PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1921. BIG FIDE DESTROYS $1,000,000 HOTEL 110 GUESTS IN SANTA BARBARA HOSTELRY ESCAPE UN . INJURED. By United News SANTA BARBARA, Cal., April 14 Defective wiring was given us tho cause o the Ambassador hotel fire hero today ufter investigation by fire department officials. The loss was an nounced at approximately $1,000,000 with $350,000 worth of insurance. Within an hour after the fire was discovered, the magnificent hotel was a mass of smoking ruins. A 50-mi!o wind from the northwest made the ef forts of the combined Monteclto and Santa Barbura fire departments use less. 1 According to figures given out by Dave JI. iBc-Vce, manager, Iheie were 110 guests, many of them prominent eastern society people, in the hotol at the time of the lire, No one was Injured. The ambassador uyis owned by the Ambassador hotel corporation, head ed by tho iStratis interests. It is stat ed hero that the hotel hurt lost more than $250,000 for its owners in the last year. R. T. Harper, San Francisco man ager of the Straus company claimed tonight that the loss sustained by tho Straus interests in the Ambassador hotel fire was fully covered by in surance. Harper said that the Am bassador Hotel corporation which op crated tho hotel was not connected financially with the S. V. Straus company, but was controlled by Straus personally. The Best Big Sitter Typing and Stenography dono at reasonable rates. Rosina A. Fleck. Offico Hotel Dalles. Real donee phonn rod 2332. tf The Beit Big Sliter ' . Watch For "The Little Tycoon" operetta to bo given by high school glee clubs, April 22 and 23, high school auditorium. 1G The Best Big Sister Tripn's Cleaning and Dye. works. 310 Union 'street. A20 As a Modern Filipino Actually Looks TODAY IN CONGRESS i By United Press Senate. Discussion of senate rules. Continues debate on Colombian treaty. House. Debate commences on the Young emergency tariff bill, which includes ahti-durnplng and foreign exchange adjustment. Sub-committee continues ' consider ation ot regular tariff bill schedules. Republican leaders confer inform ally regarding legislative program to follow emergency tariff. The Best Big Slstei" Castle Gate Coal We aro unloading a car of Castlo Gate Utah coal. Send us your orders. Prompt service. Maier & Schanno. IS I The Best Big SUter Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table ' Two round trips daily. Leave Bank hoti'l. i. a m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tt I The Best Big Sister JUDGE TAKES PEEP INTO WALLACE'S APARTMENT of Edgar T. Wallace, the Califor nia oil millionaire, became tho Judic ial bench, of the New York avivjf$mmu court for a few minutes ptiumff "' evening when, -udfcje I$nch, " who is hearing theiBtokes' dtvoce trial, went to determine whether or not anyone could have stood on the roof and observed Mrs. Stokes in her underclothing, combing her hair In Wallace's bedroom, if she did as witnesses have testified. i Justice Finch's coming had been tipped dff in advance so that there would be no embarrassing develop ments in case any of the present feminine occupants might be dressing' for dinner or the theatre. Every thing went smoothly. The Judge made no comment. The Best Big Sitter There's A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man in the past, be a "made to order man" in the future. PlrBt class hand tailor ed suits to measure, $35.00 and up. W. R. Webber, one block east of post office. 6tf Bv United News 1 NEW YORK, April 14 An ordin ary gravelled extension roof adjoin ing the former bachelor apartments There are hundreds of thousands of this type of young men in the Philippines. They are to be .the future rulers of the destinies of the Islands. The Filipino lias been much misrep resented in. the United Scutes. This Is largely because the Sunday supple ments have made a specialty of por traying the fi'ini-naked non-Christian hill tribes as "typical" Filipinos, which Is far from the truth. The total population of the Philip pines is 10,:i.rj(),01l, of which 0,495,272 are Christians and civilized, and have been so for .'100 years, possessing a cul ture and refinement thut will compare favorably with that of other countries. The number of non-Christians is 855,- !iC8, and only a small percentage of them are uncivilized. They are fast becoming educated, and will ultimate ly make good citizens. Seventy per cent of the Inhabitants of the Philippines over ton years of age, according to the last census, are literate. This Is a higher percentage of literacy than that of any South American country, higher than that of Spain, and higher than that of any of the New Republics of Europe whose independence is being guaranteed by the Allies. LIBEL SUIT AGAINST OREGONIAN COMPANY By United I'rcss PORTLAND, April 14. The $150, 000 libel suit of LeRoy E Kooly, at torney, against tho Oregonian Publish ing company, opened in the circuit court hero today. Two postponements in the case have already occurred, when Keely filed af fidavits of prejudice against Judges Uatens and Stapleton. The case is now being heard before Judge Mor row. The Best Big Sister Brown's Dufur Stage Time Taote Two round trips daily. Leave Baiik hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. in. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. in. tf CAMPHOR AND WITCHHAZEL HELP WEAK EYES The Dalles people are astonished at the quick results produced by simple witchhazel, camphor, hydras tls, etc., as mixed in Lavoptlk eye wash. In one case of weak and nearsighted eyes a few days use brought great improvement. In anoth er case it stopped eye pains and in flammation. We guarantee a small bottle of Lavoptlk to help ANY CASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup FREE. A. E. Crosby, druggist 318 E. Second St. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Five, six or seven room house on or before May first. Call black 1991. . 16 StoFto "r&M "or" 7 room modern house. Telephone red CS22, or John II. Race, Libby Cannery. 16 WANTED 'Salesman to handle a good, live selling proposition in The Dalles territory. J. R. Holden, HatPl Dalles. 14 Painted Floors Save Housework Bare wood floors, especially kitchen floors, require much back breaking work, scrubbing, to keep them clean. Acme Quality Floor Paint , makes this unnecessary. It forms a smooth, hard, non-absorben surface from which dirt and grime can be easily wiped off. It protects and saves the surface. fiCME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT (Granite) is easv to apply. It is inexpensive a quart is enough for one coat on the average 'kitchen floor. Dries quickly and. withstands the severe wear to which floors are subjected. Furnished in attractive colors. Sample color cards on request. LANE & SEXTON J. C. Penney Company A Nation - Wide Institution J. C. Penney Company A Nation -Wide Institution MEN! ARE YOU GETTING YOUR MONEY'S WORTH? You Are Entitled to the Most That Your Money Will Buy We can and do sell good Clothing of all kinds for less money. Because we buy direct from the manufacturers in tremendous quantities, thus elimin ating all middlemen and buyer's profits and usual expense of marketing. These savings go into your pockets through our lower retail prices. Millions of dol lars worth of clothing are sold by us annually. All made according to our specifications. We invite you to make your own comparisons you to be the judge. You always get the most for your money here. c o s o -a READ THESE NEW LOW PRICES ON SUITS Here are indeed values you have not heard of for years. Come in and see them. You cannot afford to pass these values. Some exceptional values in men's Suits at, each $14.75 Men's and young men's Pure Wool Suits, at, eacli $19.75 Men's and Young Men's Worsted, Blue Serge and Cassimere Suits at $24.75, $27.50, $32.50 to $49.50 MEN'S ODD TROUSERS For young men and boys. Worsteds, mixtures and serges in Dress Pants at, pair .....$1.50, $4.98 and $6.50 1 Save on Work Clothing ALL GOOD STANDARD GRADES BUILT FOR COMFORT and SERVICE Men's best Blue Denim Bib Overalls, Pay Day, Underhill and 4U brands Union made. As good as the best. Pair ,$1.19 Jumpers to match at the same price. Men's Khaki Trousers, all grades, pair $1.19, $1.25 to $2.98 Men's Workingalls or Mechanic's Suits, full cut, good heavy khaki, at $1.98, $2.49 and $2.98 Men's Khaki Suits, good quality khaki, Norfolk Coat, reg. trousers, suits $6.50 Men's Chambray Work Shirts, all sizes, each '. 59c Men's slims and stout Work Shirts, extra full cut, extra long sleeves and body. Each 89.: Men's Rockford Work Sox, 2 pair for 25 Men's Khaki Hats, all sizes, 49c, 69c to 98c Men's Bandanna Handkerchiefs, ex- tra large sizes, 2 for. 25c Extra value Cotton Flannel Gloves. 7 pair for 49c Men's Summer Weigk Union Suits, at 98c, $1.19 and $1.69 Men's Summer Weight Shirts and Drawers. Per garment 45c Men's Corduroy Pants, No. 1 qual ity. Good heavy trouser. Pair $3.98 Men's Leather Faced Canvas Gloves, "Union Leader." Wrist or Gaunt let. Pair 29c Boy's Overalls, all sizes....89c and 98c Best Blue Denim Bib. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS With or without collars, made of. good .heavy percale, all sizes at 98c and $1.19 Men's BVD Union Suits, all sizes. Suit $1.25 Men's Pad Elastic Garter, 10c & 23c Men's Dress Caps, a wide range of 'ors in Silk and Wool, 98c to $1.98. SHOES More than seven million dollars worth of shoes are sold by us annually. Our shoes are made according to our own specifications by America's best shoe manufacturers. Built up to Quality and not down to price. Big savings await you here. Men's Mule and Elk Skin Shoes. Built for wear. Pair. $2.19 and $2.98 Men's Army Shoes. Pair $3.49, $4.50 Men's High Elk Shoes, 8 inch top. Pair $3.98 Men's broad toe, glazed horse, black Dress Shoes $3.49 and $3.98 Men's Black Kid, broad toe, rubber heel Dress Shoes $4.50 Men's Brown English last Dress Shoes, pair $4.98 and $5.90 Men's Black English last, calf skin Dress Shoes $4.98 and $5.50 Men's Brown Calf Oxfords, English last. Pair $5.90 Buying Most We Buy for Less mKMLi 312 STORES Selling Most We Sell ' for Less .9 CO n o 3 3 52j S3 Ml I J. C. Penney Company A Nation - Wide Institution "J. CTPennty Copany A Nation - Wide IiutitntW iipimm iwimii