The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 13, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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No cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
Lucky Strike is the
toasted cigarette.
on - -r -
WAPIN1TIA, April 12. A little
daughter waH born Monday to Mr.
and Mrs. Charley Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graham and Mrs.
D. Woodslde were visitors to The
Dalles Thursday.
H. W. Richmond and son. Floyd,
made a trip to The Dalles Saturday
They brought out a load of gaa.
tioorgo Hoitz and Johnnie Sinclair,
each drove trucks to The Dalles
Thursday, returning Friday and bring
ing out a logging truck belonging to
the ditch company.
J3. A. Hartman was transacting bus
iness in The Dalles, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Driver, Mrs.
iA Woodslde, Ralph W. and Josio
O'Brien spent Sunday in Shaniko vis
iting at the home of tho 1 J. Olsons.
Gal Burnslde, brother of George
Durnslde, arrived here from the east
last week and will remain a while. He
will assist his brother with tho spring
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blackerby of
Wnmlc were horo Sunday. They got
Homo orphan lambs from tho Abbot
uhnott piinin
N. O. Hedln roturned to Wapin'itla
Sunday from a few days' stay in The
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Keene left horo
last Tuesday for Portland whore they
will reside.
Robert Ellenwood made a trip to
tho Intake Saturday. About 11 o'clock
while ho was a few miles from home,
his Iioiho got loose and arrived homo
at daylight Sunday morning. A party
Immediately started In search of hint
and found a note pinned on a treo
Baying ho was all right and had gone
Mrs. Howard Wood and little daugh
tors who havo been visiting at the
homo of Mrs. Wood's mother, Mrs.
.lohnnlo .Sinclair,, left Friday far he;
homo in Rosohurg.
A lit 1 10 surprise party was given
Mrs, Sinclair last Thursday evening,
tho occasion being her birlli'.luy.
The W. M. A held its nionthl moo.
lng at tho church last Thursday. It
will hold its next meeting the first
Thursday in May at I ho homo of Mrs.
R. Wl Richmond.
ISvorett Richmond and Don Fliun
woro in The Unllo.i Thursday. Kvortt
brought out a load of gaH lor the farm
era' union.
.Mr, Sykos, editor of tho Farmers
Union paper, was In tills section last
wiHiii getting rainiors to sign up to
market their wheat tluough the
Wheat Growers' association.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fllnn and Jack
Wall spent Sunday at Slinuusho, vis
iting at tho homos of Kd llaruarit and
J laro hi Stanton.
Tho Rov. Mathews and the Kes.
iMoar arrived hero from Portland
.Friday evening. They were guestt m
uiu parsonage, moy nouiiuui tuo s.uo
Saturday morning for homo. Tho Rev.
ipoar was a missionary to tho In-
uiuuh for years, but left horo a num
ber of years ago.
A ball team was organized Iter.
Sunday. Moso Delore w:u chosen v.-
mauagor, lien Fllnn, captain, A i;anie
between the locals and Slmnasho In-
Ulan boys is scheduled lor next Sun-
The Dest Ola Sister--- -
Main 6061 Donueu Tuxl Minn OUr
The Dest Ola SUter
BnJwn'u Dutur SUgo lime Table
Two lound trips dally Leave Hani
hotel, U. a. m ami -I p in Lwuvo
Dufur T:;Ui a m iuid 1 p .u . w
Conducted by 'Goodrich
mobile owners 1nke their cara to this
place and get money and a pawn tick
et. If they fall to return tho loan with
interest, the car Is sold. Moio than
100 cars are now "in soak ' there,
some of which can already be obtain
ed at "hock shop" prices. The assort
ment includes both stafr. limousines
and lowly flivvers.
This year the annual summer meet
lng of the Society of Automobile En
glnoers will be held at French Lick
Springs, Indiana, May 23 to 28. These
dates were decided upon to allow th
members to attend the Indianapolis
G00-mile race, Memorial day, on the!
way home. This quasi-sooial event Is
always largely attended by the tie
signers and guilders of America's car
and trucks.
"Necessity is the mother of inven
t,on" correct. Here's another in
stance: All primed for a session of
duck shooting, a western newspaper
man arrived at Bear lake, California
In his motorcycle and side-car only to
find that all the boats had been rent
ed. Undaunted, he removed the side
car, plugged up the bolt holes with
wooden stoppers, caulked the seams
borrowed a paddle and away he went
for a successful day.
Tho penduhmi Is swinging back al
a merry clip In the automobile Indus
try. Reports from Detroit and Akron
the car and tire centers of the uni
verse, say that more men are hired
each succeeding week and that pro
duction is rapidly approaching nor
mal. Both cities predict a shortage of
their products. Indication of i hot
summer, coupicrtt witn tno cany
spring we are experiencing Is swamp
ing the factories and their dealers
with orders.
If tires and radiators could talk
motorists would come In for a torrent
of rough language. The average car
owner will negloct to fill his radiator
and pump up his tires until tho very
last minute although ho Is almost con
stantly reminded by "freo water ' and
"freo air" signs. .Both are costly prac
tices and tho two neglected ones arc
Justified In their protests.
Over half the troublo to which tho
car owner is" subjected la due to lack
of propor lubrication. Of cutrso, most
owners havo learned to uso oil la gon
urous quantities In the ongin.' and he
differential but are Inclined to Kr:ht
othor Important parts mtoh us the
steering gear and brake cnniu'cilons
New York lias a motor :ar pawn
shop! It's In Columbus. Clrdo. in ihc
lioart of "gasoline row." Needy auto-
Pity .the poor motor truck; It lh
befng unjustly accused on every haa.l.
As a destroyer of roads It daren't
rank "one, two, thiee" with incompe
tent engineers. Inadequate d.T.innfJe,
or total lack of drainage, cauain the
failure of more roads than any othe"
cause. If the same care and attention
were given to the subso.l and Its
drainage as to the visible part ol the
road, most of the annual spring road
failures would be irvoidjl.
To secure a clear view ahead
through the winshield glass in rainy
weather Is vitally Important to safe
ty. Many schemes are used to keep
tho glass clear In wet weather, but
perhaps the pld-fashloned alcohol and
glycerine mixture which is carried In
ik small bottle and rubbed on the glass
as needed is best. A bottle wrapped
in cloth and stowed in the side pocket
i3 always ready and. the contents may
be applied with the 'cloth.
Our weekly DON'T Don't neglect
your manifold, ilf you have a spark
plug which is not screwed tight, or a
potcock partly open, or a gasket
which is not absolutely air-tight, your
engine will miss badly when you try
to make it pull at slow speed on a
hill. To find air leaks, squirt a littlo
oil around the plug or gasket, ant' if
bubbles show up you have found a
leak. '
The Best Big Sister
Trlpj'B Cleaning and Dye works.
310 Union street. A2U
over Sunday afternoon to hold ser
vices In the school house. There
were three cars and a Gospel truck
full of Christian workers.
On Sunday, April 24, the Ender
by people expect to go to Dufur In
a body and attend services and bas
ket dinner. C. F.Swander, correspond
ing secretary, of Portland, will do
present, and speak at that time.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Covert of Pleas
ant Ridge were Sunday guests at the
Endersby home.
A number of friends and neighbors
gave a surprise party for Mrs. Ira
Waterman Saturday night. They re
port pleasant time.
The Dalles visitors Saturday, were:
Mr. and Mrs. Lester 'Leabo and daugh
ters, Blanche and Vera, Mr.' and Mrt.
Ray Darnielle and two children, Mr.
and Mrs. Miles Leabo and two sons
and Miss Mabel Endcrsby.
John and Joe 'Masquart of The
Dalles were in Endersby Friday.
The Best Big Sister
Brown's Dutur, SiaQ&.Time Tanle
Two round iri'pa daily. Leate Ba.ik
Hotel, 9. u. m. and '4 p. in.. Leave
Dufur 7! 3d u. m. iuiU 1 p. m. !t
Pimples art Impurities Seeking an
Outlet Through 8kin
The Best Big Sister
$5.00 Slabs $5.00
Green slabs, $5.00 per cord, f. o.
b. cars. Van Dellen Lumber company.
The Best Big Sister
ENDERSBY, April 12. Ira Water
man was a Dalles business visitor Snt
Mrs. Endersby and son, Will, Were
shopping in Dufur Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester JIM were In
the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Darnielle of Tho
Dalles were hero Friday.
Miss Laurcna Darnielle spent a few
days with her parents on the farm,
returning to The Dalles Friday after
H. L. Ford, pastor of Dufur, with a
band of workers and singers camo
Pimples, sores and bolls usually
result from toxins, poisons and im
purities which are generated in th
bowels and then absorbed into the
blood through the very ducts which
should abosrb only nourishment to
sustain the body.
It is the function of the kidneys
to filter impurities from the blood
and cast them out in the form of
urine, but in many instances the
bowels create more toxins and im
purities than the kidneys can elim
inate, then the blood uses the skin
pores as the next best means of
getting rid of these impurities which
often break out all over the skin in
the form of pimples.
The surest way to clear the skin
of these eruptions, says a noted au
thority, is to get from any pharmacy
about four ounces of Jad Salts and
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
hot water . each morning before
breakfast for one week. This will
prevent the formation of toxins in
the bowels. It also stimulates the
kidneys to normal activity, thus coax-'
ing them to filter the blood of im
purities and clearing the skin of
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon Juice, combined with ljth
la. here you have a pleasant, effervc-
Bcent drink which usually makes
pimples $ disappear; cleanses the
blood and is excellent for the kid
neys as well. Adv. i
Odd lots of men's work and dress shoes, women
.and children's shoes, will be closed out in the next
two weeks at extraordinary reductions, in some
instances as much as 50 percent.
Beginning Today
Here are Some of the Bargains
30 pair, men's black welt dress shoes, regularly
priced $9.00, now , $4.50
10 pair vici kid men's dress shoes, formerly $10,
now $6.50
9 pair black calf dress shoes for men, broad toes,
formerly priced $9.00, now $5.75
O'Donncll English last dark brown men's dress
shoes, former price $15.50, now $9.50
Men's black calf English last dress shoes, regular
ly priced $11.50, now $6.00
Six pair dark brown English dress shoes, formerly
sold $10.00, now. , $5.50
20 pair men's mahogany calfskin dress shoes, form
erly $8.50, now $5.50
30 pair blucher calf dress shoes for men, broad toes,
regularly priced $12.00, now, $8.00
12 pair br.own Blucheu last men's dress shoes, form
erly $9.50, now $4.50
10 pair dark brown calf, English last, formerly $12,
now .-. $8.00
AH Oxfords Greatly Reduced During Sale.
Men's Work Shoes
8 pair army last double soles, thoroughly reliable
heavy shoes, cut from $7.50 a pair to $5.00
18 pairs plain soft toes, no caps, reduced from $8.50
to $5.50
8 pairs heavy chrome leather, reduced from $8.00
to $4.00
White Shoes
Ladies' white oxfords, high 'heels $3.00
Ladies' high white shoes, low fceels ..$3.00
Children's, shoes priced from $2.50 up
You will find many other bargains in women's and
children's shoes. Some of these will be listed, later.
Cowboy Boots, formerly sold at $22.00, now $15.00
John Wernmark
Across from Bank Hotel
Those littlo Hecks from yourhend that
fall upon your clothing and spoil your
pleasure arc dnndruf t n sculp disorder.
Conquer it completely under inoncy
buek guarantee. Use Kotalko. Amaz
ingly quick, lasting benefit reported by
legions of men, women, children. Save
your hair! Get new Imir. It is possible
in many eases even after baldness abso
lutely proved, HeineinberKOTALKO
at nny busy drug store. Watch your
luirrorl buow others tills ouvertuement.
ahould not bo "do!." Treat
thtm xtvrnally with
"City Market
LUNCHEON SERVED 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.
A Historically Truthful Version of
this World-Known Story
The Little House with the BIG Pictures