THE DALLES DAILY CHRONIC!--. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921. PAGE SEVEN SOVIET VOTES By SHOW OF HANDS i (RUSSIAN OFFICIAL SESSION) IS MUCH LIKE MASS-MEETING j , IN UNITED STATES. ed consecutively beginning April 15. United PreBB. Editor's Note: 'Patrick Quinland, an American citizen of Irish descent, recently arrived in the United fetates 'from soviet Russia. Quinland' had been connected with the labor move ment of the United States. At fist he was suspected Of being a spy and spent a month in jail. Later, he was allowed to see and hear everything he desired during his 11 months' stay in Russia. Owing to conflicting stories regarding Russian conditions carried by couriers and brought by travelers, the United Press asked Quinland to , write of soviet Russia as he saw it j The three stories- he wrote are releas-! y Patrick Quinland (United Prew sUff Correspondent) NEW YORK, April 16. Imagine a New England town meeting, discus sing in a straightforward manner its local affairs and voting by a' simple show of hands. That briefly, is about now a soviet, in the heart of Russia looks to a foreign observer. Be.tweon the Necy England town meeting and the typical Russian soviet in session there are, of course, several funda mental differences. But these grow out of the innate character of the Rus sian people and the diversity of their political ideals. I visited the Soviets of Petrograd, Samara and Saratov, among others, while in session. Thus I .was afforded an object lesson of the operation 'of present system of government in Russia. At the meeting of the Petrograd so viet, to which I was invited by ZIn ovlev, president and governor of the Petrograd district, I was startled by the variety of costume. Being the sec ond largest soviet in Russia. Moscow taking the first place, -it gave rather . . .i - ine appearance oi a nuge mass meoi- ing attended by a nondescript crowd of sailors from the Kronstadt fleet, soldiers on leave dressed in khaki or brilliant Cossack uniforms, working men in their working clothes and peasants garbed In simple white blouses and shod with picturesque sandals. Many women were present, some fashionably dressed, sitting next to their peasant sisters clad in smocks with varl-colored handkerchiefs on their heads. On the platform sat the president of executive committee, as well as numerous foreign guests and special delegates from outlying dis tricts, some having come from remote places in Siberia., The delegates are elected by their local trade-unions or guilds. As each member entered the ouilding in Petrograd the sessions take place in the Uritzsky palace where formerly the Duma convened he was required to show his creden tials to the military police who stand with fixed bayonets at the .door. The program for this session, n, .s the custom, was read by ZInoviev, who then proceeded to put each ques tion as it arose to the delegates. One of the propositions argued with not a little vehemence was that of compul sory labor. Speakers asked for the floor and then passed down the aisles addressing the assemblage .from the platform. As in the British parliament, the members arc frequently Interrupt ed from the floor which fired all (Continued on Pace t.) M. M. PHIPPS I N SU R A N C E FIRE AUTOMOBILE GRAIN HAIL-PLATE GLASS-LIABILITY AND ACCIDENT Office Corner Third and Federal Telephone, Black 531 . IV fcSSMEMBSfSly No inconvenience in making I . FOTDERALRESERVC!HP change, no risk in keeping cur- 1 I WSSL-iJffSkLSHr rency around the house if you J t iwHBHiHr ' carry a checking account with the I CfefrjsjBBy Wasco County Bank. 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