I THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1921. PAGE THREE SOVIET DISTRIBUTES FOODS BY CARD SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL SUPERINTENDS FEEDING OF RUSSIA EQUITABLY. By Patrick Qulnland (Written for the United .Press.) JJEIVV YORK, April 18.-iThe prob lem of feeding Russia has always been a complex one for several ob vious reasons. First, the vast expanse of Russia and Siberia forms the larg est single territorial unit in the orld; secondly, there are about 170, 000,000 people lo provide for in this immense stretch of land, reaching from Vladivostok ' to iPetrograd and from the Arctic to the 'Caspian sea. Thus these is an area of approximate ly 6,600,000 square miles to be. sup plied with food stuffs., During f'he - reign of the czars, when industry ' )&nH' 'railroads were presumably- in good condition, whole sections were frequently reduced to starvation and underfeeding proved almost as unir versal as the national samovar. lit is no cause for wonder, then, that . with the breakdown of the industrial system and the disintegration of the railways, as a result of the revolution, the problem should be. aggravated a thousandfold, not to mention the allied .blockade and foreign Wars. The soviet government has met this difficult problem in a sane and practical way. It created a central bureau for the equal distribution of the food sup ply on hand. This bureau is known as the Supreme Economic Council and is assisted by local councils! all over the country. The supreme eco nomic council is directed by Professor Milutov, the well-known economist, and this body has first preference in the avenues and channels of distribu tion, including transportation. Since peace has been signed with Poland, this department in the soviet govern ment is considered' the most import ant and In-all matters Is given Jhe , right of way. In this manner170,000, 000 persons, with the exception of the exception of the small peasant farm er, who retains a sufficient quantity of wheat and oats to feed - himself, are fed each day. Every ounce .of food is distributed by card. The single ration or "pioke," as it is called, consists "of a pound and a half, of bread and a portion of meat or fish and tea. The system has been ' perfected to such an extent that the ignorant peasant, who, in many in stances, might have doubted the effi ciency of the soviet system, has be-, come not only reconciled but, recol lecting his poverty-stricken condition under the czar's regime, is now con vinced that the new form of govern ment is equitable. The headquarters of the supreme economic council is in Moscow .and employs 25,000 persons in that city alone; the total number of employes all over the country is near the mil lion mark. The council has adopted the simplest method of distribution possible. Surveys-of the food on hand are made with the utmost exactness and then, when the fall harvest has been estimated, it is doled" out on a basis Depopulation all over the coun try. Making due allowance for th HE'S FASTEST MAN ON LEGS In Ye Olden Time hoop skirts were worn by those whe first asked the druggist for, and insisted on having the geeaine Favorite Pre scription put up by Doctor Pierce over ifty years ago. Dress nas !mnsed very Much since -then I But Dr. Pioreo'a medi cines contain' the same de pendable in- . . gredients. M hey are stand ard today just as the? wore . :fiftv vcars arro ' nd never contained aleohoL Beauty depends upon health. Wnrrv. aleenlesa ntahts. het mini, di.mrdera. irregularities and weak 3iesa of a distinctly feminine character - ixt a abort time bring the dull eye, the ' crow 's icet, ' ' the haggard look, droop Jag shoulders, and tho faltering step. To retain tho abearance of youth yov must retain health. Instead of lottos powders and paints, ask your druggist for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preeerlptioa). Ear OeXLAXD, Cal. "I have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription at different times for over twenty-fire rears, ad it has never failed me. One time I tsok it wham troubled with laflaimarioai hat it aoc helped me. At another fcUae I took it for severe pains ia ray right' aide; the ' Favorite ' riseerinjioiT. again helped, bm out,, and I was aooaVweU and stteng. lean' nlwave demand mm lO". JC JammmmmmmW AfMnmnmnmsBmnnnmM lmmmmKmmmmf The fastest man on legs. He is Char lie Paddock of . California who at Berkeley last week stepped the 220- 'yard dash in 20 4-5 seends thereby breaking a record of 21 1-6 seconds made by (Bernie Wefers Just twenty- five years ago. Four watches caught" Paddock at this mark one register- ing 20 3-5. government's lack of experience and the demoralization of the arteries of distribution, the soviet government has succeeded admirably in feeding the population of Russia. What is not able about all this is the astonishing fact that never before in the long his tory of Russia has every element been fed. To be sure, the feeding Is- inade quate and is far from meeting the needs of the people; but there is no actual starvation. -Mothers with babes at the breast receive a special, al lowance, as do all children, for the soviet government holds that the fu ture of Russia lies- with the children. It is Interesting to note that while the upper and middle classes in Germany are well fed, the laboring population is on the verge f oi starvation. In Rus sia there is absolutely no discrimina tion. i Certainly the system as I saw it at work is by no means free from mi nor abuses, as well as the intricacies of red tape. But on the whole it does the necessary work admirably. In Moscow I watched the food distribut ing agency perform its offices with re markable efficiency. Professor 'Mllu-' tov showed me through the' depart mental offices and warehouses and outlined the machinery of distribu tion to me. In addition to a central warehouse there are a large number of small shops or smaller distributing points throughout the city. At 'theso shops each day I beheld long queues or .people waiting In tu$n for their ration of food. The former aristo crat stood next to the industrial work, er; the former lr.dy of fashion gos 'slped familiarly with the laborer's wife or children about the quality of the meat or fish doled out that day.. At the shops, tea' is served at stat ed hours and the government workers are often fed at their desks when work is heavy and urgent. The govern. "ment staffs eat in their hotels, or in 'the Kremlin, if they happen to be em ployed there. Officials1 of tho govern ment are treated r.o better in this regard than the worklngmen. Lenlne and Trotsky eat at the Kremlin, for example, but they partake of the same food 'as the remote peasant in, the district, of Samara. Some specu lation flourished here and there, but this is unavoidable and while the government, on the whole, does, not wish to deal too severely with these offenders,' it cannot'-be said that spec ulation isi widespread. On the o'ther hand, where it is, particularly flagrant; the punishment is likely to be heavy and drastic. The law works with the strictest impartiality in these cases, as when 16 communists were execut ed in Moscow last summer for prof iteering on .foodstuffs.. 'If the present form of government survives in Russia, no small part of its continuance, I believe, will be di rectly due to efficiency and organiza tion of the supreme economic council, which has undertaken, despite the discouraging blockade, the almost im possible task of rationing 170,000,000 people. Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phono, main 391), res. main 1691.- 8tf Brown's. Dufur Stage Time Table Two round trips daily. Leave Bank hotel, 9. a. m. and 4, p. in. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tt Taxi Service Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar store. Telephone red 1711. R. Winter muth. d WOODARD & TAUSCHER Contracting: Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds. of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates 'furnished free of chargs. All Work Guaranteed, (telephone Main 6401 or Call at dates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving: Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 L. CLUFF M. M. PHIPPS I N SU R AN C E FIRE AUTOMOBILE GRAIN HAIL PLATE GLASS-PLIABILITY AND ACCIDENT Office Corner Third and Federal Telephone Black 531 THE MARYHILL FERRY IS RUNNING 9 From Grants, 20 Miles East of The Dalles, te Maryhlll Daily from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. EXCELLENT ROADS UNEXCELLED SCENERY MARYHILL FERRY CO. Special Trips Arranged Phene GoUsndale 31 2X CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thewae, Assistant Manager Lleeneee' KmtoMmers, Eetafcllahetf 1M7 Woman Atteaatos Telephenee ' Mr M. J. WIHertM ' Day Red Ml 1)11 Nlfhe Reel SH ,' J. H. Harper, Black 2112 Motor Equipment Cut Flowers y KM Bis Sate On Monuments LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM 20 Discount for Cash with Order It costs 20 'to sell monuments by agents. You, can save that one-fifth of the price by 'buying at the shop. Make your selection early and give us time to set work belore Mav 30th. Decoration Dav. General Publcity Versus Applied Advertising There are two kinds of advertising. One kind is called "gen eral publicity." Sometimes it is further described in phrases like "atmosphere building," "national prestige' or appeal lo "key consumers." It is the glittering generality of thinly spread, country-wide appeal ithe hit-or-miss way of trying to sell goods. It is definite, for it reaches all possible customers. Usual ly it tells them the merchant who sells the advertised goods . The other kind of advertis ing is "applied advertising." There is nothing myster ious or indefinite about it. It Is simply advertising in the columns of daily newspapers concentrated in the markets where the advertiser has a chance to sell goods. Applied advertising makes sales. Its results can be weighed and measured. .11. either pays or it does not. It generally does pay, and if it does not, the reaspn why can be quickly ascertained. Manufacturers and distibu tors are today turning to newspaper advertising, for these are the days of inten sive selling. They want applied advertis ing because this is the kind that keeps the cash register hell ringing. MAKE THE CHRONICLE YOUR ADVERTISING MEDIUM i i J4WMMB. Mtl-FMteammm mm