PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1921. J i THE DAILY CHRONICLE established 1890 The Dalles. Ore. Published Every Evening Except Sunday by the Chronicle Publishing company Inc Ben R. Mtfln Alvtn ti. Bucklln -General Manager Editor Entered In The Dalles postotfice as second class matter. ; United Press and United News Service Member or Audit Bureau or Circulations DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year. In advance 15.00 Six months, In advance $3.00 One month .50 DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL One vojtr. In mtvnnve tft AA Six months, In advance isiso , One month .60 WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year. In advance S2.00. In ordering change of address, sub scriber should always give old as well as new address. . TELEPHONES .Editorial Rooms Black 111 Business, Adv., Clr. Depts Red 111 Subscribers to the Chronicle are guar anteed service. Prompt and regular de livery of every subscriber's paper Is the aim of the circulation department The Chronicle carriers are required to put the papers on the porch or wherever th subscriber wishes 'he paper delivered. HUMAN SALVAGE He accosts you on the street. Some times he tella you tho old, old story of a wife at home and 14 children, of ibis inability to secure work. He must have the price of a meal. You know at once that he's a pan handler. You know that he makes his living telling this story convincingly, indeed should you pass the same cor ner at the same time the following evening, he may halt you again with his tale of woe and his appeal for cash. But there's another type of man just now to be found on the street begging, if you wish to use so harsh a term. Unemployment has reached a serious stage. Yes, it's the proper tning to hold the optimistic thought. But thinking things are howlingly prosperous won't release Oregon's wealth from the wheat warehouses where it is stored and put it into cir culation in the form of money again. Thoughts won't still the pangs of hun ger which tonight are gnawing gnaw ing gnawing. Some men are seeking work and not finding it. Some men with callouses on their hands are asking you as yon pass on the street for the price5 of a feed. WJiat are you going to do about it? Suppose you turn them down? They are hungry. Perhaps they are so un dernourished that they are sick. They want work. They do not want charity. Yet they cannot get either. It is just barely possible that some men's brains, will take fire and they will turn to violence to secure the food which their work and their appeal cannot place before them. Suppose you give the man who asks you half a dollar. He is fed. His faith in humanity is restored. He goes on a" self respecting and law, abiding man. Your half dollar has been devot ed to human salvage. Some men boast that they have never fed a bum. But what do they mean by a bum? Because a man can't find work tad because a man is hun gry are not indications that a man is a parasite upon society. When a clean, fairly well dressed man approaches you and looks you in the eye and shows you calloused hands or is palpably ill, and asks you for enough money to fill shis empty stomach, if- you're interested at ,all in the other fellow, if you're inter ested at all in human salvage, you'll dig down in your pocket and see to it that the man's hunger is appeased. MAKES FOR HARMONY Winging its way at terrific pace through the air, a plane carrying Gov ernor Ben Olcott beat army pigeons in' a race from Portland, Ore., to San Francisco, Cal. The great airplane made the dash in five hours and a half. The bare announcement, perhaps, makes little impression. A plane trav eling at speed no bird ever maintain ed passed above fields and valleys and mountain ranges, overcame wind con ditions and leveled distance. This flight indicates, however, that the world is growing smaller rapidly, The process has bean going o siace the oxcart held sway. Then came the stage coach drawn by many horses. This passed away to make place for the panting engine that drew .little cars on a steel track. On the ocean, ships of Bail and hand-propelled boats went Into second place at the advent of steam power. The automobile, too, sprang Into bid ing to reduce distance. Electricity was harnessed to cut down distance. Now the airplane has eclipsed ntl other means of locomotion so far ris great speed is concerned. It lias flow:: from Portland, Ore, to' San FranclJco. Cal. in five and one-half hours. Seaplanes have crossed the Atlan tic. It Is but a question of time when venturesome aviators will conquer the distance across the Pacific ocean. Communication is becoming mors rapid. Persons in distant Btates whom you felt were almost another race of people, holding different ideas and ideals from those you espouse, through the miraculous power of rapid trnns- portation, have become neighbors. Truly we cannot live to ourselves alone in this age. Californiai is no fur ther' away now than outlying sections close to The Dalles would have been 60 years ago. Out of it all is likely to come better understanding among the peoples of the earth. People who live as- neigh bors know much of each other. Intelligence and knowledge is like ly to be furthered by distance annihi lation. It is safe to assume that we in Oregon will have better Understand ing of their problems, will have more sympathy with their strivings. After all there is nothing whlcu makes for friendship as does under standing. And if understanding comes through annihilation of distance, it must follow that friendliness will also De a result of rapid transportation. It is evident, then, that the rapid transportation furthered by airplanes and seaplanes is ushering in an age of understanding and harmony which may bring the mlllenium a bit nearer. -The Best Big Slsttr- LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, April 14, 1896.) Mr. J. H. Sherar has a force of men and teams at work on the road be tween Antelope and Bakeoven. They will soon have the road in good shape for wool hauling. John Cradelbaugh's party is 14 days over due, and yesterday a parfy was dispatched to the mining camp to find out what was the matter. Ar riving at White Salmon he found they had provisioned up for two months longer and he returned, well knowing that Mr. Cradclbaugh would hot come until the commissary department was reduced more than that. Mr. Leslie Butler's team, attached to a carriage, ran away this afternoon. Jn the carriage was seated Mr. Charles Bascom and Mr. Butler. When roaching the corner by the Joles resi dence, the' buggy was overturned, throwing both gentlemen out in the street. Both sustained severe bruiser, Dut no serious injuries. The horses were stopped by one of the lines tang ling on a wheel, and were caught. The top was taken off the buggy. Judge Fulton of Sherman county paid The Chronicle a pleasant call today. He says that Rattlesnake road is In fine condition and a great help to the people of his county. He says the grade on this side ought to have some work and wo trust our county court will not l6se sight of the fact that work ought to be done during the Tet season and should not be de layed. . Mr. T. A. Hudson returned last night from Portland. Miss E. 3. Brooks, who has been vis iting relatives here for about three months, returned to her home in To ledo, Oregon, this morning. She wa5 accompanied by 'Mrs. S. L. Brooke, who goes to Portland. The Mother Provincial, located at Portland, has been up for several days visiting the Sisters of SL Mary's academy and examining points of in terest in and around The Dalles. She is accompanied by her niece. Thl morning both returned to Portland on the Regulator. The Beet Big Sister Mate SMI Buu Tail Mala Sltf Classified advertising 1 cent per wora each Insertion. If Inserted 6 times or more, 3-4 cent a word.. Monthly publi cation rates on application at the office. FOR RENT OR RENT Apartment in the Con don building. 15 FOR RENT Piano: Corson, the Mu sic man. 15 FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartment. 400 West Third. Tele phone main 3471. 15 FOR SALE Thoroughbred shorthorn red Durham bull. $100. Call red 1161. 18wl4 FOR 'RENT Two furnished house keeping rooms. 518 Fulton stret. Telephone black 1491. 15 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 115 East Second street.' 19 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room in modern home. 122 West Seventh street. 15 FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms. 'Adults only. 1005 Alvord street, phone red 4561. 18 'FOR RENT (Nicely furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 313 East Fifth street. 15 FOR RENT Ford light delivery with driver. Light hauling and baggage transfer. Telephone black 4661 or black 411. Frank Cullins. A21 FOR RENT Furnished house, a nice little house furnished for bachelor or small family. Garden spot, six cherry and two peach trees. Splen did well of water. E. H. Merrill, Chestnut street, Thompson's addi tion. 14 FOh BALE. FOR SALE Minorca eggs, fl.60 per setting. Telephone red 2842. 14 FOR SALE Steel range. Inquire Jew ell Greenhouses. 16 FOR SALE Or trade for piano, Mod el T5 Overland. P. W. Province, 420 East Fourteenth. 15 FOR SALE Cooking range, woou heater, dining table and cooking utensils. 1209 Liberty. 15 irinn i--kf-ira-. i FOR SALE Four room house a( lot. West Seventeenth street. Tele phono red 2842. 14 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old caK. 111.50. Seoond growth, S12.50. Deliv- ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Some excellent lots on Calhoun street which can be pur- ' chased on easy terms. Dalles Realty company, black 5691. 16 FOR SALE Good 1100 pound marc, single, double or saddle, with buggy and harness. Novelty Works, 518 Ea3t Second street. 14 FOR SALE Practically new ynder wood typewriter, latest model. Call red 2211 or 203 East Second street. 16 FOR SALE OR RENT Farm, 455 acres, 21 miles up Mill creek. James O'Donnell, on river road, U miles from city. IE iTnr-iuuii ii"-i' " FOR SALE Large and small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices,- good forms. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore. 18tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good young jack. Reasonable. Trade for horses, cattle or mules. Must turn him at once. G. E. Cotson, 320 East Sec ond. 15 FOR SALE Horses. I have a number of good horses for sale cheap. Read's Feed store, eaat end of Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 26tf FOR SALE Four room, plastered house; three lots, twenty fruit trees, berries; garage. 11800, some terms. DARNIELLE BROS. 405 Washington. Main 6831. 14 FOR SALE Lots 10 percent down, balance nine equal payments. Spe cial price will be made where a group of lots are wanted. Colun Realty and Loan company, SOS Washington street, 16 FOR SALE Owing to the high fertil ity and increasing dement for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I will sold my special pea together during April. All orders cared for at 11.00 eer 15 or 16 per hundred. Fred Cyphers, R. F. D. No. 3, tele eaoae red 6362. M? CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Modern house and 4 lots. Seven rooms and bath, 2 ga rages, small house with basement, good outside cement cellar, 30 bear ing fruit trees, fine lot of berries and flowers. Seven blocks from high school. This is a fine home and can be bought for f3,7S0.0O on good terras. Address B155, Chronicle. 16 Since January first a great mu-iy people bought rebuilt cars from .us. We nad a large stock to begin with. They were in excellent shape and found ready sale because they were real bargains. This lnrge stock nus been reduced to practically a few, except those we recently took in trade on new Dodge Brothers cars. These cars are now In our repair snops and should be ready for sale within a few days. At this time we are unable to quote any prices, as our costs have not been figured, but it will pay you to investigate these cars as the prices and terms will bo right. 1920 Nash, good as new. 1920 Oakland, 5-passenger, prac tically new. 1918 Reo 4 cylinder, 5-passenger. A very serviceable car. 191S Buick 4 cylinder, 5-passenger. A very good buy. 1920 King 8. Cord tires, practical ly new. 1919 Series 9B Franklin, Just like new. We also have ready for sale a few used Ford and Dodge Brothers cars. WALTHER-WILLIAMS CO. 14 WANTED WANTED Tray girl at The Dalles hospital, 15 WANTED The care of an invalid by practical nurse. TermB reason able. Write X2, care Chronicle. 16 WA!NTED Position as housekeeper in widower's home. Mrs. T. Howell, box 68, Tygh Valley, Oregon. 15 WANTED Woman to help-with housework on ranch. Telephone 27F2. 1 WANTED Calsominlng and painting by day or hour. Call mornings or evenings. Red 3961. 14 WANTED Clean cotton rags at The Chronicle office, five cents t per pound. tf WANTED Position on ranch for man and wife. Experienced. No children. Inquire- 1819 Jackson street. 16 WANTED Pasture for 15 horses for summer. Must be good. L..W. Walk er, route 3, The Dalles. Telephone 19F25. 1BW17 STRAYED STRAYED 'From I. F. WH ranch, near Eight Mile, large bay work mare, small white mark on face, small scar left corner of mouth. No brand. 110 reward. Telephone Ches ter Hill, 16F4. 16wl5 LOST Ofl FOUND FOUND Auto lens and rim. A. 13. Crosby. 6 LOST 32x4 i tire and rim. Return to Dalles Garage for reward. 20 LOST Chevrolet Jack, Dry Hollow road. Call 34F2. 13 FOR TRADE FOR TRADE 30 acres farm land, 50 acres timber, good spring, no build ings, 11 miles northeast of Golden dale. Trade for house and lot in The Dalles. J. Shipley, Cary Hotel. 14 FOR TRADE City residence prop erty in Hlllsboro, 200x146 feet, sev. en-room house, finished last fall, 14 fruit trees, for good improved city property in The Dalles. Call Sunset Garage. Bvget-Mogan Co Funeral Directors THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Phones Mate 2S91. Night Black 401, Main 621 MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING Picot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main fioSl. tt .LAWN MOWING Yard work, gar dening, etc. Your patronage is so licited. L. A. Mathews, 502 West Eighth street. Telephone red 3651. 9tf TRAN8FER AND EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J. E. Henzle. 11 tf ' PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PIANOS TUN5D-nfl repaired, ac tion regulating ' and reflnishlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. 8. A. Dockstader, Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre PianlBt tf VERNA SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 218J East Third street. M6 VENZ BAUER . General real estate, insurance, and loans. 1001 East Second street. Tele phone mftn 1571. 28tt Break Chest Colds With Red Peppers Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad. cold loosen up in Just a short time. "Red Pepper Rub" is the cold rem edy that brings the quickest relief. It cannot hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the congestion and Boreness right out. When heat penetrates right down Into colds, congestion, aching mus cles and sore, stiff joints, relief comes at once. WOODARD & TAUSCHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates furnished free of chargs. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Slock M. M. PHIPPS' INSUR AN C E FIRE AUTOMOBILE GRAIN HAIL PLATE GLASS LIABILITY AND ACCIDENT Office Corner Third and Federal fc Telephone Black 531 Hours 9:00 to 6:00 Sundays I7-1S Vogt Ik Over Crosby's Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3?2i , Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDAJX UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager ert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licenses! Embatmers. Established 1M7 Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J, Willerton Telephone Res 1781 Motor Equipment ide Track Line Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way points. Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m. dally except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone b'.ack 1642 or main 471. ' tf HOWARD S. SOULE Expert Piano Tuner 322 West SixtL street. Residence Phone mun 4201. tf seek. (8 School of Damcjmg Latest ballroom and Children's dances. MISS' YVONNE JARRETT ' 218 East Third Main 3051. A14 Specialists Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by lucal miillcultotit, us (bey cannot rsscil the diseased portion of tho ear. Thers Is only one way to euro catnrrhal deafness, nd that la by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafticii la cnuicd by an In flamed condition of tho mucoua llnlnc of tbo Kur.toc.hlan Tube. When thla tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect ln-ni'lriE, . and when It Is entirely ol"coct, Diufni'ii li the result. Unless the tmlttiiimnilor. can be reduced and this tubo restcrtd to Itn normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever. Mnny cases of deufnees nro caused by catarrh, whloh Is an Inllunu'd condition of the mucoua sur faces. Hell's Catarrh Medicine acta thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the aystem We will Give On Hundred Dollars f'l any coko of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot on cured by Hall's Cntrirrh Medtnlne. Clr-, solars free. All Drupelets. 76o. F. J. CHCNUV A; CO.. Toledo. X , Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. The moment you apply Red Popper Rub for colds, backache, Bore muscles, stiff neck, lumbago, or the pains of rheumatism or nuerltis, you feel the tingling heat. , In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When -you are suffering so you can hardly got about, Just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, at any drug store. You will have the quickest rejief known. Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist and Evenings by Appointment Drug Store Phone Black 1111 Dalles Dufur Telephone Dsy-Rsa Ml Night Rea Sit J, H. Harper, Slack 2112 Cut Floweri