r 2HEDALLE8DAILYC PAGE FOUR THE DAILY CHRONICLE BatablUhcd 1890 Tho Dftjlea. Ore. Published Every Evening Bscept Sunday by tho Chronlclo Publishing- company Inc Ben K. Lltfin Alvln Li. Rucklln General Manager' Editor Entered In The Dalles postofflce as . second class matter. ' . .' Z ' United Press and United News Service Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation daily chronicle BY CARRIER One year, in advance- 15.00 $3.00 1 Btx monthB. In advance One month rAii.v DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL ' One year, In ndvnnve $6.00 n. 1 1 i . ...... o en ' 2!60 On month .60 WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In advance- In ordering change of address, sub scriber should always give old as woll ae new address. Telephono Main 111 Subscribers to tho Chronlclo are guar- j antecd service. Prompt and regular de livery of every subscriber's paper Is the aim of the circulation department. The Chronlclo carriers aro required to put the papers on the porch or wherever, th subscriber wishes 'ho paver delivered. BLAME ECONOMICS For having stolen $96,000 from the National City bank of Ottawa, III., Francis J. Carey, a 19 year old tellor of the financial institution was yester day sentenced by Judge K. M. !,atulis to servo one year In the national training school at Washington. D. C. 1 When Judge Landls deferred sen- tenco and sent the lad home when his case came to trial, a great hue and J cry went up. When Judge Landls from tho bench declared that tho boy ' Becond v.ce.presiuent; Louise Ituch, In the prisoner's box wiib less guilty 1 lMr(1 vice-president; Edwin Hill, than his employers, tho bank olTichi's, ' fourth vice-president, John Thomas, some people gasped in surprise. i secretary; Charles Campbell, treas iminorf. notion wnH Inknn In enmrrnss urer; Nellie Sylvester, organist; Clara to impeach Judge Landls as a result of his lenient treatment of Francis I. Cnroy, tho young man who had stol en a vast fortune in bonds. ' But how near right Is Judge Lan- .., it in i After all Isn't crime largely a mat ter of economics. If this young, man had been paid enough to support his mothor and sister in comfort und have had a few dollars left each week for his personal needs, don't you think that there would have been mil.:!: less chance of lis stealing the bonds? IHo would have been equipped to ; withstand temptation. But Carey was paid $90 a month. Upon this sum he hud to support his mother. Ho said that he bought many things for his sistor. It Is sai'o to say he had nothing loft over for personal needs. Underpaid, ho was constantly sub jected to the temptation to take big sums of monoy. Ho handled thorn dally. And one day, tho economic condi tion In which ho found ' hlmsolf be came Intolerable ille no doubt reason ed that he was making monoy for his employers. Ho was doing their work efficiently. Yet ho wasn't get ting a doqent living out or it and ho was growing oldor day by day. Ho took tho bonds and sought to floe tho Vountry. Carey was rated as a Hlssy boy. Thus, It is evident that there was ' .w.h.1...' vi,.i.,a -.imi.t i.im ii.iw.i-. ently sinful. Economics were at tho bottom o thlB lad's crime. Economics are at j tho bottom of thousands o.' cilmos, , Crlmtnul8 in somo Instances perhaps nru born, but It seems equally true Unit In most cases they aro nnulc by economic conditions which dwarf tholr lives. WHAT COLORS TELL One's clothes reflect In large degree tho temporamunt of the wearer, Tho cut of them and tho style and tho ma terial are not the Indications to tho inner nature of tho wouror. Tho color of tho cloth, howDver.'tolls tho world tho person's characteristics. Of course tho language of colors doos not always apply. Yet colors do Indicate certain things, Rods, oragno and vivid browns ro - fleet inner fire, rvstlessnts und eas ily aroused Irritation, Tho wearer may suillo over bo sweetly and uuir murswoet words, hut tho colors have le' out the secret. Red creates Ideas fo warmth and irritation. It hpura thought. It makes tor. rapid action. Red puts the a In to life, Rlue is a cold and non-agRresaire v .'... , ... . ....... .... , element. It's sensations are of cool ness, repose, restraint and formality. 0reen is the color of rest. It Is soothing to nerves and tends to quiet troubled minds. Purple Is the. color of shadows and . h Jt denotes Bhade, sorrow, mysticism and dignity. It also lndl- catcs high emotions. Colors truly spenK a language ami they tell a good deal aDom r.e wear ers 01 tnem, especially II too cuiuro ... . .... t. , - I 'have been selected consciously, and i'not accepted along with the style, ma- 2.00.4,, . , . - ,.,, The Best Big Sitter LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, April 12, 1896) There are 1400 school children In Gilliam county, as learned by a re cent enumeration. Wasco county has ;i,900, an increase or nearly 1,100 In the last four years. Mr. Lee Bolton of lOMile brought in a curiosity today in the shape of a double-headed calf, born dead on i his ranch. The heads were perfect, and wero attached to a normal body fc At a business meeung or. uiu worth League the following officers were elected ror uie ensuing bi month: W. A. Klrby, president; John Wood, vicebresldent: Edith Randall, iNickelsen, assistant organist; John Parrot, chorister. Wasco and Sherman counties are generously represented In the noni- mating conventions of both parties hold In Portland this week. 11 ere Is the list: f Republican. Representative to congress, second district, W. R. Ellis, Morrow. Joint senators, John 'Michel 1, Was- fco, anu v. . Aiuuro, o.mu. Representatives, B. S. Huntington, F. N. .lones, both of Wasco.. District Attorney A .A. Jayne, Gil Ham. Delegated to the national conven tion, Charles Hilton, Gilliam; John W. Meldrum, Clackamas; George Steel, Multnomah. Electors, T. T. Goer, E. L. Smith, Wasco; J. F. Cuplos, S. M. Yoran. Supremo Judge, R. S. Bean. Democratic. Representative to congress, second district, A. S. Bennett, Waaco. Senators, E. B. Dufur, Wasco; J. W. Armsworthy, Sherman. Representatives, F. A. Seufort, Tho Dalles; V. C. Lewis, Cascade Locks. District attorney, J. H. Cradelbaugh, Wasco. Presidential electors, Dr. Oglesby, Lane; J. J. Whitney, Linn; Ed Kil feather, Multnomah, J. M. Carroll, Union. Supremo judge, John Burnott, Ben ton. Messrs. A. S.' McAllister, Judgo Bindshaw, J. W. Armsworthy, W. N. Wiley, E. B. Dufur, 13. O. McCoy, H. C. Liobo, F. II. Wakefield, Malcolm Moody, J M. Pattorson, It. V. Gibbons, J. O. Mack, J. G. Knrloy. William fFarrar of Grant county, and others came In today on tho local train. John Mlcholl, M. T. Nolan, J. C. Johnson, T. y. Glavoy, 1. D. Driver and others re- turned last night. -The Btt Bid Sltr THE FORUM Editor. Tho Chronicle: Wo notice that our city rocorder reports that Homo people are building and repair ing houses without a paid permit and that arrests may follow in the future. Since reading this Item In your paper of recent date tho writer has been thinking that our city is loslug more money on doga that have no paid li censes and do the city no good, and tiulto often u groat amount of harm, than it 1b losing on people who spend their money with our local merchants for building nutorlul und help improve our city, oven though they may at 1 tempt to build without a paid norma. Here la whore tho rub comes In: both the buildings and the dogs are easy to find, and a the building will remain where found and the dog will not, why not arrest tho dog owners well as the owners of the building? In this way we might collect u few "r license, also help to keep many . ..... ...... i nous tin mo tircciB, A TAXPAYER. Uala 6061 Ueunu Taxi Mala HU ! : : : . - It. i - 1 " ' I FOR RENT FOR RENT-s-Sleeplng room, evenings, black 5592. Call 12 FOR RENT Three furnished sleep ing rooms, 5 each, per month, In quire at 1116 Jackson. 12 'FOR RENT Three room furnished apartment. 400 "West Third. Tele phone main 3471. 12 jj'OR RENT Two room apartment. Inquire 417 Alvord street, at side door. 13 FOR RENT burnished housekeeping room, also two-room furnished house, Inquire 111 West Second street. ' 13 TOP. RENT Ford light delivery with driver. Light hauling and baggage treafer. Telephone black 4661 or black 411. Frank Cullins. A21 FOR ilENT Furnished house, a nice little house furnished for bachelor or small family. Garden spot, six cherry and 'two peach' trees. Splen did well of water. E. H. .Merrill, Chestnut street, Thompson's addi tion. 11 FOR SAiLE Minorca eggs. $1.50 iper setting. Telephone red 2842. 14 FOR SALE Steel range. Inquire Jew ell Greenhouses. H FOR SALE Full blood White Leg horn hens. Telephone red 4241. 12 FOR SALE Four room house and lot. West Seventeenth street. Tele phono red 2842. 1 FOR SALE One gelding, .10 years old, work single or double. J. F. Austin, Telephone 29F3. 12 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old cak. $11.50. Second growth, $12.60. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6' p. m. tf FOR SALE Two delivery wagons and throe single harness sets. Ap ply Model Laundry. 12 'FOR SALE Strawberry plants, 50. cents a hundred. 215 West Eleventh. Telenhone red 6082. ' l?1 FOR SALE Practically new Under wood typewriter, latest model. Call red 2211 or 203 East Second street. 16 FOR SALE Ono large Flemish dop, seven New Zealand rabbits. Alan C. Woolley. ' 12 FOR SALE 5room modern house, 2 blocks from postofflce. Terms if de sired. W. R. Webber, 120 East Sec ond. 12 FOR 'SATjE OR RENT Farm, 455 acres, 21 .miles up, Mill creok. James O'Donnell, on river road, 11 miles from. city. 15 FOR SALE Five-room modern'house and lot, with garage. Apply 819 View street, or telephone red 1292. 12 FOR SALE 1917 Chevrolet, startor, speedometer, electric lights, five tires and chains. Fair condition. $180.00. See J. W. Perry, Umatilla House. 12 FOR SAliE! Radio-Active Solar Pad, Bo3t thorapoutlc means for relief of rheumatism, poor circulation, etc. Demonstration free, telephone red 3651. FOR SALE ilargo and small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore. 18tf. FOR SALE Hose comb brown leg horn n'nd rose comb White Wyan dotte eggs for aettlng. 11.25 por setting. Telephone red 4401. A3 FOR SALE Horses. I have a number of good horses for sale cheap. Read's Feed store, eaat end of Sec ond Btroet, telephone black 6211. 2tt FOR SALE 115-acro fruit and dairy farm, 6 miles oiu on mall route; 20 acres Irrigated, 10 in fruit, balance grazing; creek runs through place, good buildings, silo, etc. Price fSOoO. Terms. DARNIELLE BROS. 405 Washington Main $31. 12yl5 FOR SALE Owing to ike high fertll Ity and Increaaiag demand (or Rhodo Island Rett hatching egg I will hold my special pen together during April. All orders cared for at 11,00 per 16 or per hundred, Fred Crphera, R. F. I). No. 3. tele-. phono rod 6363. v ' M2 CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Two show cases, inquire 306 Union street. 1 FORSALE Modern house nd 4 lots. Seven rooms and bath, 2 ga rages, small house with basement, good outside cement cellar, 30 bear, lng fruit trees, fine lot of berries and flowers. Seven blocks from high school. This is a fine home and can be bought for $3750.00 on good terms. Address B155, Chronicle. 16 FOR SAlvE Automobile. If you want a lignt weight, sturdy car, good puller, economical on gas and oil, priced reasonable, see this: Listen, new clutch lining, piston rings, bear ings, brakes relined, new curtain lights, new cord tires , (good for thousands of miles), a new 5-coat paint Job, 1921 license and insured for one year. Ready to make any trip. Will demonstrate. Cash, terms or trade. Call main 2611 for ap pointment. Red 3701, from 12 to 1. 12 FOR SALE The Dufur Orchard com pany proposes to sell approximately 2000 acres of itn apple plantings at Dufur, Oregon. The acreage offered is fully planted te seven and eight year old trees in prime condition, but the selling price will be based on agricultural value only. This sale is for financing purposes and the actual value as orchard property is ignored. The property will be sold su wheat land, value. Will cut in tracts of 80 acres and up. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore., authorized agent. 2fitf Since January first a great many people bought rebuilt cars from us. We had a large stock to begin with. They were in excellent shape and found ready sale because they were real bargains. This large stock has been reduced to practically a few, except those we recently took in trade on new (Dodge Brothers cars. These cars are now in our repair snops and should be ready for sale within a few days. At this time we are unable to quote any prices, as our costs have not been figured, but. it vtill pay you to investigate these cars as the prices and terms will be fight. . 1920 Nash, good as new. 1920 Oakland, 5-passenger, prac tically new. 1918 'Reo 4 cylinder, 5-passenger. A very serviceable car. 1918 Buick 4 cylinder, 5-passenger. A very good buy. 1920 King 8. Cord tires, practical ly new. ' 1919 Series 9B Franklin, Just like new. We also have ready for sale a few used Ford and Dodge Brothers cars. WALTHER-WILLIAMS CO. 14 WANTED WANTED Position as housekeeper in widower's home. Mrs. T. Howell, box 68, Tygh Valley, Oregon. 15 WAiNTBD Pasture for four months old calf. 215 West Eleventh. Phone red 6082. 13 WANTED TO RENT 5 or 7 room modern house. Phone red 6822, or John H. Race, Llbby cannery. 13 WANTED Experienced snoe mak er. Cut Rate shoe shop, 414 East Second. 12 WANTED Woman to help with housework on 27F2. ranch. Telephone 14 WANTED Calsomlnlng and painting by day or hour. Call mornings or evenings.'Red 3961. 14 WANTED Clean cotton rags at The Chronicle office, five cents per pound. , tf WANTED Middle aged woman to cook on ranch. Permanent position, good wagea. Mrs. J. A. White, 711 Calhoun. 13 FURNISHED ROOMS ot the desir able sort, are in active demand. Many people have recently moved perhaps going to houseB or apart ments where they have iw space to cpare. Former furnished room ten ant are looking once more for de sirable Quarters. Have you anything to offer them? Tell about It in n Chronicle Want Ad. TRAVtD STRAYED Fro I. F. Hill ranch", near Eight Mile, large bay work mare, small white mark, on face, small scar left earner of mouth. No brand. flO reward, ' Telephone Ches ter Ht',1, 1CF4. 16wl6 LOST OR FOUND LOST Chevrolet Jack, Dry Hollow road. Call 34F2. 13 FOR TRADE FOR TRADE 30 acres farm land, 50 acres timber, good spring, no build ings, 11 miles northeast qf Golden dale. Trade for house and lot in The -Dalles. J. Shipley, Cary Hotel. 14 FOR TRADE City residence prop erty in Hlllsboro, 200x146 feet, sev-en-room house, finished last fall, 14 fruit trees, for good improved city property in The Dalles. Call Sunset Garage. I6 IYIICS.LLANEUU8 HEMSTITCHING Picot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 "Washington street. Telephone main 6581. tf iLA'WN MOWING Yard work, gar dening, etc. Your patronage is so licited. L. A. Mathews, 502 West Eighth street. Telephone red 3651. 9tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busl- nesB. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J. E. Henzle. lit! PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PIANOS TUNED Jtaa repaired, ac tion regulating and refinlshlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 10(11. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOJB.WERSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist tf Dressmaking, alterations, .repairing. 2185 East Third street. M6 HOWARD S. SOULE Expert Piano Tuner 322 West SlxtL street. Resldenc Phone mtun 4201. tl White Track Lime Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wav points. Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m. daily except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642. or main 471. ' tf - . VENZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and loanB. 100J East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 38tf FORD Specialists Whitney Repair Shop 70S East Second St. Bynopak of the Annual BUtement of the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE CO. at New York city; in the state of New York. co the thirty-first day of December, 1020. udo to the insurance commluluuer of the autc ot Oregon, puriu&nl to law; CAPITAL, Amount ot capital stock paid up $10,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the V" $21,408,735.44 Interest, dividend! and renU re ceived during the year Income from oUier sources re- ceived during the yu 677,005.83 ToUl income $24,054,031.87 IUHUUR3EUENTS Net losses paid during Uie year. Including adjustment rxpenres $ 0,937,202,44 Dividends paid on capital stock during Uie year 1,500,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during Um year... 6,393,547.07 Tuea. license at fees paid during the rear 871.326.24 Amount ot all other expenditures 2,924,794. 4 TbUl euttuditurw . $21,628,931.29 ASSETS Bacoverable -for re-lnsuranco on ,, yd lows ler acheduU) E...$ 88.222.40 Value of stuck and bonds owned (market value) 33.176.373.00 Xsru on mortgage and collat- ,-,, TrTl etc 23,100,00 Cash In bank and on hand. .. . 2,230.482,57 TriSSf &l!&.'iS?ffi! 3.014..64.42 lXZ& .r!,:U. $21,369.70 ToUl -l,-BliiTiE3-M0.MI.013.0e Grot claim for le unpaid.. t 3.027,420.70 "Amount of .unearned pnm:ui on aU oU!nJiug riiks 17,171,984.90 Due for cmulion Mid broker- , Ot0 Anther1 'lUMHtii! '. ' ! 540.394.aa MUSIS' IN OUKV.OJS FOR THE VeaR 'IJf'l..'??. K8.946.1S incurred iltiriag the yew. 28.3S4.CS UllSATAMKWAN INSURANCE CO. niARLCS . 8M ITII. PrtaSbni, . KDWIX M. CRAU1N andm ALEXANDER R. PH1LLITB. aVa. BUtutori iwident attorney Ut atrnea: IRWIN S. WATSON, , . 604 Uaaco Rid.. Portland, Of. School off Damcirag. Latest ballroom and Children's dances. MISS YVONNE .IARRETT 218 East Third Main 3051. A14 8ynor!i of flip Annual Statement of the UNITED STATUS LLOYIJS, INC., Of New York city. In the Ufe of New York, i,n the ltt day of December, 1020, made to the Insurance rommlwioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital Mock paid up. I 400,000.00 IN COM K Net premium recelred daring the ' year 13,407,837.00 Interest, dividend and tents re ceived during the year 140,404.20 Incime from other sources re ceived during the year 160,828.82 Total income 3, 708,7.70. 87 DIBDURSRUENTS .Net losses paid during the year in cluding adjustment expenses. .12,890,094.90 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 80,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1,290,894.88 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing the year 100,002.20 Amount of all other expenditures. 148,310.30, ToUl expenditures .14,240,797.98 ASSETS Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) I2,S48,297.60 Ca.h in banks and on hand.... 301,421.85 1'rAniusK in coufte ot collection and other assets BO.080.10 Interest and rents duetand accrued 34,109.84 Gros awets ..." Assets not admitted .12,043,838.08 98.030.29 ToUl admitted assets .... MARIMTIK8 Oroas claims for IokjcS' unnaid $2,844,021.76 11,111,666.22 Amount of unearmd premiums on al: outstanding rific,... AU other liabllitic 754,669.82 1)3,864.24 Total liabilities, exchHre of capital stock ot $400.000.00. .$1,060,200.28 IIUSINEPS IX OUEUO.V FOB THE YEAH Net premiums received during the , year $ 13.006.10 LoFsei paid during the rear. . . . 7,668,7(1 Losses Incurred during the yesr. . 7,353.07 UNITED STATKM LUllDS, INC, HERHEIIT Al'1'I.ETON, President F. II, AI'PLETON. Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for eerv'ee: KltANK E. SMITH, Portland, Or. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the NORTHWESTKUN' NATIONAL Mt'E INSUR ANCE COMPANY of Minneapolis, in the Mate of Minnesota, on the thirty-first day of December, 1020, made to the insurance commissioner of tho state of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Total premium income for Uie year $ 4,031,006.09 Interest, dividends and rent re ceived during the year 401,652.84 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 6,113.88 Total income t 4,409,373.41 DISHUnSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, an 'nutties and surrender values. ,$ 807,586.68 Dividends paid to policyholders during the year 272.158. 75 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1,307,875.47 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing the year k 107,705.00 Amount of all other expendi ture! 207,567.46 ToUl expenditures $ 2,702,948.42 ASSETS Value of stocks and bonds owned (market or araortiaed value).! 881.548.1S Loans on mortagea and col lateral, etc 7,148.640.00 Premium notes and policy loans. 1,303,503.99 Cash In banks and on hand. . . . 445,360.55 Net uncollected and deferred pre- ' mlums 380.780.59 Interest and rents due and ac- crucd 201.347.43 ToUl admitted assets $10,401,190.70 LIABILITIES Net reserves $ 8,846.659.00 Gross claims for losses unpaid.. 114,846.20 All other liabilities 804,020.68 ToUl liabilities, exclusive of caplUl stock, of $ 0,705,525.78 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE YEAK Gross premiums received duriatg the year $ 10,729.09 Premiums and dividends returned during Uie year ViSS'Sl Leases paid during the year...-. 2,000.00 NORTltWBSTKHN NATIONAL LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY JOHN T. BAXTER, President, M. V. J UN NESS. SecreUry. Statutory resident attorney for service, , A. C. IlAItllEU, Insurtnco Commissioner, Salem. T ' Synopsis of the Annual Statement of thy ST. PAUL FIKE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Of St Paul, in the SUte of Minnesota, on the 31ft day of Ihiccmbor, 1020, made to the' In surance CouimMoner of the BUte- of "Oregon, pur uari to law; ', CAPITAL Amount of capital ftoc paid up..$ INCOME N1heP7e.rT.J. .r.1. . ?.nf$13.978.046.84 Interest, dividend and rents re- celled durtng the year 803.400.07 Income from other sources re- ' 1 celved during Uie year 4.692.3J ToUl incom $14,780,200.33. DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expcnei..$ 6,643, 145. lr. Dividend paid on capital ttoci- during the year 330,000.(M Commission and salaries paid .... during the year 3,770,5S5.1t Taxc. licenses and fees paid dur- lng the year 887.975.87 Amount of all other expenditures 827.206.00 ToUl expenditures $12,487,952.87 Value of real esUts owned (mar ket value) $ 402,590.64 Value or stocis ana uoiiai owneu (market value) 12,060,490.72 Loans on mortgages and collat eral, etc. Cash in banks and on hand. . . . . PMmlnm, In Mnpu n f mllMtion 2.830,422.38 1,720,423.23 written Finee Brt 80. 1920, i;811.242.8J Other ledger assetn 214,270.05- Interest and rents due and ae- ctued 180.095.76. ToUl admitted a'ets $19,214,444.61 INABILITIES Gross claims for lapses unnaid... $ 1,704,507.83 Amount of unesmed prcintumi on all outstanding risks 9,334, 898. 4 I iVi fnr noiumijulon and broker- ' age All other liabilities 07.300.00 I 055.000.0u I Total nihilities, exclusive of espital stock $12.151.T07.32 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAH Net premiums received during we ytar ii,i." paid during u year .... a-.-.HZT.wT Lowes incurred during year., 68.788.Sa ST. PAUL FIRE MARINE IN 8 UK AN CX COMPANY .F. It. B1GKLOW, President A. W. PERRY. SecreUry. Statatcry resident attorney tor MrvWs: FRED TEBBEN. Portland. GKRI'ING ER-RICIIARDS CO. NEILAN PASKHILL Resident AgenU. Portland, Or. Vem auer, Resident Agsnt Tho Dalles, Ore gen. Bvget-Mosan Co. Fuiwral Directors THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Paeaee Mate S831, NIajfet Btaek 41, Mala stvl