THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY," APRIL 15, 1921. PAGE THREE niiinnnr in i n.'r HJIVUKbt Id LlUt RINGED CIRCUS publicity is essential if one Would be up-to-date. By Sydney B. Whipple (United News Staff CorresDondent.) NEW YORK, April 5. ffew York .society folhs who contemplate airlns their .domestic difficulties in the courts and public prints must, if they would be up to date, go hire a press agent. James A. Stillman and' his wife, "FfTi" Potter Stillman, established the precedent which has opened up a new and amazing branch of the publicity profession. Each side of the sensational divorce action had its press agent. Not, as is usually, the case, to get "nice" things printed about themselves. The Bystem was reversed. The press agents werev hired to and did re veal to the palpitating public all the things the public wanted to know about the other side. This is the sys tem: "Mr. Stillman, it became known to day, named Fred Beauvais, an In dian guide, co-respondent in his suit -for divorce." . That put the burden on Mrs. Still man. Mrs. iStillman's press agent met the newspaper, men. (Nejjt day: "Mrs. Stillman, it was learned from an authoritative source today, accus es her husband of being the 'husband' of Mrs. Florence Leeds." Then it was Stillman's turn. His press agent countered with this: "Attorneys for Stillman are known to have in their possession a letter from his wife, alleged to contain a confession." "Fifl" Potter. Stillmaa's publicity agent rejoins with this: "Letters said to be in the posses sion of Mrs. Stillman's attorneys'show that Jame3 Stillman had no suspicions against his wife, even after the al leged letter, of confession." And as this battle of publicity grew warmer, bit by bit, the whole case was before the court of public opinion. The lawyers concerned, old and es- tablished firms, ethical and all that, of course, disclaimed "leaking" to the press. Perish the thought. But the press agent for Mrs. Still man was an ' employe of one of fler several law firms whee knowledge of the newspaper game and nose for news proved an invaluable aid to her side of the case. The press agent for ' Stlllmap. was a tried newspaperman who, since leaving the business, has become a publicity manager of one of New York's greatest corporations., 1 New York divorces are becoming more and more' like three ring cir cuses. Thefeett Big Sliter - Free Clinic No Charge ForExamlna- tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician, Third and Washington, main 601. tf 0- The Best Big Sitter Rummage Sale by SV Paul's Guild, April 18, 19 and 20, two doors north of the Black and Wlhlte, Court street. 16 SCHOONER CAPSIZES; FIVE MEN ARE RESCUED By United News .NEW YORK, April 15. A schooner capsized one mile off Scotland Light Messet, Just off the Ambrose channel, near New York Thursday night and five men were rescued from the overtuinod hull by a spiall boat from the" lightship. The ship was reported ..u luo the schooner Amos Brlggs, bin Llo ils records no vessel of that namo, giving, however, the Amos Pegs ot .New York, a boat of 6G5 tons. The rod and white lights of the ship -.o observed for a timernnu suddenly disappeared. Then the light ship made out the shape of the over turned hull with men clinging to the keel. The coast guard cutter Jresham was ordered to the wreck. The Best Bis Sliter Taxi Mayflejd'-Taxi -Telephone main 6021. 27tf The Beit B Sitter Are You Missing The rare "TreaTs we serve every evening between 5:30 and 8 o'clock. Table D'Hote dinners, ?l-00. Hotel Dalles. it The Beit B'fl Slttei II MADAME X I! (Preview.) 1 "Madame X," that dramatic tale of .'marriage gone wrong, was flashed up on ' the silver screen at the Casino theater last night in a preview. Guests of the popular show house sat through two hours of high interest. The drama- Is a showing of domestic life wrecked by misunderstanding. It- appeals, inasmuch as misunderstand ing Is at the basis of most trouble in the world. A friend of the husband seizes the 'wife in his arms despite her struggle to free herself and at that moment , the husband uses his eyes. The wife is denounced. She is ca3t out. Her downfall is begun. But she I comes back ts .her home' to see her . husband and her son. Mother love ac , tuates her. She pleads to see the boy but is refused. j To Buenos Aires' she goes trying to ( forget. Twenty years after the wreck of her domestic life, she meets a , man who is in South America al the earnest request of the French police. She agrees to return to France with him. ., Then she is mixed up 'with two blackmailing fiends and this man. , They seek to extort a big sum of mon- ey from her husband, now risen to great power. The man with whom she returned to France starts out on the mission. She seeks to prevent I him. iShe.will not permit anyone she , loves to be hurt. In desperation she murders the man. j Her son, grow to manhood, de fends her at her trial, unmindful that I she lg his mother. The husband of Madame X listens to the case. Then she is freed and her husband and her son learn her Identity. It 1b a dramatic story from begin-, ning to end, the cburt room scene being especially thrilling. The charac ter work of Pauline Frederick as Ma dame X is as fine a bit of acting as she ever did. And that is giving her extravagant praise. "Madame X" will be shown at the Casino theater tonight and tomor. row. TRIPLE BILL in - The Dalles School Children a In the Movies In the mind of every person there is a strong conviction that he would make a good movie star . All children possess latent talent. We are all more or less imitators we get this, according to Dar win from a long way back. Now in THE-DALLES SCHOOLS there are children with real ability. Is yours one of them? See and judge for yourself at the CASINO Friday and Saturday. fMiwiiiMrwrtBMffiBwBiBBA 'JlHBBflB9Kc&$re3BUBMBBBBBBBiBk .BBBBBBBBsi&S&ii Jbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb v ' ' 'bbbbbbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsSbBk feCTH&F s BBBBsfLBBBBBBn IISbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHIbb Mflpr ' mBSKftl IT MARY PICHrORO Mary Pickford's FIRST APPEARANCE Before a motion Picture Camera, with the Bioj graph Film Company, in the year of 1909, when she was only sweet sixteen, .'with the natural curls? This picture entitled "Broken Hearts" Directed by D. W. Griffith the famous director. In this picture you will see the following stars: MACK SENNETT, the Villian; OWEN MOORE, the Hero; HENRY B. WALTHAL, The Mexican Bandit; FLORENCE TURNER, the Cabaret Dancing Girl; also ROBERT HERRON and the GISH SISTERS. Come and see Mary Pickford when she started for $10.44 per week and now One Million Dollars for one production. -7-ALSO- PAULINE FREDERICK IN. THE GREATEST PICTURE OF MOTHER LOVE EVER FILMED X I PAULINE FRfDERO.'MjoWX' NOW PLAYING CASINO UNTIL SATURDAY MIDNIGHT The Little House with the BIG Picture!