PAGE FIVE canrasacsnsBa WHAT WANT' STARRING THE INIMITABLE THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICS, FRIDAY, APRIL 15,' 1921. WOMEN 4 LOUISE HUFF 0 A woman. travels thousands of miles over land and sea to claim a Inan. Is she justified? SUNDAY CASINO The Little House with the BIG Pictures ' MONDAY RICHARDS' ORCHESTRA WITH SPECIAL ARRANGED SCORE Silk Unelerthings Dainty silk under things in flesh and white in the Milanese, t Satin, Crepe de Chine, and a new garment in extra heavy Jersey rib bed weave, prettily trimmed with rosettes and bows of the new two toned ribbon 'so popular a this -season-. - Silk Chemise, priced from $2.98 to $6.10 Silk Bloomers, from l..$3.00 to $8.00 Silk'Undervests, from $3.00 to $5.50 New Corsets all the latest models We have a full stock of all the newest models of the Gossard, Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets, including the new Sport Models, giving you the new Flat Back, bringing out the natural lines of the fig ure. Tafce advantage of the experience of our trained Corsetiere for we carry a model for every figure. Priced from$2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 to $14.00 NEW BAG TOPS Make your own Shopping Bag. We just received a new shinment of verv artistic Baer Tons. Just the thing to put the finish on the new bag. Prices very reasonable. 59c, $1.75, $2.00 to $3.75. , STAMPER PATTERNS In a large assortment of the newest designs of Center Scarfs, Pillow Tops, Lunch Sets, Aprons, etc. BEADS AND TRIMMINGS Here you can get all the new colors in Beads, Embroidery and Crochet Thread for trimming and fancy work. Our stock is very complete. ATTRACTIVE DRESSES FOR STREET AND AFTERNOON; The newest styles in handsome street and after noon dresses of Taffeta, Minuette Silk, Canton -Crepe, Kittenear Satin and Crepe de Chine, in all this season's most wanted and popular shades. Priced reasonably enough for any purse. $15.98, $19.75, $22.50, $25.00 and up - RAIN AND SHINE Silk Umbrellas SSI What is more pleasing to any woman than to carry a' pretty Silk Umbrella? We carry a complete line of Silk Umbrellas in all colors with fancy han . dies and tips in Bricalite and Ivory. Priced from $9.00 to $17.50 We Know What Women Want .Catering to Women's wants has been our spec ialty for a great many years, and we know that they want pretty Silk Underwear, Sheer Silken Hosiery, a Silk Umbrella, dainty bits of Neckwear, a handsome Silk Dress or Waist, a good looking Handbag or Purse, a pair of neat fitting, stylish Gloves or Shoes, in faqt this store is full of many attractive articles for , w.omen which we cannot ' hiehtiori' for lack 6f space. Now is a good time to purchase these many accessories to complete the wardrobe and put that finishing touch to one's ap parel that gives individuality to the wearer. We are listing T)elow many things that women want and appreciate, priced so low as to make them doubly attractive. Silk Hose Every woman knows the beauty and quality of Phoenix Silk Hose. We feature Phoe nix Hosiery because of its beauty wearing qualities and its extraordinary prices. Pure Silk, Lisle Top, full fashioned in Brown and Black, pair $1.95 Pure Silk, extra heavy,, full fashioned, pair $2.35 La France extra heavy, pair $2.50 Gloves Ivanhoe Silk Chamoi seude Gloves are a de light to every woman because of their lustre and heavy silks before and after washing. We have, first, what you want in all colors and sizes. Priced at 69c to $2.25 pair. .Centemeries and Perrin's Kid Gloves are second to 'none in style and quality. You will find a complete assortment here. Colored Lamb Skins, all colors, $2.50 pair. Plain, real Kid, all colors $3.00 Fancy Embroidered, Real Kid .'. $3.50 ai $3.95 ou Think Dri Goods "Think New Silk Over-blouses t -"cSif i Ty , frfi Beautiful new Silk Overbiouses in Canton Crepe Minuette, Georgette and Treco Silks, that are so at tractive in style and make up that you can't help admiring them in the new bright popular shades such as Tomato, Honey Dew, Zinc, Burnt Orange, Oriole and Harding Blue. Priced from $3.75, $5.50, $7.50 to $16.00 Smart Suits ATTRACTIVELY PRICED To dress in good style at a moderate expenditure is an, easy accomplishment when one buys at .this store. Here are the newest styles, colors and trim ming effects many being modifications of suits costing vastly more. Any woman would appreciate these suits, both from the standpoint of tne maxi mum in value and good style. Priced from $22.50 to $65.00 Some new Jersey Sport Combination Suits just in, made with Jackets of Navy, Jjide Green and Red with Tuxedo collar, cuffs and pockets trimmed with whitr and white 'skirts to match. Priced at $25.00. Neckwear All the pretty new Frills and Ruffling3 that go to make your dress attractive you will find in our Neckwear Department. Organdie leads in every thing. Organdie is everything. Here you will find a delightful surprise in our new Organdie Collars, Cuffs, Vests, Frilling and Vesting in separate pieces and matched sets. New Ecru Venetian Collars, Needle Point Sets, etc. Priced 69c to $3.00. HANDBAGS Where you always find the largest and best as sortment of Bags in town. Everything in the new ot shapes and shades. Beaver. Pearl Grev. Brown. Navy and Black, in Canteen shapes, Swagger Bags, Vanity Cases, etc. You will have no trouble in find ing the bag you like. In all prices from $1.69 to $10.00