck :n
Jf taken at onc0i Tno Danes Garage,
FOR SAIjB Second-hand bicycles
and motorcycles. Repairing ot all
kinds. Iawn mowers sharpened,
Baby buggtes re-tired. Novelty
I Works. 518 Kaat Second. 25
SAUi) Ford delivery truck, In
excellent condition. Also furniture
and a Vlctrola with records. Very
reasonable. Party leaving city, 320
Washington street. Telephone red
711. SI
Editor, The Qhronicle: The writ
er certainly appreciated the force of
your remarks, as set forth in an edi
torial entitled, "Parents to Blame," in
your issue of the sixteenth, inst.
We consider this a splendid analysis
of the situation and hope that fath
ers and mothers reading the editorial
will take it unto themselves and prof
it thereby. We so often hear the re
mark, "Tljat youngster has absolutely
no respect for himself or anyone else,
violates every law of decency and
yet appears to think he is some class."
On reflection, this brings us to an
other of your editorials, found in the
'issue of the eighteenth, entitled,
"Hard to Convict." This refers to two
parties' arrested for violation of tho
prohibition law, and where both are
alleged to be equally guilty; the one
pleading guilty as charged, the other
demanding a jury trial and comin?-
clear. You affirm that this verdict,
as rendered, is an expression of public
opinion. The writer agrees with you,
but only so far as that it applies to
but a part of the public, and we are
convinced it does not include that por
tion of our citizenry that is law-abiding.
The question you raise is no long
FOIt SALE 'Barred Plymouth Rock
setting eggs. $1.00 for 15. O., A. C.
strain,. Harry Gordlon, red 1331. 21
FOR" SALE Slightly used furniture,
Acorn range, and oil stove good as
new at 210 Washington street, tele-1
phone red791
FOR SALE Overland touring car,
In good running order. See A. R
(Barnett, 210 Washington. 23
FOR SALE One milk goat, coming 1
fresh in June, and one kid one year
old. Inquire at Thompson's add!
tlon store. Joe Landauer. 23
FOR SALE Horses. I have a number
of good horses for sale cheap,
Read's Feed store, east end of Sec
ond street, telephone black 5211.
FOR SALE One five-room modern
house, close in, street pavement and
sidewalks in lot 50x25, can give
possession at once. Price $2500,
reasonable terms. See Venz Bauer,
telephone main 1571. 27
FOR SALE Genuine Manila hemp
hats. Light weight,' just the thing
for hot days. Can he worn to
church as well as fishing, and will
always look good. Your choice for
13.00, at Mrs. Hallie Weaver's, 302
Union street. ' 25
FOR SALE 160-acre farm, 4i miles
from The Dalles; 120 aores culti
vated, 60 in crop; buildings; plenty
water, family orchard. $4000. $600
cash, balance $400 year, interest 7
405 Washington Main 6831. 20wl6
FOR SALE Owing to the high fertil
ity nnd increasing demand for
Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I
will hold my special pen together
during April. AH orders cared for
at $1.00 per 15 or $6 per hundred.
Fred Cyphers, R. F. D. No. 3, tele
phone red 6362. M2
WANTED Experienced woman cook
for farmer. Long Bros., Blalock. 21
WANTUD Clean cotton rags at The
Chroaicle office, five cents "per
peuad. tf
WANTED Colciminlng and painting
by day or hour. Call mornings or
evenings. Red 3961, 23
WANTED Cars to store,- by parties
i who desire to have them where
we can show and sell them on com
mission. Whitney Auto & Electric
Works, 709 East Second street 23
WANTED Woman to look after
small house and cook for two peo
ple. Will furnish room and board.
Write box G. Y. 342, Chronicle. 23
. ANTED Horses and cattle to pas
ture on good bunch grass, pasture.
$2 per month per head. J. W. Per.
due, on old Saa Johns' place, nine,
miles out Mill creek. 22
1 milk cow for
Ford oar. Telephone red 6082, or
call at 216 West Eleventh street
Saturday or Sunday;
er a matter of wet or dry, but is a
matter of law and personal liberty, as
such, must not be above the law. All
laws interfere with personal liberty,
so why shall an exception be made of
the prohibition law and permit the
violation thereof with impunity? You
quote patties as saying they did not
support tho dry law and .so do not
propose to abide by it now. It's just
this un-American-, anarchistic attitude
on the part of so many fathers, and
some mothers, that has a great deal
to do with so many of our boys grow
ing up into worthless, lawbreaking
hoodlums instead of four-square men,
Without respect for law republics die,
and we are told that liberty lives
only as the people reverence their
own handiwork the laws andV insti
tutions of their country. If one citizen,
or group of citizens, has a right to
break one law because he or she docs
not like it, then every other citizen
has the same right to break svery
law; and if every cit'izen' may do as
he or she pleases about obedience to
law, there is an end of orderly govern
ment. The citizen who winks at the
violation of law is consenting to the
violation of the chastity of his own
The r.ed radical, 'breathing out
threatenings and brandishing the(
torch is no more dangerous than the
LOST Gold watch fob, Arab head.
'Reward for return to office, Hotel
Dalles. 23
HEMSTITCHING Pioot edging. Mrs.
L M. Boothby, 308 Washington
street. Telepbbne main 6681. tf
LAWN MOWING Yard work, gar
dening, etc. Your patronage is so
licited. L. A. Mathews, 502 West
Eighth street. Telephone red 3651.
ture and piano moving. Freight
hauled and general express busi
ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101;
residence black 1362. J. E, Henzle.
PIANOS TttNED una repaired, ac
tion regulating and reflnishtng.
Player actions a specialty. ,Work
guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader. Cor
son Music store, 320 Fast Second
street. Telephone main lflfil. tf
Whitney Repair Shop
709 East Second 8L
White Track Line
Freight and express between The
Ualles and Wasco, Moro and all wav
points Leave The Dalles, 9 a. ra.
daily except Sunday. Leave Moro.
1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m
D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone
b'.ack 164? or main 471. tf
General real estate, insurance, and
loans. 1001 East Second street. Tele
phone main 1671. 2HU
Snrofuli of the Annul SUtement ot Um
t Pari. In tli IttpuMk or France, on U Sltt
d7 ot DecemtHur, 1V20. intuit to the insvranc
ciamiaionr ot Um Ut of Onion, parnsnt
to tew:
Amount of dopoiit citul ttock
pnld up ....I 300,000.00
Nt pivniluuu ncclted durtnc Um
Jfr J3, 928.088. 86
IntMttt. dhklend and rants ra- '
. eoiTMl durins tb. 1W KSS.84C.14
Iscom I rum otbtr muim r-
ciT4 durins tb ysr SS.922.T3,
ToUI Income 15,787.852.75
Net loraa paid durtnc the year
iMladtaf setiwtaaent fpn. 82,620.108. 1!
GoBuabeioaa and ailane paid
during, the year 1.97S.S10.B1
Taiee, ilceuie and fee paid dur-
. is Um rear , 1S9.S79.4S
Asjount ot aU other expenditures 178.688.2-1
Total oxptvdttaUM .84,917.884.28
Value of stocks and bonds owbad
tt ........... 85.4 1 8.488.64
Oeu in bank and on band. . . . 90,682.08
Prtenlumt In 0001' of collection
written stare BepUsaber SO,
?SJ ii 271.670.74
utereet sad seat due and ae-
-,- 79.569.82
Rinuranc recoverable on paid
Total admitted rail .16,884.148,1 J
troa elatau for low unnald ,. 970,564.21
Aaioant of interned prrm.icnt on
all DKbtandlns riik; S.86S.978.48
Dae for cnwnitejfaa.and brokeraa 18.761.76
AU other lUbStiee .77 89.697 91
Torsi ItabQttMi. eiclualT oT"
wirfUl itoes. 11 111 nn. 1.
Net prestiusM mart- during tbe
r ... 91.908.69
pM ouhm tfe year...., as,H28.11
iaearred dnria tb hu, . 39.334.66
Statatorr rauSsat attsrnrr for mmwmir.
v. a. rt.
P. W. SfeANCJlAKl), Portland. Or.
colorless, spineless citizen 'who weak
ly consents to the violation of law and
thus gives aid and comfort to. those
who would trample the constitution
under foot and substitute personal
whim for the majesty of law. Consid
ering the disregard shown for law by
so many fathers and mothers and the
lack of provision made for the care
and entertainment of our boys and
girls it is really a wonder that more
of them do not grow up to become
noodlums and mere driftwood. We are
conyinced, Mr. Editor, that you are
dead right when, you' suggest that
fathers make pals of their boys. We
would add: what a fine thing it wouli?
be If father was strictly lawabiding,
thus wielding a power for good
through his fellowship- with the boy
and leading him to higher ideals of
true citizenship. Yours for law and
order. LOUIS J. GATES.
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table
Two round trips dally.. iLeave Bank
hotel, 9 a. m. and 4 p.m. Leave Dufur
7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. it
There's A Difference
If you've been a "ready made" man
in the past, be a "made to order man'
in the future. First class hand' tailor
ed suits to measure, $36.00 and up. W.
K. Webber, one block east of posf-
office. . 6tf
Expert Piano Tuner ,
322 West SIxtl street. Residence
Phone mum 4201. tf
Pressmaklng, alterations, repairing.
2I8J East Third street. M6
Taught by
Lessens by Appointment
Empress Theatre Pianist
Sjrnopeii of the Annual Statement of the
of Parn in the Republic of Franco on the thirty
first day of December, 1920, made to the lev
rorance Commlaloner of the SUte of Orefon,
pursuant to law:
Amount of deposit capital stock
paid .up f 800,000.00
Net premiums reed red daring the
year : .31.137.824.30
Interest, diridends and rents re- '
coItwI durins the year 63,486,63
Income from other sources re
ceded, durins the .year 91,000. OC
. Total income $1,202,310.9?
Net. lours paid during the year in
cluding adjftstment expenses..! 638,280.82
. Commission and salaries paid '
1 durin: the year 337,311.64
Taxes, licenses' and fees paid dur
ing the year 61,065.14
Amount of all 'other expenditures 82,548.03
Loss on sale of ledger assets. 1,067.50
Total expenditures 11,121.163.03
Value of stocks and bonds owned
(market Talue) 1,368,308.44
Cash In banks and on hand . . , 38,700.98
Premiums in course of collection a.
written since September SO,
1920 274,219.06
Interest and renU due and ac
crued , 18,800.03
Re-lruurance ' recoverable on paid
losses , 23.287.08
Total admitted assets 31,717.405.39
Gross claims for losses unpaid.! 219,990.33
Amount of unearned premiums on
all outstanding risks 901,424.74
Due for commission and . broke- .
rage 5,629.10
All other llabilrtiea , 22,750.00
Total liabilities, exclusive 0
capital stock 81.149.794.17
Net premiums .reorrred .during
the year ....8 11,506.94
Losses paid during the year .... 4,065.30
Leasee incurred during the year. 5.625.30
FRED S. JAMES A CO.. TT. S. Managers.
A. W. WHIT Jl Kit, Pittock Block, Portland, Or.
Synopsis of Ute annual statement of Um
of, Wilmiiiiton, in the state of Delaware, oa
the thirty-first day of December. 1920. made
to the insurance commissioner of the state of
Oregon: pursuant to kt:
Aaaount of capital stock paid up. 3 S00.000.00
Nat premiums received during the
. 7a 81,123,187.07
Interest, dividends and rents re
reived during the year 38.901.3S
Income from other sources re-
calved during the year. ...... 473.52
ToUI Income .31.164,511.97
Net losaea paid during the year
including adjustment expanses. I 484.87S.S6
Dividends paid on capital stock
during the year.
Oonntasinna and salaries paid dur
ing the year. S93.0e.90
Taxes, licenses aad fees paid dur
ing the year. S9.0SS.S3
Amount of all ether expenditures, B0.9S2.Sa
Total expenditures .S1.00S.OSS.S7
Talue of stocks and bead owned
(market value) ...3 880.539.58
Cash m banks and oa band 122,731.94
Premiums In course of coUection
written sine Bantsrshsf 39.
30 : 141.Stt.7S
lawrmt sad rwtts das aad acard .1S.309.1S
Total admitted aaatta .81,161.496.47
Grose claims for losses unpaid.. 99,199.60'
Ajaouat of darned arsmiara oa
aU out.tiading risk.....-... S16.748.0
Das ,for coausiaaoa sad braket-
age , , 6.S4S ST
AU ether liabilities'. ,1 SlIoulSl
Total IlabUitiaa. exclusive tj --'
capital stock of 8600,060., 8 043.936.77
Net presakiuis received dariac (sex
u2f ,pid''dw'a. 'm: : : ; -"S:$S
Imms Incurred asriag tb year. . 11.17
Na. of reaaay, aUiftsad Motor Car lar
suranca totkjju. ' '7
Nasa of president. J. Pwrriaac Bonaal. ,
ham of secretary, Lao P. Pi lua trick.
u Statutory rsaUeat Asraa fetsnSav J.?L.
tirsVOtt. --r
C 1