The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 12, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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By United News
CHICAGO, April 12. J. Stanley
Joyce, millionaire lumbermen late
Monday filed suit for the annulment
or his marriage to Peggy Hopkins,
the pretty 27 year old mimical com
edy actress, charging misconduct,
cruelty and bigamy.
Tho bill for annulment states that
Joyce man led Miss Hopkins in Mi
ami, Flu., in January, 1920, while, he
charges, she was still tho legal wife
of Philbrick Hopkins, another million
aire. The bill charges that she obtain
ed property valued at $500,000 from
him, which he nnks back,. and further
aectiEos tho wife of misconduct with
many notables on both sides of th
One of tho co-respondents named
by Joyce is Henri l.e Tclllqr, proprie
tor of Lo Journal of Paris, and one
of the most prominent journalists in
Franco. Mrs. Joyce is accusi'd of ac
companying Lo Tellier on several ex
cursions about tho continent.
The bill charges that following Ibis
ullegod affair that Mrs. Joyce was
guilty of misconduct with Barton
'French, Now York soclbty man, and
that they lived at Torquay, England,
with "K. Jnmes" in London; wrth
Evans Spaululng, 42:t Park" Avenue,
Now York; and that she then went
to Palm Beach, where, tho bill charg
os, she was guilty of misconduct with
men not named.
During tho few months they lived
together, the bill states, iMrs. Joyce
had "bad fits of temper, during which
she was guilty of extrcino and re
peated cruelties, using strange and un
heard of profanity while on tho bonny
moon In Paris."
M. Joyce has been married three
times and each time to a millionaire.
As Miss Marguerite Upton of Nor-
folk, Va., and while 17 years old, she ,
eloped with Everett Archer of Den
ver, Colo. ThoV wore married six
She then married Sherburne Hop
kins, Jr., of Vnshlngton, D. C law-
yer, and millionaire oil man with
great Interests In Mexico. Sho oloped-
with him but shortly after ran away
and went on the stago. She said at
that tlmo that millionaires "did noth
ing but clip coupons and had no tlmo
to pay to their wives."
As Joyce tolls the story In Iho bill,
Peggy was the wife of Philbrick Hop
kins when ho, Joyce, met her.
Throughout the hill reference is made
to "Philbrick" Hopkins.
.When she met Joyce, the bill states,
sho madu illopklns bring suit for di
vorce la Tarrant county, Texas, and
"to take such proceedings us resulted
in tlio entry of said fnidulonl and
void decree no as to enablo her to
jnurry your orator."
It Is charged that oven beforo the
Texas court had granted tho docroo
that sho represented herself as di
vorced and that she and Joyce were
then married. 1
Among thu gifts Joyce Is now trying
to get back is a 200,000 homo which
ho gave his wlfo ;ih a wedding pres
ent at Miami, Flu.
Joycu now resides in Now York
Mrs. Joyce hi a uoto.l hloiuio rmauty
and was at the timu a .lugfuld Follies
girl and later thu suit- lu "A Uloopiens
Night," and "It Pays to Flirt."
The Bett Bio Sifter
(Continued From I'iibo I.)
ten by former President Wilson, it
nuiy run 10,000 words.
Harding worked on his message
last night and until 1 o'clock this
morning, when It went to tho rov
omnium priming office,
The Best Big Sitter
(Continued From IMgo J.)
")d from their orlglnul contracts, it
was explained last night.
The Cherry Growors' union wiu
formed three years ago for tho pur
pose of handling cherries. Jt has Jicott
vory successful lu uniting tho cherry
grower.1) and enabling them to secure
much bettor prices for cherries than
tho grower rcculved lu unorganized
uiHtrlcts, It Is claimed. "
During tho last winter It was de
cided by u number of local fruit and
vegetable growers to try to broaden
tho field of uctlvlty of tho Cherry
Growers' union, ho us to handle all
kinds of fruit and vegetables. It was
then decided that the host way to tie
courplltth this would bo to affiliate
- with the Oiegon Growers' association,
It wbh first believed that It would
be necessary to form a local crsania
Hon which would affiliate with the
state organization, and such an organ
ization was partly formed, only to be
dlsbaided at last night's meeting
when It was pointed out that such
a courso was unnecessary.
Since March 24, 900 acres of fruit
and vegetable producing land have
been signed up with tho state organlz
atlon, according to M. O. Evans, field
manager, who has been working with
local growers in securing new mem
bers. At total of 63 members have
signed up. It is expected that last
night's meeting will bring In at least
100 more acres.
This additional 100 acres will make
a total of 1,000 acres signed up In
Wasco county, which will be enough
to secure, the county a branch of the
state association. A quota of 1200
acres was first set for the county, "but
It was later decided to eliminate 13u
fur, from which district 200 acres of
fruit land had been expected.
It Is planned to secure leases upon
temporary warehouses for use by the
branch association for the present
year. New warehouses will bo built as
soon as possible, however.
Growers are of tho opinion tjat the
coming of the stato association found
ed upon the same principles as the.blg
California fruit organizations, Is the
beginning of a new era in the local
fruit and vegetable business.
The Bett big Sitter
By United News
WASHINGTON, April 12. Rail
roads failed by ?35,804,000 to earn
during February I ho amount It was
"expected they would earn when tho
'lnierstnte commerce commission m-
creafje(1 rate8
The deficit for tho month was $7,-
205,000, while 10G out of the 202 rail
. ,..,., ,, . , nnrn ovmn.
'ses and taxes.
Operating revenues decreased four
'and a half percent whllo operating
expenses decreased seven and a half
percent, compared with the same
month of last year.
During the six months Increased
' rates havo been effoctlvo, the not op
erating Incomo of tho carriers has
been ?218,:H1,800. This Is at tho rate
of two and a half percent on valua
tion, whoroas It was expected the
i' higher rales would yield six percent.
The Best Big Sister
By Henry L. Farrcll
(United Press Start Correspondent)
NEW YOltlC, April 12 "Iuiur
rounds will bo enough and a decis
ion won't be needed for tlio winner."
So says Bill Btei nan, tho big vJUl
cago heavyweight, about tho Denip
soy-Carpentler fight.
llrennan met Dcinp30v twlco. rtlx
rounds tho first time and twelve
rounds tho second. He thinks ho
ought to know soiii'ithlng abou1. the
"Curpentlor is fast enough to keep
away from Dempsoy for about threo
rounds, but he'll i;ot it no later than
lh fourth," BiMin;,i said huvo to
day. "Tho Frcuchnir.a Is a woudcvlul
Uxor, but he's iut rugged enough
1 1 take ,tho w.ilhnu tuat Denipsv H
bound to get over .in Mm."
The Best Big Sister
Brown's .Dufur Gi.iof Time TaDle
Two lound trips dally. Loavu Uaik
notol, !. a. in. and 4 p. in. l.ouve
nifur 7; an a. in unit 1 p. m. tt
The Best Big Sister
liy United. Tress
. 1CW YORK, April 12. The fact Is,
according to Evelyn' Nesblt Thaw Clif
ford, than ,tlid, (young inuiv, James
Johnson, discovered In or apartmont
with her during a raid by dotecttlvos
on Saturday morning, was there Just
as a bodyguard against burglars.
There havo been so many burg
laries latoly!. v
Jack Clifford, present husband of
Miss Nesblt, who dooan'l want to bo
hor husband any moro and therefore
Js demanding tt divorce, brought two
detectives to the apartment ami
crushed In tho door, AUss Nosblt
pointed out that tho apartment is
on tho top floor of a now and other
wise unoccupied building and that
therefore sho would not havo felt safe
to occupy tho rooms alone aj night.
Tho forlner show slrl la said to
contemplate court uctlon against
"Health, wealth, happiness, love are
all seated in the mind. Mind sending
out health thoughts, mind sending out
wealth thoughts, mind sending out
nappiness and lovo thoughts will uner
rlngly bring these things back to one hopping contest m tne mmst or suu- greedy( selflsh clty. ,Bogt0n, the se
in concrete form." dad ankles and feminine shrieks. Tho
So said Professor C. A. Greene, nsv- '-guards opened the doors just in time I . "
chologist of .New York City, in his
lecture, "Creative Intelligence," dr- well-meaning boys were responsible
llvered in "the council chamber of the!tor the near panic. Thby are frog
city hall last night to a fair sized an
dlence. "Thoughts are things," declared the
speaker, "and they work upon the
principle of action and reaction. Ac
tion and reaction are Hie same in
swing. Thus thought, (action), will
produce the same relative reaction,
Professor Greene said in his ad
dress that creative intelligence was
the power which directs the world,
'thajt U one's condition upon
this eai'iii and would 50 on ci eating,
until pr-vi'ectio'i was achieved some-
'where, sometime, or. some planet In
'the universe.
"Good is positive, evil is negative," )
asserted the psychologist,
1 After the lecture, the professor ans-
!wered questions submitted to him by
those present. Christ was the great
and only master mind, it was brought
out during the questions and ans
wers. A psychology class was organized
at the close of the meeting.
The "Fountain of Youth" is the title
'of a freo lecture which will be given
by Professor Greene at the public
library this evening at 7:45 o'clock.
The Best Big Sister;
Taxi Service
Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar
store. Tele'phone red 1711. R. Wintor
muth. i
The Best Big Sister
By United Press
SAN FRANCISCO, April 12 "Turn
over your husband to me or it will
cost me my life," wrote Miss F. Duf
fy of Seattle to Mrs. Eva Fay Is-
bell of San -Francisco. Following
this letter Mis. Jsbel received anoth
er one three days later in which
it is alleged that Miss Duffy de
clared that she would pay alimony
for the support of Isbell's child and
oven enclosed an advance payment
In cash.
The lettors from Miss Duffy were
introduced In evldonco in the divorce
suit of Mrs. Isbell against her hus
band in which she litis testified that
he is guilty of cruelty and neglect.
"Ho would boast of his conquests
over other women" said Mrs. Isbell.
"Isbell is. a fruit brokpr and is
now in the government service as a
markot Inspector."
The Best Big Sister
By .United Press
PHILADELPHIA, April 12. Wil-
Ham Pcnn has boen cured. Oh, didn't
you know ho was 111? He had dropsy
and an operation has just been conv
pleted and he camo out Just fine.
William Ponn Is the statue ut -tho top
of City Hall towor.
Ulowevor, tho oporatlon was more
dungerous to tho "surgeon" than to
tho patient. A workman climbed up
the statuo, bored holes In each one
of William's llmba and drained two
buckets of water out of each member.
Now Mr. Penn hns recovered suffi
ciently to rocolvo callers. The entire
towor Is opoa to visitors for the first
ttmo'sinco boforo tho war.
The Best Big Sister1
Dr. S. Burke Massey, dontlst, Firtt
National bank, rooms 1507-308. Tolr-
phono main 3911, res, main 1691. 8tf
To improve its
telephone service The
Chronicle has installed
departmental lines k
in its office.
For the business office,
circulation and adver
tising departments,
call Red 111
Editorial rooms,
call Black 111
jetter Ml
NEW YORK, April 12. New York's
nerves are pretty good. Bombings
don't frighten It, nor gorillas appall,
fBut 50 women tried to climb througn
the windows of a Broadway subway
express train at Tiroes Square the
opier uay wnen i.duu irogs Durst
through a huge paper bag and began
jlt0 provent the window exodus. Two j
hunters, they explained, and wiere
on their way home from the Van
Cortland Park swamp, with their
harvest of edible frogs. They admitted
the advantage of cloth sacks over pa
per bags for the conveying of their
'quarry, but couldn't understand why
so many people got excited about the
accident when they were" the only
ones who lost any money out of it.
This sounds, like an ambitious ei
fort even in these da'3 of super-souls:
one of (he gowns at the recent Lib
erator ball at Tammany hall has ai
its purpose in life aside from that of
respectably covering its wearer the
interpretation of Ten Robbin's story,
"The Death of Sin." It was- a suffi
ciently striking costume to be almost
anything, but one must admit the
theme had its difficulties. Besides, as
one of the discerning guests of the
evening so well pointed out, "Sin has
never yet died."
Fate kismet the pull of some
power outside oneself always had a
fascination for O. 'Henry, as it has had
for the story tellers o fthe ages. In
"Roads of Destiny," which has been
made into a film drama by Channing
Pollock from a story by O. Henry, the
fascination of the theme is passed on ,
in full force to the -audience. Tho
piny is as good as the combination
of Pollock and Henry would Indicate
and it is particularly successful in its
unbroken atmosphere of reality so of
ten the .weak point of "destiny" dra-
Now Ready
New Summer
Style Book
Shows all the new fash
ions for Summer.
Get your copy early at
the Pattern Counter.
Price 25c
with certificate good
for 10 in the nurchase
of any Butterick pattern.
It is a simple method if you will only investigate that wonderful new Butter
ick Pattern feature
Ask about it the next time you are in the store.
boys And girls
Suits and Dresses or
for Rompers
32 in. wide
45c yard
Craft Lace Nets
Loeliest designs in new Curtain Nets in Cream. Ecru and White. See our
special value at only
39c per yard
mas. It Is a new Goldwyn picture with
, Paulino Frederick starring in a part
iv.hicl) give3 real opportunity to her
scope of talents, To be as amazingly
:tttracilvc as oho Is and at the same
time' as clever is a combination not
'given to overly many and I always am
glad when she has a chance to do her
best. As the storm-tossed singer of
the Alaska saloon, who almost goo?
down into the whirlpool, she Is great.
'The play Is the story of two brothers.
the weak and the strong, and of their
loves and of Fate.
i New York Is sunnosed to be a
Critics have placed Maurice Tour
neurs new picture, "The Last of the
Mohicans," by J. Fenimoro Copper,
in a new category of film produc
tions. It is called a permanent photo
play classic, which means that it will
live when the ordinary entertain
ment film has passed on. This is
for several reasons, the first being
that Tourneur proved he could make
an absorbing entertainment out of:
Cooper,a famous stol.V( and at the
same time preserve the historical I George Loane rucKer ana j. , ranter
and educational values. The Casino Read, Jr.
Theatre offers his exxtravagant pro-1 An all-lead cast, especially selected
duction starting Wednesday. by Tonrneur, appears 'in this story.
"The Last of the Mohicans" is a The scenic backgrounds are exquis
story too well known to need reyotl- He in their rugged beauty.
New shipments of bright new designs in
Dress Ginghams include Plaids, Stripes,
Checks and solid colors.
Now is the time to plan your Summer
Dresses and Aprons.
19c, 25c, 29c, 45c per yard
Extra Fine
Fll 38 inches wide in bright, pretty designs.
Excepional values at, per yard
in handsome stripes
are fine for waists and
shirts. Extra quality
39c yard
rlous, dutiful one. How, then, Is this
to be explained"? On the same day,
in which the children's fight against
landlords is won In New York with
the passage of a bill making It a mis
demeanor for apartment house own
ers to discriminate against families
with children, the Boston landlords
raised the cost of apartments ?10 per
baby. The leases just being distribut
ed read, "This apartment is leased
for a family of persons and for
each additional person in the family
the rent shall automatically Increase
$10 per month."
-The Best Big SUter
Main 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01 tt
tion, but the sweet love tale, with
tlie humor and pathos thrills and ex
citing moments, is one that will
cause every beholder to gasp then
laugh, then gulp for it is intensely
human, Intensely real, and replete
with historical events that thrill.
All the ability and knowledge of
the great Tourneur has gone into
this production, which comes as his
first through the new Associated
j Producers of which he is a member
with Thos. H. Incc, Allan Dwan,
Marshall Neilan, Mack Sennett,
Great for children's
Dresses or lor Smocks.
All leading colors.
48c yard