The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 15, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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tons In Asia Minor, of the fail of ! which have boon living unknown to ! train ground to stop, the bandits
Jerusalem und the battle of Arma- them in Wasco county for, many, reaped from the train, jumped over
Motion Pictured of School Chil
dren Motion pictures of local school
children, taken at the various city
schools, will bu shown at the Ca
sino theater tonight and tomorrow.
The pictures were taken by the San
Joaquin picture company, engaged at
the present time in "shooting" scenes
in and around The Dalles.
Crosby Prominent At Hill Hill
Mi'itary academy cadets are anticipat
ing the trip the cadets will make from
Portland to Fort iStovens soon. Rod
erick Crosby of The Dalles will be
among the boys who will make the
trip. Crosby was a member of the re
ception committee for the dance giv
en by the academy last Saturday.
Dean Hicks Speaks Dean It. T. T.
Jlicks of St. Stephens' Pro-Cathedral
of Portland, delivered an Inter
esting lecturo at St. Paul's IJpiscopc,!
church Wednesday evening. Dr. 10. D.
Kanaga of Hood Itlver gave u brief
talk uiwn "Cancer Prevention." Re
lrcshments were served. Dean Hides
spent yesterday visiting with friends
in The Dalles.
To Bring Easterners J. T. Horlck,
vlco-pjesldent of the Oregon Stato
Chamber of 'commerce, left today for
Astoria, where the slate chamber will
meet tomorrow. The sfnte organiza
tion expects to take up plans for tho
bringing of easterners It) Oregon, for
tho purpose of -Holtllng the vast, un
developed agricultural lands of the
state, according to Horlck.
Ball Artists to Play White Salmon
The Dalles city baseball team will
journey to Whll o Salmon Sunday,
whero It will tanglo with tho learn
representing tho Washington town.
'Edward Woolsey, last year's pltclur,
has been secured to hurl for tho lo
cal team this season. Twelve players
will niaka tho trip to White Salmon.
On tho Sunday following, tho local
team will play at Grass Valloy.
Dr. Wirt To' Paint Word Pictures
Dr. Lincoln Wirt, who lectures to
night at tho courthouse, Is recognized
an ono of tho loading publicists and
platform men of tho period. His ac
tivities us war correspondent for the
Boston Herald placed him high among
Journalists. Ills description of condi-
geddon are the word paintings of a years. A complete combing
master. Dr. Wirt is m tne siaie lor
only 10 days.
Lecture on Psychology Professor
0. A. Greene, psychologist of New
York, is hero this week teaching
a class in this subject, will deliver a
lecture tonight in the city council
'chambers on fhe subject, "Sex, tho
Jissenco of Life." This is ono of a
series of lectures being given by Pro
feasor Greene, and Is considered to 'o
the most Important of those he will
deliver here. The lectures are free
and open to the public. Tonight's pro
gram opens at 8:15 o'clock.
To Secure Big Audience for McAfee
Tho pastors of the local churches
are making a big effort to have a
largo gathering of the men of the dif
ferent congregations attend ths
mar,s meeting at the Methodist church
Monday evening. Ralph McAfee, one
of the strongest of the younger men
of Portland, In a religious sense, and
executive secretary of the Portland
Federation of churches will speaK.
Special musical numbers are being ar
ranged for. This is the first gather
ing of this nature ever held in Ike
Four Held For Disorderly Conduct
Tracing the reported theft of a
quantity of bed sheets, Patrolman
McClaskey last night came unexpect
edly upon a little "party" being stag
ed in a room in u local lodging
house. Arrested, tho participants
gave their names as Archie Gibson,
George Knapp, Dorothy Miller ana
Mary Quens. The girls had stolen
the bed sheets and made undercloth
ing out of them, they told 'McClas
key, A charge of disorderly conduct
of tho
Jungles aiound Five Mile has resulted
in tho capiuro of a large number of
Ward has been, appointed state man
ager of- the Wool and Mohair corpor-
a fence and hailed a passing taxi. . atlon.
One of the passengers attempted
to follow the bandits, but he gave
vicious animals, including a mameatjuP the chase when one of them era
mg Jack rabbit and a deadly milk P,ied his revolver as he boarded the
Rnnlfo Sonfph fnr n vnnl t,i ! aUl Omoblle. '
legger, outside of jail, has so far been
The messengers wefe Eugene Old
cnwald, 18, and Edward Sundermach
er, 18. Officials of the clearing
Woodmen to Stage Celebration ( houses said that all checks were
Saturday evening will be tho occas- . signeu Dy
ion for a big celebration by Mt. Hood
camp No. 59, Woodmen of the World.
The local committee has arranged
for a big parade, led by the local
band, after which a community sing,
led by F. M. Sexton, will be enjoyed
by members and friends of the or
der. The drill team of Multnomah
camp No. 77 Portland,- the largest
camp in the world, will give an ex
hibition of fancy drills. Later In the
evening the dbgree staff and team
of the Multnomah camp will confer
the degree upon 75 new mem
bers from Hood iRiver, Dufur, White
Salmon and this city. Large delega
tions from other adjoining towns are
expected to be present. Mayor P. J.
Stndelman will present the keyB of
the city to the visitors.
The Best Big Sister
"Union .Station Scenes " April 20. 11
The Best big Sister '
"The Little Tycoon"
A comic opera. High school glee
clubs at the high" school auditorium,
April 22 and 23. 10
The Best Big Slfer
the Chicago Clearing
House and could be cashed at any
bank unless officials had been in
formed of the robbery. Word of the
holdup was broadcasted throughout
the country and warning issued to
banks not to cash the checks.
The Best Big Sister.
"Union Station .Scenes.." April 20. 16
The Best Big Sister
(Continued From Pagu 1.)
lng house offices at 9 o'clock to
carry the checks to outlying banks.
They boarded an Illinois Central
suburban train at Van Buren street,
was placed against tho members of:pannng to go first to the Woodlawn
the party. The two girls told the po-' ' Trust company.
lice that their home was in Port- -phe f0Ur bandits, who apparently
land, and that they had come to The j,n,j followed ttfem from the clearing
Dalles to visit with Gibson and house offices, boarded the train im
Knapp, local boys. mediately after the messengers.
When the train reached Twentieth
High School Circus-Plans for j street. all four bandits pulled re
presentation of the big amateur clr- volvef two covering the five pas
cus, to bo put on by girls of The Dalles aflnger8 aml the oUier two covered
high school, have virtually been com-1 the messengers. The satchel contain
plctod, it was, announced today. The lng the cheg were snatched from
big show will be staged in the high tne messengers' hands,
school gymnasium, April 22, when. The conductor entered the car and
for a small admission charge, the peo- the bandits ordered him to stop the
'pie of Tho Dalles may view tho manv train immediately. As the brakes
freaks of nature and wild animals wero applied and the wheels of the.
J. C. Penney Company A Nation - Wide Institution
Beautiful Silk Dresses
A shipment of most wonderful dresses
just received this morning of newest
styles and colors and materials. Come
early and make your selection. JEvery
woman can afford one of these beautiful
dresses. Priced at
Gillette Safety Razors, the $5.00 and $5.50 kind, only .'....$1.98
School Tablets at, 2 for 5q
Toilet Paper at, 8 rolls for 25c
14 Bars Crystal White Laundry Soap
2 Boxes Lux
2 Bars Creihc Oil Soap
V W.f - BB '
J, C. Penney Company A Nation - Wide Institution
Mrs. Fred . Hlllgen of Dufur was
visiting friends in the city yesterday.
J. C. Egbert made a business trip
to Portland yesterday.
S. F. Allen went to Hood
yesterday to visit friends.
' Lester McCorkle of Wapinltla is a
business visitor in The Dalles.
J. M. Cochran of Grandvlew is a
guest at the Bank hotel.
A. L Powers of Dufur is registered
at the Bank hotel.
Lloyd McCarty of Hood River is a
guest at Hotel Dalles'.
G. N. Hill of Wapinltla was a busi
ness visitor in The Dalles yesterday.
O. O. Pequet of Wapinltla is regis
tered at Hotel Dalles.
Dr.Belle C. Ferguson cf Portland
is spending a few days in The Dalles
with relatives.
Miss Esther Booth, oneof the city
teachers, has gone to her home In
Lebanon for a few days' visit.
Joseph Ditter and family of Yakima
'arrived today to visit Mrs. Emil
Mrs. R. A. Ward, formerly Miss
Alice Gunning, and her little daugli;
ter, Patricia, went to Portland yester
day, where they expect to reside. Mr.
Mrs. Joseph Melugin and two child
ren, who' have been visiting friends
here, left yesterday for -Gresham
where they expect to reside.
James Chester . Fulton of The
Dalles, who has been 111, Is today
welcomed back at Hill Military acad
emy where he is a popular cadet.
The Best Big Sister .
"Union Station Scenes." April 20. 16
The Best Big Sister
See "The Little Tycoon,"
Operetta, to be given at the high
school auditorium hy the glee clubs,
Friday and Saturday, next week. 16
The Best Big Sister
Brown's Dufur, Stnge Time Table
Two louud trips dally. Leave Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. in. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. U
The Best Big Sister '
'Round Coast Bases
By United Press
SAN FRANCISCO, 'April ' 15. H)rl-.
land's action of yesterday in miffing,
her perfect score of no victories by;
beating Sacramento 6 to 2, today was
the sensation, of .the baseball world.
After losing nine straight games
the Beavers turned on their oppres
sors and converted eight hits Into six
runs arid a victory.
Oaklanl, playing her first game on
tne home lot," lost 12 to 5 to the Seals,
giving the San Francisco gang a
string of 10 victories and no defeats.
ILos Angeles came from behind tn
the seventh inning and beat Vernon
4 to 2.
''. Seattle and' Salt Lake had to jrost
pone their game on account of rain.
The Best Big Sister
Yesterday's hero Heilman. The
Tiger outfielder pushed out a double
in the ninth inning with the bases
full and beat the White Sox, 6 to 5.
Joe Wood's double in the sixth
inning with two on the sacks put
the Indians ahead and they bea't the
Browns, 12 to 9. Speaker' used 18
Dutch Reuther lasted only a round
under the bombardment by the
Braves and the BrooRlyn Robins lost
11 to 4.
Ping Bodie got his eleventh hit,
but it didn't help the .Yankees and
they fell before the Athletics, 4 to
3. Babe' went hitless.
Bonne's errors and Marquard's in
effectiveness made it easy for the
Pirates to trim- the Reds, 7 to 2.'
Lee Meadows was mauled all over
the yard by the Giants and the Phil
lies were bumped to the tune of
10 to 2.
"Tumbled Down" Schacht had the
Red Sox at his mercy and the Sen
ators found Pennock easy, winning
by a count of 8 to 2.
Cardinals and the Cubs rain.
The Best Big Sister
"Union Station Scenes." April 20. 16
The Best Big Sister
$5.00 Slabs $5.00
Green slabs, 15.00 per cord, f. o.
b. cars. Van Dellen Lumber company, j
Knights of Pythias
Regular meeting Monday,
' April 18. Work in Esquire
rank. Visiting knights invit
ed. 18
t Board 'to Meet
The official board of the Metho
dist church will meet in the church
tonight Some' v.e'ry important busi-
f -
ness to transact and every member
is asked to be present. 15
Neighbors Take Notice ,
All local "neighbors and visiting
neighbors are requested to meet
promptly at 7:30 Saturday evening
at I. O. O. F. hall to participate in
large street parade and community
sing of Woodmen of the 'World. Ar
range your affairs and come it will
be worth while.
Seventh Day Adventlst
Services at the Seventh Day Adven
tlst church, 500 East Fourteenth
street are held regularly as follows:
Sabbath school at 9:45, preaching
at 11 a. m. and Young People's meet
ing at 3 p. m. Saturday. Preaching
aunday night at 7:30. 'Prayer and
missionary meeting Wednesday even
ing at 7:30. The public is invited to
attend these meetings. Elder P. W.
Province, pastor. Personal addr.383,
420 East Fourteenth street.
BBQ Ten of these rugs only on sale at this price;
SHb These are bargains worthy of your immediate attention. flSV
Bl Hackett-Cott Furniture Co. JH
BmLHAhbCIbbW m bbBsSbIbIbSbbHbbB
ILLLIIbHbLLLbwKHLLy Jtfmk. mmudwmttlmmmmM
JBBBIBaaiaBBBiiiiBBiBBB - fc ,