, PAGE SIX JTHIIALLE 18, 1921. mmmmmmm ft GRAFT IN SALE OF TO F $90,000 ALIMONY ilnPCI Mill CTUDI HIGHEST GRANTED, I UULL HI1U UlHrLLu ARMY GOODS RANGE CHARG PROMISED 72,500 AUTOMOBILES, FOUND ONLY 34,211 MACHINES SAYS TARDIEU. By Hudson Hawley (Wilted News Staff Correspondent.) PARIS, April 18 Graft charges in cluding tli A sale of the vast army stores left In Franco by the American government, for which France pai'l ?400,000,000, were tilrcJ hi the cham ber of (kinit!c.i Friday, with Tanllcu riiBlilng to the defense of Paul Morel, former under secretary of finance who engineered the original deal Turdlcu told the chairman that Mo rel obtained those stocks for $40'). 000,000, after the United .States had usked $1,100,000,000 nnd had liner come down to $750,000,000. The stock wore not. Inventoried, ho declared, be cause It was feared that the Amm leans' mlght'sell directly to the French pooplo. Morel defended tho French In thin with, patriotism, knowledge and suc cess, Tnrdlou declared. Deputy Vnvn sour charged, that before the French took over the supplies, "tho Amer icano committed shameless pillage of the camps." "An 'All liaba's cave," shouted some deputies. "We wore promised 72,500,, automo. biles and wo found only 34,211. Com mercial agencies attached to liquidation made excessive Wo lost six million francs upon the al City Dank Mi'vT. J&me.1 . Stlllman Mrs. FlovenceBp '.Xvjk I I TIE IN GUN .SHOOT potters and' they are about duo for a cheering. But Just as tho total freight handled by tho railroads is an unerring standard for measuring domestic business, so tho amount handled by tho foreign freight for warders unfailingly points to the ox- EACH BREAKS 23 OUT OF 25 CLAY Port situation. And they have started TARGETS INGRAM to hang out the fair weather flag. SECOND. Lewis J. Stone, president of one of the large freight-forwarding compnn- Dreaklng 23 out of 25 clay targets ies, said the other day that his clients shot at, for a percentage of 92, C. who have been reporting "nothing do- Vogol and W. Staples tied yesterday Ing" are now inquiring for freight morning in the regular weekly shoot rates; and that bookings and reservn- of The Dalles Rod and Gun club, held tlons already made by his concern in- at the club's traps on the beach be- dicate a steady growth of business low the city. Dr. A. P. Ingram ran a within the next few -months. It means close second in the scatter-gun con- that the foreign trade convention to test, breaking 45 'out of 50 birds shot he held in Cleveland In May can take at for "a percentage of 90. ' an hour or two off from its study The following persons partfeipated of how to improve conditions ,and First victory in the famous StlU- man divorce ease in New York went tho , to tho wife of tho International fl- profits, nancier and president of the Nation- It was in the court frozen meat at Sevres and nobody granting of a record alimony of wao punished. Wo sold ono lot of $90,000 a year, and $47,000 special goods for which we paid .540,000 counsel ana legal expense money in francs for 250,000 at Tours and no defending her suit. Danker Stlllman sued his wife for divorce, naming a French-Canadian Indian, guide as co- body was punished. We sold at SO francs a hundred kilos of what wore described as 'rags' but what In reality respondent and disowning his two ...,, i.u ,. ,, hvr yr-oId son, Baby Guy Stlllman. Bold It at 2,500 francs and he hasn't paid tho government yet." "Union Station Scenes," April. 20 Cot seats at drug stores. Mrs. Stlllman filed a counter-suit, naming Florence Lawlor Leeds, form pjr Uroadway chorus girl, as co-respondent. Mrs. Leeds is also tho 0 mother of a two-year-old boy. This photo of Mrs.. Stlllman is exclusive. Your Favorite Place to dine, "Hotel Dalles" if moderate prices, (futility of food, sorvlco and Btirrounalngs aro considered. Try our evening and special Sunday din ners, $1.00. You'll bo surprised. DENVER S WOMEN HUMAN SPONGES TWO BOOZE BOATS '(Continued From Vnga 1,) her to henvo to and when this was not dono, opened fire with hlgh-powor-ed rifles and pistols. REV. McMENAMIN SAYS THEY DRINK MORE LIQUOR THAN EVER. By United Press .DENVER, April 18 Denver's young women aro drinking nioro liquor than SEATTLE, April 18. Another fight evor beforo, . according to the Rev between customs officers and a Hog- Hugh McMenumln, pastor of tho lin ed whlskoy-running launches was re- maculate Conception cathedral, ported today when thocutter Scout Asserting that parents are respon came in with tho 'Seattle launch Nan- slblo, tho Ruv. McMemunin declared sen In tow, captured after a , fierce that young girls consider It a gay nd- running fight down tho straits. Seaman S. D. Ancol was hit and slightly wounded by a bullet mount for Captain Lychtenburg of the Scout. 'l'ho Nnnson's crow Is In custody. venture to becomo intoxicated. TODAY IN CONGRESS Uy U nl tod Tress Senate, Discussion of the Colombian treaty. Domocrats continue fight on com mittee organization House. King of All mtfto razors, tho Autostrop, regular ly priced $5.00, now $2.95, while thoy last. Stadelinun-Bonn Hardware com puny. 19 - EX-KAISERIN'S, BODY IS NEARING BERLIN Uy United Pres DOORN, Holland, April 18 With tho body of his consort nearlng Ber lin, former Emperor Wllholm with the former Crown Prince, remained in seclusion In tho castle. They re- Hill restricting . Immigration to " ,1,3t "(Rht llftc'' H0U,"K throe percent of aliens already hero, to be reported. Democrats to name commute i members. t W. .0. w. v LODGE tho Ku (serin's casket put aboard tho train. The body was accompanied on the Journey to Potsdam by most of 1 the formor royal family, represent!! 'ttves of the Dutch 'government and clergymen. In the shoot: Shot At Hit Manning 75 57 C. Vogel 25 23 Dr. Ingram 50 45 Staples 25 23 tmrl 25 11 Denny 75 40 Dr. Thompson ...50 36 A. Vogel 25 21 j. Stadelman 25 16 L. Dawson 75 56 It. E. Williams ..75 48 Uuls 50 ' 40 O. Wealcy 50 34 E. Thompson ....25 21 Mrs. E. Thompson 25 19 Dr. Eames .......25 19 C. Kruurdy 25 19 Tripp's Cleaning and Dye Works, 310 Union street. NewYoi Letter W spend it in cheer for a glimpse of the P.( i upgrade. 76 02 It's fortunate for some good Amer 90 leans that the registering-to-vote ccr jl2 emony doesn't include the test given 44 Harry Welcke in the naturalization 53 cdurt the other day. He was classed 72 as an enemy alien during the war and 84 had finally reached the proud point 64 of being examined for his1 final cltzen 84 hsip papers after considerable delay. f;4 The judge asked' him, as a final qucs tion, to sing "The Star Spangled Ban cs ner," and he sang it clear through X4 words and all, while 200 people stood 76 and gave him the sort of applause 76 at the end that he deserved. 76 A children's theater is the plan be ing pushed by an Interested group of New York women. They are planning to bring about the construction or leasing of some suitable place, where plays and motion pictures, dances and other entertainments solely for children, may be given. A20 INEVV YORK, "April 18. An artist can be a salesman, too. J. MoBnlck dam, from Holland, is out to proVe it. Ho arrived in New York the other day on a trip around the world, on which he 13 to make his own expenses traveling and living as he goes1, by selling his own pictures. If he suc ceeds In doing it, ho has a fortune of $50,000 coming to him from a wealthy Hollander who is Interested in help ing young artists and offered tnu purse for tho trip. The only condition is that the artist must not sell .o doalors or agents. In London, Mon nickdam obtained an audience 'with King George who commissioned him to paint several pictures, Tho money from those was sufficient to pay tho oxpenses of himself and wifo to New York. Yes, his wife has so much con fldcnce in him that she has sturtod around tho world with him on iho moro or less' precarious basis. See "Thi Little Tycoon,' Qpperetta, to be given at the high school auditorium by the glee clubs; Friday and Saturday, next week. 19 There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man in the past, be a "made to order man" in the future. First class hand tailor ed suits to measure, $35.00 and up. W. R. Webber, one' block east of post office. 6tf NOW PLAYING LOUISE HUFF In "WHAT WOMEN WANT" TOMORROW "The Son of Tarzan" -Coming- "THE ROMANCE OF THE DALLES" CASINO The Little House with the BIG Pictures FOUNDED HOW DOES YOUR BANK ACCOUNT GROW? TO the real saver, no times are ever too hard or too tight tor him or her to go on adding a little something to the Savings Account We have many accounts here at French & Com pany's bank which seem to continue growing under all circumstances. THE INTEREST IS AN INCENTIVE 4 Paid dh Savings h. French; presiattn PAUL M. FFiENCH. Vice-President V. H FRENCH. Secretary J. C. H08TETLER. Cashier FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. THE DALLES OREGON FINE NEW DRESS GINGHAMS All styles 19c Who above the age of 18 has forgotten the "Merry Widow Wliltz?" There was a time when it wo$ dif ficult to hear anything else than that 'swinging song from the musical com edy of the same name. And now it is to bo revived. It will bo the "Flora dora" of next season. How about the hats? Do you remember them, too? Tho cartwheel sailors? Per Yard In tho spring New York's fancy is turning not at all lightly to thoughts of export trade. However much the city rocognizes tho interest of tho whole country In this mutter, it is wont to tuko unto Itself a very special part In it. That's not because .N'ow York is over-vain; but as the nation's greatest export shipping point, it tool? a proprietary Interest in it nil. Consequently It Is cheering up con siderably right now. There havo boon some protty lean months for tho ex- FANCY DRESS VOILES Lovely new designs. Only (Continued Vixnn Puko 1.) delegation. Following tho speeches, V, M. Soxton or the local lodge led tho assemblage In n community sing. Tho city key was curried In tho parade by the Misses Nova and Nor ma Road, riding In n dainty curt drawn by u .Shetland pony. i A fancy drill was then executed by tho drill team of Multnomah Camp No. 77, W. O W., following which all lodge members adjourned to the local hall for tho purpose of forcing 50 hapless candidates to walk Jho lio' dcoort sands.- j Following Initiation ceremonies, a uaniiuot was served, presided ovort by J. A. I'ato, district maitagor of the lodge. J. O. Wilson of .l'ort land, head manager of the nittloiiull order, was among tho guests at tho local celebration. A number of out-of-town women nccompanled their husbands to Tho Dulles. They wore entertained by Airs. F. H. W'Mtp. who opened her Iiomu to the Woodmen's wives. "Union Station Scenes," April 20. iiot seats at drug stores. 20 TONIGHT :s -- , . . i i Men's Meeting ALL MEN OF THE CHURCHES OF THE DALLES ARE URGED TO AT TEND THE MEETING AT First Methodist Church SPEAKER REV. RALPH McAFEE OF PORTLAND ' MUSICAL PROGRAM DISCUSSION 39c Per Yard SPLENDID Full Sized HUCK TOWELS Extra Special 15c . Each BLACK ATEEN PETTICOATS Extra good value 98c Each Comfort - Fit Service You might just as well have all three when you buy your Summer Underwear Just look through and examine carefully our stocks of Forrest Mills or Kayser Marvelfit Underwear. Note not alone the splendid way each garment is knit but aiso the way each garment is cut and shaped and finished. You'll be glad to know that this good kind of Underwear can be bought at prices no higher than ordinary kinds. Women's Summer Union Suits All styles and shapes. See our splen did assortment at . 50c, 59c, 69c, 75c, 89c, 98c, $1.50 -Women's Summer Vests? 4 a All weights and styles, all sizes at 122c, 15c, 19cJ 25c, 35c, 39c, 50c, 75c Women's' Knit Bloomers 49c, 75c, $1.19 Women's Eifel Maid Athletic Union Suits $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Excellent assortment of Infant's and Children's Underwear in all styles and sizes at lowest prices. Edw. C. Pease Co. Great Values In COVERALL APRONS Only 98c Each Children's Ribbed BLACK HOSE All sizes Fine LAWN And VOILE WAISTS Silk and Cotton CREPES All new colors 59c Per Yard t n 4