PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921. LOCK NOW FAVORS (GREATEST GAMBLER FARM MACHINERY AND LABOR COSTS DECLINE NORMAL CROPS PLANTED. By Alexander F. Jones i United News Start Correspondent) COICAGO, April 15. The greatest. gambler In the world is getting a llttlo better run of luck than he has had for more than a year. Ho cannot see daylight yet, but ac cording to authorities here, it Is just over the hill. This gambler (he farmerdrew a needed ace here Thursday when the International Harvester company, the largest manufacturer of farm machin ery In the world, announced a 10 per cent reduction in (he price of most of its Implements. Within the last six months ho has mado progrers In filling his hand. Tn bor, exhorbltant in its demands a year ugo, is again asking reasonable wagon. Farm wages have taken one of the most pronounced slumps in the ( Industrial fiold. According to bankers, money will bo easier to get next fall, and "this again will help the farmer. Now he needs the biggest card assurance that falling prices on what he buys will bo followed by advanced prices for what he has lo sell. 'Willi no assurance that ho will get Oils card, American farmers every where are gambling with chance and planting an almost normal crop, ac cording to farm authorities. ' "Tho reduction in the price of ma chinery will be welcomed by the farm or, but It will do llttlo good this year," Bald J. V. Coverdale, secretary of tho American Farm Bureau federa tion. "Just tho. same farmers are tak ing a chance and the outlook is for a crop that will bo nearly normal." All factors in handling the farmers' crops uro cautious about any predic tions as to his chances of getting bet ter prices this fall. Bankers Inter viewed hero Thursday, today woro un usuully reticent. They, declared that tlioy would bo accused of building tho ninrkot'if thoy predicted bettor prices for this fall. "Hut If furmors mado monoy in 1913 feeding fifty cont corn to six cent nogs," said one official, "ho should be able to make money this year feed ing CO cont corn to eight cent hogs." Tho farmer Is going to bo obstrep erous about buying stock for feeders this year, it wastaled by .1. J. Law ler, ono of tho biggest dealers In "foador" stock In tho country. "Fannors are not. making nionov ' on stock and thoy are not buying feeders," ho said. drain men would not venturo a pre diction. Hankers hero pointed to tho roport that a bond Issue or ?40,noo,000. for . Jnnn loans will be Issued by tho government soon and declared that ' this would aid materially In getting farmers over difficult rough spots. There Is a grout Biipply of farm la bor on tho market that Is asking from ?:ifi to fSO monthly this year, instead of from 50 to f 70, it was stated by Charles J. Boyd, vlco-proal- dent of tho Illinois free employment bureau. "We havo more applications for farm work than we can handle," he said. The International Harvester com pany, in announcing its reductions in its products, announced it is following tho reduction in steel prices. In commenting on tho industrial situation, .Harold B. McCormlck, pres ident of the harvester corporation, said: "The principle trouble with indus try in the United States, I think, Is that by the severe and sudden decline In prices of farm products, agricul ture, the basic industry, has been thrown out.of balance with other In dustries. Restriction of tho equilib rum can be assisted by increasing the price, of what the farmer sells and decreasing the price of what he buys or by both processes." The Beet Big Sitter Watch- For "The Little Tycoon" operetJa .to be given by high school glee clubs, April 22 and 23, high school auditorium. 16 -The Beit Dig. Sitter Tripp's Cleaning and Dye works. 310 Union street. A20 ' The Bett Bio Sitter Slain 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01 tf The Beit Bio Sitter BODY OF MAN FOUND IN FIRE RUINS OF HOTEL By United Newt SANTA BARBARA, Cal., April 15. Laborers engaged in clearing away tho ruins of the Ambassador Hotel here today found the charred body of a man under a huge pile of ashes. No one has been able to- identify the FREE A Great Lecture TONIGHT feiV XrTMr. fit, '.BBBBBBBVVmdBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBKflMMiBBBBBBBBBBBfc. , M -;:v . u. 'M.'nBaaBHnBBHannn.A Pari LINCOLN L. WIRT, F. R. G. S, Just returned from Egypt, Palestine and Syria. 7:45 AT THE COURT HOUSE 7:45 He will describe The Capture of Jerusalem Battle of Armageddon An Aeroplane Trip from Dan to Beersheba The Truth About Armenia. FREE TONIGHT . body. A search of what s-ecords were saved has not given any clue. ; -The Bett Big Sitter "Union Station Scenes." April 20 16 The Best Big 8ltter Castle Gate coal We are unloading a car of Castle Gate Utah coal. Send ua your , orders. Prompt service? Maier & Schanno. IS The Bett Big 8ltter Typing and 1 Stenography doue at reasonable rates. Kosina A Fleck. Qffice Hotel Dalles. Real dence phone red 2332. tf Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF AFTER THE - SHOW DINERS will lind this a cozy, attractive nook for one of those late suppers you feel like eating be fore . bedtime. Each night we offer special dishes to tempt the palate of ladies and gentle men who have just come from theatre or soc ial functions. Merchants' Luncheon Served Daily Served 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. THE BLACK & WHITE Restaurant and Confectionery SATIN EGG SHELL Interior Wall Finish' Every Woman Will Want THIS FIVE PIECE Old Ivory Bed Room Suite WE ARE SELLING FOR $87.50 THE BEST BUY. IN THE STORE CREDIT IF DESIRED DOCHERTY & BARNETT Across from First Nutional Bank Is manufactured 'by a process that is exclusive with the f BASS-HUEpjR PAINT CO. Producing a wall coating unequaled for beauty, cleanliness and hygienic qualities. It works freely and is easily, applied SATIN EGfc SHELL FINISH AND OTHER BASS-HUETER PRODUCTS Sold in The Dalles by W. J. COLLINS WE DO CONTRACT WORK I Know What Women Want They want a happy home and in order to have a complete happy home there must be music in the home,, and women will not be satisfied with anything less than the best. So why not make her wants satisfied by getting her a nice piano, or Brunswick and believe me she will be satisfied and happy? SEE Corson, The Music Nan Talk to Me About Mother's Day Surprise