PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICLE Established 1890 The Dalles, Ore. Published Every Hvenlng Exoept Sunday by the Chronicle Publlfihlng' company Inc Ben R. Mtfln doncrol Manager Alvln L. Uuoklin Editor Entered In The Dalle postofflce as econd class matter. SSrPo?AudUdBur DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year. In advance 15.00 81k months. In advance ......S3.00 onojnonth .60 One year, in advniive $5.oo una montn WEEKLY CHRONICLE ;6o One year. In advance. 12. uu in nrApHnv -hann nf aAAramm ..ih. new S32ff ,W- B,V6 M " We" TELEPHONES fffl&l?cirvSiM 111 w ' ' ,. . - ouuKnumi iu mu unrunicio are guar- antccd service. Prompt and regular de- Uvcry of every subscriber's paper Is the aim of the circulation department. The .hr0.Tlte carr',r are required to put the papers on the porch or wherever th subscriber wishes 'ho paper delivered, CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME I He's afraid of what his neighbor With the United States literally win think of him and say of him. staggering under the readjustment if he Ignored the opinion of his load, drives for this and that con- neighbor and would be guided by hi tlnue in monotonous regularity. Most own inclinations and the dictates or of the money raising campaigns are his pocketbook, he wouldn't sub worthy. Some are vital. ! scribe to all these drives. Hut where is it all to end? Millions of American men are idle. Stills and factorlnn in ihn fnat tmva ht v., V u 7u ,7 shut down. Farmers through the mid- u neni uuu weal nave Deen unauie to sell their wheat at a profitable figure. Some have not disposed of their crops. The cotton growers of the southern states are unable to sell their cotton at a prof it. Foreign exchange has prevented England buy ing much cotton and failure of crops over in India has curtailed the buy- ( ing power of the greatest cotton pur- chasing country In the world. Fralts and vegetables of California lie rot- I'r.K in the orchards and fields. There ' is no market far from home. The excessive rail rates. Construction of the products of the soil out of the question. The lumber of Oregon can find no eastern market owing to the same etcesslve rail rates. Construction costs are so high yet, that little de- mand for the product is evidenced nearer home. Lumber mills have shut down. The cost of living has not been reduced materially. Rents and fuel and other commodities which in, fluonco ultimate living cost are still at llgh poak. i Wages in many Industries nre-bo- Ing slashed mercilessly. Yet many people got a tremendous kick from contemplating the starv- j,reB8VOi Ing condition of tho Humpty Dump- crops" and orchards and gardens ties or tho Splfflenecks or the lack WOre destroyed by the middle west of sanitation among lho Dlddle-Dees. atorm, according to tho reports. Can Now It Is all very wojl to con- 00u conceive this, you who can go sldor lho other fellow's pllKlit and to tho window or tho door and see help him In material way. crops gwn , tno prlng 8Unanmo Bui why go afield to find abject of Tne Dailes, orchards laden with want and misery T Thousands of bBftUtlrm Dioora8, gardens unfurling Btomachs In the United States are Kreen ,uaV08 t0Wllrd Ul0 blue 8ky. hungry this .wetting. Millions of eat- Tn,,yi thi8 COmmuulty Is favored nest men who oek work or.) trump- U8 tt j,,uco to plnnt crop8i grow or. ing up and down this land' Idle. cluml8 1U1U teml Kunions. No tor Their families and they are In want. mu,oos horo t0 .anj0 the work Many who have jobs nnd business- of ,mm ln a twinkling. No snow and es are caught between the millstones slut,t flUls ,n luto BprinK to mako a of high prices nnd stagnating bus! mock ot tno greon growlnK things, ness conditions. , NoW8 of tornadoes in the middle Oh, we are not preaching pessl- W08t makeg ua Bynlpathetlc for those mlHin. Things are bound to come out who 8Uf(ered disaster. Yet in tho all right. SIkhh point to this even- miWH i8 u certain satisfaction to tunlly now. But let's face tho facts. local dwcliers who know that this Conditions In tho United States uro cummim,ly l.ioal climatically serious. Consider tho national debt speaking. Also such news from the if you doubt this. That t.wt alone middle west indicates that dwellers should prove tho contention. Idleness (hero will In time tire of residing is everywhere. Factories and mills in a country where death lurks, turn no wheejs. Production is cur- where loss ls ever present, where tailed. I'rlceB of many nocessaties nature Is unkind. They are coming aro high, influencing m(iBt costs to to spots whero tornadoes are un remain up In tho clouds. known, where crops grow bounteous- Listen If we glvo to the Hump- y and In profusion, where the dom ty DumptluH, the Splfflenecks and Qont note ot Ufa Is happiness and the Dlddle-Dees, we are sending mon- contentment. i oy out of this hind which sorely with the local chamber of com needs every cent of capital Rt this merce revitalised, with activities In time. We are overlooking hunger this community manifesting new vlg here aad seeing hunger In other or, with merchants sounding the top lands. Are we mentally fsr sighted, tliuUtic note, The Dalles and Wasco unable tj soo tho need at hand, ablo county should attract those who aro to view the misfortune some dls- tCVlQg death dealing tornadoes and tanres uwny? Tho whole proposition comes down to this: shall we help America or shall we help other lumls? With our resources strained, it Is evident that wo cannot alleviate the suffering in both pluces. Which is It to be, Araer- ca or foreIgn countries? Are you lor America ursi or are you most Interested in some foreign misery? Have you stopped to consider that 'the average man importuned -to glvo to this and .that, having limited capl- tal, will very soon place himself in the condition which he seeks to re- Ifeve by his promiscuous giving? Somehow we feel that a man who refuses to give to this drive and I ( that drive but keeps his small work- ing capital and pays his blliu prompt- ly, is after all the best citizen ot Mm mmmnn Iv In whliMi h run don " " " Of course It is pleasant to be point " " v ed Ut 88 haV,Dg thTOU6h b,BneBS of heart subscribed so much to the HUmpty Dump,Ues But truIy' ,u Beems more worthwh,,e to have paid ,, Mil.. ..I hrm nf 1.xo1 mnr. J v. rhnnn v"a"" Drives for one thing and another , which come In regular waves show that the average cltlren of the Unit ed States, is afraid of public opinion. If it weren't , for the fear of what someone would think, he'd look out - m .1- mi l j .1.. 1 ' y i Humpty Dumptles and the Spiffle- necks and Dlddle-Dees afterward, if he wa8 financially able to do so. where is it all to end? CLIMATICALLY IDEAL Sixty were killed and 49 injured in vicious blizzards and tornadoes which originating in Texas, swept through Arkansas and Missouri, thence through the entire middle west. Of courBe this sort of thing iB merely an incident in. the life of the middle west. Tornadoes and vlo- ,ent BtormB crash upon villages and towns now nnd tnen hurllng death and de8tructlon. B'ut la mnkef3 UB favored by the md Cimate of The Dalles and Was- co county renllze with an added full. ne88 tnat thls commun,ty climatl- cnlly speuklnB ls 0ne of the Ideal B)0ts of lhlfl earth J Nevop ,lo Volonl stormB smlto th,8 localIty 0nce , a whUe a wlnd b,0W8 whlch ls dl8agreeabiy strong, Yet , Us BtrcnRth lies boneficlence. j During tho hot summers this wind drawn up by th0 draft of the Co- ' lunibia gorge tempers the suns ray's Qere B0 that lho heut ,B not destructive billiards, o HARD TO CONVICT Three young men In festive ood uttonded a dauce. held la Chemowlth grange hall a few weeks ago. They naa in weir possession a Dome 01 moonshine whiskey. From time- to time they partooE of this liquid re- freshment which added to their mer- riment. Tneir COmedy wasn't appreciated by the other dancers and deputy sheriffs at the hall placed 'two of the disturbers under arrest. The third man escaped Tn0Se arrested were Edward Col - by and T. W. Comstock. They were charged with possession of liquor in tu. i I uuuiiavcuituu ui kuu taw Testimony showed both men eoual guilty. They both had quaffed li - DUiions irora me uuiwe conuuuuig moonshine whiskey. They both had been a bu t0Q 1 T. W. Comstock realizing that he was guilty, so pleaded and was fined $25 in the court of Justice of the Peace J. W. Allen. Colby refused, to plead guilty. He demanded a jury trial. Now It developed at the trial that, what Colby was guilty of, Comstock wan also guilty of. The ownership of rite bottle of liquor was not estab- llHl.fd by testimony. Reputable per- soua however testified that Colby had taken a drink of moonshine. The Jury hearing the evidence ac- jjUmed Colby The man who pleaded guilty was f imjd whereafl maQ Wfl0 8UDmlt. Classified advertising 1 cent per wora each Insertion. If Inserted 6 times or more. 3-4 cent a word. Monthly publi cation rates on application at the office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two .furnished house keeping rooms. 322 East Third. IS FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room in modern house, ,122 West Seventh. Black 3501. 20 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room with bath. 421 East First. Telephone black 5781.- t 19 FOR RENT One furnished house keeping room. 221 Ve3t Fourth. Telephone red 1562. 18 FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. Close In. $10 a month. Inquire 417 Alvord street. Side door. 22 FOR RWNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 115 East Second street. 19 FOR RENT Three furnished house" keeping rooms. Adults only. 1003 Alvord street,, phone red 4561. 18 FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping' rooms with sleeping porcn. Adults only. Telephone black 1811. 19 FOR RENT Room with board , in modern home. Ludy or gentleman. Telephone red 3491. 1000 Fulton atroot. Is Fbli lUNT Ford light delivery with driver. Light hauling and baggage t runs tor. Telephone black 4661 or black 3751. Frank Culllns. A21 FOR RWNT Nice clean sleeping room in small adult family. Lady may have prlvllego of using cook stove. 809 Union Btreet. Telephone red 4691. 18 FOh ALB. FORSALH dJarred Plymouth Rock setting egga. $1.00 for 15. O. A. C. strain. Harry Gordlon, red 1331. 21 to1T"sale Thoroughbred shorthorn red Durham,' bull. $100. Call red 1161. 18wl4 FOU SALl'J "Large and small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable pricos, geod .terms: W. C. Hunna, Dufur, Ore. l&tt. FOR SALE Span of mure, 2700 pounds, 3year-od filly and saddle mare. See E. C. Denton, R. R. 4. 19 FOR SALE Wood. Dry 16-Ujch. block pine. $13.00 delivered. Horry Gor dlon, red 1331. 21 FOR SALE Fresh cow, two six months old calve. W. T. Jowett, 405 West Seventeenth street. 21 FOU SALE Sixty-five acres, of I of which are in city limits, excel lent location for dividing Into city lots; balance in fine fruit; good buildings. Price $17,600, terms.. DARNIELLE BROS. 405 Washington Main 68)1. IS ted his caae to judgment of the pub- 11c was acquuiea. The cases of Comstock and Colby serve to show that strict. enforce- ment of the Volstead act and the prohibition amendent is almost fan- possible. Law enforcement depends upon public opinion in the last analy- Bi8. Laws are but the reflex of pub- iiC opinion. Public opinion is divided upon the 1 wet and dry Issue. Some assert that they didn't support the dray law and they don't propose to abide by lt now. Of course, if we have a law, we should see that It is enforced. But on the other hand, many .. .l.i .v. i.,..,.. uenevu iuui uie yruuiumon amend- ment Is an infringement of personal Uberty 8hould therefore De hon. od in the breach, ! One may argue until- one 1b hoarse to the effect that since prohibition nas Deen voted it should be enforced and thousands will go on Ignoring he. law. or breaking , it deliberately and juries will continue to acquit men equally as guilty as those who without trial plead 'guilty and are ( fed. This is no criticism of the Jury which brought In the Colby veTdict of acquittal. It is just a statement of fact to the effect that inasmuch as laws depend upon public opinion for enforcement and inasmuch as public opinion is divided upon the CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old caic. $11.50. Second growth, $12.60. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Horses; I have a number of good horses for .sale cheap. Read's Feed store, east end of Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 2Ctf FOR SALE Forty-acre farm, 21 miles out, good buildings, well, .wind milf and reservoir, 10 acres in fruit, most of balance cultivated. $3000. Good terms. .DARNIELLE BROS. 405 Washington Main 6831. 19 FOR SALE 20-acre chicken ranch, 35 miles from The Dalles. Fenced and cross fenced. Plenty of water, gasoline engine, reservoir, piped to the house. Three chicken houses, four room box house, seven acres tillable, rest pasture. $1600, some terms. See Chris McClay, 422 East Second. - 18 FOR SALE The, following residence properties: 4-room cottage on Ninth street, $1300. Modern 6-room hangar low on paVed portion of Pine street, $2700. Five-room cottage with modern conveniences, 1 level lot with fruit and shrubbery on Calhoun street, $2600. Dalles Realty company, black 6691. 20 FOR SALE Owing to the high fertil ity nnd increasing demand for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I wli hold my special pen together during April. All orders cared for at $1.00 per 15 or $6 per hundred. Fred Cyphers, R. F. 1). No. 3, tele phone red 6362. ' ' M2 FOR SALE OHEriRY WOLD. Twelfth and Garrison streets'. A beauty spot of The Dalles overlooking the city, river and mountains. Close in. Three-quarters of an acre consist ing of spacious shady lawns, large fruit trees of all kinds with small fruits. and excellent garden spaces. Cherrlea alone bring fine returns. Pleasant rambling house. Five rooms and bath with modern plumb-. Ing. Detached house suitable for sleeping quarters or shop. Large woodshed, barn, and chicken houte. This Is neither lots nor acreage but a home estate ot exceptional merit. C. F. Spauldlng, 414 West Twelfth street. 19 WANTED WANTED Experienced woman cook for farmer. Long Bros., Blalock. 21 sjkttsA WANTHO Steward or. Janitor at The Dalles hospital. Telephone red $72. 19 WANTED To sell, rant and repair newlsg machiaea and typewriters. Phone Coryea. IS WANTWJ Clean cotton rags at The Chronicle office, five cents per pound. tf desirability of the prohibition amend ment, It must needs be that juries 'which are representative of public opinion shall refuse' to convkt per cons whose offense iff taking a drink of some beverage in which there is more than one half of one percent alcohol. m . I LOOKING BACKWARD l i-iiBi I (From The Chronicle, April 18. 1896.) Dr. Slddall came in from Portland today. . Hon.' A. S. Bennett boarded the l:30 train for a flying trip to Porflwid. Mrs. V. C. Brocks and Miss Mildred Larsen are visiting in The Dalles this week. Mr. L. Henry of Hood River is in the city and will attend the Populist county convention tomorrow as a del egate. Mrs. and Miss Sherman of Elgin, 111., and Miss Martin of Nebraska are in the city, the. guest of Mrs. S. L. Brocks. Mr. Fred Oottfreid of San Francis co, a brother to Carl Gottfreid, has been visiting him for several days. He returned home this' morning. Hon. Wf H. H. Dufur and wife of Dufur were in the city today. Mr. Du- WANTED Housework by day or hour. Telephone red 1562 . 19 V, ANTED Horses and cattle to pas ture on good bunch grass pasture. $2 per month per head. J. W. Per. due, on old Sam dohnB' place, nine miles out- Mill creek. 22 LOST OR FOUNO FOUND Auto lens and rim. A. E. Crosby. 16 LOST 32x4 i tire and rim. Return to Dalles Garage for reward. 20 . i. FOR TRADE FOR TRADE City residence prop erty in Hillsboro, 200x146 feet, seven-room house, finished last fall, 14 fmit trees, for good Improved city property in The Dalles. Call Sunset Garage. 16 MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main 58J. tf 'LAWN MOWING Yard work, gar- . dening, etc. Your patronage is so-j licited. L. A. Mathews, 502 West Eighth Btreet. Telephone red 3661. 9tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1362. J. E. Henzle. 11 tf PROFESSIONAL AND BU8INESS PIANOS TDNlOD And repaired, ac tion regulating and refinisblng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader. Cor son Music store, 320 Fast 8econd street. Telephone main lOftl. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL LessonB by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist tf Specialists Whitney Repair Shop 70 Cast Secena St White Truck Lin Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wav points. Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m. daily except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. sa. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone Mack 14 or main 171. f 17-11 Veft INi-Ow Creafcyt iur reports the serious Illness of Mra. Woodford who Is not expected to live. Died: George McNulty, aged 34, son of Captain John MoNulty, at the ranch njear Mosler, yesterday morning. He has beep afflicted for a long time with 1 consumption. The body will be brought here tonight on the Regulator. The arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made. ACTRESS' DIET 18 OF CAVIAR AND G008E LIVERS By United Press fl NEW YORK, April 18. Avowing, that Anna Luther, moving picture ac tress, devoured f404.53 worth of deli cacies for which she did not pay, Reu ben, delicatessener, has gone to court to collect. Caviar and goose livers are -mostly what Anna ate, declared Reuben, but. she did not pass up Italian olive oil, .Norwegian sardines, nor Chinese bird-nest puddings, said Keubeni Month after month, starting from September and ending in January of. this year, Miss Luther dropped into Reubens and secured appeasement for her hearty appetite with such coarse morsels of food as satiate the palate of royalty and chorus girls', he claims, and only $200 of the original $604.53 bill would she ever pay. Reubens is the same close-margin-ed, small profited merchant, whom the courts a w'hile back refused to let charge $25 for a roast ham. I I Byes tested, glasses utted. Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse. ti HOWARD S. SOULE Expert Piano Tuner J22 West SixtL jttreet. Residence Phone mem 4201. tf Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 218J East Third street. MB VENZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and loans. 1004 East' Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 28tt CROUP Spasmodic Croup is frequently relieved by one application of VICKS VAFORU v Ooer 17 Million Jan Uted Yearly DARKEN GRAY HAIR, , LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally that Nobody Can Tell. Hair that loses Its color and lus tre, or when It fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur In the hair. Our grand mother made up a mixture, of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive, use on ly this, old-time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous' mix ture Improved by the addition of other ingredients by asking at any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which darkens the hair bo naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. You Just damp en, a sponge, or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair,, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disap pears; but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound ls that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few ap plications, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an ap pearance of abundance. Adv. MaissisisssSBSissssasssssasiisssssBSM I finrget-Mogan Co Funtral Director THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE I Phones Main J891. Night Black V 41, Main ISS1 Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyflsifkt Sfaditt Drug Srs Pwsae Slaek 1111