The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 13, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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"""""""""" 11 '' i " ' ' '
r -iTTtirt-TTnr
Established 1890 . The Dalles, Ore.
Published Every Evening Except Sunday
by the Chronlclo Publishing company Inc
Ben R. Lltfln
Alrin L. Bucklln
.General Manager
Entered In The Dalles postofflce as
econd class matter.
United Press and United News Service
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations
One yoar. In advance J5.00 ,
Six months, In advance $3.00
One month .. . .60
One year, In advanvo $5.00
Six months, In advance $2.50
One month .60
One year, In advance
In ordering chango of address, sub
scriber should always give old as well
as pew address.
Telephone .. - Main 111
Subscribers to the Chronicle are guar
anteed service. Prompt and regular de
livery of every subscriber's paper Is the
aim of the circulation department. Tho
Chronicle carriers are required to pul
tho papors on tho porch or wherever th
subscriber wishes 'he paper delivered.
With n view to securing $G,000 to
maintain the Y. W. C. A. In The Dalles
the ensuing year, a campaign hac
been launched. Solicitors are now
busy canvassing The Dalles ,alert for
Of course things are a bit slow now.
Your business perhaps Isn't showing
the profits it did a year go Your
Jvages may have been reduced. Your
rent and fuel and 'general expenses
for the most part may be a high as
during the stressful days of wartime.
i But sit down and consider this prob-1
km carefully before you (urn down
the chance to build the girlhood of
'America Into high type women.
I Only as we have good and talented
and wholesome women can we hope
to perpetuate the ruce in goodness
(and cleverness and wholesomeness,
and only as we train glrln to be
wholesome and loyal and true and
'sweet of disposition can we hope to
people the world with .good women.
Tnus, the prime factor in making the
'world good is girls,
j Tho Y. W. C. A. has the noble re
sponsibility of making our girls good
No" tho Y. W. C. A. la not a preachy
organisation and a girl does not have
to bo n puritanical prude to be n
member. Indeed if she were that type
sho wouldn't bo vory popular with
tho Y. V. C. A. members.
Tho Y. W. C. A. doesn't preach ser
mons to tho girls to make them good,
but subtly, it impresses goodness up
on them by holding constantly be
fore them worthwhile pursuits. Music
and art and literature are emphasiz
ed. Love of tho beautiful la Instilled.
.Social organizations formed within
tho Y. W. C. A. glvo tho girls sane
interost In life and Impart to them
certain polish and eimu in mingling
!wlth others. Those organizations do
jVelop to rare degree tho art of con
vorsutlou and stlinuluto the power to
think concentratodly and effectively.
One thing tho Y. W. C. A. doos
fWhlch few organizations strive for is
(he leveling of cIiish lines. Girls of
hill stations in llfo are banded together
In the club organizations. Tho girl
working In a store meets tho girl
. working In a factory and the girl
'working In an office incuts tho social
prominent girl. Thoy find after all
that they think and act much the
! same. Through being thrown together
thoy come to respect euch other and
' lo, class distinctions aru straightway
' smashed,
; Stated brlelly, tho object of the Y.
C, A. Is to give git-Is and women,
through normal natural activities, the
.habits, insights and'ldoala which will
iiiuke them responsible and capable
and roady to help muko America more
, true to Its best hopes and traditions.
' The code of a girl reserve very well
' expresses the aim of this club of the
s Y. W. C. A. and all Y. V. C. A. clurt.
Tho code reads:
"A girl reserve I will be, gracious
I' in manner, Impartial In judgment,
ready for horvlco, loyal to friends,
( reaching toward the best, earnest In
!rPutPoe, seeing the beautiful, eager
' tor knowledge, reverent to flod, vie
, torJoui over self, ever dependable,
t sincere at nil times,"
t ... Il.o tAnuFa nt Ik V W
0, A. Would you like your girl to ex
emplify them? Would you want It
' nmrrv a clrl who stood for these
things? Would you be happy to know
that .. mr.irinr wah snnh a one?
The Y. W. C. A. stands for develop
ment of health, knowledge, service
and spirit A sound body, a trained
I n anna nf annln 1 rnonnn ciHiHtv
. ""'lu' " "l "w'"'
together 'with a vivid understanding
spirit which gives color and balance
to life are the outstanding features
American womanhood Is tho back
bone and fiber of this land. The Y. W,
C. A. is out to develop a high type of
American womanhood. You may not
be able to subscribe to the movement
In Tho Dalles to build women of
high type, but can you afford not to
Think it over. Yes, there's a lot of
drives. You've been driven to death.
When will it all end? But our girls
must be trained to be pure and good
and true and loyal. The Y. W. C. A.
is doing just this. Have you a dollar
to further the work of building char
acter and mind and body?
Alas, it is a cruel world for the
small boy. The price of soap is coming
down. The James S. Kirk company
has announced reductions in the
cleansing material ranging from V
to 15 percent.
(No longer can the small boy whine
at his paternal ancestor, 'there ain't
no soap, how can I get my hands
'clean." And no more will friend
father be prompted to seizo his young
hopeful firmly but lovingly and deni
'onstarte to his offspring's entire sat
isfaction that much rubbing with wat
er alone will do much toward effacing
the grime acquired by a day of hard
Soap is coming down in price. It
'may soon be used without stint. Con
sequently the small boy will havo to
'keep clean. Ills last excuse has van
Henceforward the small boy can get
small pleasure but of the phrase that
cleanliness touted as ( being next to
godliness Is now next to impossible.
The Beit Big Sister-:
(Prom Tho Chronicle, April 13, 1890)
Tho Kennedy property was sold
this aftornoon to Prank Menefee for
Mr. James McKay of Portland is
in tho city and will remain about a
week! Col. -Sinnott introduced tho
ivenerablo-appearlng gentleman first
as Gov. Ponnoyer, but when Mr. 'Mc
Kay and the reporter both protested,
the colonol said ho was just Joking,
tho fact really was that Mr. McKay
first pilotedLewis and Clarke down
tho Columbia river In 1801'. Tho
Chronicle man then appealed to Dr.
'ShackJoford, who said Mr. MlcKuy
was an old resident "of Tho Dalles 10
years ago, and was among the first
boat-builders on tho river. Ho yet
owns property In this city, and tho
purposo of his trip at the present time
is to mnko some Improvements.
Among them will bo a gravel roof
for tho Clarendon restaurant. Hero
the Incorrigible colonel again Inter
posed and said Mr. McK. y purposed
to eroct a new brick block whore
Clous' grocery store Is, but the re
porter fled, his last glance resting on
the colonol'B old frlond nUsIng both
hands in speechless expostulation.
Sheriff Driver wont to Portland this
Mrs. J. L. story left for Portland
toduy on a week's visit to her sister.
Mrs. A. U hind.
Tho Hev. d. H. Wood was unable lo
preach last night, owing to. a bad cold.
lo has improved somewhat today.
Mrs. Whlttaker, a colored woman
quite well known In the city, is very
ill of dropsy, and It Is believed that
she cannot live.
Miss Mary Aqula Is recovering
from an attack of Intermittent lover,
which -trns confined her to bed for a
'week or more at the ranch near
Mrs, H. W. .French, Miss Bessie
Preach and MUs Almee 'Newman re
turned toduy from Portland, accom
panied by Miss Pearl '.Williams, wno
will visit In this city.
Classified advertising 1 cent per woro
each Insertion. If Inserted 8 times or
more, 3-4 cent a ..word. Monthly publi
cation rates on application at the office.
iOR RENT Apartment In tho Con
don building. 15
FOR RENT Piano. Corson, the Mu
sic man. 15
FOR .RENT Two furnished house
keeping rooms. 518 Pulton strew.
Telephone black 1491. 15
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 115 East Second street.
FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room
in modern home. 122 West Seventh
street. 16
FOR RENT Two room apartment.
Inquire 417 Alvord street, at side
door. 13
FOR RENT Thrtre furnished house
keeping rooms. Adults only. 1003
Alvord street, phone red 4561. IS
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
room, also two-room furnished
house, Inquire 111 West Second
street. 13
FOR RENT Ford light delivery with
driver. Light hauling and baggage
transfer. Telephone black 4661 or
black 411. Frank Cullins. A21
FOR RENT Furnished house, a nice
little house furnished for bachelor
or small family. Garden spot, six
cherry and two peach trees. Splen
did well of water. E. H. Merrill,
Chestnut street, Thompson's addi
tion. 14
l Oh SAL
FOR SALE Minorca eggs. $1.60 per
setting. Telephone red 2842, 14
FOR SALE Steel range. Inquire Jew
ell Greenhouses. 16
OR SALE Thoroughbred shorthorn
red Durham bull. ?100. Call red
1161. 18wl4
FOR SALE Cooking range, w&ou
heater, dining table and cookipg
utensils. 1209' Liberty. 'MB
FOR SALE Four room house and
lot. West Seventeenth street. Tele
phono, red 2842. 14
POlt SAbE Dry oaK wooa; oia obk.
$11.50. Second growth, $12.50. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, after 6p. m. tf
'FOR ALE (Strawberry plants, 80
cents a hundred. 215 West Eleventh.
Telephone red 6082. ' 13
FOR SALE Practically new Under-
'wood typewriter, latest model. Call
red 2211 or 203 East Second street.
acros, 2J miles up Mill creek. "James
O'Donnell, on river road, 1J miles
from city. IB
POR SALE iLarge and small farm
nnd orchard tracts. Reasonable
prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna,
Dufur. Ore. 18tf.
FOR SALE: Rose comb brown leg
horn nnd rose comb Whlto Wyan
dotte eggs for setting. $1.25 per
selling. Telephoue red 4401. A3
Jack. Reasonable. Trade for horses,
cattle or mutes. Must turn him at
once. G. E. Corson, 320 East Sec
ond. IB
POR SALE Horses. I have a number
of good horses for sale cheap.
Read's Peed store, east end of Sec
ond street, telephono black 6211.
FOR SALE Pour room plastered
houso; throe lots, twenty fruit
trees, berries; garage. $1800, some
403 Washington. Main 6S31. 14
POR SALE Owing to the high fertil
ity and increasing demand for
Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I
will hold my speclul pen together
during April. All orders cared for
at $1.00 per 15 or $6 per hundred.
Frod Cyphers, R. F. D. No. 3, tele
phone rod 6362. M2
FOR SALE Modern house and 4
lots. Seven rooms and bath, 2 gn-
rages, small house with basement,
good outside cement cellar, 30 bear
ing fruit trees, fine lot of berries
and flowers. Sevea block from high
school. TrU Is a fine home and cam
be bought for 13760,00 on geo4
terms. Address BIN, Chronicle. It
FOR SALE The Dufur Orchard com
pany proposes to sell approximately
2000 acres of ltn apple plantings at
Dufur, Oregon. The acreage offered
Is fully planted to seven and eight
year old trees in prime condition,
but the selling price will be based
on agricultural value only. This sale
is for financing purposes and the
actual value as orchard property is
ignored. The property will be sold
at wheat land value. Will cut in
tractn of 80 acres and up. W. C.
Hanna, Dufur, Ore., authorized
agent. 2Ctf
Since January first a great many
people bought rebuilt cars from uo.
We had a large stock to begin with.
They were in excellent shape and
found ready sale because they were
real bargains. This large stock- nas
been reduced to practically a few,
except those we recently took In
trade on new Dodge Brothers cars.
These cars are now In our repair
snops and should be ready for sale
within a few days. At this time we
are unable to quote any prices, as
our costs have not been figured, but
it will pay you to investigate these
cars as the prices and terms will be
1920 Nash, good as new.
1920 Oakland, 5-passengor, prac
tically new.
1918 Reo 4 cylinder, 5-passenger. A
very serviceable car.
1918 Bulck 4 cylinder, 5-passenger.
A very good buy.
1920 King 8. Cord tires, practical
ly new.
1919 Series 9B Franklin, just like
We also have ready for sale a few
used Ford and Dodge Brothers cars.
WANTED Tray girl at The Dalles
hospital. 15
WAjNTED position as housekeeper
in widower's home. Mrs. T. Howell,
box 68, Tygh Valley, Oregon. 15
WAiN TED Pasture for four months
old calf. 215 West Eleventh. Phone
red 6082. 13
WANTED TO RENT 5 or 7 room
modern house. Phone red 6222, or
John H. Race, Libby cannery. 13
"" WANTED Experienced snoTlmak
er. Cut Rate shoe shop, 414 East
Second. 12
WANTED Woman to help with
housework on ranch. Telephone
2JF2. 14
WANTED Calsomining and painting
by day or hour. Call mornings or
evenings. Red 3961.' ' 14
WANTED Clean cotton rags at The
Chronicle office, five cents per
pound. tf
WANTED Middle aged woman, to
cook on ranch. Permanent position,
good wages'. Mrs. J. A. White, 711
Calhoun. 13
STRAYED From I. F. Hill ranch,
near Eight Mile, large bay work
mare, small white mark on face,
small scar left corner of mouth. No
brand. $10 reward. Telephone Ches
ter Hill, 16F4. 16W15
LOST Chevrolet jack, Dry Hollow
road. Call 34F2. 13
FOR TRADE 30 acres farm land, 50
acres timber, good spring, no build
ings, 11 miles northeast of Golden
dale. Trade for house and lot In
The Dalles. J. Shipley, Cary Hotel.
FOR TRADE City residence prop
erty In Hillsboro, 200x146 feet, sev.
en-room house, finished last fall, 14
fruit 'trees, for good improved city
property in The Dalles. Call Sunset
Oarage. W
Burget-Mogan Co
jFunt rtl Director-
Fieaec Mata Sltl. Nujhi BUek
41. Mala IH1
HEMSTITCHING Picot edging. Mrs.
L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington
street. Telephone main B581. tf
'LAWN " MOWING Yard work, gar
dening, .etc. Your patronage Is so
licited. L. A. Mathews, 502 West
Eighth street. Telephone red 3651.
ture and piano moving. Freight
hauled and general express busi
ness. Telephones: Stand, red ipi;
residence black 1352. J. F. Henzie. acnes and pains.
1Jtf Ofttimes 'tis the kidneys', fault.
j Thats why Doan's Kidney Pills are
"PROFESSIONAL ANd'buWess;. effective. Ask your neighbor.
1 Many The Dalles women know
flANUS TUNED and repaired, ac- ,
iv ,,,i ,, ,fini.,inr Read what one has to say about it:
tlon regulating and refinlshlng. Mrfl JohQ Youghar 215 w 7tn 8t
Player actions a specialty. Work .The Dalles, says: "Some time ago
guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor-Jtny kidneys were in a weak con
son Music store. 320 Fast Second dlt'? and became run down so I
street. Telephone main 1061.
Taught by
Lessons by Appointment
Empress Theatre Pianist
Dressmaking, alterations, repairing.
2182 East Third street. M6
General real estate, insurance, and
loans. 100 J East Second street. Tele
phone main 1571. 28tf
Whitney Repair Shop
709 East 8econd St.
Expert Piano Tuner
322 West SlxtL street. Res!denc
Phone mun 4201. tf
School off D&mcsng
Latest ballroom and
Children's dances.
218 East Third Main 3051. A14
Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers
All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty.
Estimates furnished free of chargs. All Work Guaranteed.
Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block
Office Corner Third and Federal
Telephone Black 531
Your Balance At The
No young man can afford to forget that a sub
stantial balance at the bank does much to sway
the balance of other people's opinion in his
When you carry a Checking Account at this in
stitution and exert a constant control over your
financial affairs, it? grows to be second nature
to maintain a healthy balance.
Yfo Interest Paid on Saving! Accounts
The Dalles, Oregon
WMte Tracls Lira
Freight and express between The
Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way
points. Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m.
daily except Sunday. Leave Moro,
1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m.
D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephono
black 1642 or main 471. . cf
The Advice of This The Dalles Wo
man is of Certain Value.
Many a woman's back has many
couiu scarcely Keep going to uo my
work. My back ached awfully and I
was so weak I could hardly walk a
block. Dizzy headaches made me
miserable and the action of the kid
neys was varied and irregular. I
read of Doan's Kidney Pills and
use'd them. They helped me right
away by strengthening my back and
kidneys and benefiting me in every
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get'
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Youghar had. Foster-MIlburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Svnop-li of the Annnnl Stitcm'nt of the .
O' "iJon. Knitl-nl '" thf Klnrdun of
Britain, on the 31st diy of December. 1920,
made to the In uruiic OumraiiUur ui
State of Orcuon, pi' " o law:
Amount of caplUl deposit I 400,000.00
Net premium received during the
jW ; $4,400,
Interest. "dMdend and rent re- .'
pctved during th y-ir 198,450.20.
Income from other sources re- ,,....
ceircd during the year BB.iag.Oi
Total income .. $4,786,007.60
.NeC livx PM durine the y'
including adjustment eipenea.$1.914,04S.S
Commi h.iu and mlarirt paid ,..-
durine the year - 1.800,887.16
Taxes llcintos and fees paid
durimj the year 2I'552'f2
Amount of all other expenditures B78.698.1B
Total" expenditure
(market Talue) 4'!5'525'2?
Cash in banks and on hand 680,880.97
Premiums in, course of collection
written since Sept. 30, 1920. 1,267.760.10
Interest and rents diis and ac-
crued 66.031.08
Total admitted assets $6,330,050.05
Gross claims for losses unpaid... $ 423,854. si
Amount of unearned premiums on
all outstanding risks 8,790,027.51
Due for commission and broker-
AllTthir 'liabiUtie's" '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ' '. OO'.OM.Si
Total liabilities, exclusive of
eapiati deposit. $400.000. . . . . . $4,320,336.23
Net premiums received during the
Lowes' paid during Vhe'ye'ar: SOljJSJ.SO
Losses incurred during the year. . 3 -.071.30
Statutory resident attorney for service,
H. M. CAUR, Portland. Or.