V PAGE TEN V THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921. JUDGE WILSON TO REVIEW ITER CASE STUDY OF HOOD RIVER VALLEY LITIGATION TO OCCUPY SUMMER. WORKING AT CAPITAL FOR FARMERS Prncrnss of an adjudication of claims to water rights in the IIoi'l river watershed now before tho circuit court here is being retarded while (he r.tate water board concludes work ol issuing a finding on claims advanc ed by tho Ml. Hood Water company, one of the oldest irrigation concerns, the system of which waters land in (ho Mt. Hood aor-llon. The water case waa transferred from the state water board to the circuit court hero last fall when a formal finding of the board was presented to the court. The state water board has been en. gaged since 191G In an investigation of the case, which resulted from lit igation brought by tho Oregon Lum ber company versus the East Fork Ir rigation district. Tho lumber concern, the Dee mill of which Is driven by electricity developed from waters of the oast nnd middle forks of Hoo.l river, sought to restrain tho irrigation district from making full use of tho .waters claimed from the east fork. The case was appealed from a deci sion in circuit court favorable to the irrigation district. Tho supremo court remanded tho case with instructions that tho state water board make a lull Investigation nnd return findings that would bring about an adjudica tion of water right claims In the dis trict, j Tho decision of tho state water board was favorablo to Irrigatlonlsts In every instance, and tho Oregon Lumber company and tho Pacific Powor & Light company interposed objections, which wore argued before tho local court in January. Several minor nrgumonts havo sinco been hoard by Circuit Judge Fred VV. Wil son. The objoctlon of tho Mt. Hood Water company, however, Involved tho taking of adit tonal testimony, and it was referred back to tho stato wal or honwl.' On rocolpt of tho board's findings, in the Mt. Hood objoctlon, Judge Wilson will proceed, it is stated by local - attorneys interested in the litigation, to reviow tho voluminous tostlmony and render his docislon. Tho work, however, it is expected will roiiulro nil summer, and a decision Is not expected boforo fall. The trans cript of proceedings of tho water board nnd testimony fill about 1,500 pages, and briefs filed by attorneys require another 500 pages. The trans cript Is the most voluminous over tlJ cd In local litigation. The Best Ola Sister- "Union Station Scenes." April 20. 10 The Best Big Sister THREE GANGMEN Charles S. Barrett, farm union rep resentative In Washington, who, with all otfior agricultural organization members is making a big drive upon the new administration for govern mental help in working out now mar keting plans for all food and farm products. MANY ATTRACTIONS AT AMITY PUBLIC MARKET (Continued Prom Piu 1.) composure until Hhu trap was sprung. Cardinella was hanged for tho mur der of Andrew Bowman, a crime for which two members of his gang have already been hanged and for which two othmfc are now solving life sen tences. Korrorn and Costanzo wore hanged for the murder of Antonio Vnrchctlo, a baker, in a hold-up. Tho Best Bio Sister MINING MAN (Continued From Phk 1 ) complete a denial of thu charges of improper Intimacy with .Mrs, .Stokes as Hdgar T. Wallace, tho California oil millionaire had made to tho alle gations concerning himself during die few days preceding. Shrolor's alleged Intrusion Into the family scheme of I ho Stokes was said by witnesses to havo occurred In 111 17. tho year of the mating between the aged millionaire and tho fresh, oung bo.iuty liom Denver. Witnesses havo hwohi to seeing him and Mrs. Stokes embracing and kissing at the Stokes summ,r home at Umg llranch, N. J., but Schrolor said the only two times tie ever visited tho home ho wont with Stokes hlmsuli and two olhor guustH. Ilo never went there ulono, liu said, nor did he, as a chauffeur had testified, participate with Mrs. .Stokes and others In an automobile tour of beach rotoris and llroadwny lanelng places. In facl, as far as ho could remember, ho was In Me.vlco nt the time of the alleged motor party. Jlelng a Denver man and Mm. Stokes a Denver girl, Selnoter said ho had known her when sha was a child In bhort skirts ami he recalled iftu people used to call her "Carrots" then. Onco after tho nmrrlago he took her to dinner, her husband then bolus In Kentucky, ho admitted, but ho sal 1 lie delivered her to her homo at dusk, Ths Best Big Sister Bring Your Friends In to our noon luncheons, CO cunts. Yon Will bo satisfied. Hotel Dalles. 10 (Continued From Pngo 1.) ruloB wore costing them close to $1100,000,000 a -year. Part of the decision was a victory for employes tho board went on rec ord ns favoring tho making of rules for tho successful operation of the railroads. By United Neva CHICAGO, April 15. In a aweop Ing decision late Thursday, tho Unit od States labor board uphold tho principle of national working agree ments between' railroads and railroad employes. The board ordered, however, that the existing national working rules, entered into botween the omployes and tho federal rnil administration ro to terminate oir July 1, Modifications in the present stringent rules will bo made and financial relief thus afford e'd thu loads. The board orders tho carriers and employes of each road to hold confer ences on working agreements, "at the earliest possible date." Tho result of these conferences are to bo reported to the board, which will piwnulg.no such rules aa It dotei mines Just and reasonable, as soon after July '.'1, 1021, ns Is reasonably possible." The board reserves the right to tor initiate the agreements before July 1 on any class of employes of airy car rier It may see fit, and also reserves the right to continue them after Mutt date If It believes "any carrier Is un duly dolnlng the progress of the ne gotiations." This decision virtually settles the hitter rules controversy that has been before tho railroad board for several mouths. Hearings will be continued, however, that the board may have moro information on which to base its final decision In July, "The board believes that certain rules are unduly burdensome to the carriers and should bo modUied," the order states. "It may bo well that other rules should be modified In tho interests of thu employes. "Tho board is unable to find Mint nil rules tmibodted In the nut to:: a! The Public Market, under tho man agement of the Amity club, at the Odd Fellow's building, Is attracting much patronage. The Dootns are su pervised by competent saleswomen. Manv ncoDle are flndlnK that they need a shoo shine when, ftiey see the wonderful shines produced by tho energy of the Y. W. C. A. girls, who are ready with all tho materials needed. The Japanese tea room, which Is nrtlstlcally decorated with lattice work, flowers and singing ca naries, operates from 4 to 5 o'clock In 'the afternoon. -Klniona clad girls serve tea. The adjoining booth can Wrnish the purchaser with home made candles, books, nheet music, cut flowers or potted plants. The clothing sale offers some real bar gains In shoes, dresses, children's suits and other wearing upparol. Tho curiosity shop contains "articles too numorous to mention. Tho fish pond appeals to tho children where sur prlso packages aro "fished" from be hind a curtain. The art booth Is presided over by smiling women, who point out to you their beautiful pic tures (?), decorntod china, lamps, milk bottles and oil can. Tho cafe teria lunches nro of wholesome homo cooked food, tastefully served. Fruits, vegetables, canned fruits, fresh eggs nnd country butter can bo purchased for a nominal cost and should bo investigated by the housewife plan-' nlng tho Sunday dinner. The Best Big Sister RAIL "AGREEMENT" agreements, orders of the railroad ad ministration constitute just and fea-' sonable rules for all carriers parlies to the dispute. It must, therefore, re fuse the indefinite extension of the notional agreements on ad such car riers as urged by the employes. "The board alno deems It inadvis able to terminate at qnce, Us direc tion "of decision number two (govern ing wage and workfng rules) and to remand tho dispute to the individual carlers and their employes.' Such a course would leave many carriers and their emplojcs wli bout .any rules reg ulatlng working conditions. "If the board should recommend the dispute to the individual carriers and their employes and should keep the di rection of decision number two in ef fect until agreements should be ar rived at ,it is possible that agree ments might not be entered into. "The board believes nevertheless, that certain subject matters now reg ulated by rules of the national agree ments are local In nature' and require consideration of "local conditions. It also believes that other subject mat ters now so regulated are general In character and that substantial uni formity in rules regulating such sub ject matter is desirable." The decision, while thus making concessions on both sides, recognizes the prlr.jiple of national agreements on general subjects, which was stren uously lodght by executives. ' It also will relieve, it is predicted, the railroads from many stringent rules which, they claim, are costing them millions of dollars monthly through .excessive wages, overtime and bonuses. Labor groups, it was stated, re garded the decision as one of the greatest victories for organized labor over won in this country. The Bei Sig' Sister TALK WITH CUBA THE BEST BIG SISTER IN THE WQRLD m - 'fK JsWsSsv 'i$3sT We have homemade cakes and pastries, fresh vegetables and fruits, fresh butter and eggs, and many other things that will please your fancy. Buy your Sunday dinners at the public, market In Odd Fellow's hall. (Continued From Page t.) equalled a t,nlk from London to Pekln or from London to Calcutta. As I came away on Mils', the anni versary of the day I first went o school at the Wasco Independent acad emy I thought of the little old mag neto telephones first installed for neighborhood conversations in The Dalles years after my first school day and how wonderful had been the suc cess of science In making, a neighbor- in January, the colonel called for two hood of the world. I thought of the volunteers from each company, who day a few years ago when I had seen had the best hprses, to ride out on a Wright 'fly for eleven minutes at Fort scouting party. William C. Smith and Myer and heard people gasp with' the wonder of it. il speculated on the pos sibilities of the future in telephony if progress should be commensurate with progress in navigation of the air, during the past 10 years. j Nobody in Havana asked the Wash-' ington talkers, "What will you have?" acrosn ,lhe 15,000 miles of space, al though Major General Crowder trench ed pretty near such subjects to the great delight of those present at the epoch making occasion. . U rode out for the. Yamhill company. Smith was commonly known as "Bill Chick." "Riding south until about 3 p. m. we suddenly came upon a ban"d of Indians, as we rounded a sharp ridge. The Indians were charging straight for us. We primed and capped our guns and charged at the Indians, who then change; their course and started south. We overtook them at the old emigrant road and here the first In dian was killed In the Cayuse Indian Several hundred were present at war Dy chicl:. the Washington gathering and tho" ,. , . ... , ... , , , . : 'Another vivid description of a dlf- American minister said that the gath- .,,.,. . . , , , . ... terent fight in the campaign, is given erlng at Havana was not less-splendid. . . . . . , , ., , 4t , . , , by Captain Still well in his letter. It was one pf those occasions which "While hunting my way back to tho etch themselves into the memory for a life time a monument not only to American Inventive genius but to the wonderful management of the great private organization which had made it possible to chat across a continent a's easily as across a table. . v The Best Big Sister "Union Station :Scenes." April 20. 16 The Best Big Sitter SKELETONS TELL (Continued From Pace 1.) and camped up the river about five miles from its mouth. There were no roads in those days. The next mprning, the last Friday darts. They stfon learned, however, company I was cut off from my party by about 40 Indians, who charged down on me, thinking that they had easy prey. My horse was pretty well winded by this time and they soon got close enough to shoot their ar rows. My horse soon gave out so that I could not get her out of a trot and I jumped off and took it afoot. "Then commenced a race for life, in which :l was greatly handicapped by the Indians being mounted on t'resh horses. 'Soon all closed In on me, shooting as fast as they could and filling the air with their deadly that my gun was to be respected ( whenever it spoke, many Indians go ing to the happy hunting ground dur ing this skirmish. Captain Stillwell finally escapbd under cover of darkiss, bearing with him to this day an arrow which struck his hip during the thick of the fight. As no white soldiers were reported killed in this war, tho only local trou ble between the whites and the In dians, Mrs. Crandall is of the opinion that the skeletons found Wednesday are either those of Indians, maybe killed In this war, or of a party of white prospectors, returning from the Idaho country nnd killed by t:ie Dan dlts who Infested this district in the early days. The fact that all of the skulls found' were crushed, would seem to indicato.that the latter hypo 'thesis is correct, Mrs. Crandall ex plained. The crushed skulls would mean that all of the persons were' killed while asleep. The McClellan army saddle could be accounted for by the fact that it was common cus tom in, the early days 'for a prospector to use his saddle as a pillow while sleeping in the open. The Best Big Sister "Union Station. Scenes." AprH 20. A6 The Best Bio 8lster BABE RUTH TOO FAT TO SCOOP GR0UNDER8 . By Henry L. Farrell (United Press Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK, .April 15. Babe Ruth .happens to be Babe. Ruth. Otherwise he probably would be rubbing elbows with the bench warmers. ,So far in this very brief dagh some' where for the Yankees, the slugger king has been an awful bust. , k His hitting has been good euoush- '.550, but his fielding has been .Just about the same fifty-fifty. With a roll around his waist that has him about 30 pounds overweight, the Bambino is too fat to bend over after them and too slow to get back under them. In company with Bob Meusel in right and Ping vBodlo In left the Babe is helping the Yanks to j get the worst outfield in baseball. When the. Bambino gets his home run machihery in working order he may win many games for the Yanks but he'll lose many more if he doesn't 1'get in condition to field as he did I last year, which, of Course,, was tkr I from the Speaker 'variety of skill. fill 1 sfsBBW THE DELTOR Try using this wonderful patented invention the Dehor with the new But terick Patterns. It will mean a great saving for you on your materials from Vi to lh yards and this saving of materials often means quite a tidy little sum in dollars. But better still it gives you complete instructions just how to make your dress from the time you cut in to the materials until it is completed. Ask about it at our pattern counter. .SILKS T' For spring and summer are immensely popular. Just look through all the new spring and summer fashion magazines and see how many of the new garments are of silk. Fortunately the new price of all classes of good silks are so much lower than last season, in many instances' less than half price. Come and see dor yourself all the lovely new silks which we are offering. ' Taffetas , Pick up any fashion journal and see how popular they are. We show the best qualities and all the late colors in fine Taffetas at $2.39 to $2.48 per yard ' Black Taffetas Are exceptionally smart for the new season's dresses. Don't forget the best values in Taffetas are here and are priced at $1.75 to $2.98 yard Satins for Sport Wear Very smart and attractive costumes can be made up in combination col orings such as Black and White, Nay and Grey, Turquoise and Sunset, Browns and Tans, etc. See our lovely assortments . of fine Satins, full yard wide, at $2.75 yard. Heavy Canton Crepe The real quality Crepe for costumes of every description. Full 40 inches wide. Lton't fail to see this lovely new materials. Per yard $5.00. Clrepe de Chines Adapt themselves wonderfully to the new spring and summer fashions. You will find all the brightest new colorings here in our exceptional as sortments ranging at $1.89 and $2.25 yard. PONGEE SILKS Always popular but more than ever in de mand this season. 89c, 98c, $1.48, $1.59 $1.69 yard OYSTER WHITE Heayx Suiting PONGEE For skirts and dress es. Exceptional value. At $2.39 yd. WHITE SHANTUNG SUITINGS See our special value At $2.39 yd. All sorts of Wash Satins, China and Jap Habutai Silks, also full color ranges of genuine ABC Silks and Aledo foundation Silks. EDW. C. PEASE CO. .