The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    1 . J ,
Miss Bonita Kirk went to Eugene
today to attend the Phi Delta Theta
fraternity formal. She will visit
friends in the state university city
for a week or 10 days,
Coleman Buys Bulck Q. L. Cole
man, county Jailer, is today riding in'
a brand-new 19,21 Ouick, purchased
from The Dalles Buick garage. This
makes the third Bulck purchased by
Coleman in three consecutive years.
Norwegian Scenery Slides Shown
A collection of beautiful views of Nor
wegian scenery was shown at the
East Hill school yesterday afternoon.
The slides are the property of the
state university. The stereopticon was
If you will Just drop in for a few
. ., ... ,llf rrlnHlv- aYTltilln "Arch
"- 1 I 1
operated by The Rev. John ,Bogue, Preserver ' Shoes" to you. Try on, a
school, read the descriptions.
local merchant who several months'
ago disappeared as completely as if
the earth had opened and swallowed,
him, from a person signing his name
as "M. J. Oblasser." The letter whs
written from Sells, Arizona. It states
that the writer has heard or tne ois
appearance of One and desires furth
er Information about the case. Hpw
the writer happened 'to hear of One's
disappearance and what his Interest
m tne case may De, are utcis uu'.j
divulged in the letter. Chief Heater
is of the opinion that there is a
possibility that the letter was writ
ten by One himself, wishing to find
out if there are any charges .against
him in The Dalles.
"Unlon Station Scenes," April 20.
G. seats at drus stores. 20
To Discuss Macadamizing Road
The county court and members of
Chenowith grange will meat tomor
row, night in the Chenowith grange
hall anent the macadamizing of the
Chenowith road. Some 185 voters of
district No. 8 have signified their in
tention of working against the $800,
000 The Dalles-California bond issue
unless the county court makes good
oral promises to macadamize tne
Chenowith strip, say grange members.
pair and see what a real shoe feels
like. No obligation to buy. Edw. C.
Pease company. 20
Paving Bond Interest Due Mrs.
Mabel C. Ellis, city treasurer, is wor
ried. For she has money in the city
treasury which is due to a number of
persons in The Dalles and those per
sons have not appeared to present !
their claims. The money in question r 'Douglas Hood of Madras is at Hotel
is the interest on paving bonds, I'Dalles.
bought by a number of local investors.
W. H. Mayfield and S.O. Ledford
of Wamic are in the city today.
W. A. Morse of Kennewick, Wash
ington, was inthe city yesterday. '
Mrs. T. B. Slusher of Du'fur was
shopping in the city yesterday.
C. P. -Adams of Grass Valley was
here 'on business yesterday.
IH. L. Priday and John Priday of
Gateway are guests at Hotel Dalles.
The interest-bearing coupons, ex
changable for cash'at the city treas
urer's office, matured .March 1. Very
few of the bond holders have present
ed their coupons, however, according
to Mrs. Ellis.
Amity Club Raises Big Sum The
public market recently conducted by
the Amity club, lor the purpose of re
alizing funds for the local Y. W. C.
A. drive, resulted in a total contri
bution of ?214,07, derived entirely
from the various departments of the
market, according to figures announc
ed today. In addition to this sum, the
Amity club's candy sale brought In
$10.50, which Was also donated to the
Y. W. C. A. fund. The Y. W. C. A.
neneflt show, staged at the Empress
theater under the direction of Mies
Dr. C. H. Johns of Moro was in The
Dalle3 yesterday visiting with friends.
- M. Davenport of Hood River is reg
istered at Hotel Dalles.
Ben Henllng of Criterion was a
business visitor in The Dalles yester
day. (
W. C. Blrdseli of Bend Avas in the
city yesterday attending to business
Mrs. Bert Robinson of HoodjRiver
is visiting relatives in the city for a
few days.
Mrs. Carl Brown and little son of
;Camas, Washington, are visiting
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Plercey and two
nhii.ifoti nf f-iaov wprn In the cltv
I " A .i.wu.w. i
Harriet Schrum, an Amity ciutt girl, , yesterday.
111 U flUii 1UUU VVillVU
added to the Y. W. budget fund
.Mr. and Mrs. J. H. DeBertheiime
went, to Portland yesterday for a few
Swimming Tank Opened The ',jay8 visjt J
, ...,. M. i !
building has been cleaned, filled and
heated for both pupils of the school
and the general public. Tuesday and
Thursday evening of ,each week the
tank will be' open to the public under
the general directon of Community
Service. Owing to a lack of school
funds to meet the cost of cleaning
and heating, it will be necessary to
make a nominal charge to the public
for use of the tank. The, Community
Service executive board at a meet
ing held last night fixed the fee at
live cents for children and 10 cents
for adults. Evening classes
start at 7:30, continuing to
Mrs. Grace .Beardsley returned to
'Portland yesterday after a few days'
visit in The Dalles.
State Highway Commissioner R. A.
Booth, Mrs. (Booth, Miss Barbara
Booth and 'Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Booth, a
son and daughter-in-law, were in The
Dalles yesterday. They drove up over
the Columbia river highway.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swope and Mr.
'and Mrs. L. C. Bafdwin, all of Hood
'River, are business visitors in The
Dalles today. They represent the
will Baldwin & Swope construction com-
9:30 , pany of Hood River.
Community Luncheon, Thursday
The regular semi-monthly- community
luncheon meeting will be held at the
Y. W. C. A. rooms Thursday begin
ing promptly at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Lu
lu D. Crandall will preside and the
Main 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01 tf
Tripp's Cleaning and Dyo Works,
310 Union street. A20
Your Favorite Place
to dine, "Hotel Dalles" If moderate
prices, quality of food, service and
irovc nmi nnhwts tn hn i murr6undinKS are considered. Try
iuiiu Tf a bvmvi w i w w w ar ,
discussed will make up the program: j our evening and special Sunday din-
i nn vmi'lt be surmised. 23
VVtir uiiy IjluriU j, .uion rium vuii, T-. -----
"Our Chamber of Commerce," E. P.
Van Schoick: "Our Proposed Dalles-
California Highway," speaker not yet
selected; "Our Community Service as
it Now Looks," J. T. Rorick; "Our
. V. W. C. A. as it Looks After the
. Drive," Miss Helen Pair; "The City
Churches In The New City Program, J
The Rev. W. H. H. Forsyth. The gav
' el will fall for adjournment on or be- j
fore 1 o'clock. A snappy sing will
precede the speaking.
Chapter Masons Attention
Goldendale chapter has In
vited us to pay them a
fraternal visit and put on
the .Royal Arch degree Fri
day evening, April 22.
Brothers having an extra seat or
One May Have Written letter- conveyance will please notify
Chief of Police Frank Heater today f
received a request for information " . 7 , ' .
as to the whereabouts of W. J. One,
Just on Sale!
For May m
WhelMle DlttrilMiUr
If all who Intend to go will make
it known by Wednesday evening It
will help us to make our plans.
Committee on Arrangements. 20
Ellis Parker Butler once wrote
that "Pigs is Pigs," thereby establisn
'ing a precedent for the comparison of
any two like objects.. In The Dalle3,
uny grocer will explain that "eggs
'is eggs," and that they are mighty
cheap Tight now at that. -But Mrs.
Smith French and The Rev. G. K.
Hartman contend that eggs are not
just "eggs," but that some ,may be
classed 1ft the category of "super
eggs." Yesterday Mrs. Smith French camo
forward with the announcement that
she is the owner of a Rhode Island
Red hen, which had presented her
'with an egg measuring six inches
In circumference the small way
around, and eight Inches In circum
ference the long way.
True to the ultra-modern proverb
that "somebody Is always taking the
'joy out of life," The Rev. G. K. Hart
man this morning calmly announcea
that Rhode Island Red hens are not
in it when it comes to laying big eggs.
Although riot wishing to belittle Mrs.
French's hen or her efforts along
large egg producing lines, The Rev.
Hartman added that he has in his
yard- a White Leghorn' hen which can
show Mrs. French's, Rhode Islana Red
cards and spades when it comes to
laying eggs. In proof of this asser
tion, The 'Rev. Hartman has an egg
measuring six and one half inches
around the small circumference and
eight inches around the large circum
ference, a grand total of half an inch
larger than the Rhode Island Red
hen's best effort, he declared. -
For the benefit of any persons' who
are incredulous, The Rev. Hartman
has the championship egg ami hen in
his possession at the present time
and is perfectly willing to show them
'to all Interested persons, he explained.
By United Press
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 20
Yesterday's ball games failed to
make, any particular change in the
aspect of the Coast league race, but
they served1 to amuse the fans con
siderably. Only two games were played. San
Francisco beat Vernon at Los An
geles, 8 to 0, and Los Angeles beat
Oakland at- San Francisco, 4 to 2.
The Seals had all their fun with
Vernon In the first three innings
during which they made- seven of
their eight runs and most of their
14 hits. f
The feature of the Los Angeles
Oakland game was the way ancient
Doc Crandall let the Oaks down with
four hits.
Sacramento and Seattle did not
play, the teams having been on the
road, and the Salt Lake - Portland
game at Portland was postponed be
cause the grounds were wet.
Free Clinic No Charge For Examlna
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician,
Third and "Washington, main 501. tf
By United Press
To pass Colombian treaty.
Ways and means committee hearing
of Southern Tariff association repre
sentatives for tariff on raw materials
and manufactured articles.
Typing and Stenography
done at reasonable rates. Roslna A
Fleck. ' Office Hotel Dalles. Rest
deooe phone red 2332. tf
United Artlians
Regular meeting at 8 p. m. at K.
of P. hall, Wednesday, April 20. 20
Royal Arch Masons
.Stated convocation this, "Wednesday
evening; 7:30. Work la Royal Arch
degree. Visiting companions welcome.
By order of H. P.
By United Press
Yesterday's hero: Meusel. The Phil
jy outfielder biffed one for four bases
In the eighth frame and the Brookljn
bunch lost their fifth straight game,
& to 2.
' Phil Douglas had a sore arm, uut
he worked out the kinks on the Hos-
ton Braves, beating them 9 to 1.
Cleveland scored nine runs In the
seventh inning off the recruit, Holl
lng, and beat toe Tigers, 12 to 3.
The Pirates got 19 hits off two
Cub pitchers and won 14 to 2.
' Sam Rice got a home run, two
doubles and a single, helping the Sen-
''ators. cut down the Athletics, 14 o
-Hank Severeid made an error and
faaved the White Sox from a shut-out,
the Browns winning, 4 to 1.
' Rube Marquard was out-pitched by
Jake May and the Cards beat tbe
Reds 6 to 1,
What You Want and
What You Get
scalar' .
Society Clothes
You will find that these excellent tailored garments will meet with your
fullest exxpectations, that they are made of virgin, all' wool fabrics, extra
quality linings, in all the newest patterns of the season's most popular shades,
such as tans, grays, pencil stripes, herringbones, checks, new brown and blue
effects. These suits are made in this season's best and most fashionable
models that fit and drape to' the figure with a trimness of line only to be
had by the very best expert tailoring, in fact made so well that every suit
is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction to the wearer or money refunded.
And in every suit you'll get a satisfying investment in good appear
ance fine values, the result of the new lower price levels.
$40.00 - $45,00 -- $50.00 $55.00
-When "ou Think Dru Goods -TMnk
All that Mother Nature Provides and Modern Science makes More Pair
atable can be had at this store. " ' -
Our line of canned and bottled goods as well -as our plisplay of i;r,esh
vegetables and- fruit is always complete. Come and see for yourself. Our
Best Bargains Today:
Fountain Sliced Cling Peaches ,
In syrup, per can ..: 22e
Per case $4.80
Sweet Mixed Pickles
In quart Mason jars, per jar, 60c
Federal Mijk
2 for 25c, case $5.90
Competition Brand Imported Nor
wegian Sardines in pure olive oil
Per can 15c
Early Crosby Corn, Eagle City
2 for 25c, case ,. $2.90
Karo Syrup
Light, per 10 lb. pail 90c
Dark, per 10 lb. pail 80c
Royal Club Shrimp Otter Brand
Shrimp, L. & D. Brand Shrimp
2 cans 45c, per doz $2.60
SUGAR $9.25
per 100 pounds
Best Cane
White River Flour, Diamond Flour
Per sack , $2.15
Newhall Extra Standard Tomatoes
Per can 10c, case $2.30
Best Grade Peaberry Coffee 25c
35c value Coffee, now 18cv
Pure Lard
10 lb. pail $2.00
5 lb. pail $1.05
Crisco .
II. lbs. 35c
3 lbs : : 65c
6 lbs $1.25
9 lbs $1.90
Netted Gem Potatoes
Per 100 lbs $1.30
Quaker PufCed Rice Pancake Flour
Per pkg. 10c
Gum, 2 pkgs. for 5c