THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1921. page FIVE NEWS NOTES 'month temporary nlimony pending j final settlement of the suit and f 100 suit money, Mrs. Grace Keller today . filed counter suit for divorce against 1 - it. 1 1 ..I i- Rev. McAfee to Speak-A men's i Aipen J, neuer in ine iocu cuuuk mass meeting Is to be held at the J court. Keller first filed suit for dl Baptist church tonight, when Rev. . voice against Mrs. Keller on. grounds Tj,.inh MoAfPP nf Portland will ad-.01 uruel "uu ""'" family plot In the Odd Fellows' cem etery for burial. "Union Station Scenes," April 20. ct seats at drug stores: -0 dress them. desertion. In the complaint filed to anlnn fnr New Members All - of the friends and new members of divorce on cruel and inhuman treat- . . a i. 4ln - a a the Baptist cnurcn are inviieu iu mo raent cnarges ana not ner nusDana. Extra Special Genuine Autostrop fnzors, while they iast, complete sets, $2.95. Stad-elman-Bonn Hardware company. 19 reception which is to be held in the church parlors Tuesday nigtht. m New Cars Delivered The Gannett Motor company last week delivered a new Ford coupe to J. T. Menry, and a Ford touring-car to P. Vogel, both of The Dalles. A runabout was also delivered to James O'Donnell. " Two Licenses Issued Two mar riage licenses were issued Saturday They were secured ny nox of Moro and Velma fers of The Dalles; and 0. Lehman of Mllwaukie, ,.rs. B. K. Woods of Port- 3Koz.- ' -' TSf ) ' is. ton-!. ,i4hw for Near East Drive Th Icalph. McAfee of Portland tie Baptist church yester Wamic Wins Track Meet More than 500 persons Saturday attended the annual Tygh Valley school fair and picnic. A county wide track and field meet, participated In by hign and grade schools from all parts of the county, was won by the Wamic school boyc and girls. Maupln woii,j second place In the meet In a hard ball game between the Dufur school and a combined Maupln and Tygh "Valley, school team! the 'Dufur nine were victorious, 8 to "0. Picnic lunchoB were enjoyed. A white fabric laqe ojeford with drown leather trimmings Is one o the new styles that is being shown by 'Edw. C. Pease company. 18 Card of Thanks. Dear Friends: We wish to express our thanks for the sympathy extended to us in our bereavement! and for the flowers. 18 HAY FAMILY. PERSONALS ,h... won. ui 20 Hoboes Rounded Up Follow ing information that, the local freight depot kad been broken Into some! time Saturday night and a quantity of. box candy, consigned 'to local, IV -f "4 " - r , - ' 1 M'lg ana at tne M.eiuuuui. mercimms, siuieu, oimui uuuoiunu. he evening. He .met with and the local police this morning cvlal association this morn- rounded up 20 hoboes in an effort, . I , . . i 1 l ,1 nrxUlr i library, when co-operative -churches, and the Near to get some clue to the identity oj the robbers. None or tne men ar- East relief drive were considered. rested could be connected with the 1 roooery or ine irqigm nouae uuu i Georae Jackson Dies ueorgo j- were reieased this afternoon, with son, proprietor of the Madras flour ( inatructions to "keep moving." One mill, died in a Portland sanltorium o the en arrested told Chrisman this morning, according to woru e-jthat a party 0f negroes nad "paueq celved in this city. Mr. Jackson is tne j0D Saturday night. well known in The Dalles. Funeral ar-1 p Ru8hed rangements have not been completed r: Jl Pl-t heing constructed near Mosier D6 Drouglll io ic , ... a n K-o.-n mmtinnv. in an- UJt I UU J , ticlpation of early laying of "hot stuff" on the Columbia river highway between the gravel pits, near Mosier, and Hood River. Upon the starting of paving operations the contract let to the A. D. Kern company calls for the highway being closed during work ing hours. This will probably mean that the road will be closed between ment. , Sunday School -Picnic Dinner Eight automobile loads of people from The Dalles were the guests of the Fairbanks Sunday school yester day. A picnic dinner was enjoyed at t o'clock after' which Mrs. Effa Caibreath led a community sing, tnnnlixil niimhprH were ren- tC CI 111 muoivu. - j LUill mtj i UUU will Ut3 viwouu ucnivwi dered by a saxophond quintet, and j 8 0.cl5ck ln tne m0rning and' 5 o'clock Rev. John L. Bogue, pastor or tne Jn the evenlng- The contract specifies. Baptist church, gave a short talk: howevePf that travel must be allowed Mayor Gets Plerce-Arrow Mayor during the noon hour and after work- !P. J. Stadelman is today riding ing hours. a'round in a brand new Plerce-Arrow automobile, delivered to. him this morning from Portland. The 4 car to the latest model put out by the Pierce Arrow factory', embodying 'many radical changes in design over previous models. In the new car, tne 3sary to pay operating expenses of a drive has been, transferred to the . f(jr another Y. W. C. A. Raises $4,303r-WUth, a total of 54.303 actually in-hand, the I finance campaign of the local Y. W. C. A. closed Saturday night. The goal set in the campaign was $5000, nee Y. W. C. A,, in this city for another year. It i3 expected that several sub scribers not yet heard frcm will con tribute enough to raise the present total to $4,500. A subscription of $200. the amount made by the Amity club at its public market last week, is con sidered doubly valued because of the tact that the clum members worked during all of last week and donated much of the material which was sold in the market. A shoe shining stand maintained by the" club alone brought in $15. Xo more soliciting teams will be sent out, according to Miss Helen Fair, Y. W. C. A. secretary. Navy Wants Men The United States navy is again campaigning for young men between the ages of 18 'and 35 years to join the service, ac cording to J. A. Smolick, chief tor pedoman of the U. S. submarine ser vice, who visited in this city Saturday plan to organize a bm md Bundfty. The otticer who has been wbeat and cattle, center. At the fin-, meeting this afternoon, a -neatest .A . .... ,.,. .., nanWai in 10 " vfTv. J L1UU vino t x-Su oi s by persons who have be- left hand side, all previous models put out have been equipped with the European style, right hand drive. .White Salmon W4Jlops Locals Featuring "a comedy of errors," The Dalles baseball team went down to de feat before the diamond artists of WJiite Salmon .yesterday afternoon, in a game played on the Washington town field, tfhe score, stood 11 to 8. The fielding of the local players was insufferably ragged.' The stick work Tas passable. Woolsey and Carlson did the hurling for the, lqcals. Kohler was on the receiving end of the bat tery. Psychology Club, Organized Pro fessor C. A. Greene and his cousin, B. R. Greene, who have been lecturing on psychology and conducting a study rcourse in this city the last week, will leave for Pendleton tonight. They plan to organize a sttidy club ln the , ml 1 ' . . . . . mav- !". -ly interested ln the suojeci .it of the visit of the New and finest school on ae raihtrmke and finest school on earth, maker of men and builders of character. The ' medical department of the navy ! 'Just now calling for men. Many other r thn eea service are open. , T. 1 1 1 C I I IIVO VWHII-HI -"'"l," - ?250 attorney fees, 7& a owing to tne ibci umi iucio 1 ... ... i : ml. T.,i 1 1 . .. nn. , recruiting siunuu iu mo uaum, nv- t plication for enlistment must be made to the Navy recruiting office, Dekum building, Portland. Mrs. Laun Patterson Dies Mrs. j Laura A. Patterson, 85 jears old, an early pioneer of The Dallea and Wus. co county and later a resident or j Portland, died Sunday at the family home, 1977 East Morrison street 'n that city. She is survived by Newton Patterson of Dufur; Hubert, Anna Laura and Dave Patterson of Port land; Mrs. Levla Patterson of Port iland und Olive Cummlngs of Mon- mouth, Ore. Beroro -hr marriage Mrs. .Patterson -was Laura A. Havn, her - father being an early settler In the JSifibt Mile dlstrlcL She is also sur vived by a number of more distant relatives living In The Dalles and other sections of Wasco county. The body will arrive in Tho Dalles tomor? row noon. The Crandall Undertaking company has charge of arrangemeatB, No' funeral services will bo held hern, 'tco body to be taken irectly lo tho Lucky Strike cigarette Miss Mabel Bennett of Mosier was here on business Saturday. Florence Colby of Boyd was shop ping in the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Condon were week-end visitors to Portland. Mrs. H. M. LaBertew of Lyle, Wash., was in the city Saturday. C. E. Anderson of Heppner is here looking for a farm location. Mrs. Albert Vogel of Moody was shopping, in The Dalles Saturday. William Wilhelm was In Portland on business Friday and Saturday. S. A. Owens of Gateway was shop ping in the city Saturday. Charles B. Marnel of Olex was ln the city on business Saturday. ' Forrest Peetz of Moro is register, ed at Hotel Dalles. C. A Barnes of Nlsh is In The Dalles attending to business matters. 10. J. Connolly of Maupln was a bus lness visitor-in this city yesterday. JR. H. Johnson of Wala Wlalfa was a visitor in The Dalles yesterday., Fred Wise of Condon is a visitor ln this cltj. M. I. Ramsey of Rufus was a busi ness visitor in The Dalles yesterday. iB. JB. Lewis of Hood River is a f mi out nf Untnl rinllPR ' BuuwV I Mrs. C. V. Reed of Burns is ai Hotel Dalles. She expects to ' motor to Bend. ' Martin HThode of Guler, Wash., is in The. Dalle's visiting with his brother, Henry. The Rev. H. L. Ford of Dufur was in The Dalles yesterday visiting with triends. Mr. and Mrs. Geqrge Splckerman and Mr. ami Mrs. Klnley Adams iflo: tored to Hood River- yeBterdajr. Mr. and ' Mrs. Grover Moore of Dufur were shopping in the city Saturday. The Joseph Ditter family, mem bers of ' which were the guests of Mrs. Emll Schnnno oor the week end, returned home to Yakima today. .Mrs; Kittle Allen, who has been visiting in Portland, returned to The Dalles last night. (Mrs. A. Richards of Portland is a guest at Hotel Dalles. She expects to leave for Dhfur today; where she will visit with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Manchester, Miss Virginia Stogg and Norman Ros sell motored to Monmouth Saturday, where they visited over Sunday with the Rev. H. E. Rossell. On account of the critical illness or her niece, Mrs. A. G. Wood, of Port land, who has been visiting relatives in this city the last week, was sud denly 'called to Corvallls. She left yesterday. Miss Zada French, orgdnlzattlon sec retary oL the Y. W. C. A. left today for Baker. Miss French had been as sisting the local Y. W. C. A. in put ting over its drive for $5000, with which to pay operating expenses of maintaining club rooms in the city "for another year. v Get Yours Today Gcifuine Autostrop razor,' complete set, regularly $5.0P. now $2.95. Stadcl- I man-Bonn Hardware company. 19 "The Little Tycoon" (a comic opera.) High school gleo clubs at the high school auditorium, April 22 and 23. 19 Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tionTuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Saum, chiropractic physician, Third and Washington, main 501. tf Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table Two rqund trips daily. iLeave Bank hotel, 9, a. m. and 4. p. ml Leave Dufur 730 a. in. and 1 p. m. tf Castle Uaje Coal, We are unloading, a car. qt, Castlo Gate Utah coal,, Send us your orders. Prompt service. Maldr & Schanno. 18 "Union Station Scenes," April 20. Get sffats at drug stores. 20 MEETING NOTICES Knights of Pythias . Regular meeting Monday, April 18. Work in Esquire rank. Vl3ltlng knights Invit ed. is Historical Society, The Historical society will meet at its building, Fifteenth and Garrison streets next Tuesday afternoon. A good attendance 1b desired. 18 Meeting of American Legion Aux iliary will be held in the County Court room, at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow evening. 1921 dues should bo paid at once. Margaret Massey, Secretary. 18' Meeting Notice Tno Sorosls club will hold its reg ular meeting in the Y. W. C. A. rooms tomorrow afternoon at 2:15. This in the time for the election of officers nnd a good attendnncq. Is deslre,d. 18 Everybody Needs a Copy Of This Book-- -If s Free " We have a little eight page book called "The Story of an Opportunity at Home" containing valuable informa tion' for anyone who is saying money or who is thinking of investing. May we send you a copy it's free. Stop in any of our offices; phone; send in the coupon below, or ask any of, our employes, they'll gladly get a copy for you. Pacific Power & light Co, A Business which of 'Necessity Is Permanent. Kill this out NOW; mall it TODAY"" PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, Investment Dept., Gasco Bldg., Portland, Orsflsn Please send me a free copy of "The Story of An Oppor tunity at Home.", , , Name .. AMrs Faultless Service Comes Only Jroms years of exxperience in ministering to the wants of the public. tt is on this basis that we invite your trade. Imported Perfumes, Powders, Soaps, Toilet Waters Drugs and 'Proprietary Remedies. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Kodaks and Accessories. Graphonolas. SERVICE DRUG STORE D. W. "fymtis, Mgr. Main 2451 est Parlor Grocery 8 a Announcement We have put one of our HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS into Rent Service, that all housekeep ers mav trv one of these' wonderful sWeepersfon their own rugs at a small expense. It will cleantall f your rugs and carpets m one day. We Will Deliver and Call for the Machine . Just Phone Us eHOOVER AS IT SWEEPS IT BEATS . . . AS it CLEANS ' We are exclusive agents and will be pleased to demonstrate at any time, in yftur home or in. the store, without obligation to you. STADELMAN -BONN HARDWARE CO. Chronicle Want Ad Bring Quick iiesults No Red-Blooded ' ; American i i i is content tq stand by passively and watch other yma ctv-vding ahead to success. w.' all v$nt to be in the procession. Wiien you ave a Savings Account and the habit oP addt-.g'to it regularly, it's easy to get into ib wi$ and to keep up a steady stride. O iiast Paid on Savings Accounts ' THE 'J JSF .NATIONAL BANK I'he Dalles, Oregon T