The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 14, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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By United Press
CHICAGO, April 14. Tho first ef'
. , fect o tho slash In steel prices was
felt hero today when a straight 10
. percent cut In prices on all farm ma
chinery, made partly of steel, was an
nounced by the International Harvest
er company.
Tho reduction applies chiefly to har
vesting machinery, covering grain
and rice binders, shockers, reapers
nnd push machines, mowers, hay
rakes, side delivery rakes, .tedders,
loaders, corn binders, buskers, pick
ers and silo fillers.
A reduction of 10 percent In prices
on all farm machinery composed prin
cipally of wood and Iron was announ
ced last month by the harvester com
pany. 'Tho announcement said' that "the re
duction comes in stool prices at a
time when this year's product has
been provided for and will have no
effect on the cost of machines sold
this year.
v "However, it does es'abllsh u I w
,fer replacement cost," , the statement
said, "and, serves as tho basis of "a
5 price to which our customers arc en
.'. titled and which wo ar willing to ac!
cept." . .
(The Beat Big Sister
- See ''The Little, Tycoon,"
, Operetta, to,, be given at the hie. It
school auditorium by tho glee clubs,
Friday and Saturday,, noxt weok. 1G
The Best Big Sitter
Are You Missing
' : Tho rare treats wo serve every
i; evening between 5:30 and 8 o'clock.
Pablo D'Holo dinners, $1.00. 'Hotel
' 'Dalles. ib
The Beit B'g Sister
(Continued From Pago 1.)
, with a 1 to 0 count against them and
: won out from the Braves.
Ragged infield dofense cost the In-
dians a, victory to tho Browns. Speak
er will probably have a lot of trouble
until Wamby or Lunte got back Into
the gamo Tho youngsters on second
and short make the infield lack bal
ance. Evon without Oroh, Roush and
Kopf, tho Beds wore good enough to
bout tho Pirates. If Bohno and Fan
bccu play and hit nil season us they
did yesterday, Pat Moran won't miss
the holdouts so much. Bohno got i
doublo and a triple, and Fonnecn got
a single and a trlplo.
The Best Big Sister
$5.00 Slabs $5.00
Green slabs, $5.00 per cord, f. o.
b. cars. Van Dollen Lumber company.
The Best Big Sister
(Continued From Vasa I.)
when the latter arrived ut tho apart
ment. "I didn't want any fuss and noise
around tho place at (hat time of night,
so I met Andrews and numbor two
at the door," Cahlll said.
"When I told them what number ono
had said, number two didn't want to
coma in, but Andrews said It was 'ail
right' and the went upntuirti togeth
er. Number ono was pretty soro but
ut'ler Andrews had argued for a few
minutes she consented to let number
two stay there during the night with
out raising a rumpus,
"I told them, and Andrews, too, that
ono of them would have to vacate to
day, however." t
Andrews married Aumisla llaymw,
a divorcee, a mumbor of a wealthy
(New England family, at Portland,
Maine, on July 17, 1912, and Is said
to have married Miss Esther Marie
Tatnall, 25, a blonde stenographer
and telephone operator, believed to
ie a member of a respectable Pitts
burgh family, at Greenwich, Conn.,
last January 2G. And his wife, presid
ing over her home in the fashionable
Kennsaeler apartments in Jersey
City, was astonished und duzed when
Andrews, on arriving homo at night,
brought in his new mate, himself car
rying her suit case, and announced
that she was to share the home.
"Ho simply said that ho loved her
and that she was coming here to live,
said Mrs. Andrews number one over
the telephone to the United Nows
"He is out with this young woman
his sweetheart now at 11:45 at night
But that Is nothing unusual. They al
ways go out In tho evening while I
stay here with my two little boys
the sons of Mr. Andrews.
"I don't know what 1 shall do. I
have consulted my lawyer but whoth
er 1 shall sue for a divorce J have
not, decided. I have to remain here
temporarily, even under these clrcum
stances because I have nowhere to
go and take our children.
"I certainly am not friendly with
this young woman but I would heal
tate to give an opinion of hor because
1 realize that Iam prejudiced against
Mis. Andrews number one is sulci
to have betaken herself to a small
alcove bed chamber for detachment
from tho .strange romance that was
being enacted. She had hopes at first
she said, that the affection between
her husband and the younger womnh
would prove to be but a passing In
fatuation. "But It grows," she admitted, in a
tone of resignation, "and I have no
more hope."
Each wifo is said to have her own
automobile and the two children, John,
six, and Harley, eight, are believed to
be on terms of guileless friendship
with tho woman who has supplanted
thoir mother in tho heart of their
father. Harley is a cripple but is re
gaining the use of his limbs.
Andrews is quoted as explaining
that ho went through a marriage cere
mony with his supposed first wif'j,
but ho did not actually marry her be
cause of some technicality, the nature
of which he would not reveal. The sec
ond wife apparently felt secure in her
position on uccount of the same belief
in the technicality.
The Best Big Sister
i.Vew stylos of solid leather, full
vamp shoos for boys have just been
received. You will find these stjles
moderately priced after noting ihe
quality, 12dw. C. Peaso company. 11
rThe Best Big Sister
Yesterday's hero Georgo Kelly.
Tho skyscraper first baseman of tho
Giants Binuckod a homer in the elev
enth inning that beat the Phillies 10'
to 8.
Babe Kuth hit two doubles and
throe singles In five visits ,n the
plate, helping the Yankees to boat the
Athletics 11 to 1.
Bohno and Fonsoca, recruit infield
ors of tho Reds, got two hits each
and figured In the 5 to 3 victory over
tho Pirates.
Two wild throws In tho third lit
nlug gave the Browns a 4 to 2 win
over the Cleveland Indians, Smith hit
a homer and Sowoll made three er
rors, The Best Big Sister
By United Prusa
San Francisco Seals retained their
place at tho head of the Coast lea
guo percentage column today with
a record of nine victories and no de
feats. .Portland hud an equally firm
grip on tho other end of tho col
umn with no victories and nine do
feats. Sacramento and Portland staged tho
stellar unguKoment yesterday a 13
to 0 shutout with Sacramento on the
i;t end. Hyan, Dick und Mollwltz
of the Solons clicked off homo runs,
San Francisco humbled tho Oaks
HI to li; Salt Lako bout Seattle 3
to 1! and Vernon shut out Los Au
iUtles 2 to 0.
The Best Big Sitter
Hy United Nowa
WASHINGTON, April . 14 Govern
ment action looking to goueral am
nesty for political prisoners probably
will await establishment of. the de
claratory peace with Germany.
This attitude of tho administration
was indicated Thursday after a dele
gation from the political amnesty
oommitttH) had called at the White
House to ll,rgo President Harding to
exercise clemency,
Morris Hlllquist. prominent social
ist, said the president received the
of every individual Is being given
"We are appealing for Justice in
behalf of victims of a morbid and an
normal political situation," Hlllquist
told the president.
"We arc not Invoking clemency or
favors for criminals. The men and
women whose cause we are pleading
have committed no offense against
the person or property of their fel
low men."
The delegates paraded to the cap!
tol later in the day wearing arm
bands marked, "amnesty." They pre
sented a petition to Vice President
Coolldge reading "amnesty" signed
aOO.OOO people.
A special deputation of lawyers
which called on attorney general
Daugherty was informed that the de
partment of justice was inclined to
The Best Big Sister
Dr. S. Burke Masscy, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phono main 3911, res. main 1691. 8tf
The Best Big Sister-1
Taxi Service
Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar
store. Telephone rod 1711. R. Winter
muth. i,
The Best Big Sfster
By United Press
CHICAGO, Aplrl 14 Ed "Strang-
ler" Lewis, heavyweight wrestling
champion of tho world, flopped Jim
Londos, Greek wonder, in a one fall
match here last night with a head-
lock in ono hour and 52 minutes.
Stanislaus Zbyszko won a one-fall
victory oyer John . Pesek, r Nebraska
farmer, throwing him in one hour
and 33 minutes with a half Nelson
nnd crotch.
The Best Big Sister
(Continued From Page 1.)
lives; but all have eventful lives,"
said Kirk. "I believe that a ballot
of all teachers in the nation would
show, that 95 percent of tho teachers
aro against Parent Teachers' asso
"Quite often these associations
start with the best intentions upon
the part of the parent members. But
soon interest dies out and other per
sons, perhaps not so desirable as
members, gain control of the work
of the association. We have instances
on record where such associations
have been used for .political pur
l- i r
poses, such as the election of alder
men or city councllnien."
Digressing from his topic, Super
intendent Kirk took occasion to take
a verbal rap at the "so-called modern
Institution; the home."
"What has become of the home;
tho good, old-fashioned home of our
younger days?" ho continued. "li
seems to me that the majority or
the present homes aro nothing more
than a place for our boys and girls
to out ami sleep In. Our children aro
so used to staying away from homo
for tho greater portion of tho time
that wo may soon have a race of
people who can't stay at home."
Night practlco for school plays,
dobates and other school activities.
nnnihtiinil wl li Vi r InfliinTina ft mn,
LUIIIUIIIVU tkti is vi v-vv v ,
tlon picture shows, and pool halls,
With Salads
Snow Flakes are just the thing to serve with.all kinds of
safads. To make sandwiches for lunches and suppers.
With soups and bouillons, of. course. In fact, there are
so many ways you can use this dainty member of the
P. C. B. family, you'll want to keep a generous supply
on hand.
Buy them from your grocer In red packages or lamily tins.
Don't ask (or crackers
AaeOitr P. C. B, product
A tktett met4 crwa imt
wtck A T4t UtwiM.
Ymt (tmw tea mtfaif yea.
Pacific CoMt BtacU Go.
were given by Kirk as a few of the 1
many things which are occupying
the mind of the younger generation,
to the exclusion of tho home.
With organization work completed,
the following officers of Tho Dalles
Parent Teachers' association wcrej
elected: Mrs. J. Minor Booth, presi-
dent; Mrs. L. A. Duncan, vice-presl-i
dent; Mrs. John Van Dellen, secre-
,. , n . , , 1
tary; Mrs. J. B. Kirk, treasurer.
Another meeting will be held
the near future, it was decided.
The Best Big Sister
Bring Your Friends In
to our noon luncheons, 60 cents. You
will be satisfied. Hotel Dalles. 16
The Best Big. Sister
(Continued From Page 1.)
the basis of tho Versailles treaty
without the leaguo of nations cove
nant. Fifth Submission to the senate of
the constructual agreement drafted
for establishing such a peace.
After this is concluded, if it works :
out as administration authorities hope'
and believe, that work(of forming an
association of nations which this gov-'d
ernment could enter, would be taken
up. J
The Best Big Sister
(Continued From Pe 1.)
cili'ate the admission of Russian de-ty
portees, but that a mutual repatrla-
tlon might fie arranged, which would
permit the release of Americans who
are being detained in Russia.
While no decision has been reachct
yet at the state department the situa-
tloh is receiving the closest consider
ation because of the several Import
ant problems it Involved.
In some quarters the soviet action1
In closing the Russian frontier and-4
following with the suggestion that rep-J
resentatives of the two countries,
"discuss" tho situation, is interpreted
as a move to obtain some gesture of
recognition from the American 'gov
rnment. ;
'Officials admitted that the matter)
of 'deportation had become partlcu
lar)y perplexing as a result of the so
viet ruling closing the border. The
sailing of a ship from' 'New York, In-"
tended to carry more than a Hundred!
Russians back into soviet land hudi;
been postponed on orders from the
department of labor, because of the'
uncertainty as to how to dispose ot
the Russians, once they were landed,
in Europe, It has been suggested that
the Russians could be deported In EsJ
thonin, Letvla or other states adjacent
to soviet Russia, but should these.
countries decline to .receive the de
ported bolsheviks, an embarrassing
situation might be created for the
United States.
This government, as one official ex
plained, Is In a position of having its
deportees "all dressed up nnd no placdi
to go."
Because of its relation to. the plight
of Americans imprisoned In Russia,
the situation is attracting added at
tention. About 20 Americans are helcL
in Russia, in varying degrees of con
finement. Ont of them, Lieutenant
- m -
Emmet Kllpatrlck, a Red Cross off!-
cer, was reported recently to have
been sentenced to life imprisonment,
others, according to reports arc being
held in solitary confinement, under all
most intolerable conditions and with
scanty food supplies. .
Past efforts by the state department
t0 gecure thel, ro,eaae throUBh Scan.
mnnvjan-' officials have failed, the
... ,, ... .... . . , .
bolsheviks taking an attitude which
Under the old administration the
I state department declined to enter in-
These are wonderful days to shop and you'll
find a whole lot of New Merchandise to interest
you here. But better still there's the new low,
prices on all the most seasonable merchandise which
makes shopping all the. more a real pleasure. Just "
note for instance the following items which repre-u
sent only a few of the many splendid bargains we ;
offer. , . i
Extra good size and
extra good value.
Only 15c Each
New Fancy Dress
In splendid colorings
and designs; 38 inches
39c per yard
Cotton Warp
Fine for summer rugs
or for bath rooms.
Launder perfectly.
Only $1.48 each
Made full size of good
quality Percale. Lights
and darks.
Only 98c each
The new Delineator for May is ready. Did you?
get your copy?
Edw. C.
Important news
for every
With the opening of the fish
ing season April 15, we intro
duce our new stock of Win
chester fishing rods, reels and
Th4, right fishing tackle has
a? lot to do with your luck in r
I 1 1 .1 4 1.
unuHlUK uuuiu ii buuu uuicn.
Winchester fishing tackle is
designed by experienced fish
ermen for fishermen who ap
preciate the "just right" outfit.
Let us outfit you for good luck. (S
Stadelman-Bonn Hdw. Co.
to any such direct contact, apparent
ly on. tho theory thnt to deal directly
with the soviet authorities might im
'ply recognition.
State department officials are still
studying the question but it was point
ed out that In view of Secretary
Hughes' recent statement declining to
trade with Russia, and announcing
America's attitude, negotiations for
the exchange of nntional3 could
scarcely bb interpreted as a change
in American policy.
Full yard wide. Etl
value.' Special ta j
19c yard
Fine black sateen, well
made and all sizes.
Only 98c each
Protect your clothes. A
new shipment just re
ceived. t 1
G9c, 89c, $1,00
i i -
Extra value and splen-
did quality. Flesh color
all sizes. '
Pease Co;
Winchester Split amboo Rods
combine strength, action, bal
ance and fine finish. They are
strong, light made by experts.
Fly rods, bait rods and casting
rods. AU styles and prices.
Winchester Reels are made
with the maximum of manufac
turing skill single action, dou
ble action and quadruple action.
declaration cordially, ur.d that they
felt encourrged to heltovc tho caao
) .