-U HACC EIGHT THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921. PEGGY JOYCE PLAN8 TO GET MILLION IN DIVORCE By United Now NEW YORK, April 15. If J. Stan ley Joyce, tin; enlcago millionaire husband of Peggy Hopkins Joyce, former Follies beauty, gets rid of her tir ?1,000,000, ho may consider that, lie has obtained his freedom at a bargain price, ttto pretty .Peggy de clared Wednesday in her expensive Park avenue apii'tucnts where she is in seclusion from process servers. "I'll f,el a million and tlien some more,!' the fair defendant in the Joyce annulment suit is quoted as saying through the closed door of her home, "and I can promise some startling things about Mr. Joyce if It comes to a showdown." The reason why she is not open lng the door to any more callers just now was understood to be that the summons in the annulment suit was served by a uniformed messen ger boy whom she unsuspectingly admitted, after outwitting regular process servers. The Beit Bio SUter BrcSwn's Dufur Stage Time Table Two round trips daily. Leave Bank hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf The Best Big Sitter SOVIET VOTES day had been disposed of, tho special delegates and guests were Invited to speak.' Madame Revitch, representing both the foreign office and the govern ment vorkers trade union, a most beautiful and Intelligent gentlowom an, addressed the meeting. Maxim Oorky and his wife were called on. When the famous dramatist and nov elist rose tho applause was deafen ing. He spoke in his capacity of com missar of art and education and his subject ws the future of both in Rus sia. It was a high-spirited address and when he had finished the palace rock ed with cheering. Zorln, secretary to iinovlev, and editor of the official newspaper, also spoke. When my turn came, I asked them what they would like to hear and they said almost unanimously: "Give us news of tho outside world ani what they think of us there." The session had opened at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. It was over by 10:30 o'clock. -As I passed out with the crowd, I reflected that the differ ence between a New England town meeting or democratic government anywhere and the soviet system was not so fundamental after all. The Beet Bto SUter Taxi Mayfleld's Taxi Telephone maim 5021. 27tf (Continued From Pago 7.) sorts of questions at the speaker. All the delegates, down to the humblest irray-bearded peasant, displayed re markable skill in discussion. It was most fantastic to soo 'kerchiefed peas ant women rise and interpose a ques tion, but all conductod themselves with dignity and decorum, as though they wore long accustomed to parlia mentary debate. Often whore a dole gate was too diffident or for some other reason did not wish to take tho floor, ho would write his question or objection on a shoot of paper and pass it up to tho speaker. I noted that in tho Pctrograd so viet, as in tho others I visited, almost all shades of political opinion wore represented. Tho communist faction wns counter-balanced by social demo crats and social revolutionaries, and hero and there was a sprinkling of anarchists. The dolegatos addressed each other from tho platform or tho floor ns "tnvarlsh," (comrade.) When finally tho voto was taken by a show of hands, I was astonishod at tho overwhelming majority the- mous uro rocoived. Puzzled, il turned to my Interpreter and said: "I didn't know they woro all In favor of the meas ure. For a moment I thought tho op position was very strong." Ho, how over, explained that while many ob jected to tho moasuro previous to dis cussion, thoy had reversed thomsolvoH without hesitation whon they learned that the futuro of Russia depended upon work. This seemed to bo typical of tho workings of tho Russian mind as 1 oncounloral it everywhere. Tho Russian worklngmen and peasant honestly bollovo in tho efficiency of a public oxchango of idoas au are perfectly willing to bo convinced If only tho question at issuo has boon completely thrashed out. Not only did tho soviet pass tho compulsory labor measure, but it oonsldorod at some longth tho, advisability of "Sabotny," which means giving up holidays and working without pay on those days for the government. After the Important affairs of tho Health Comos to you and tho children if von hiivo Dr. Piorco's Uoldou Medical Discovery in tho house. For "little-ones" und ''grown ups" this old fashioned vectah'.o tonic and blood-maker ts still used by tho million bottles every vear. '.It was first used by every body fit) years uro and is still safo nnd sano because it contains no alcohol or narcotic. It is made up of lUood root, Oregon Grapo root, Queen's root, Stono root, Cherry Hark, without, alcohol. Muko your blood redder and your health better by going to your nearest druggist anil ob taining Dr. Piorcostiolden Med ical Discovery in tablet or liquid form. Wam.a Walla, Wabh." When I bsd tho tnoaslea I went out it little too soon und took cold on my, limns, I had Bhr.rp mns. L tool; eomo medicine that I got from tho my, tore but nothing -lid me much good until I look ft bottle of Dr. I'iuivo'a Golden Medical Discovery, It did mc mat good. Tho 'Discovery' hits on my mother and ' (athor Iota ol good, too, (or neuralgia." M ibs loknok Uoomk, Linden 64., Route , Box . N EURALGIA or headache rub the forehead melt and inhale the vapors ICKS VafoRui i Ooet 17 Million art Used Yeatiy V THE MARYHILL FERRY. IS RUNNING From Grants, 20 Miles East of The Dalles, to Maryhlll . Dally from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. EXCELLENT ROADS UNEXCELLED 8CENERY MARYHILL FERRY CO. Special Trips Arranged Phono Gofdendale 312X Wholesome and Pure RvnfiSdH 1IGHT enough for invalids, jKfSBm'-:-'-V-j yet Olympic Wheat Hearts NPPaWsZR9ivD are sufficiently nutritious iflHBpPP i ir.A:AAA,A-.A.-A;s A New Local Service for Motorists Timken Roller Btarinj r Hyatt Jtoiler Bsarittg Baft Btartnt To provide motorists and others interested in automobile service work in this section with prompt, expert dependable service on bearings, we have established an authorized local service station for the Bearings Ser vice Company. The Bearings Service Company is the national service representative for t the Timken Roller Bearing Com pany, Hyatt Roller Bearing Company and New Departure Mamifiacturing Company. Supplied with authentic engineer ing records by these manufacturers and having immediate access to com plete stocks of new bearings not reground or second hand stock we can provide service in which you can place absolute confidence a bearing service that is exact, depend- able and prompt one that will make it unnecessary for you to be without the use of your machine pending the receipt of bearings from far off factories, ' WALTHER-WILL1AMS COMPANY, Parts Department 4 f Bearings Service Company CLEANUP-SALE SHOES Odd lots of men's work and dress shoes, women and children's shoes, will be closed out in the next two weeks' at extraordinary reductions, in some instances as much .as 50 percent. Beginning today COME EARLY WHILE SELECTION IS GOOD Here are Some of the Bargains 30 pair, men's black welt dress shoes, regularly priced $9.00, now $4.50 10 pair vici kid men's dress shoes, formerly $10, now , - $6.50 9 pair black calf dress shoes for men, broad toes, formerly priced $9.00, now $5.75 O'Donnell English last dark brown men's dress shoes, former price $15.50, now $9.50 Men's black calf English last 'dress shoes, regular ly priced $11.50, now $6.00 Six pair dark brown English dress shoes, formerly sold $10.00, now $5.50 20 pair men's mahogany calfskin dress shoes, f ord erly $8.50, now $5.50 30 pair blucher calf dress shoes for men, broad toes, regularly priced $12.00, now $8.00 12 pair brown Blucher last men's dress shoes, form erly $9.50, now $4.50 10 pair.dark brown calf, English last, formerly $12, now .-. $8.00 All Oxfords Greatly Reduced During, Sale. Men's Work Shoes 8 pair army last double soles, thoroughly reliable heavy shoes, cut from $7.50 a pair to ....$5.00 18 pairs plain soft toes, no caps, reduced from $8.50 to -- , $5.50 8 pairs heavy chrome leather, reduced from $8.00 to ....... -- $4.00 , White Shoes Ladies' white oxfords, high heels $3.00 Ladies' high white shoes, low heels $3.00 Children's shoes priced from $2.50 up You will find many other bargains in women's and children's shoes. Some of these will be listed later. Cowboy Boots, formerly sold at $22.00, now $15.00 John Wemmark t Across from Bank Hotel WOODARD & T A US CHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a. Specralty. Estimates furnished free of chargt. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block "WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS" lam .sasaiiaBask BaBaiBiaBSa sV Mmmm!s ELECTRIC SUCTION CLEANER Ballweg & Crandall 409 East Second Street The Dalles, Oregon ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 7 j